Yong Zhou also turned her head and looked at Li Yi suspiciously. She could not help but sneer and shook her head-this fat crown prince, with the ability to weigh a few pounds or a few, he knew it by himself.

Immediately and regardless of Li Yi behind him, in the view of Yong Zhou, this fat crown prince is just an embroidered pillow. Although his body is full of rare contract equipment, but in front of so many elves, he wants to exert the ability of contract equipment. It’s just a fool’s dream.

Ok... what you want is this attitude! Seeing that Yong Tian did not take herself seriously, Li Yi was secretly happy and her eyes were not open. She watched Yong Tian in the spiritual world and secretly gathered her own spiritual power.

This time, Li Yi's mental power is no longer the use of mind creation, nor the contract equipment on his body to release the spell. Now Li Yi simply uses his "dark helmet" to convert the spiritual power into pure Dark energy, and still, energy without any attack ability, pure and harmless dark energy!

Li Yi slowly gathered a basketball-like black light ball, put it on his hand, and locked his attention on Yong Tian's body. With a hard hand, his mind controlled the black light ball to fly Forever.

Yes, that's it. Using the repulsion of light and dark energies, it is possible to block the connection between the energy of the light system between Yongdi and nature in a short time!


The black light sphere rang lightly, and then broke apart on the golden light curtain that suddenly appeared beside Yong Tian. The black light curtain pouring out of the light sphere wrapped up the whole of Yong Tian!

"It's now!" Li Yi roared loudly at the same time as the black light ball broke open, and at the same time, the speed of praying to heaven reached its extreme. When Li Yi just finished shouting, he came to Yongye In front of him, the fire sword waved, with the black light curtain and Yong Tian all enveloped under his attack!

The fire sword swept into the black light curtain, and passed through the light curtain without encountering any obstacles, and it was drawn from the other end. After the burning blade carried a small pool of golden blood in the air for a week, He was thrown away by Qi Tian and thrown to Li Yi.

Li Yi took the Fire Sword in a hurry and put it back into his scabbard, watching Qi Tian walking slowly towards himself.

The black light curtain covering the eternal day in a semicircle gradually cracked, slowly turning into pieces of black dissipated in the air, exposing the eternal day before it was wrapped.

Yong Tian bent slightly and stood there quietly, with a pool of golden blood on his feet.

He gently wiped his chest with his hands, looked at the palms covered with blood, and stood for a long time, then he stood up straight and turned to look at Qi Tian's back.

"The old man guessed right...you should be praying for the general..." said Yong Nana, and a huge rift in the chest was cut by a sword. Internal organs.

However, Yong Tian covered the wound tightly with both hands and closed the wound tightly. A golden band of light appeared on the wound to help Yong Tian keep the wound close together.

"Oh? Why do you see it?" After returning the fire sword to Li Yi, Qi Tian's body was no longer enveloped by the **** light, and the loud hymn slowly disappeared. Hearing Yong Tian say this, he could not help but turn to look at Yong Tian.

"Hehe... I have seen General’s old sword-killing old man who can use such a murderous sword. Under the sky, there is only General pray!" What’s more..." Yong Tian pointed to Li Yi, "He has called you so much to say "Uncle Qi", no matter how stupid people should guess it!"

"Oh?" Qi Tian said lightly, "Since you know my identity, what are you going to do next?"

Yong Tian did not answer Qi Tian’s question positively, but said to himself instead: “Look at the face of Amakalin worn by General Qi, and the blood pupil of the King, pray that General is not a simple human..."

Qi Tian frowned and looked at the seriously wounded elf without a word.

"Sure enough... the news from the Feng clan is true..." Yong Zhou suddenly made an old laughter, pointing at Qi Tian and laughing, "I didn't expect...I really didn't expect!" The human generals who have always been worshipped by the children of Wanqu, the only compassionate people of Xin Qin, have turned to the enemy camp of Wanqu..."

"Since General Qi has chosen his own path, then he blames the old man..." Yong Tian pursed his lips tightly and turned to run to the army behind him.

Li Yi came to Qi Tian's side with his hands on his chest. He looked at this impenetrable man and asked suspiciously, "Uncle Qi, don't you go and kill him directly..."

"Kill him...?" Qitian shook his head oddly. "I thought about it...but somehow, Qitian's body stopped me when I wanted to kill this old thing... It’s so strange..."

"Who are you?" Li Yi couldn't help asking again.

"Everyone said, it doesn't matter who I am..." Qi Tian gently patted Li Yi's head twice, "I'm just helping him to do something he can't usually do..."

Li Yi narrowed his eyes and lowered his head: "When will you be able to recover him?"

Qi Tian looked at Li Yi, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and walked slowly to the army of elves: "Or... guess?"

"I rely on..." Li Yimeng looked up and wanted to scold, but found that the army of elves in front of him had been slowly pressing towards his side!

Li Yi pouted his lips and used his newly recovered mental power to bless a defensive spell on his body. After confirming that the "protective light armor" has been restored, he pulled out his sword shield and rushed up!

"Eh?" Li Yi felt suddenly lifted up when he rushed past Qitian. He looked at Qitian strangely, but saw him take off his mask and watched the west side slowly fall towards the horizon. The sun said to Li Yi with a smile.

"The sword is borrowed for my use, you just hide behind me..."

"But..." Li Yi froze for a moment, and found that the fire sword in his hand had once again appeared in Qi Tian's hand, and the flames were burning!

And Qitian has burst into the envelop of the elves at the moment the fire sword burned!

Li Yi stared blankly at Qi Tian's figure, which was gradually surrounded by elves, clutching the shield in both hands, not knowing what to do.

Perhaps...I should run backward... Li Yi thought from time to time, but found that he could not do such a thing at all-Qi Tian is still fighting, how can he abandon him and run back!

But...if you don't run, if the elves come around, you will surely be killed! No weapons in hand, everything is fake!

Li Yi struggled in his heart, unable to work out a final plan of action, and had to stand still and stunned.


At this moment, Qi Tian, ​​surrounded by elves, burst into a roar, and immediately saw a blood-red light leaping out of the elves' waists, holding the elves surrounding Qi Tian together. Qi cut off!

The elves fell one after another, revealing the praying **** standing in the middle.

He kept the squat and wield the sword, and looked at Li Yi with **** eyes, and smiled slightly.

"The world only knows that Qitian has'Three Swords of Killing Heaven', which is extremely fast and powerful, so it is named'Hiantian'..." Qitian said to Li Yi remotely, "However, I know, pray There are hidden moves..."

"That's...'three types of love'..." Qi Tian gently waved the fire sword and looked at the elves around him, smiling slightly. "The sword just now is the first type. 'parting'!"

Then, I saw Qitian swirling his body and wielding his sword, even a swirling whirlwind was formed around him, constantly sucking the enemies around him leaning towards Qitian, Qitian hummed, and got up to make the sword face the surrounding The crowd quickly lit up!

In a blink of an eye, Qitian had stabbed thousands of swords at the elves around him, and each of the hundred elves around him was stabbed evenly in the throat, heart, and forehead. After a few swords, as Qitian closed his eyes gently, and withdrawing the sword, the three stabbed parts of the elves spouted blood suddenly, and fell to the ground.

"This sword is the second type,'Si Yi'... sad memories will make your heart cut like a knife, make yourself choked, and make you completely want to give up this memory , But reluctantly..." Qi Tian nodded to Li Yi, "This is the real idea that Qi Tian created this trick at that time..."

"And the last one,'Desperate'... is to give Qitian's speed and power to the extreme..." Qitianmeng turned and rushed to the army of elves, "This style seems to be just plain and uncharacteristic offensive, but If you observe carefully, you should be able to see one or two...the chance is only once, you have a good grasp!"

"Huh?" Li Yi froze for a moment, praying that Heaven had rushed into the army of elves and slashed up wantonly!

It seems that it is no different from Qi Tian's usual battle, but under Li Yizi's careful observation, he finds that Qi Tian is actually...with his eyes closed!

The so-called "sincerity" refers to giving up your positive emotions and letting yourself fall into negative emotions such as sorrow, hate, anger, etc., and wantonly killing people who stand in front of you... but, the generous and kind-hearted father said How can Uncle Qitian create such tricks full of sadness and indignation!

Moreover, each of these three moves is full of strong negative emotions, even if you can learn it, no, you can't learn this move at all, the mood is different, it simply won't work!

Qi Tian in front of him seemed to have entered into a state of ecstasy, waving his fire sword with his eyes closed, killing every elf who was trying to surround him, and every attack that seemed to be unable to escape was pre-empted by him like a prophet. Even the arrows shot far away from him were easily dodged by him!

What a powerful move! What an agile dodge ability! What a brutal way to kill! Now Qitian is like a fighting machine, and the fire sword in his hand cuts the envelop of the elves!

This is no longer a sword skill! Qi Tian actually created a new way of fighting, or new martial arts!

Who made Qi Tian create this martial art full of grief and indignation, Li Yi has guessed one or two, except for the elf woman mentioned by her father, there should be no second person!

The pain of losing the loved one makes this generous man have an indelible negative feeling, which can explain why Qitian can't control the caveman character in his body!

Li Yi looked at this man who wielded his sword and danced, and he felt a sense of pity in his heart.

Although this body prays for heaven, the consciousness in the body belongs to others. Although I don’t know who this consciousness temporarily controlling Qi Tian is, Li Yi knows that this person is not malicious to himself. On the contrary, he will pray The kung fu at the bottom of the sky is shown to yourself, and the metaphor in it is naturally self-evident.

He wants to make himself stronger!

Li Yi can't guess what kind of conspiracy there is, but, at least for himself, it is still very kind.

Li Yi has always been gracious and reciprocal. Although this consciousness shows him that the martial arts that he has learned to learn are not something he can learn, Li Yi is still very grateful. Even with it, he began to observe and study carefully. stand up.

In terms of speed, you should be able to achieve such speed, but the feeling contained in each sword Li Yi still can't imitate, but the behavior of the other party's closed eyes actually makes Li Yi think of something.

When you enter the spiritual world, you have to close your eyes.

Although there is no connection between the two, Li Yi still took himself into the role of Qi Tian, ​​closed his eyes and entered the spiritual world, then imitated Qi Tian’s sword dodge, and Li Yi was here. There were some ways in the middle.

Even if you don't have this kind of grief and indignation, you can completely imitate this last move just by your own spiritual world and speed! Here, it's just physical exhaustion!

However, Li Yi found that the second move "Si Yi" is the most difficult one to learn.

The first move to "parting" can be done by yourself, as long as you exercise your strength to a certain extent, and use wind spells to increase the speed of your rotation, you can do it with your weight and strength after exercise.

And the second trick is the hardest because of the speed of the sword.

Thousands of swords spurted out in the blink of an eye. If it wasn't for Li Yi's own eyes, he would definitely think that the person who told him this was ridiculing him. But after seeing the angel praying this trick in person, Li Yi discovered that in fact, his speed was simply not as good as one or two times praying to heaven!

What's more, the other party will not use any contractual skills at all. Unlike himself, he can use wind spells to accelerate himself, but the other party's actual physical speed!

Li Yi retreated from the spiritual world and looked at Qitian, who was still madly slashing and sighing quietly. He knew that if he could not have the mood of Qitian, he would never be able to use this. "There are three types of love"...

Even if it's a gourd painting scoop, do you have to learn something? In this way, you can only put on a move, the real meaning can not be imitated.

At this time, praying for the sky is more and more courageous. The sun that was originally hung high in the sky has already been half set, half exposed on the horizon, and the night is coming!

But Qitian didn't seem to have any feeling of exhaustion. He kept fighting, and his eyes were still closed, but no elf could hurt him. Even in the face of a group of "eruption" elf siege, he didn't change his face. Continue to fight, not only evade the attacks of these elves with a dexterous body, but also cut down the opponent one by one under his sword!

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