"Where is Chi Yan now?" Li Yi asked casually.

Dana Black pointed to the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of Li Yi: "Well, in this cloud sea, according to the method of the central dragon, he is sending the energy bodies of other descendants of his body into the sea of ​​clouds... …"

The sea of ​​clouds... Li Yi looked closely at this sea of ​​thick white clouds, and once woke up in this sea of ​​clouds when he was tested, it seems that this is very important for the gods.

"Of course it's important..." Dai Naihui glanced at Li Yi and said with a smile, "Here is the destination of all the creatures on Atlantis after their death..."

"Fate after death?! Soul?" Li Yi said in surprise.

"Well, it can be said that the soul is your consciousness only. After the death of the body, the consciousness of the soul will return to this sea of ​​clouds, waiting for the opportunity of rebirth..." Dai Naihe looked at the sea of ​​clouds Said, "Well... I won't tell you first, I will go as soon as I go!"

With that, a golden light rose at his feet and quickly flew into the sea of ​​clouds.

Obviously, she didn't mean to bring Li Yi in.

Li Yi knows that this important place can make him know that it is already a good treatment, want to go in? Hum, let's talk about it first!

However, Li Yi's curiosity about this sea of ​​clouds is also limited. In Li Yi's view, there is only one life, and he has no expectations for this illusory resurrection, and cherish the right way now.

Being a god, just living longer, for Li Yi, the temptation is not as great as Gu Lei's.

If you are alive, you can live a lifetime of life. Why do you have to live a long life, how powerful and powerful? In Li Yi's view, immortality is actually a kind of torture-watching the people around him one by one first, this pain, Li Yi dare not think about it.

So Li Yi made up his mind. In this life, he can cultivate what he reads into as much as he can, and he doesn’t force himself. As for the task assigned to him by the central dragon... Hey, take advantage, lord I won't do it until I reach that state. What can you do with me? Do you want me to die as a person with insufficient strength?

Just kidding, I'm not that stupid...

Li Yi smiled, looking at the sky has gradually lighted up, he had been staying in Shenming Ding all night, think of Liu Chang, who is still waiting for his news in Lianyu City, could not help but feel a trace of anxiety.

Suddenly, a bulge appeared in the sea of ​​clouds in front of Li Yi, and quickly rose, pointing straight to the sky, leaping out of a figure fiercely, with a touch of golden light flying straight towards Li Yi!

Dai Naihei fell in front of Li Yi, holding a ball of meat in his hand, and handed it to Li Yi: "Well, this should be this..."

Li Yi was careful to produce a piece of meat. This slap-like piece of meat was as hard as a stone, and there was no blood. It is difficult to imagine that it was taken from a person.

"This...is ancient **** meat? How is it like stone?" Li Yi asked strangely.

Dana Black spread his hands: "I don't know this, but when I cut it, it becomes tough... You know, gods are not omnipotent. I haven't seen this kind of thing before. Where can I know? The ancient gods only exist in legend..."

Li Yi nodded, tucked the hard, stone-like flesh into his arms, and chuckled: "So...there is a goddess of labor..."

Dynamo didn't respond, and subconsciously asked, "What?"

"Could you please send me down the mountain again..." Li Yi said with a hippy smile.

"Go off... suddenly not in this mood..." Dai Naihe suddenly picked up Li Yi, and did not know where the strength came from. He directly dropped Li Yi off the steps on top of the gods, "I think of a way to go back Right!"

"I rely on!" Li Yi fell straight from the top of the mountain, and the sound of shouting in his mouth became smaller and smaller, but Dai Naihe's face showed a satisfied smile.

Li Yi was so scared that he was very careful, and he patted his chest in shock, and said in his mouth: "Fortunately, the young man's contract is fully equipped, especially this pair of "wind shoes"..."

In the high sky, Li Yi floated quietly, the breeze blowing on him, gently pushing him towards the east.

Because the palace gate on the top of the **** was facing west, and Li Yi was dropped directly from the gate by Danaehe, so that he was now in the high altitude of the elf territory, above his head, there was the endless sea of ​​clouds, Thick clouds and towering peaks block the sunlight, making the west of the entire continent greet dawn later than the east.

Li Yi stood in the sky and turned to look at the western mainland. The scenery here is much less than that of Xinqin. The elves seem to care about the protection of the natural environment. There is not much felling of trees. Compared with Xinqin, the western mainland is more More green, and...

Li Yi narrowed his eyes. Although the western continent in front of him had a panoramic view, there were still some unclear places, and these places revealed some unusual meanings.

Li Yi counted, and it happened to be six. My heart was confusing. This number is exactly the same as the number of elf tribes. Could it be said...

Are these six places that you can't see clearly the most important place for the elves' tribes? !

Whereas the tribute of a tribe, there are often some big secrets in it, and what’s more, there are countless gold and silver treasures, weapons and armor of Niu Break, the protagonist in some martial arts novels inadvertently broke into In a certain place, the adventures are constant, and a career is achieved.

Li Yi licked his lips: "His...maybe, what good things are hidden in these six places?"

Li Yi felt a little unable to bear the heart when she was thinking more and more. Li Yi immediately dismissed the idea when she thought of the piece of "ancient **** meat" in her arms.

Things like treasure hunting will have opportunities in the future, but it is better to do something earlier if you promised others, so as not to be guilty!

Li Yi made up his mind and looked back reluctantly.

"I will definitely come over! The Sanguang policy must be carried through to the end!" I thought hard in my heart, and at the same time accelerated the speed to cross the Central Mountains and go south along the mountains.

Riding the wind all the way, Li Yi quickly returned to Lianyu City, landed in front of the city gate, and looked at the military workers who were repairing the city walls.

Official. Forced. People. In the end, no one can tell who is right or wrong when Lian Yucheng is attacked.

"Despite him, anyway, I'm just a small character. This kind of authority should have a headache, do my fart..." In the attitude that the matter is not related to himself, Li Yi mumbled and walked slowly. City gate.

"Stop!" The guard standing at the door motioned Li Yi to stop. He stepped forward and looked at him cautiously. "Where do I come from? What do I do to Lian Yucheng?"

Li Yi was taken aback for a moment, he is now a "century" anyway, how come he is stopped outside the door?

"Oh, I'm from the Celestial Army, the commander-in-chief, Li Yi." Li Yi looked at the colorful equipment on his body and realized that he didn't wear the new Qin officer's equipment on him. This caused the soldier in front of him to think that he was a squadron, and came over specifically to take advantage of the chaos.

But it doesn't matter, we don't have a ten-man iron medal! While talking, Li Yi also took off his iron captain's medal from his waist and handed it to the soldier.

Because Li Yi’s promotion to Centurion was too hasty, the Centurion Bronze Medal that should be allotted had not been able to get the hand, and even the soldiers under his hand were not equipped, so that he now except one piece represents ten. The sign of the commander-in-chief does not even have a decent man.

However, it is better to have a brand than to prove your identity without a brand.

The soldier took the iron card, looked at it carefully, and looked at Li Yi suspiciously. He said in disbelief: "Ten Captain? Why haven't I seen you?"

"I think your eyes are born!" Li Yi replied honestly. He hadn't really seen this gatekeeper soldier, "Newcomer?"

The soldier showed great vigilance, beckoned to the side, and suddenly a group of soldiers came around Li Yi and said: "Now the entire southwest border is under military alert, you come here in fancy clothes. Those with unknown roads will enter Lianyu City, so they will have to search carefully!"

"Search? I'll search your uncle!" Li Yi suddenly caught fire, so good, just search for nothing, what? Master has never heard of this rule no matter where he is, "Newcomers, you have to think about it, what will happen if you do this! Openly attacking the new Qin officer, this is going to lose your head!"

"Huh, ten commander? I said you can act like a fool? Look at you like an officer? Full belly fat, thick face and thick neck, a non-standard equipment, a look is not a good person! "The soldier shouted with scorn on his face. "Grab it and give me a careful question, is it the elf's spy!"

"Yes!" the surrounding soldiers responded in unison, taking a step forward at the same time, facing Li Yi with the weapon in his hand.

Li Yi was annoyed. This group of **** did not listen to their own explanations. What he did as a commander really failed!

Thinking about this, Li Yi pedaled with one of his feet and flew up into the sky, saying to the soldiers underneath: "I don't want to hurt you, let the highest chief of your goalkeeper come out, and the water will fall naturally!"

"Good boy, you want to escape with so little magic? Brothers, shoot me down!" said the soldier, and at the same time took the bow and arrow from his back, bent the bow and string, loosed his hand, and the arrow shot fiercely. To Li Yi.

Start without talking? When did the Celestial Army still have this kind of bastard! Li Yi scolded, and at the same time, his finger moved lightly, and a breeze blew, moving his body a few meters laterally, avoiding the attack of this arrow.

"Warning you again, attacking the new Qin officer, you can't bear this crime!" Li Yi was forced out of some real fire, said with perseverance, "Don't force me to shoot!"

"Kill!" The soldier ignored Li Yi and ordered everyone to shoot at Li Yi.

"I can't rely on it! It didn't work out!" Li Yi roared, just as he recited the mantra and his hands began to shine with the light of the contract, a soft male voice came out from underneath.

"Give me the hand! You five thousandth team bastards, do you want to rebel?"

Li Yi was stunned and looked down. His hands kept moving. One by one, he prepared the spells in his hands, and he could hit the head at any time.

A civilian-looking man stood in front of the soldiers guarding the gate, his hands spread open, and they were stopped.

"Do you know who you are working on, but he..."

"Go away, the fourth-thousandth team of waste wood, less obstruction!" The soldier who stopped Li Yi pushed away the civil servant, and cursed in his mouth, "Our fifth-thousandth team was sent to guard the gate, so everything here It’s up to us. What are you thinking of, running around arrogantly? Get away!"

"Mo Li, don't rely on you..."

"I'll tell you to go!" The soldier slammed the civilian's lower abdomen fiercely. "Lao Tzu finally found a contractor to be his opponent. What the **** are you **** doing? No matter who he is, I think he is suspicious." , I have the right to arrest him!"

Li Yi saw that the civil servant was kicked, and there was a rage in his heart, no matter who this guy was in front of him, it seemed that he really needed to discipline the soldiers who prayed to the heavens...

Immediately Li Yiang smiled and landed on the ground, pointing at Mo Li and asked, "Want to fight?"

Li Yi was able to see that this Mo Li was an out-and-out militant who just saw himself landing from the sky and knew that he was a contractor, so he moved on to compare with himself, but the method used …Is suspicious of being a suspicious individual.

Why do you always want to be suspected by the soldiers in the Celestial Army... Really, next time you will simply stamp the Celestial Army logo on "Tai Chi Kai"... Li Yi thought a bit depressed, but in his heart The anger was still burning.

Hold the bully? Master likes to teach such a guy!

Li Yi also has this kind of hobby, but he still has some control over it. He doesn’t want to be like this. Why even the people who came over and blocked?

In vulgar terms, I haven't fought Nyima, so?

Thinking about it, Li Yi said on his mouth: "Want to fight? Then come, let the young man loose your muscles..."

Mo Li smiled without anger, but rushed over without saying anything.

"His grandmother's, demo, I will not beat you to death today!" Li Yi said fiercely in his heart, and he greeted him with bare hands.

The civil official scared at the sight of Li Yi's movements.

Where is this fight? Have you ever seen a fight with a fleshy palm to grab a blade?

But Li Yi did just that. The "protective body armor" splayed open, protecting the whole body, so Li Yi simply grabbed Mo Li's sword, and kicked in Mo. On the little belly.

With a grunt, Mo Li stepped back a few steps.

This is not over yet. Li Yi blessed his own speed with the wind spells on his body, quickly flashed behind Mo Li, and once again flew, kicking on Mo Li's ass.

Mo Li's center of gravity was unstable, kicked by Li Yi behind him, and fell straight forward.

Li Yizheng was proud, but found that the other party's movements were a little weird.

It's good to fall forward, but... why doesn't he support the ground with his hand? Just prepare to face like this?

I saw Mo Li fall to the ground while rolling forward, and at the same time quickly turned around, waving the sword in his hand and rushed towards Li Yi again! Li Yi was shocked, kicked again under his feet, and flew upward a little, avoiding Mo Lihong's blow.

"Oh, that's good..." Li Yi said with a smile, and at the same time made several military daggers with the mind technique, closed his eyes and entered the spiritual world.

Mo Li quickly locked Mo Li, throwing the daggers one by one towards the soldier. Mo Liqiang supported the sword to block the dagger, but found that Li Yi’s dagger seemed to be endless and blocked for a long time. Finish.

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