Talking to the Crown Prince, Li Yi just smiled and drank. I know that after drinking this glass of wine, I have to start a life of solicitation.

Holding a glass of wine, Li Yi secretly sighed, "Military soldiers, but these are the tools of war for these ambitions to fight for power."

In 1998, after the Tianlan Empire settled the rebellion of Vanesa in the north, facing the invasion of the Say Empire, the King of Tianlan finally ordered a counterattack and dispatched all the troops of the Central Army and all the troops of the Southern Army. There are some troops of the Western Legion, with a total strength of 1.2 million. The army gathers in the Chinese fortress and is ready to go straight to the enemy.

"Li Yi, this is the first time I have seen so many together." Standing beside Li Yi, Alice said excitedly to Li Yi.

At this time, ten days had passed since the Central Army successfully rebelled. After the triumphant return to the imperial capital, the Central Army only stayed for one day and then sent all troops to the Chinese state fortress to join the Southern Army and Western Army here.

After Li Yi and Alice came here with the large army, Alice could not help feeling emotion beside Li Yi when she saw the dense crowds in the current state fortress.

"Yeah, it doesn't count as our Central Army now, there are already nearly one million male lions here." Li Yi riding on the war horse, also said with a sigh.

"I don't know when General Luo Ning will prepare to launch a counterattack. The scene will be very shocked."

"Yeah, millions of wars, the average person may not be able to touch them for a lifetime. I don't know if Li Yi is bad luck or bad luck. I didn't expect to join the army soon, so I encountered a war of this size. "" Li Yi started the horse and walked into the city while chatting with Alice.

"A hero in troubled times, maybe this is the opportunity that God has arranged for you to come forward." Alice is still a big nerve as always, even if she is about to face the battle of millions of people, she does not see a nervous look.

"I hope so. It's just a matter of success. I don't know how many people will be buried with me when I am a hero." Li Yi jumped off the battle horse and said to Alice in a daze.

"Che, still so stinky, saying you are a hero, you dare to admit it." Alice also dismounted together, but when she dismounted, she did not forget to ridicule Li Yi.

After hearing this, Li Yi smiled embarrassingly. It's true to think about it. I always put myself at a higher level than ordinary people. Over time, I really think of myself as a hero.

But before waiting for Li Yi to respond, a subordinate soldier hurried to Li Yi. After dismounting, he told Li Yi that General Luo Ning was going to hold a meeting and let Li Yi go to the headquarters quickly.

"Hey, Li Yi, this General Luo Ning really cares about you, no matter what meeting, don't forget to let you participate." Seeing Li Yi called again to the meeting, Alice continued to tease Li Yi.

Ignoring Alice's ridicule, Li Yi directly rewarded her with a shudder, told her not to run around, and then rushed to the headquarters.

When Li Yi came to the headquarters, there were already three people sitting in the house. Li Yi only knew General Luo Ning among them, and stepped forward a few steps, saluting General Luo Ning with a military salute: "See General."

General Luo Ning got up with a smile, and then began to introduce the other two to Li Yi.

The identities of the other two are not as simple as those of several teachers. Li Yi did not expect that the two people in front of him who are not astonishing can be regarded as princes.

One of them is Lori, the head of the Southern Army, and the other is Kane, the head of the Western Army. Both men existed at the same level as General Luo Ning. Now the empire is preparing to launch a full-scale counterattack against the Sai empire, so the three giants in the empire are now together.

After the introduction, General Luo Ning no longer talked nonsense, let Li Yi sit on a seat, and said: "Lorry, this Zhongbang stronghold is your place, and Kane and I are both here to support you. . You have also fought a lot with the enemy Sai. How do you fight the next battle, you should talk about it first."

Hearing the words, the commander of the Lori Army directly stood up and said: "This time the enemy of the Sai enemy is clearly prepared, whether it is the large army stationed outside the Chinese fortress at the moment, or the north has just been destroyed by Luo Ning. The Vanessa rebels, these are the decisions made by the Say Empire after careful consideration. Now although the Vanessa rebels have been annihilated, after all, the war has begun, and the Say Empire is now wanting to close, and our Tianlan Empire is also Will not agree."

"Lorry, why have you been nagging again? Luo Ning wants to ask you what you think of the war afterwards, not to let you tell the news that everyone knows." The commander of Lorry was still there. Talking eloquently, the commander of the Kane army sitting beside him suddenly interrupted. After all, the three are all at the same level, so the commander of the Kane Army is not so polite when speaking.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but the unconscious old fault has been committed again." Hearing the words, Commander Lori was not angry, but said with a slight smile. "Actually, in the past, our disputes with the Sai Empire have been constant, but it has always been a little friction. This time the other party launched an offensive against us without considering the consequences. At the beginning, it really made me messed up. The Say Empire is now The army stationed outside the fortress has been consumed by more than 200,000 after more than half a month of consumption. But after my observation, I feel that there are still 400,000 enemy troops outside the city."

"So, does the Sa'i Empire always send reinforcements here continuously?" Before Luoli finished, General Luo Ning also said.

"Yes, according to my observation, although the number of Sai enemy forces is decreasing every day, the reduction is far less than expected. The only explanation is that their reinforcements are constant." Hearing General Luo Ning The question, the commander of Lori Army said affirmatively.

"That Lori, do you think we should continue to hold on, or take advantage of the low morale of the enemy army now, we will send out troops and confront them head-on." The head of the Kane regiment also suggested in time.

"It's better not to give up our advantage. After all, there are dangers to defend. We can still have a great advantage." Lori shook his head when he heard the suggestion of the head of the Kane Army.

"Well, I also agree with Lori's view. The Sino-Fortress is our biggest barrier. With this fortress, we can still consume the enemy's troops by a large amount." General Luo Ning also agreed with Lori's view and said aloud .

"Ah, you two old guys, who have won battles all their lives, have begun to learn stability. The opportunity for the three legions to meet at the same time will only be once in a few years. Now we have such a big advantage, but we can’t make good use of it. , This is a waste of resources." Seeing the other two agreed to stick to the fortress, Chief Kane said with a sigh.

"How can this be a waste of resources, Kane, war should pay attention to the greatest victory at the smallest cost, after all, the soldiers are also human." General Luo Ning saw Kane sighing, and advised on the side Road.

"I don’t think so. Nowadays, nearly 1.4 million imperial troops are hoarded in the fortress of China. Even if the enemy troops continue to help outside the city, it will not exceed 500,000. The fortress of China is good, but we While adhering to it, it is impossible for more than one million troops to be used at the same time. If so, what is the point of the Central Army and the Western Legion coming to support it." The head of the Kane regiment said carefully.

Hearing the commander of the Kane Army, Luo Ning and Lori both nodded in agreement, and then Luo Ning said: "Well, it makes some sense, Kane, you continue."

Seeing the attitude of both seemed to be shaken, the commander of the Kane Army couldn't help but feel the spirit. After rubbing his hands, he continued: "Look, this time His Majesty dispatched three legions to the Chinese state fortress at the same time. He didn't want us to use so much force to hold on to a fortress. It's hope that we can make full use of this advantage. , Attacked in the hinterland of the Sai Empire. Your majesty’s meaning is that you still can’t figure it out. This is a rare opportunity. The Say Empire is now the end of a strong crossbow, and they can still insist on besieging the Chinese fortress. I just don’t want to lose face. So if they just don’t siege, are we still waiting. Until they breathe, then the advantages of our Tianlan empire are gone.”

Listening to Captain Kane's remarks after such a splendid passage, General Luo Ning and Captain Lori both fell silent at the same time. Even Li Yi, who had no knowledge of the military on the side, felt that what the Captain of the Cain said was very reasonable.

After being silent for a while, General Luo Ning raised his head and said, "It's still Kane thinking more. Before, we have been considering such a maximum preservation of the strength of the Legion, but ignored the fact that the Say Empire is now a strong foreign player."

"Yeah, if you don't seize this opportunity and want to find it in the future, it will be as difficult as going to the sky." Commander Lori also interjected after the silence. "Your Majesty this time really wants us to be able to directly attack the hinterland of the Sai Empire, not only can they wipe out their prestige, but more importantly, if we win this time, our territory of the Tianlan Empire is expected to expand a lot."

Seeing that both of them agreed with their views, the head of the Kane regiment smiled smugly, and then stopped talking.

"So, Lorry, what do you think of the combat power of the Sai enemy troops stationed outside the city now?" Having already figured out the truth, General Luo Ning was no longer prepared to stick to it, but Ma Shan asked Lorry. The situation of enemy forces outside the city.

"What should I say, after all, there are still hundreds of thousands of Sai army outside the city. To say combat power, they are all professional soldiers of the Sai Empire, so don't underestimate the combat power. Only after all, the Chinese fortress They can’t attack for a long time, and now the morale of enemy forces outside the city will certainly not be particularly high." Lori exited and answered General Luo Ning's question.

"Okay, as long as they can ensure that their soldiers are not strong enough. A Chinese fortress not only wiped out their strength, but also greatly reduced the morale of their opponents. Now we have such a big advantage in strength. As long as our commander doesn’t make too many mistakes, our counterattack should be able to begin.” After all, General Luo Ning was a soldier who fought for half his life and acted decisively. After determining the direction of the attack, he began to talk to the other two army commanders. Discuss the specific matters of counterattack.

After half a day of discussion, the general offensive steps have already taken shape. Several heads of the regiment were very satisfied with their arrangements. After the discussion, everyone left the headquarters.

After walking out of the headquarters, General Luo Ning said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, from tomorrow on, we will face a real tough battle. The Sai enemy is not as good as those rebels, you can be a thousand Be careful."

"Thank you General for your concern, Li Yi will act cautiously."

"Well, that's right. You should have heard that just now, in the counterattack that will start tomorrow, the cavalry will play an important role. Several legions will each send a knight to attack, and your second knight will give us the Central Army. Fight this battle, I hope you don’t let me down."

Hearing this arrangement, Li Yi was not too surprised. He solemnly paid a military salute and said seriously: "Yes, the general is assured that the Second Knights will not let the general down."

Hearing Li Yi's assurance, General Luo Ning smiled with satisfaction, and then left with his hands behind his back.

In the early morning of the next day, the Say army began to attack the Chinese fortress as usual.

Now the Chinese fortress has gathered the strength of the three legions, and it is easy to defend. Looking at the enemies of Sai who were fearless and dying under the city, Li Yi only felt that the other party was launching a suicide attack on the Chinese state fortress.

"Li Yi, after a while out of town to meet the enemy, you really still do not let me follow." Standing beside Li Yi, Alice said pitifully to Li Yi.

In this regard, Li Yi just looked at the enemy troops under the city indifferently, silently.

This is not to blame Li Yi, although the total strength of the Tianlan Empire is much higher than the Sai Empire, but even so, it is certainly dangerous to launch a counterattack against the enemy forces of Sai. After Alice knew that Li Yi was going to lead the Second Cavaliers out of the city to fight the enemy this morning, Alice began to pester Li Yi and asked Li Yi to take her this time.

Li Yi is not so hard-hearted, but this battle will be full of danger. Although Alice is also a strong one, but she really can't guarantee that Alice will be safe in this battle of tens of thousands of people. Even though he has four levels of strength, Li Yi dare not ensure that he will be unharmed.

So in the face of Alice who had been entangled with herself from early in the morning, Li Yi could only treat her as air, silent.

Seeing that Li Yi couldn't get in the way, Alice could only stare at Li Yi with a grievance, then sighed dejectedly. Alice also knows that for this level of war, Li Yi does not let himself participate in it for his own good.

No longer entangled with Li Yi, Alice carefully checked Li Yi's armor, and then said softly: "Forget it, I won't make trouble with you anymore. After going out of the city, everything should be careful. Registration must be prioritized, don’t succeed, I’ll wait for you here.”

Seeing Alice's tenderness like water, Li Yi no longer pretended to be that cold. Touching pity on Alice's forehead, Li Yi said softly, "Relax, I won't have any problems. I dare not say that I will win, but when it comes to life-saving, I still have most of it."

Alice didn't speak, just worried about checking Li Yi's expensive armor over and over again.

After half a day of detention, several heads of the army saw that the enemy had exhausted. Chief Lorry said: "It's almost time to send troops. Now the enemy is exhausted, and they don't think we will take the initiative to attack after so many days."

"Well, without further ado, send troops." Chief Kane has been waiting for the opportunity to attack in the morning. Now that he sees the time is ripe, he can't wait to order to send troops.

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