It's a fighting machine! Li Yi couldn't help but agree with this concept.

Presumably praying for heaven's physical strength has already been consumed. Now, he should be using his obsession in his heart to support himself, bursting out more intense indignation in the battle, and constantly supplying his own The body, every time the enemy is cut under the sword, will increase his combat ability by one point!

Horrible sword skills, terrible fighting methods!

The elves gradually understood the horror of praying to heaven, and they retreated towards the big rift, and handed the task of the attack to the contractors behind them.

Seeing the elves retreating, Li Yi was overjoyed. He just wanted to call Qi Tian back, but he saw a variety of magical energy **** flew out from behind the elf army on the opposite side, and went straight to Qi Tian!

Worse! Li Yi was shocked that such an intensive spell attack could not be stopped! Li Yi thought, just wanted to rush forward to pull Qi Tian back, but found that Qi Tian head did not return to the oncoming spell group!

When the spell group was about to be bombarded on Qitian, Qitian’s figure suddenly became difficult to see like ghosts. In the blink of an eye, Qitian had already arrived before the army, accompanied by the roar of the spell behind him on the ground, in his hand The fire sword also gently waved towards the elves in front!

Blood splashed, praying for the sky to break open the elves' defenses. The fire sword was like a sharp sickle, constantly harvesting the lives of the elves!

It was a unilateral slaughter!

In front of Qitian, the elves did not have any ability to resist at all. They could only watch the butcher knife symbolizing death swaying towards themselves, and then gradually turned black and lost consciousness.

Qitian went all the way, broke a path from the elves who were in front of the contractor, and came to the contractors.

Qi Tian with his eyes closed puts more pressure on the elves than Qi Tian with his eyes open. The contractors stared blankly at this calm-looking man and at the single burning flame of blood The sword slowly lifted and slashed towards himself!

The contractors found that it was difficult for them to move at this moment. It was not that they were deterred by such prayers, but that the speed of praying was too fast, which made the bodies of these contractors relatively slow. , But consciousness is not limited by speed, so I feel that I can't move.

One sword, one sword, another sword!

The peaceful Qitian screamed and roared while slashing, and changed the indifferent look, letting people feel the thrill of revenge from his scream, the kind of comfort that he got!

The emotion of panic finally developed among the elves, and then quickly spread out, causing each elf to yell in panic, rushing towards the western exit of the big rift.

"Escape! You scum..." Qi Tianmeng opened his eyes and hehe smiled, "The horror of death is difficult for you guys with longevity, since you think you can live for a long time, Then, just come under my sword and try..."

In an instant, the dense elves in the big rift had escaped completely. The previous magnificent army organization had disappeared. The natural fear of death made the elves forget the discipline in the army and their responsibilities. I also forgot that there were only two people standing in front of me.

However, just two people are enough.

Qitian has completely trampled the morale of the elves, and no one is willing to fight this powerful guy, because of the result of the battle, only death.

Even if there are one or two elves who can put life and death out of their reach, they are also touched by the general situation, reluctant to show the limelight, and then retreat after following the large army.

Looking at the big gap, Qitian smiled, then turned his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Always... I want to experience the feeling of being a husband..." When Qi Tian fainted, the wind gently floated into Li Yi's ear...

Li Yi walked to Qi Tian's side and looked at this man who had escaped from a coma and sighed helplessly.

At this time, he fainted, if the elves were killed again, wouldn't they really want to be a mermaid? ! Li Yi sighed and put Qitian on his back, slowly walking towards the blocked east entrance of the big rift.

"Little fat man, do you have a discussion?" A woman's voice suddenly appeared in Li Yi's ear, "Give me this man, how about I send you over?"

What are you afraid of? Li Yi glanced to his side, and saw a purple-haired elf female in tight hunting outfit standing beside him with a smile, looking at herself unguardedly.

Well, the other party does not need any precautions. As far as his current combat effectiveness is concerned, a junior contractor can knock him down-without spiritual support, Li Yi has almost no combat effectiveness.

Li Yizai looked at the purple hair elf carefully. Although he was surprised by the beauty of the other person, he didn't show it on his face anymore and smiled faintly: "I don't know what this lady of the wind family wants me to do What about?"

"Oh, don't call me a lady! It makes people seem to be very old..." The woman smiled and looked at Li Yi with a wicked look, as if she wanted to hook Li Yi's soul back together. .

Li Yi narrowed her eyes, looked at the pretending charming woman, and sighed: "You know I won't give him to you, why do you want this... Do you think that as long as a man will be seduced by a woman What?"

As soon as he arrived, Li Yi added another sentence: "Also, as far as I am concerned, you are indeed very can be my aunt when you are old..."

Speaking, then went forward.

The wind ethnic woman's brow jumped sharply before Li Yi, opened her hands in front of him and blocked his way, Xiumei wrinkled: "You little fat man really doesn't know how to lift, grandma I’m in a good mood today, I want to let you go, as long as you take this man..."

"I have the ability to kill me, otherwise, I can't bring back Uncle Qi, I don't know how many people will be blamed for death!" Li Yi pouted and bypassed the woman and continued walking.

"Stop me!" The woman made a blast, and Li Yi immediately stood up a wind wall in front of him, blocking his way. "Grandma, I'm going to take this man today. If it doesn't work, I'll come hard. !"

"Oh? So, do you want to give it a try?" Li Yi smiled and gently placed Qitian on the ground, pulling out the fire sword from his waist.

Li Yi was actually afraid of dying in his heart. With his current fighting power, he simply didn't have the capital to say such a big talk, but it was also impossible.

If you show weakness and give Qitian to this woman, then Li Yi will be blamed and not mentioned, even Li Yi will not forgive herself. In desperation, he can only hit a swollen face to become a fat man, and try to make up a lie that will let the other person retreat.

Of course, the origin of the lie is that Qi Tian has just held the fire sword that has killed the Quartet and frightened the enemy.

"I don't have much mental power now, and I can't even cast a decent spell, but..." Li Yi decided to talk about her half-truth, so he said his true situation, "I'm now The sword in it has great utility!"

Li Yi flicked the fire sword gently and used a small amount of mental power to make this contract weapon burn up: "Look, it takes only a small amount of mental power to launch the true power of this sword-also It’s just the tricks that Qitian just used..."

"I don't know such a weapon, can I play hard with you?" Then, Li Yi smiled pretending to be confident, and stood at the spot, watching the woman stop talking.

Li Yi thought that this elf woman should retreat from difficulties, but did not expect that the other party is a wind elf who is known for being moody. The more threatened, the more crazy the other party is.

I saw that the elf changed her soft and charming appearance, and even became arrogant and arrogant: "Grandma really hasn't tried it yet... I wanted to try his trick when praying for heaven! This is also good, You can do some tricks with me instead of him! You know, since I won him last time, I think he’s tight..."

Li Yi heard something from this passage, but time did not allow him to think about it, because the other party grabbed a bronze sword from somewhere and whistled towards himself!

I rely on! This time it was terrible! The self-assured fat man rolled to his side violently, and even Qitian in a coma was too late to control-the life is important, the other party wants to take Qitian back, so he should attach great importance to this man!

Thinking about this, Li Yi immediately rolled over several times in a row, evading the opponent's gusty offensive, and stopped until he hit the mountain on both sides of the big rift. He looked at the big knife facing him, and secretly said: "My life is gone!"

Sometimes, there is a little difference between life and death.

When the big knife was about to hit Li Yi's face, the crown prince's ring in Li Yi's hand suddenly flashed, and the "protective light armor" opened instantly, blocking this powerful and powerful knife!

Li Yi was cold and sweating, and rushed towards Qitian with the protection time of "protecting body light armor".

"Little fat man, did you want to go before you had a chance with grandma?" The woman's voice came from behind Li Yi's smile. Then, Li Yi only felt a heavy blow behind her, and the whole person rushed to the ground involuntarily. inverted.

"Hum, I want to cheat on my aunt, don't you know who is my aunt? How could you be cheated by your obvious lies?" The woman said proudly, "You know, aunt is a famous patrolman of the wind clan. Command..."

"Lead your mother!" Li Yi's mouth burst out violently, turned sharply, and kicked one foot towards the other's chest. "A bit of a grandma, you are not ashamed!"

The woman easily avoided Li Yi’s foot, and continued to step on Li Yi’s chest when she turned over, and continued, “Little fat man, don’t struggle anymore, my sister will send you back, this man, just stay Right!"

Just now, "Grandma" is long and "Grandma" is short, and now it has become "Sister"... Li Yi is almost speechless. The other party also knows that this thin film on Li Yi is difficult to destroy, so he gave up. Continue to attack Li Yi's plan, ready to send Li Yi directly back to Xinqin, and then you can take away Qi Tian.

"Leave you an egg!" Li Yi scolded the rough words he had learned from the army, but found that the other party was unmoved, grabbed his collar, and lifted him up: "Little fat man, hold tight Sister, otherwise it will fall!"

With that, Li Yi was thrown on his back and fluttered lightly.

I rely on! In the state without the blessing of wind spells, Li Yi was actually very afraid of heights. Seeing that he was rising without any protection, he was frightened and hugged the woman, and his hands also firmly grasped the two groups of soft. Objects.

Eh? This is... Li Yi squeezed twice curiously, a concept suddenly appeared in his mind.

Won't it, won't it... that? Li Yi secretly crossed the woman's shoulder and looked towards her hands, and found that her hands just caught the two **** of softness on the woman's chest!

"Release your hands!" The woman's surly voice sounded, scaring Li Yi almost fell off, grasping the things in front of the woman's chest with both hands and saying nothing.

"Let me go!!" The high octave sound shook Li Yi's eardrums, it seemed that the eardrums were about to crack, and the hands were broken apart by the woman, but Li Yi didn't have it With any focus, Huyou suddenly fell to the ground!

"I didn't expect...I fell to death..." Li Yi sighed in his heart and smashed to the ground.

A backache.

Li Yimo opened his eyes vaguely and saw a beautiful face.

I rely on! Li Yimeng crawled out of the pit he was smashed by himself and watched the handsome owner with vigilance.

"Please don't play this kind of high-altitude falling object game!" Li Yi yelled, knowing that he had not been protected by the "protective body armor" and had already fallen to death.

The woman looked at Li Yi with a smile and walked towards him without a word, reaching out and trying to catch him again.

A hand slammed in from the side, grabbed the woman's outstretched hands, and flung it to the side, at the same time, blocking Li Yi in front of you: "Are you... also coming to die?"

A white dress... is praying for heaven! Li Yi was overjoyed, struggling to climb up on the ground, and whispering in the ear of Qi Tian: "This woman is the commander of the wind clan patrol, it seems not easy to deal with..."

Seeing Qitian woke up, the woman was not afraid or panicked, and she still looked at Qitian with a smile: "Pray General, I haven't seen you in a few days. Remember Feng Zi?"

"Crazy?" Li Yi blurted out, smiling at her stomach.

"Crazy you..." The woman clutched her mouth violently, swallowed the swearing words into her stomach, and smiled at Qitian, "This **** little fat man..."

"Feng Zi? The commander of the rangers?" Qi Tian thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "Oh... It turns out to be you, are you here to die?"

"Hey! Anyway, we had known each other before, why are you this person..." Feng Zi stomped his feet angrily, Li Yi looked at the little woman's gesture dumbfounded.

Qi Tian said lightly: "Do you know? Anyway, you and I are now hostile parties, if not to die, then please come back!"

"You..." Feng Zi was so angry that he took off his helmet and twisted it into the shape of Fang Cai's bronze sword. "People kindly kindly invite you to come to me, but you treat me like this... "

Oh... It turned out that the big sword just now was the helmet on her head... Li Yi knew that this should be a contract weapon too!

"Oh? Do you still want to die?" Qi Tian took out the fire sword from Li Yi again, gently waved it, and burned it up. "Then, I'll complete you!"

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