Then, the central dragon began to talk in detail.

"Where do I start telling you... Um, forget it, it's better to be straightforward..." The central dragon muttered and narrowed his eyes slightly to stare at Li Yi.

Li Yi, who was ready to listen to the story, held a bucket of popcorn in one hand and a large bottle of coke in one hand. He was sitting on the ground waiting for the dragon to start, but he heard the words muttering in the other person's mouth. Come over, subconsciously asked: "What?"

"It's nothing... it's..." Shenlong said unknowingly, and at the same time the tail behind him rolled up and flicked on Li Yi's forehead. "That is, it's always tiring to talk, or just let you It seems convenient..."

Li Yi rolled his eyes and fainted.

When Li Yi opened his eyes, his eyes were completely dark, and his fingers were out of sight...

Hey, wrong... Li Yi tried to stretch his hands to his eyes, but found that he couldn't feel his hands! At the same time, you can't feel it with your own legs!

What kind of thing is this? Li Yi couldn't help but panic. In a completely dark environment, he lost his hands and feet, could not move, and could not make any protective measures for the upcoming attack, which made Li Yi, who was used to preemption, uncomfortable. Dying.

He struggled to call for help, but found that he had no mouth!

No mouth? ! Master's mouth! Li Yi roared in his heart, and he was about to fall into a runaway situation.

"Fat fat man, you are stupid enough..." The voice of the central dragon suddenly sounded in Li Yi's ear, and the sound like Hong Zhong rewinded in Li Yi's ear, making Li Yi's heart certain and turned to look go with.

A small dragon three to five inches long floats beside Li Yi. The lovely appearance makes it difficult to connect with the dragon.

Li Yi looked at "Little Dragon" and wanted to say nothing but couldn't open his mouth-without a mouth, let the master say something! Li Yi was annoyed and understood something now.

"Here is the scene of Chi Yan's memories. You just need to bring your eyes. Isn't your mouth very troublesome?" Seeing what Li Yi thought, the central dragon said in a mocking tone, "Anyway, you were originally It’s a ball of meat. Isn’t the image right for you?”

After talking, Li Yi found that the surroundings were lit up, but still not to the extent that people could see clearly what was in front of him. The faint light was shining, and a bunch of humanoid creatures appeared in front of his eyes.

"They just found the **** descendants of that ancient **** ruin..." The central dragon said with a joke and said solemnly.

Li Yi counted carefully, a total of twenty-three people, each holding a stone with a faint white light in his hand, holding his arms high and walking in the winding underground tunnel, Chi Yan was in it!

Their expressions were either indignant, panic, or even a bit of bloodthirsty excitement on their faces. Their hair colors were different, and the colors were more exaggerated than the "non-mainstream" that Li Yi had seen, but In general, there is still a personal appearance. No one has one more arm and one less leg. They all maintain a basic human form, at most, similar to elves.

"This is their physical form..." The central dragon is like an narrator, answering Li Yi's thoughts.

"Let's go...they have just been attacked by the dark elves, and suffered heavy casualties, on the way to escape..." The central dragon continued, and gently flicked his tail, and Li Yi followed it floating behind the team, Followed up, "And in front of them is the ruins of the ancient god..."

After walking shortly after the line, the eyes were suddenly bright, the originally narrow and winding underground tunnel disappeared here, and what appeared in front of everyone was a natural cave, not big, but very deep, a narrow and narrow The stone path winds down from the feet of everyone, and the bottom of the cave is dark, and nothing can be seen.

The dark cave is like the mouth of a prehistoric beast waiting for everyone to enter.

"No, we can't go forward anymore!" said a blue-haired woman. She picked the hair between her foreheads and looked at everyone with great eyes. "We can now abandon our flesh and return to the top of the gods!"

"Are we going to give up halfway?" A red-haired man said angrily, holding the glowing stone tightly in his hand, his face full of anger.

A purple-haired man said: "That's why these horrendous mortals dare to harm the noble Protoss. It's simply a sin to die! We shouldn't just shrink back!"

"Isn't going back to the top of Shenming a sign of retreat?" Qingfa woman retorted, "Don't forget our mission! If there is nothing underneath, it's not too late to go back!"

"Who knows what's underneath! In case something happens..."

"Shut up! There is movement behind!"

"Come on, they are too many! Our physical form is not the opponent of so many dark elves!"

"Damn, wait for us to come back and settle accounts with them!"

"Stop talking! Go and go!"

"Brother, I'm afraid..."

A group of people walked noisily down the stone road, and the darkness gradually overwhelmed them. As they disappeared into the darkness, a large group of dark elves appeared in the tunnel behind them.

"Master, they are down!" said a dark elf to an elf in a purple tabard.

"Let them go, hope they know what is below..."


With the Central Dragon all the way, Li Yi's body is now a blue-black fog ball. His body is round and full of nothing. Only a pair of eyes are exposed on the surface of the sphere, and everything he sees back to his brain.

The descendants of the gods were chased into the depths of this cave like mortal dogs. Li Yi saw them running in a panic, and there was an unstable footfall on the way. They fell down the stone road, and everyone couldn't help but heard a muffled sound. There will be no sound.

This cave... is really deep... Li Yi felt chills when he thought of coming back here.

"When you reach the fifth level of mind-reading, you will find that the height is just a number for you..." The central dragon said lightly, "Oh... I have forgotten that you are still at the fourth level. , The realm of the fifth level will not really be understood until you arrive..."

Li Yi cannot speak, but can only accept the mad bombing of the language of the Central Dragon.

"Attention..." The central dragon suddenly sounded a reminder.

Li Yi quickly turned his eyes to the front, and the scene in front of him suddenly made his eyes wide.

A broken ruin appeared in front of Li Yi's eyes, but what surprised him was not the ruin itself, but the energy that arbitrarily shuttled through the ruin.

Somehow, Li Yi's vision now becomes somewhat like a fusion of normal vision and vision in the spiritual world, not only can see the normal side of things, but also can see the ripples emanating from things.

This relic appears to Li Yi as a huge light body shining with milky white light, and the ripple frequency is so fast that it forms a piece of light like a plate. What makes Li Yi feel strange is that this milky white light The shape of a person is hidden under the body, which looks very strange.

This...should be the body that bound all descendants of gods later! Li Yi secretly said, ignoring the central dragon, and flew straight to the past, wanting to see what happened.

Li Yi was close to the light body, and the situation inside was also clear.

It is a pile of rubble and waste bricks. Occasionally, three or two broken stone pillars are still standing on the ground. Li Yi looked closely and found that the ruins were originally made of the same stone. The strange thing about this kind of stone is that it continuously emits milky white ripples, and these ripples form the light body that Li Yi has seen before.

"There is a lot of energy in it... Unexpectedly, there is still a treasure with such a huge energy on Atlantis..." The Central Dragon said.

Li Yi squinted at the central dragon, without saying much, and floated directly into the light body.

After entering the light body, the eyes were suddenly bright, and the place that was originally covered by the hazy milky light was also clearly seen by Li Yi. The entire ruin was in the shape of a square, and the remaining stone pillar base formed a Circle, surrounded by a small house in the middle of the ruins, in this ruin, this small house is well preserved, without any signs of damage.

The hut is also made of the kind of stone with great energy. The team of descendants of the gods has come to the front of this hut, one by one, with a panicked look.

"Quick, he can't do Bahrain!"

"What energy are those just now, how can we directly attack our energy body!"

"Come again... Hurry into the house! Only here is not affected by that energy..."

Before hiding in the house, they fell a few more, and at the same time they fell, a ray of light broke out into the body of the descendant of the gods nearest to them.

This should be the case... Li Yi is generally aware of the course of things, and the subsequent things are nothing more than the group of **** descendants made the wrong decision, abandoned their current flesh, and entered the body of the body in the room. In this way, he has fallen into the present plight.

Li Yi looked back boredly at the central dragon, but he saw that this unscrupulous dragon bit his tail in the air, and was speechless for a while.

Feeling Li Yi's disdainful gaze, the central dragon stopped and flicked his tail at Li Yi, saying provocatively: "If you have the ability, you can also try to chase your own tail..."

Okay, so shameless dragon, and still a dragon with the image of a Chinese dragon, representing the will of Atlantis, even with this unknown character...Li Yi narrowed his eyes, it seemed that this It's more suitable for hype...

"Dare you say it, you will die!" The Central Dragon read the thoughts in Li Yi's heart, and immediately threatened, and at the same time swept the tail, pulling Li Yi far away.

"I rely on!" Li Yi scolded, not just thinking about it in my heart, as to pump me like this! Li Yi scolded fiercely, staring at the huge unscrupulous dragon in front of him, and wished to pounce on it.

Eh? Li Yi looked around and found that his limbs, mouth and nose had returned, and his body was no longer a round sphere. Although Li Yi was fatter, he was still far from the shape of "ball" .

Li Yi was drawn out of Chi Yan's memory by the tail of the central dragon.

"Boy, if you dare to tell others what you just saw, I will eat you!" The central dragon raised a paw and threatened again.

Looking at the one that was open in front of him enough to tuck into the seventeen or eighty giant mouths, Li Yi swallowed and slobbered back, ", you, you have...bad breath..."

Li Yi was swept out of the door by the central dragon. When the tail flicked, Li Yi flew out and the door slammed open. After Li Yi flew out of the door, he quickly closed it.

Buttocks lie on the ground, Li Yi lying on the ground outside the door, can not help but chuckled.

Hey... dare to threaten the young man, the young man embarrasses you! Li Yi was complacent and could not help standing up and rubbing his buttocks-the central dragon was angry and angry, and the tail was heavier than usual. Although it did not cause much damage to Li Yi’s body, Li Yi sat down on the ground with strength It's still very big.

" hurts..." Li Yi rubbed his **** and turned around.

Dynamo stood behind him, and when he turned to face himself, the smile on his face suddenly appeared and couldn't help but reveal: "You are really bold enough... even the central dragon dares to tease ..."

"Why? Prepare to educate me?" Li Yi smiled, he could see that his disrespect for the Central Dragon, Dai Naihei came with a good attitude.

"Why should I educate you now... I still have more time to educate you, don't care for such a short while..." Dai Naihe raised a charming arc in the corner of his mouth and came to Li Yi's front, thin Looking at Li Yi's eyes, "Besides, you have no respect for the central dragon, the central dragon will naturally dispose of you..."

"Hey...I tell you, don't wear me small shoes..." Li Yi said that he was afraid to come out, not because of the identity of the other party's god, but because of the appearance of Dai Naihe is really tempting, every time The close contact will make Li Yi's heart beat, and his voice will weaken involuntarily.

"Okay, don't tease you. It's time to explain your things. Now I will send you back!" Dai Naihe put away the joke and said directly.

"Uh... I have one more thing..." Li Yi hesitated.

"Huh? What?" Dinahe asked curiously.

"That... I promised a friend to get something for him..." Li Yi looked a little supportive.

"What the **** is that? Let's talk!" Dai Na asked with her arms akimbo. Somewhat impatiently, Li Yi's rhetoric now made her very uncomfortable.

" on Chi Yan's current body...removing a piece of meat..." Li Yi hurriedly said, "Of course, not much, just a small piece, a small piece..."

"Meat? Wouldn't your friend be a caveman?" Dai Naihe joked, "What does he want the meat from Chi Yan to do?"

Li Yi originally told Liu Chang about what Liu Chang told him, and said embarrassedly: "There is really no way, but since I promised others, then I have to say what I have to do? So..."

"Okay... I'll help you go to Chi Yan to get it!" Dana Black agreed readily. "This ancient god's body has strong healing ability, and cutting a piece of meat is nothing..."

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