When Li Yi arrived, there was already a shout of killing outside. Seeing that the granary was under siege, he didn't wait for Li Yi to give orders. Some soldiers who saw the war had already begun, and under the command of their chiefs, had already been put into battle first.

Li Yi is very satisfied with the situation in front of him. His troops are not the kind of people who only know to be passively beaten. They attack the enemy at night and can organize an effective counterattack in a short time. This makes Li Yi very Is gratified.

And thinking of the extremely optimistic cavalry before, Li Yi was really satisfied with his men.

But now is not the time to praise the soldiers. Since the enemy has already attacked, it is estimated that there will continue to be siege by the enemy. Seeing that the line of defense had not been torn up yet, Li Yi began to take the time to consider whether to stick to this place or leave it and continue to kill the palace.

"Li Yi, what do you think, the enemy has already come over, why don't you come forward to kill the enemy." Just as Li Yi thought, Alice also heard the shouting outside and came out to see what happened, But as soon as he went out, he saw Li Yi who was stunned on the court again.

"Ah, Alice, the soldiers are so brave and warlike, and I, the chief, can finally steal a little laziness." Li Yi said to Alice jokingly.

"Go to death, no seriousness." Alice said angrily.

"Oh, I was just thinking about where our troops will go. I didn’t think too much when I went deep into the city of King Seine. I just thought that when we came in, we would have won. But now that I came in, I found our team. It is difficult to walk here. I finally found such a place to stay, and there are so many grains here, I was thinking, are we going to give up here to continue killing the palace, or stay here until the empire sends troops to support us Time." Li Yi no longer joke, but seriously began to talk to Alice about her own considerations.

"I feel like, let's continue to kill inside. It's not that I am so happy, but staying here, I feel that the possibility of us being wiped out is too great." After listening to Li Yi's story, Alice was also serious Said.

"Why do you see it?" Li Yi asked curiously, most of them haven't seen any special danger in keeping here.

"Fool, you just said, we have a lot of grain and grass here, and there are empty places around. Not only is it easy to attack and defend, but because of the existence of these grains and grass, as long as the Say enemy forces use fire attack, then we These tens of thousands of troops, it is really possible to be buried in the flames with these grains of grass." Alice said seriously, these things are the conclusions he gave after careful thinking.

Hearing Alice's words, Li Yi couldn't help but sweat out. If it wasn’t for Alice’s reminder, she might have decided to stay here. After all, the food here is too tempting for Li Yi and his team with no responsibilities. But now that I have seen the major drawbacks here, Li Yi does not want to let his mistakes take such a big risk here.

Taking advantage of the fact that the number of Sai enemies coming up in the siege is not very large, Li Yi summoned the chiefs of several teams who have not yet joined the war circle, and then began to discuss with several people the strategy of breaking through.

After a short observation, Li Yi discovered a weak spot where the enemy attacked. The soldiers were ordered to communicate their arrangements one by one, and after preparing for them, Li Yi led his men and embarked on a journey of rushing through the city of Seine again.

After a midnight rush, Li Yi finally led his team to successfully throw away the enemy Sai who was chasing behind. After a quick arrangement, Li Yi ordered the infantry team to form an infantry square, and then the remaining two cavalry teams began to charge on the wings of the infantry square.

This is a long-lasting siege battle, and the troops of the Tianlan Empire and the Sai Empire are suffering huge losses. After Li Yi first attacked the King Seine, General Luo Ning of the South Gate also led a large number of soldiers. In the way imitated Li Yi, he bombarded the city gate of King Seine with twelve strikes with magic crystal cannons. Finally, the strong city gate was defeated, and the second rushed into the city of King Seine.

Everyone did not expect that General Luo Ning, who had always been experienced and calm, would also adopt Li Yi's seemingly crazy method of siege. General Luo Ning didn't care what other people said. After deciding to use this method, Lieutenant General Luo Ning said lightly: "There is no most correct method, only the most suitable method. If you want to break into the city of Sena, only use this method Most suitable.

After Lieutenant General Luo Ning led 500,000 troops into the city of King Sena, the defense in the city was finally in chaos. The defenders of the Sai Empire are now very confused. Whether they should continue to adhere to this indestructible wall or go down to the city to pursue the Tianlan army that has entered the city.

When the soldiers and officers of the Say were very confused, the commander of the Kane Army was on the north side. While the defense of the Say enemy was lax, they successfully used the traditional method of siege, such as the ladder and the siege car. King Seine. In a sense, the head of the Kane regiment should be the first general Tianlan to rush into the city of Seine.

After the three-way army had completely defeated the defense of the city gate of King Seine, the Sai Empire finally gave up that natural danger and began to fight with the Tianlan army within the huge King Seine city.

At this time, the three-lane Tianlan army, the most difficult situation, is the team led by Li Yi. They were the earliest batch of Tianlan troops that rushed into the city of King Seine. Since they entered the city, they have always attracted the attention of the enemy Sai to the maximum. Now that the other two roads have entered the city, Li Yi's troops have also rushed to the city for seven consecutive days. In seven days, no one in the army had a good night's sleep, nor did they have meals after meal.

Li Yi's team, from the beginning of 100,000, after seven days of rushing to kill, now only less than 30,000 people are left. Even the Second Cavaliers, whom Li Yi cares most about, have fewer than 4,000 people left.

Everyone was expecting reinforcements, and they looked forward to when they first entered the city. Now that he has been rushed and killed in the King Seine for seven days in isolation, Li Yi is no longer able to lead the troops to continue to rush down.

Once again forced by the Sai enemy forces to a derelict school field, Li Yi and the troops under Li Yi felt a trace of despair.

Gently stroking Alice's pale face due to overwork, Li Yi said sorry in distress.

Looking at the surrounding Sai enemies, Li Yi was fighting again, and the soldiers under his opponent said, "Soldiers, fighting spirits. The shrimps and crabs in front of us will only be the role of adding fun to us, we It’s a good time to entertain. The reinforcements are coming soon, but we can’t let the gang break and rob us of our credit.”

Although the soldiers under him had been somewhat disappointed with the reinforcements, they saw that their officers were still so energetic, they did not embarrass Li Yi, and took up arms in preparation for fighting.

Just when the war was renewed, suddenly from the school grounds, a herald of Sai came to the horse and shouted: "All the soldiers and soldiers of the second division hurried to support the palace, and the enemy troops of Tianlan were about to enter the palace. The troops here are just the bait sent by the Tianlan Empire. We were deceived by them from the beginning. They are just bait, they are abandoned soldiers!"

Hearing the cry of the herald soldiers, not only the soldiers of the Sai Empire's army were shocked, but everyone in Li Yi's army was stunned.

The sentence echoed in everyone's mind: "They are the bait, they are the pawns."

Li Yi also froze, holding the holy sword Roland tightly in his hand, and whispered in a low voice: "Qi Zu..."

"Oh, it turned out to be just an abandoned child..." Li Yi stood coldly and murmured repeatedly.

"Li Yi... are you okay." Alice asked anxiously when she saw Li Yi's appearance.

"Oh, it's okay." Li Yi eased away from the stunned god, then forced a smile, and looked back to the same man who was also lost.

"Soldiers, it's me Li Yi who's sorry for you. The incompetence of your chiefs thought that you could make a contribution to the empire, but I didn't expect you to follow me, but it is equivalent to the death." The remaining tens of thousands of horses, Li Yi said apologetically.

Listening to Li Yi's words, most of the soldiers who followed Li Yi were still stunned. The news from the messenger of the Sai Empire just shocked them so much. I didn't expect that I had experienced all the dangers and got through the blood, but I finally got such a news.

"Commander, you tell me, you tell me that the news is false, that is just the strategy of the Sai Empire to disturb our army, you tell me, that it is false!" In silence, the central A captain of the Second Cavalry of the Army rushed out, standing in front of Li Yi and said in a trance.

Looking at the panicking look of this clamoring iron man in front of him, Li Yi couldn't help feeling dizzy. These soldiers under his own have gone through countless obstacles with him. How many times have he faced the choice of life and death, he has not frowned once, and followed himself up the sword and down the fire without complaint. But just after hearing that he was abandoned by the empire, this always brave iron man finally collapsed at this moment.

"Mel, calm down, calm down. Don't let others see the joke of our Central Army." Li Yi held the captain named Mel sternly and said solemnly.

"Oh... The Central Army, commander, do you still think that we are the Central Army? It was General Luo Ning who sent us here to attack the city. You think that in his position, you may not know that my team is in What's the role here. It's even possible that he decided to let us be abandoned." Mel said bitterly, and after being stung by the great force from Li Yi's hands, Mel didn't have the previous one. Panic.

Listening to Mel, Li Yi was speechless. Yes, Lieutenant General Luo Ning sent his army to attack the city. All these arrangements may have come from his handwriting.

"Head, I am not a person who is afraid of death. If I am afraid of death, I will not choose to be a soldier. I am just chilling, head, I am so disappointed. Even the old general told us clearly before we went out. We’re here to die, and Mel doesn’t frown. Now, I really can’t lift my mind to fight for their bullshit. I’m tired. After being treated as an abandoned soldier, I No longer part of the Central Army." Mel said dejectedly, the spear that had been penetrated by blood in his hand finally slipped from his pair of iron fists.

Mel's words are largely the voices of all Tianlan soldiers who are still alive. These soldiers are good. For the sake of the empire, they can throw their heads and shed blood. However, in the face of the silent resignation of the empire, their original tenacity was finally crushed at this moment.

Seeing all the soldiers with lost faces in front of him, Li Yi held the Holy Sword Roland weakly in his hand, unable to say a word.

"Li Yi, what shall we do next." Looking at the enemy Sai enemies all around, although Alice was flustered, she still asked aloud about Li Yi's arrangement.

Hearing Alice's words, Li Yi also looked up again in a trance. After seeing a look of hope revealed in Alice's beautiful eyes, Li Yiru was struck by lightning. "What's wrong with me, the soldiers can be in a panic, but as their commander at this moment, how can I be so opinionless." Li Yi scolded himself secretly, then shook his head violently.

Clenching the long sword in his hand, Li Yi shouted loudly to the Tianlan soldiers in the field: "Soldiers, are you afraid of death."

Hearing his chief's inquiry, the soldiers on the field couldn't help raising their lowered heads. Although I don’t know why Li Yi suddenly asked this question again, but after these days of fighting, these people have become accustomed to obeying Li Yi’s command. Now I heard the commander ask himself like this, after the soldiers looked at each other a few times, Resolutely replied: "No fear of death."

"Well, since we are not afraid of death, then why are we afraid of being abandoned." Li Yi raised the holy sword Roland in his hand and said firmly to the people in front of him.

"The empire abandons us, maybe it's just a strategic need. If we knew before that we were treated as abandoned soldiers, then we might not be as desperate as before, and other corps of the empire would not find a breakthrough in the chaos. Direction. Remember, we have not been abandoned, we will always be the heroes of the Celestial Empire. As long as we can have someone alive walking back from this Sena City, our deeds will never be forgotten by the people." Li Yi held high With the holy sword Roland, this very inflammatory statement was made.

In fact, Li Yi has hated the senior officers of the Tianlan Empire at this time, including Lieutenant General Luo Ning who had always wanted to focus on cultivating himself. If it were not for the soldiers who followed him now, Li Yi really wanted to take Alice away at this time, and then go back to the emperor to find the **** to settle the bill. But I knew that I couldn't get away now. If tens of thousands of brothers were slaughtered like this, then I wouldn't be at ease in my life.

Therefore, even though Li Yi had various complaints now, he did not show it in front of the soldiers. The present self is the last of these soldiers to rely on. If they fall down, then they are all over. Figured this out, Li Yi endured all the grievances and began to instigate the soldiers who were about to let go.

The first time such a stimulating speech was made, Li Yi didn't really believe it himself, and he could mobilize the soldiers' fighting intentions with just a few words. So when he finished speaking, Li Yi began to respond to the soldiers in large numbers.

What Li Yi did not think was that his words seemed to have a better effect than he expected. These already discouraged soldiers, after Li Yi's speech, actually renewed their high fighting intentions, and the eyes of the gods that had just turned out shivered with amazing light.

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