The tentacle stopped its movement, and was pulled out of the elf's body, quickly retracted, and gradually changed back to the shape of the hand.

When I looked at the elf again, I was already skinny, unrecognizable, and completely breathless.

Liu Chang looked at this fellow clan who was sucked to death in disgust, commanding the shadow tentacle to throw him aside, and looked at Li Yi: "Li Yi...I..."

"It's needless to say, I understand..." Li Yi put his hands down and gave his thumbs to Liu Chang, "Since you have chosen, continue to be a flexible person, then... good luck!"

Saying that, Li Yi had a meal on the ground and wanted to fly away.

"Li Yi! Wait!" Liu Chang suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter?" Li Yi looked down at Liu Chang doubtfully, scratching his head and asking puzzled.

"Remember that day we were in the beheading operation of the eastern city wall... Do I ask you to ask?" Liu Chang said, "I only have what the commander has..."

Li Yi landed on the ground in confusion, and looked at Liu Changwei strangely: "However, there are two commanders in the eastern city wall..."

"Two?" Liu Chang raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, there are two..." Li Yi said, breaking his finger, "If you want to count, there are actually three commanders in the eastern city wall, two light elves, one fire elf, and one light elf still The creation of another light elf..."

"Wait, wait..." Liu Chang was confused by Li Yi's narrative. "I know that fire elf, but the one you said was created by another elf... how do you explain this?"

"Oh... you know what you think..." Li Yi compared to the figure, "that's how to create an elf with the idea!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Chang's face suddenly changed, and he quickly asked: "The one you said can create elves by mind-selling, but claim to be "cold feather"?"

Li Yi nodded, looking at Liu Chang with a surprised look, and asked strangely: "It's this guy, but after Qi Tian slaughtered him, I went up and searched his body, and there was nothing strange. !"

"Damn it! All I want is his body!" Liu Chang anxiously roared and sat down on the ground, "Forget it, now he is estimated to be alive again... In this case, it is too late... "

"Come to life? What's too late? How could the dead be able to come back to life again?" Li Yi sat in front of Liu Chang and asked.

"Well... It's a good life, but now, he shouldn't have the memory of being "Leng Yu"..." Liu Chang said, staring at Li Yi's eyes, "How do you say this elf, It should be regarded as one of the most legendary strange people in our elf family..."

"Even the oldest elder in the family does not know when he started to appear. It seems that he had already existed a long time ago..." Liu Chang continued, "But every time he died Soon after, the elf will be resurrected, and at the same time he is revived, he will change his hair color... for so long, he has been constantly dying, constantly changing his hair color, and even his own tribe... …"

"No one can understand the principle of his resurrection. Scholars in the family have studied him for hundreds of years, but they can't draw any conclusions-the method is very simple, that is, to kill him continuously, to study what he produced when he was resurrected. All changes!" Liu Chang fascinated the elf secret story, "As a result, they failed..."

"Every time this respawn is resurrected, the elf will lose its previous memory, and it will say something incomprehensible... But these are not important, and the most important thing is why he changes his attributes when he is resurrected. And hair color? Scholars' inhuman research has led to a crisis, after this elf was killed and resurrected again..."

"He was resurrected into a grumpy fire elf, and murderous as life!" Liu Chang gathered his hands tightly, "the elite of the six ethnic elves came out, and finally paid him after paying the price of heavy casualties. Killed...but he will still be resurrected, and no one knows what character will become after he is resurrected..."

"After his resurrection, he became an elf of the Light Clan. Fortunately, this resurrection's character is not bad. He is an out-and-out spell researcher. He has studied the mind spell, the innate spell, and even the illusion. …Since he was a light elf after this resurrection, he has been staying in our territory..."

"But... how could he run to Xinqin without permission!" Liu Chang frowned, "Is he still an activist? No, no, no... it doesn't matter..."

"Importantly, this time I can't get his body, then, what we need to worry about is his character after resurrection..." Liu Chang looked back at Li Yi, "If it becomes a murderous perverted character ...That's troublesome!"

"Trouble?" Li Yi also frowned, "Could it be that...he will be..."

"More powerful!" Liu Chang nodded.

"I rely on! Then why do you want his body? Are you not afraid that when he is resurrected, he will be crazy and will unload you!" Li Yi said with some fuss.

Liu Chang suddenly showed a cunning smile and smiled at Li Yi: "Actually... there have been rumors among the clan, this elf's body was a certain **** in ancient times... although I don't know why it will change during the resurrection. Attributes and personality, but his ability to resurrect is still true!"

"So there are rumors in the clan that the flesh of this elf can make people immortal!"

"I rely on! Tang Seng meat?" Li Yi jumped from the ground excitedly, "Is there such a god?"

"Wh... what kind of sugar-sen meat? What kind of meat is that? Is it sweet?" Liu Chang first was puzzled. When he saw Li Yi's disdainful expression, hehe smiled, holding his face and said: "Oh, I know It’s this kind of meat...En! It’s so magical! But it’s just rumored to be magical..."

As soon as Li Yi heard the rumors, he slacked off and sat on the ground with his ass. He made two pieces of pancakes with Nianshu. He gave Liu Chang one piece and ate his own piece. He said while eating: " If it’s just rumors... then it’s not interesting, and I’m not a monster, eat human flesh? ** spirit meat? Bah! I don’t have such a good appetite!

Instead, he asked: "But since there are such rumors in the family, why no one is going to try it together?"

"Unless a fool, no elf dare to come to the Guangzu territory..." Liu Chang said lightly, as if to say that other people's territories are in general, "It is said that our lifespan will be much longer than your human beings, There is no need to pursue longevity... But the situation is different now..."

Liu Chang licked his tongue and smiled at Li Yi: "How is it, buddy really wants to try it, if you are willing to help me..."

Li Yi sucked his mouth, stuffed the whole cake into his belly, patted his stomach, hey he laughed: "Sorry... I am already full, young man, this is the first! The second is- I really don’t dare to be interested in this kind of stuff! Thank you!"

As Li Yi stood up, patted his **** and walked towards Lian Yucheng.

"Li Yi!" Liu Changmeng shouted to stop Li Yi, "read in the friendship of friends, do me a favor! Just one piece, just one piece!"

"I said... Didn't your kid just say that he wasn't interested in this kind of immortal thing?" Li Yi turned to look at Liu Chang playfully, "Is this the legendary'speak like fart'?"

Liu Chang hurriedly came to Li Yi, holding his sleeves, and anxiously said: "I will tell you why, but now we should go find this elf! He should have just been resurrected, and even Without resurrection, the combat ability is almost zero, and now is the best time to kill him!"

Seeing Li Yi still shaking his head, and by the way pulling his sleeve out of his hand, Liu Chang was even more anxious: "Otherwise, you will take care of the rest? Whether you cut it or sell it to you It’s up to you! I only need a small piece, a small piece will do!"

Li Yi looked at Liu Chang anxiously and said lightly: "Liu Chang... Well, let's call you obscurity! Obscurity... As an elf, immortality is really so important to you?"

"I said I didn't want to use it!" Liu Chang suddenly "pushed" and knelt in front of Li Yi. "Even if I beg you! Li Yi! For the sake of a friend, help me! I beg you! I beg you! I can’t do it alone!"

Li Yi froze for a moment, looked at Liu Chang kneeling in front of him, and sighed, "Give me up! Anyway, it is also a friend...Is it necessary to play kneeling..." Li Yi dragged Liu Chang, He kicked and pulled him into the sky.

"Why... tell me if you are willing to say anything! Whether you are for yourself or for others... Since you are my friend and need my help, then..." Li Yi smiled, "Even if you violate yourself once What is your heart!"

In an instant, Li Yi took Liu Chang to the main entrance of Lianyu City. At the junction of the southern city wall and the eastern city wall, the lights were brightly lit, several huge bonfires were burning, and a team of new Qin soldiers were moving What was thrown into the fire, a great weather!

But if you know what they are burning, not many people can be motivated.

The corpse, the corpse left after the war by Lian Yucheng guards!

All the mob killed in the battle and the new Qin soldiers were separated, the official soldiers were naturally better treated, each one was packed with a coffin made of good nanmu and sent back to his hometown, and An expensive pension is also attached.

Most poor people send their children into the army in order not only to have enough meals for three meals a day, but also a lot of military pay per month. At the same time, the soldiers who died in the war will also come according to their rank Subsidies to the family pension-under the money offensive, few people in the family will be sad because their children died in battle.

After all, in a country without family planning, a family usually has seven or eight children.

What's more, the country is not bad for our families who are soldiers, is it?

The mobs and elves who died in the battle of Lianyu City did not have such good treatment as the generals of the new Qin Dynasty. Due to the open attack on Lianyu City, these mobs were prayed to chastise the party and be able to cremate them. Rather than a corpse wilderness, it is just a worry that so many dead bodies will bring plague.

Li Yi dangled Liu Chang to the soldiers who were working, and the soldiers suddenly became nervous. They stopped their work and bowed their swords, warning Li Yi and others not to approach them without permission.

"Hehe, hehe...don't be nervous, I'm Li Yi, the commander-in-chief, and look at the orders of generals..." Li Yi smiled and took out his iron commander's iron card from his arms. Our eyes shook twice.

"Oh, hey! Isn't this Brother Li Yi!" A slightly frivolous voice suddenly rang out in the crowd, and then screamed, "Grandma's, the bunnies continue to work for me! Dare to confront the Centurion with your weapon, you don't want to Are you alive!"

Li Yi looked strangely in the crowd, and saw a goatee who was moving away from the crowd walking towards him, and separated his hands with a smile...

"I rely on!" Li Yi scolded, really bad luck, how come again this **** goatee! But when he encountered something, he had to say hello, and Li Yi had to say with a smile: "Oh, that, that, Comrade Bai Shibai, the centurion, see you in a few days, don't see me, don't come unharmed..."

Bai Shibai came to Li Yi with a smile, and slapped his right palm on Li Yi's shoulder fiercely. He said aloud, "You know that Brother Li Yi is not an ordinary person. It didn't take long for us to kill the Heavenly Army. After such great work, he was promoted to a centurion by the general! It’s really a young hero!"

" already know this?" Li Yi said in surprise, and Liu Chang beside him also looked at him with an incredible look.

"Li, when are you so bullish?!" Liu Chang grew his mouth and said na na.

"Niu. force?! It's not just Niu force. It's just Niu force. It's broken!" Bai Shibai's goat turned upside down and danced with Liu Chang, "You don't know, Brother Li Yi is in The big rift kills all sides..."

Li Yi quickly stepped up and covered Bai Shibai's mouth, preventing him from telling his "deeds". You know, Liu Chang was in a big gap!

Liu Chang suddenly caught his mouth and said to Li Yi: "It turned out to be the battle of the big rift, but unfortunately I left beforehand, and I didn't see your heroism..."

Bai Shibai, who was covered by Li Yi's mouth, nodded fiercely and broke free. Li Yi once again prepared to speak to Liu Chang, as if he had such a great record and military merit.

"I rely on! There is no end to it!" Li Yi roared fiercely at Baishibai and kicked on Liu Chang's foot. "Let's go! The general ordered us to go back quickly!"

Liu Chang understood, smiled embarrassedly at Bai Shibai, and followed Li Yi.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Bai Shibai also followed, smiling at Li Yi's uncomfortable face. "If you need any help, just say it. Now I'm in charge of burning the corpse. Yes, I can help you anyway..."

Liu Chang twitched Li Yi and whispered in his ear: "If this centurion is really the manager here... can we not have more people to find him..."

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