Li Yi has said goodbye to Alice at this time, and has been on standby in the Second Knights for a long time. Seeing the red flag shaking above the city's head, several commanders of the knights standing by to order at the same time all ordered to run to the already opened gate.

When the Sai enemy saw that the fortress that could not be attacked for a long time suddenly opened its gate, the nearby enemy attacked the gate. But before waiting for how many people they gathered, a few cavalry cavalry rushed out of the city gate on horse-wrapped horses.

The charge of the Knights is like a torrent, not only extremely fast, but also amazing. Some Sai enemies who had just arrived at the city gate were instantly trampled into meat by the war horse. Other enemy troops, seeing a knightly charge of this size, dared not converge here, and could only watch the thousands of cavalry passing by.

Li Yi is still in the lead, even if it is a multi-legged battle this time, Li Yi does not feel the slightest discomfort. Just ordered, Li Yi led his cavalry rushed out. The first one rushed out of the city gate, and the meat at those city gates was also a masterpiece of the Second Knights of the Central Army.

After leaving the city, Li Yi is not blindly charging. Looking back at the direction indicated by the red flag above the city's head, the horse head turned and drove the team there.

Multi-team charging is based on cooperation. Several regiment leaders dared to use 30,000 cavalry to fight against hundreds of thousands of enemy troops outside the city, not only by taking the opponent by surprise, but also by the sophisticated equipment and precise coordination of the Imperial Knights. The person who raised the red flag in the city's head was none other than Li Yi's boss, General Luo Ning.

The veteran general has a venomous vision and is well versed in formation. Standing on a high place, you can see the enemy's situation at a glance. Calm analysis, and then accurately pointed out the direction of the attack to the knights who are shuttled through the enemy forces under the city.

With this, even if Li Yi is among hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, he can prepare to attack the weakest place of the enemy army without being besieged by the enemy army.

Li Yi once again slapped his eyes, and now he even starts to feel that the battlefield is really a good place. Here, he can always feel the thrill of killing. Li Yi held the Holy Sword Roland even when he was charging, and encountered the enemy's resistance. As long as one leaned over, he could easily take the opponent's life.

The other two Knights were also methodically charged, and the Second Knight formed a perfect charge formation with them.

Although the holy sword Roland is a long sword, it always seems to be stretched when charging on the war horse. When charging, Li Yi always feels a little uncomfortable when he moves. Seeing that it was already deep into the enemy at this time, the speed of the Knights' charge was somewhat slowed down. Li Yi also gave up sitting on the horse and jumped out, carrying the Holy Sword Roland on the flat ground. With his foot strength alone, he led his knights to charge.

And Li Yi's foot strength is really amazing, even if only relying on the legs, it did not delay the knight's charge speed at all. And when killing the enemy, Li Yi did not forget the command banner at the far end of the city. I didn't want to kill myself, but I went in the wrong direction and buried tens of thousands of cavalry.

The soldiers of the Second Knights have long been accustomed to Li Yi’s bravery, so they are not worried about Li Yi’s killing enemies on foot. Instead, under the leadership of Li Yi, the people of the Second Knights also instantly boosted their morale and killed the enemy. Work harder.

At the time when Li Yi was murderous, a member of the enemy camp suddenly shouted at Li Yi: "The thief will go away and I will meet you later."

Hearing this familiar line, Li Yi just smiled contemptuously. I remember when I was in the capital of Wu'an, there was such a person who clamored to come to fight with himself, but in the end he couldn't even bear his own roar.

I glanced back at the city head first, and found that the direction of the command flag had not changed, so I couldn't help but play with it. Turning the direction pointed by Jian Feng, he smiled and looked at the soldier who had previously let himself go.

Without Li Yiduo looking for that person, he already had a giant hammer and ran towards Li Yi.

After seeing that the comer was only a heavy strength, Li Yi's interest suddenly diminished. Not wanting to waste time for this kind of opponent, Li Yi quickly luck, wielding a sword is an air blade implied by lightning. The air blade swiftly flew out, and the man rushed towards Li Yi with a stunned horse. Adding the speed in both directions, the poor ghost had no chance of evading, and was cut in two by the amazing air blade.

Li Yi didn't stay too much, brought up a long sword and led the team to charge again.

After rushing to kill for more than an hour, Li Yi heard the trumpet sound of the troop withdrawal from the Zhongbang stronghold. At this time, Li Yi also found that, unknowingly, Li Yi followed the command banner in the city and killed the Chinese fortress not far away. Quickly shot, killing an officer on horseback among the enemy troops. With a big wave of his hand, Li Yi shouted to the soldiers of the Second Knights: "Brothers, come back to the city." After that, Li Yi rushed back immediately, just like when he rushed out.

When he was about to reach the city gate, Li Yi suddenly shouted behind him: "The last brigade that entered the city will be guarding the city tonight." This shout was extremely loud, and even General Luo Ning standing at the head of the city heard it.

Smiling at Li Yi who rushed in under the city quickly, General Luo Ning said with satisfaction: "This child Li Yi, is so arbitrary on the battlefield."

After several knights returned to the city, they were warmly welcomed by the people in the city. This attack was not a simple victory, but a big eruption of the Tianlan Empire after a long time of patience.

On January 16, 1998, the Imperial Empire finally blew the horn of counterattack against the Sai Empire after a cavalry attack.

After the Tian Lan Empire launched a cavalry attack, the Sai enemy's attack rhythm was completely disrupted. Fearing that fierce cavalry would once again emerge from the Chinese fortress, the Sai enemy army pulled out the camp by nearly five kilometers. At such a distance, although it is difficult to send troops to attack in the Chinese fortress, the attack by the Sai enemy forces on the Chinese fortress is also reduced by a lot.

After two days of frightened continued siege of the Chinese state fortress, the soldiers in the Sai Empire's army began to retreat.

"Sir, this Chinese fortress can't be beaten at all. Let's ask your majesty to withdraw your troops."

"Yeah, sir, I see that the strength of the city-defense force in the Chinese fortress has not been reduced. Are they like us, with reinforcements constantly transporting them."

"Withdraw, general, now our army has fallen in morale, and its strength is obviously too much different from the Tianlan army in the Chinese fortress. Not to mention that we are the attacking side, and we continue to support it like this, just let the soldiers go in vain. To die."

In the Sai camp at this time, various requests for withdrawal of troops were constantly mentioned. Even some high-ranking officers approve of the withdrawal, and the barracks complained that if two more heavy attacks were carried out, it is estimated that the soldiers in the Sai army might even riot.

Faced with this situation, Lieutenant General Yun Luo, commander-in-chief of the Sai Army this time, was also incapable. Before his expedition, the general who had fought for decades in the Sai Empire also set out with confidence. Thinking of the magnificent military capacity before, the dark chess in the hinterland of the Tianlan Empire, and the materials and soldiers that were continuously delivered from the rear, what Lieutenant General Yun Luo thought was that he led the army commander to drive straight into the emperor capital of the Tianlan Empire.

But what I didn't expect was that after their army wiped out Wu Anguo, they were blocked by the current Chinese fortress.

I wonder if the overall strength of the Tianlan soldiers is higher than that of the Sai army, or whether the Sai army itself has problems. In the face of this not-so-precipitous fortress, the Sai Empire sent 700,000 troops, but the result was almost over a month. The battle not only did not progress at all, but the situation was increasingly losing ground.

Lieutenant General Yun Luo has also begun to consider the issue of withdrawing troops, even if he will be strongly condemned after returning home, and may even be dismissed. However, as a person who has lived in the military camp for decades, watching the soldiers under his watch worthlessly launching a suicide charge against a fortress that is impossible to break, Lieutenant General Yun Luo also felt a little unbearable.

After the end of the day's offensive, a large number of campfires were raised in the Sai enemy camp. The soldiers of the Sai Empire can only breathe at this time. For them, the situation now seems to be that the Tianlan Empire is attacking and the Sai Empire is defending.

Looking calmly through his own barracks, Lieutenant General Yun Luo watched a team of wounded soldiers dealing with wounds in a rudimentary environment, and in his ears he continued to listen to the soldiers cursing at the top of the empire. Lieutenant General Yun Luo couldn't bear to blame the soldiers again, but began to think deeply about what the significance of this invasion of the empire was.

After a silent walk through a camp, Lieutenant General Yun Luo gritted his teeth, as if a big decision had been made, and said heavily: "Fight, you can't let these children die like this." After that, Lieutenant Yun Luo A team of heralds was sent to summon all the officers above the commander level to their own account.

After everyone had arrived, Lieutenant General Yun Luo brewed a moment of emotion and slowly said to everyone: "You, calling you so late, I have an important decision to announce."

Hearing the words, everyone in the room cheered up and wanted to see what order their head boss was about to issue.

"Actually, as a coach, I shouldn't have said that. But now the situation is very serious. If I hesitate anymore, then the Sai army will face the disaster of extinction." Admiral Yun Luo looked sad. Said the tone of anxiety and worry.

Seeing the look of Lieutenant General Yun Luo, the generals present also knew that the next thing to be said must be very important.

"I've decided that we will retreat tonight and we will no longer do unnecessary struggles. Now we may only retreat in order to maximize the preservation of our existing troops." After a little silence, Lieutenant General Yun Luo said painfully.

After everyone heard the news, they were shocked for a while, then a complex expression appeared on their faces. In fact, everyone present here already has a heart to retire. It's just that the empire never gave orders to retreat, and as commanders, these generals were not good at retreating bluntly, which would greatly dampen the morale of the army. But now that Lieutenant General Yun Luo announced the news, several teachers felt dull. After all, each of them was a heavy-handed soldier. At first, they thought that it was just a piece of cake to attack the Tianlan Empire. But now they can't conquer the Chinese fortress, and several generals also bowed their heads in shame.

"None of you have any worries. All the responsibility for the defeat of this battle rests with me. It is my inability to command, so I made the situation so bad now. All you have to do now is to give orders to withdraw your troops. We Strive to withdraw troops before dawn. Taking advantage of the darkness, we are not close to the fortress in China. Under the cover of night, we should be able to evacuate safely." Seeing the generals' clothes downcast, Yun Admiral Luo reluctantly squeezed a smile and said to everyone.

"General, I don't know if this withdrawal is from the imperial capital, or the general's own arrangement." After a long silence, a division commander asked Lieutenant General Yun Luo.

"Alas, how could the imperial capital order the withdrawal of troops. This time the empire waited for more than a hundred years to wait, and it was harder for those in the royal family to give up this opportunity. Admiral Luo said with a sigh.

"Then you have decided to withdraw your troops privately. After returning home, the general will definitely be punished. Especially Prime Minister Randy, he was strongly opposed to your army expedition. Now we not only return without success, we even It’s not a small guilt to go back to China without permission.” The teacher said sincerely after hearing Lieutenant General Yun Luo’s answer.

"Oh, what if the punishment is enough. My old bones are still alive. It is no different if I die a few years early and a few years later. But I looked at these young people under my hands. Every day, tens of thousands of sacrifices, I It hurts," Lieutenant General Yun Luo said sadly.

"Ah, General, why do you suffer? In fact, this battle is the time when the empire chose the wrong war. It is not our sin to fight now. If it is really our cause, the empire will have long since The punishment order will be issued. The general will stick to it for a few more days. Perhaps the empire will send us an order to withdraw the soldiers in a few days."

"Forget it, forget it. You can't make such unnecessary sacrifices anymore. Withdraw, after going back, I will bear all the blame." After that, Lieutenant General Yun Luo will not speak to several teachers. Time, a wave of his hand, signaled everyone to go out quickly, and issued an order to withdraw.

While in the Sai camp, when Lieutenant General Yun Luo ordered to withdraw his troops, Lieutenant General Luo Ning and the other two army commanders were discussing the opposite.

"Lorry, I think the offensive of the Sai enemies in these days is not as good as one day. Our preparations have already been prepared. Are we going to send troops tonight and hit them by surprise, taking advantage of the night? Kill them well. Then, by victorious pursuit, we can reach the territory of Sai Empire directly." Standing in the headquarters, Captain Kane said excitedly to Captain Lori.

Hearing the words, the commander of the Lori Army did not say anything, but first looked at Lieutenant General Luo Ning sitting aside. The latter understood the meaning in Lori's eyes, and said with a smile: "Lori, I think Kane's idea is good. It is also time for us to counterattack. If we drag on like this, it may delay the fighter."

Seeing that the other two army commanders had the same meaning, Lori no longer hesitated. He got up with a smile and said, "Since both of you already have this plan, I will no longer sweep the interest of the two. Let's send troops."

"Hey, it should have been this way. If it weren't for you to see it here, I would have ordered the attack first. Every night, I kept the knights under my command on standby. I had been on standby for several days. No more troops, little boy. We are almost impatient." The Kane regiment said carelessly, and turned and walked out.

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