Liu Chang looked at Li Yi embarrassedly, squeezed his mouth and said nothing. After a while, Liu Chang opened his mouth and said, "Li Yi... you know, I am an elf, and the old man, That is my father. In the tradition of elves, the father is the most respected child and the most caring child in the world..."

"However, I can't feel this feeling of being cared for now. Only with you can I get the warmth between some friends..." Liu Chang looked at Li Yi sincerely, and there was no hippie smile on his face. The expression, "Thank you, Li Yi..."

"I said what happened to your kid today? You took the wrong medicine?" Li Yi looked at Liu Chang dissatisfiedly. "If you want to thank me, it's OK to ask me to have a meal tomorrow morning? What are you doing?"

"Maybe...I don't have a chance..." Liu Chang looked at Li Yi sadly. "I just said that the tradition of elves, the father is indispensable in the traditional culture of elves, every elf will see Since his father is a god, all the elves commanded the elves to dare not..."

Li Yi heard some unusual smells from Liu Chang's words and frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry...Li Yi, we should be good friends...but I'm sorry..." Liu Chang said with tears in his eyes, and looked at Li Yi with tears in his eyes, "Father's life is difficult..."

With that, Li Yi saw the dazzling golden light in front of him, and was shocked in his heart. The "protective light armor" opened violently, and at the same time closed his eyes, he quickly backed away.

"Touch! Touch! Touch!"

A series of three collision sounds were uploaded from the "Protection Light Armor". Li Yi knew that he had been attacked, but because his eyes were closed late, he was now in vain. In desperation, Li Yi had to enter the spiritual world. .

The whole world instantly turned into silhouettes and appeared in front of Li Yi. Li Yi saw a figure with black and white ripples standing quietly in front of him, and behind him, two exudes The figure of the pure golden ripple flashed out, one rushed to himself, and the other stood behind the figure with black and white ripples. The ripples on the body fluctuated violently, obviously condensing the natural energy required by the spell.

damn it! Did not find these two ambushes! Li Yi scolded in his heart, slammed on the ground and flew into the sky when the figure rushing to himself was coming!

The figure with black and white ripples is obviously the half-blood elf Liu Chang—or rather, the half-blood elf is obscure, and Liu Chang is just his name in Xinqin. And the other two figures with golden spiritual ripples should be the elves sent to assassinate themselves, and, from the perspective of their spiritual ripple colors, they are all Guangzu!

You know, even in the realm of the elves, the Guangzu elves have always been thin and powerful, and they can send two Guangzu elves to assassinate themselves. The guy who wants his own life is really worthy of himself!

From the words of Liu Chang Fangcai, Li Yi heard some clues. It should be Liu Chang's father. Yong Tian wanted to kill himself. This allowed Liu Chang, his trusted partner, to lure himself out of Lianyu City, and ambush the other two. The elf assassinating himself!

"Liu Chang, Liu Chang... You are really..." Li Yi didn't know what to say. When Liu Chang joined himself, he thought he was a time bomb, but after getting along for so long, Li Yi found that this guy was right The hatred of the elf is not much less than the hatred of the elf to humans. In addition, this guy is very sincere in dealing with people on a daily basis, and Li Yi gradually relieved his defense against him.

But... Liu Chang, Liu Chang, you are such a fool! The result of being betrayed made Li Yi's heart very uncomfortable. Looking at the quietly standing figure in the spiritual world, Li Yi sighed.

Since I have chosen my own path, why should I go back to the previous world...

Li Yi sighed and landed quickly on Liu Chang's side. He kicked a fierce foot on the Guangzu elf beside him, and said to Liu Chang: "If you don't shoot, then just look aside... …As long as these two elves die, it’s all up to you to confess in front of your father..."

"Liu Chang...oh no, your real name should be obscure... obscure, whether it is a human or an elf, I hope you have confirmed your upcoming path..."

Li Yimeng bowed his head to avoid the light arrow shot by the Guangzu elf before he fell to the ground, quickly grabbed the elf's collar, and punched **** the other party's face.

"It's really embarrassing, you are in the wrong place...Xinqin is not a tourist attraction for you..." Li Yi said to the elf with a smile, while grasping the collar of the other hand, a strong suction Pulling force, the Guangzu elves under his hands struggled painfully, but could not get rid of the strong suction from Li Yi's hand.

From the collar that he was grasped by Li Yi, the elf's entire body was sucked and twisted up, and was gradually sucked into Li Yi's palm. The wailing of the elf kept coming, but no one could save him.

By the time his companion arrived, the elf had been sucked completely by Li Yi, leaving nothing left. Li Yi turned to look at the Guangzu elf who had arrived, smiling and spread his hands to him.

In Li Yi's hand, a small black hole is constantly spinning, and the deep black looking elf's heart is both disgusting and chilling.

"Dimming! Do you want to betray the great Guangzu!" The elf stepped back and looked at Liu Chang, who was watching with arms folded, and shouted angrily.

Liu Chang stood silently, his eyes constantly flashing, and he dared not look at his fellow race.

"Sure enough...Is it decided..." Li Yi felt that his heart suddenly became very happy, even with the mental power lost to "swallowing the black hole", the black hole in his hand suddenly turned faster The suction force felt by the remaining Guangzu elves also became irresistible.

"Awkward! Think about the consequences of the traitor! Your mother will be executed!" The elf was constantly pulled by the black hole's gravity towards Li Yi, thinking of his own companion's tragic death. Shouted.

"Mother? Execution!" Liu Changmeng's eyes widened, his eyes completely red, staring at his fellow clan, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill you, no one will know!"

With that, the skin on his body suddenly cracked open, revealing a layer of black oil, and his eyes gradually changed into two continuously swirling black vortices, looking at the Guangzu elf, inside his mouth From time to time, he roared and threw himself.

Liu Chang once again entered the "outbreak" state because of the turbulence in his heart, and it was the dark attribute "outbreak" that Li Yi forced to end last time!

"Damn! Damn dark elf! I knew that the dark elf could not believe it, and I should persuade the elders to execute your **** at that time!" Liu Chang's siblings were shocked and angry, screaming, and Li Yi was also aware of current affairs. The "swallowing black hole" between his hands, with his hands on his chest, looked at the crazy roaring light elf like a play.

"Why the dark elf is damn... why... why! Isn't the dark elf an elf!" Liu Chang yelled, and since his "outbreak", his voice has become ambiguous, every word said It's all like phlegm in the throat, grunting, "The dark elves have suffered enough for so many years! How can you understand my feelings, you self-assured pure blood bastards!"

The light elf felt that the suction from Li Yi had disappeared, and he was overjoyed. He could not help but looked carefully at Li Yi. He saw his arms around his chest and looked on with arms folded. He was more happy in his heart, waving his sword. The blade rushed towards Liu Chang!

On the way to Liu Chang, the elf was also unambiguous, and entered the "burst" state spontaneously, shining a brilliant golden light with a sword and slashing towards Liu Chang!

Darkness and light, this ancient enemy has collided once again!

The light elf is like a person whose body is composed of golden light. Even the sword that he wields is wrapped by a thin layer of light energy, and a beautiful golden arc is drawn in the air, which is heavily hacked. Liu Chang's shoulders!

With a puff, the golden sword blade was deeply cut into Liu Chang's body, but he made a sound similar to that of a heavy object smashing into the muddy ground. The elf was surprised to find that Liu Chang's body not only looked like Covered by a black oily substance, it seems to have become such a substance together with his body!

The sword body was deeply trapped in Liu Chang's body, and Liu Chang didn't seem to have anything at all-even if you "exploded", but it would hurt when cut by the same energy weapon?

But Liu Changhard didn't even make a cry, but just stared at the fellow in front of him, and smiled with his teeth.

"Dead! Die! All the pure blood, all the **** who live on the ground... Self-death! Let's die!" Liu Chang lifted his arms that had become dark and swayed, and waved forward together. The neck of the light elves.

Seeing the bad situation, the elf wanted to draw his sword from Liu Chang's body, but found that the weapon trapped in Liu Chang's body was actually firmly attached to Liu Chang's body, no matter how hard he tried!

In a hurry, the elf had to give up his weapon and bowed his head to avoid Liu Chang's pinch in his arms and rolled away behind him.

"Do you want to go..." Liu Chang smiled, his arms swinging on both sides of his body naturally, his fingers twitched, the shadow around the elf seemed to come alive, entangled and rolled up the elf body of.

Since the elves of the light clan enter the "burst" state, they return to the form of pure light energy, and the disadvantage of this form is that it is too shiny and too dazzling, especially at night.

When there is light, there is a shadow. After the "burst", the Guangzu elves naturally became a huge light source, and they radiated gold light constantly, which caused him to be filled with endless shadows. The "shadow tentacles" that are good at them can be used to the fullest extent.

The endless shadow turns into a tentacle and entangles toward the light elf. When it touches the elf's body in the form of energy, it screams and turns into black smoke. The light attribute energy and the dark attribute energy are the same. Oppositely, the weak dark energy returns back to being cancelled after encountering the strong light energy. Similarly, the weak light energy encounters the strong dark energy.

No energy is absolutely powerful, and no energy is absolutely weak. The key is not only the quality of energy, but also the quantity of energy.

And Liu Chang now has endless shadows to make weapons, which is an advantage in quantity.

No matter how powerful your complete form of "eruption" is, I have some cannon fodder, one or two can't kill you, then I will come in a group, a large group! Drowning can drown you!

Because Liu Chang is of mixed blood, his "burst" is not complete. Although the loss to his body is small, it is not as powerful as the "burst". At the same time, his consciousness will become extremely chaotic.

But after Liu Chang's "outbreak" this time, somehow he was sober! Liu Chang didn't know what was going on, at least, it was very beneficial to him.

Sober and strategic battles are better than chaos only knowing that hacking and killing are coming.

The Guangzu elf didn't understand that because the light radiating outward from him caused these endless shadow tentacles, he only felt that he underestimated Liu Chang, and at the same time his heart began to become frightened again.

As long as your body touches a shadow tentacle, the energy in your body will be reduced by one point due to the two offsets. If the seventeen or eight shadow tentacles are better, it will only be offset by a little light energy, but The current situation is indeed-just twenty or thirty shadow tentacles have dissipated in himself, and the next moment there will be fifty or sixty tentacles sweeping towards me!

How many ants bite the elephant! The elf knew the truth, but there was nothing he could do! No matter where you hide, the tentacles formed by the shadows are like tarsal maggots staring at you, no matter how you dodge or use light to destroy them, there will be more and thicker tentacles suddenly from the dark. Appeared, rolled up his own body and consumed his own energy!

The elf struggled, and was gradually surrounded by more and more shadow tentacles. The light from the gap between the tentacles became darker and darker gradually.

Liu Chang knew that the same clan had consumed all the energy of the light system by his shadow tentacles, and lost the energy converted from the body, so he naturally released the "explosion" and passed out.

The tentacles gradually separated, and the thick tentacle of an adult's forearm rolled up the elf's leg to lift him up, and brought him to Liu Chang.

"Is this... so-called pure blood... really, weak and can't help the wind..." Liu Changna said to herself, her left hand was gently raised, twisted and changed into a constantly twisted tentacle, the tentacle was like a living creature. , Twisted to the elf's neck, gently touched the elf's head with his head, and continued to roam to the elf's chest.

The tentacles swam in front of the elf's chest, and suddenly stopped, protruding his head like a viper, and pierced into the heart of the elf suddenly!

The unconscious elf snorted painfully, his body trembling violently, the tentacles inserted in front of his chest continued to creep, and together, a group of unknown substances followed the tentacles into Liu Chang's body.

Liu Chang groaned and his expression was pleasant. It seemed that these substances sucked into his body made people feel very comfortable. Gradually, the sword inserted in his body was slowly spit out, and his body gradually returned to its original state, that layer of oily Things disappeared under his feet as never before.

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