Under the leadership of Li Yi, the 100,000 army of the Tianlan Empire rushed into the city of King Sena, braving the rain-like bows and arrows on the city. Li Yi became the first Tianlan officer to attack the Wangcheng. Although Li Yi couldn't figure out what he had done, he did so, but this was the case. Under the leadership of Li Yi, the 100,000 army paid a price that other legions could not imagine. The weak loss rushed in successfully.

After Li Yi led his troops into the city of King Sena and continued to kill them, a soldier standing under the west gate of the city of King Senna, watching Li Yi rushing in, said coldly: "Oh, just Let me help you this time."

The talking soldier pressed the helmet on his head so low that even the surrounding soldiers could not see his face clearly.

"Enemy attack! Full alert!"

After Li Yi stormed into the city of Seine, the defending soldiers in the city began chasing Li Yi's troops on the wide road. Although the troops led by Li Yi this time were not entirely cavalry, their marching speed was still not slow. Many of the Sai Empire's garrison troops that did not respond were able to wait until Li Yi's troops killed people and then walked away. This was the enemy force.

"Haha, Captain Li Yi, [豆豆小说www.thedu.cc] I’m the one who has served you. I have fought for half my life, and it’s the first time I’ve rushed to the streets full of enemy forces, especially here It’s still King Seine. When I return to the Imperial City, I must talk to my son about the scene here.” On the streets of King Seine, another head of the Knights of Li Yi’s army was riding on the horse, and Li Yi said carelessly.

"Hehe, Commander Changzuo be very careful. You know that this is the base camp of the enemy. We all rushed in. We don’t get too smug, remember to save a life and kill with the brothers when the time comes. "Riding on the horse, Li Yi said coldly to the head of Chang Zuo.

Wen Yan, the head of Chang Zuo, also nodded cautiously, then bent down and started rushing to fight with Li Yi in the city.

After all the large troops were killed in the King Seine, Li Yi led everyone to start rushing towards the center of the King City. Li Yi also wanted to go to other gates to give several other legions the chance to enter the city. But thinking of his weak strength, Li Yi also gave up this idea of ​​success. With his own troops, he began to walk cautiously in the huge city of King Seine.

"Li Yi, will we win." Just shortly after rushing into the Sena City, Li Yi's troops began to be surrounded by large groups of enemy troops. Seeing the enemy Sai enemies outside, Alice couldn't help but worry about Li Yi's confidence in victory.

"It's okay, we will win." Li Yi said calmly, and then clenched Alice's slightly trembling hand.

"Leader Li Yi, take the brothers and rush out. If we are surrounded here, then we are really fierce." Seeing the enemy troops that were constantly gathering outside, the leader of the team was also anxious. Said to Li Yi.

Li Yi slashed the enemy while looking out. Just because he was entangled by an enemy army, Li Yi's troops delayed the speed of the charge. As a result, the other Sai enemy troops immediately gathered around, and Li Yi's troops fell into this worrying situation.

Spit hard, Li Yi raised the holy sword Roland in his hand, and then shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Soldiers, today I am Li Yi who brought you into this Longtan tiger cave, Li Yi, right? Live you. But if you don’t want to die like this, I also hope that all the brothers will rush out with me. Now the number of enemy troops is not very large, we have the power to fight."

After saying this, Li Yi found that what he said was unnecessary. The soldiers under their control, from the moment they entered Li Seng's royal city with Li Yi, did not show a trace of confusion, even when they were now besieged by the enemy, they did not weaken their morale.

Because Li Yizhi's expression of reality is too strong, the soldiers under Li Yi are deeply in awe of Li Yi at the moment. And, in their hearts, Li Yi is a **** of war, and the soldiers believe that this victory can lead them to victory.

Seeing the firm eyes of his soldiers, Li Yi also nodded in satisfaction, and no longer did anything to encourage morale. After finding a few people who knew the city of Seine before, Li Yi began to inquire about the location of the palace in the city of Seine.

After a short inquiry, Li Yi received accurate information from the Say Palace. Adjusting the direction of the attack, Li Yi mentioned Sheng Jianlan Luo and shouted: "Tianlan will win!" Then he took the team and rushed out.

In fact, this time the enemy was killed in the city a little differently. Of the troops led by Li Yi, only 20,000 were cavalry, while the rest were all infantry with insufficient motivation. With nearly 80,000 infantry teams, Li Yi's charge speed in the Seine City was greatly reduced. Li Yi could not bear or give up these weak soldiers, so he could only try his best to make the cavalry team closely cooperate with the infantry team to charge together.

Therefore, during the unprecedented battle of the Tianlan Empire invading the Sai Empire, many of the Sai defenders in the King Seine City saw a strange charge formation.

According to some veterans of the Sai Empire afterwards, Li Yi’s incorrect charge at that time was really incredible-"The young general who rushed into the city of Seine is a devil, and there is no one in his hands. The people who passed by. Especially their charge team, I have been a soldier for so many years, I have never seen such a strange way of charge. Their infantry formed a traditional infantry phalanx, and then it was quite satisfactory in the city of King Seine Moving forward. But their cavalry troops seemed to be crazy. They were flying back and forth on the wings of the infantry phalanx. Many times they could actually stand out, but they rushed back and followed the infantry phalanx. Rendezvous. The two cavalry regiments that shuttled back and forth between the infantry squares were two meat grinders, which was terrifyingly efficient."

These are some of the Sai defenders who have experienced the battle of the King Seine, and some memories of Li Yi, their first force that stormed the King Seine. In the summer of the imperial year of 1998, Li Yi left too many memories to the soldiers of the Sai Empire.

"Charge!" Li Yi roared loudly, and then led his cavalrymen, turned the charge direction again, and rushed towards the way it used to be.

"The commander is really a lunatic." The cavalry of the Second Cavalry whispered to each other while following Li Yi's charge.

"Yeah, obviously we all rushed out, but we have to rush back. You know, we risk our lives to highlight the encirclement." Another cavalry whispered while he was turning his horse .

The voices of the two were extremely low, but I did not expect that when Li Yi passed them, he gave them a deep and meaningful look. This expression made them no longer dare to say more.

"Li Yi, the soldiers seem to have a deep grudge against you." When Li Yi returned to the front of the team again, Alice smiled and ridiculed Li Yi.

"No way, they can't see. Now if we don't go back and rescue those infantry regiments that seem to be our burden, then if we want to rely solely on our 20,000 cavalry and want to keep inventory in this Senna city, then it is simply Impossible thing." Li Yi sighed slightly and said softly to Alice.

"Well, it makes sense. But Li Yi, when will our reinforcements arrive? We have already penetrated into the city of Seine. If we can't get the reinforcements, we say that we can't win anything, even if It is our knights who tirelessly charge back and forth on the wings of the infantry regiment." Speaking of reinforcements, Alice said to Li Yi in anxiety.

"Don't worry, we just rushed into the city of King Sena for a day. Even if the empire wanted to send military assistance, it would not be so fast. We have to be restless, what we have to do now is to lead these people under our lives to survive , Take them alive and join the Tianlan reinforcements afterwards." Li Yi said with a smile, and there was no trace of anxiety in the expression on his face.

Seeing that Li Yi always had such a confident look, Alice was no longer worried, followed Li Yi to charge again, and gave the infantry team closely following to fight for time to travel.

In this tireless rush, the sky finally darkened gradually. Although Li Yi's troops have been charging in the direction of the imperial palace at all times, they still haven't seen a shadow of the imperial palace. The city of King Seine is really too big, and there is also the resistance of the Sai enemy along the way, and the charge speed of Li Yi's troops cannot be really raised.

Seeing that it was too late, Li Yi's face finally showed a trace of anxiety. If you can't find a good place to stay before dark, then the tens of thousands of people under your own can hardly say whether they can live tonight.

It may be that Tian Yi didn't want to die Li Yi's troops. Just when Li Yi was worried about the first night of entering the city, a refuge completely tailored to Li Yi's team appeared on the Li Yi's assault route. .

"Head Li Yi, there is a granary in the Sai Empire in front. Although there are many defenders in it, but not many, let's rush in." Head Chang Zuo said excitedly to Li Yi, obviously this The granary that suddenly appeared also gave him no small surprise.

Li Yi cautiously let the troops stop moving forward, and then looked at the granary.

This is a granary that is not small in size, so there is not a lot of defensive force in it. However, Li Yi could no longer give up here because of this defense of the force, because when he was rushing in, because of the impulse, he didn't even bring in the weight. The idea at the time was to support the war with war and plunder in situ in the royal city of Seine. Suddenly discovering such a place now, how could Li Yi not be moved. So after only a little consideration, Li Yi ordered all the soldiers to attack the granary. Because as long as the place is captured, it can not only solve the army's problem of eating, but also the terrain here can provide a resting place for Li Yi's army.

Based on the above factors, Li Yi ordered the death of the granary. The soldiers under his control were also arrogant. Without long disputes, Li Yi's men happily told Li Yi that everything was under control.

Li Yi smiled and praised the soldiers under his leadership, and then led the people into the granary. Everyone had been rushed to death in the sea of ​​blood for a day, so when they reached a place where they could rest, most of them were tired and collapsed to the ground.

Seeing that the troops under him were so exhausted, Li Yi couldn't bear to blame their incompetence. Looking apologetically at the soldiers of the Second Knights around me, Li Yi said: "Brothers, following me is suffering a bit. The other troops are already exhausted. Let's be more tired. Keep tonight before midnight. ."

Although the Gu Cavaliers of the Second Cavalry were already exhausted, they saw that their commander had already spoken, and there was no complaint anymore.

After eating dinner at a speed, the Tianlan army, which rushed to a day in the Sena City, finally entered the dream slowly under the care of the Second Knights.

"Head, I have good news, bad news, which one do you want to hear first." Just shortly after Li Yi fell asleep, a cavalry hurried to Li Yi and whispered to Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't sleep long, so when she was woken up by the cavalry, her thoughts didn't respond. After hearing the report, Li Yi subconsciously said: "Well, listen to the bad news first."

"The bad news is that we are surrounded and there are a lot of enemy troops." Li Yi's cavalry whispered, and it really brought a very bad news to Li Yi.

Hearing his report, Li Yi finally finally woke up from a little coma. Sitting up in an instant, Li Yi looked at the cavalry with a relaxed look in front of him, and then dare not confirm and asked again: "What did you just say?"

"Well, if the leader wants to hear the bad news, shall I tell the leader the bad news first. We are surrounded and there are not many enemy troops."

"What about the good news." Li Yi recalled what the cavalry squad himself said at first, so he immediately asked the other party to see what good news the other party could bring back.

"The good news is that our brothers of the Second Knights are now fighting bloody. Although the enemy is on the offensive, our defenses have not shown any signs of defeat." The cavalry spoke slowly again.

"Fuck, this **** also called good news!" Li Yi jumped angrily and jumped up, then lifted the holy sword Roland and walked to the periphery. After walking a few steps, Li Yi did not forget to look back for the cavalry who had just brought back the news. I saw that the cavalry was behind him with a smile, without any flustered look.

"Brother, can you tell me what makes you still so relaxed now." Seeing that his men can still maintain this state of mind at this time, Li Yi couldn't help but ask the other party with a smile.

"Hey, didn't the commander always tell us before, calm down when things happen, nothing is a thing. In order not to let the commander look down, I have to be optimistic." The cavalry under him smiled grinningly He said that he still thinks he is doing very well.

Hearing this answer from his men, Li Yi was speechless. For the first time, Li Yi discovered that there are still soldiers with such a good attitude in his men. While carrying the Holy Sword Roland in a hurry, Li Yi brewed for a long time before saying to the cavalry: "Well, can you be more optimistic."

"Yes, yes." Unexpectedly, the cavalrymen still echoed.

Li Yi was completely speechless, and now it was estimated that the battle was an urgent time outside, and Li Yi was also deliberately joking with his men. Carrying the long sword, he rushed quickly to the outermost part of the granary.

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