Seeing Li Yi's strange appearance, Yadi was surprised. At this time, they didn't feel anything strange, but when they saw this response from Li Yi, it showed that Li Yi must have discovered something, and Li Yi was not the kind of untargeted person.

"What's wrong, Li Yi, did you find out what happened?" Yadi asked seriously when he stood up and walked to Zero.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just suddenly felt a wave of breath outside. This feeling makes me very familiar, but I really can't think of any acquaintances I can have in this world." Frowning outward Look, Li Yi said doubtfully.

"Hey, isn't this simple, can you still feel the existence of that breath, don't you know if you look out and see it. Let's go, let's take a look with you, I want to see if it is What a sacred place, dare to pretend to be ghosts with us here." Pat saw that Li Yi looked solemn, and immediately stood up and said.

Seeing Pat’s impulse, Li Yi immediately reached out to bar him down and said, "Brother Pat, don’t be impulsive. Although the breath was just a short moment, I can feel it and be able to release this prestige. The pressured person must not be a mate, so we still have to be careful. And now I can't catch the existence of this breath, we have to wait patiently and so on."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Pat rubbed his hands with interest, and then said boringly: "Well, I'll tell you later when I find something."

But just when Pat's voice fell, suddenly a low voice rang in the ears of everyone. This voice was extremely thick, and when everyone heard it, they all found that this voice was aimed at Pat.

"Huh, I don't know the depth of the boy. If the old man wants to pretend to be a ghost, he can play with you between applause. Pay more attention before speaking in the future, lest somebody will offend someone one day because of your mouth."

The sudden sound surprised Li Yi and others. What everyone was shocking now was not what the speaker said, but the heart. When they listened to the other party now, they felt like they were talking. Is by my side. However, no matter how the people were present, no one could feel the presence of outsiders.

Such a situation made everyone present be wary of twelve points. After all, when the other party is speaking, the tone is not very polite. Although for the time being it is not possible to confirm the meaning of the person, but at least for now, the other party seems very dissatisfied with Li Yi.

Just as everyone was uneasy, waiting for the other party's next move, an old voice sounded in their ears again.

"Li Yi, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. For the teacher's visit tonight, will your boy dare to come out and see him?"

Hearing this voice again, the presence of Yadi and others had looked around blankly, and they still could not perceive the existence of the person speaking until now. And after hearing what the other party said, they all turned their curiosity to Li Yi, who was also confused.

And Li Yi is still asking three questions, and he doesn't know where is this sacred person who claims to be his master. It's just that when he listened to the latter sentence, the tone was obviously more easy-going than when the first sentence warned Pat. So Li Yi is still quite at ease, at least the other party said that he hasn't shown any malice to himself so far.

"Li Yi, the man said he was your master. Do you still have a master? Why didn't you hear you talk about it?" Seeing Li Yi was also confused, Lincoln asked.

Hearing Lincoln's question, Li Yi finally recovered. After frowning for a while, Li Yi raised his head in shock.

Seeing Li Yi's performance as a convulsion, Yadi couldn't help but frown and said: "Li Yi, what's wrong with you tonight, even if someone named outside wants to see you, you don't have to be so alarmed."

Listening to Yadi's joke, Li Yi was not at all angry, but his face was still shocked. After being silent for a long time, Li Yi slowly said, "Yadi, remember what I told you about a weird old man I met when I was in my hometown, that is, he taught me my current weird exercises, There is also a combat skill."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Yadi also remembered a strange old man whom Li Yi once told him when he abandoned the chaotic land. It was only that Li Yi only mentioned the old man occasionally, so Yadi never took him seriously.

But now I heard Li Yi reminding himself like this, and also heard that there is a strong man who can't find out the depths and claim to be the master of Li Yi. This reminds Yadi of the weird old man Li Yi once said. .

And after thinking of the old man, Yadi also seemed to think of another thing at the same time. After thinking of it, the expression on Yadi's face became the same as Li Yi.

Seeing that Li Yi and Yadi both seemed to be weird, with a look of shock, Pat couldn’t help but frown and asked, “What are you two doing, what did you find out, tell us something ."

Without paying attention to Pat, Yadi just cast his gaze on Li Yi, and then said to Li Yi with a slight trembling voice: "That old man, wouldn't he just kill God?"

Hearing Yadi’s guess, both Pat and Lincoln were stunned. Obviously they could not understand what Yadi was saying now.

However, Li Yi, as a party, is inseparable from the already guessed identity of his own master. As early as when he came to Shengyuan Continent and met Dean Garr in Suzuran College, Li Yi had heard Dean Garr speculate that his master should be the **** of killing.

Later, in the "Red Square", he encountered another horrible Saint-level strongman. He also told Li Yi very seriously about killing God.

All the signs indicate that the guy who is saying that he is his master outside the tent at this time should be the killer who has already been like a lot of people.

Thinking of such a big man outside the tent, Rao was a crazy guy like Yadi, and he showed a bit of restraint at this time.

Seeing Yadi's appearance, Li Yi patted Yadi's shoulder fiercely, and then said with a smile: "Relax, there won't be anything. If he is really my master's killer, then he will definitely not It will do something that hurts me. I will go out first, you and Pat will explain the matter to them." After all, Li Yi opened the tent curtain and went out.

Seeing Li Yi saying go, Pat immediately walked to Yadi and asked Yadi with a puzzled face about the ins and outs of this matter.

At this time, Yadi had already adapted to this impact, so he sorted out his thoughts, and Yadi told the two people the story of Li Yi and the God of Murder. Of course, this story contains a lot of water. After the addition of Yadi, the experience of Li Yi and the theological art of killing is no less than that of Wu Wu's ancestors asking for the teacher.

Ignoring how the bad friend behind him arranged himself, Li Yi hurriedly walked out of the big account, followed a very familiar but also secret atmosphere, and slowly walked into a deep mountain.

After coming here, Li Yi finally saw a figure. Li Yi guessed that if there was no accident, this old man who was standing at the same time and looking at himself with a smile on his face should be the one who just claimed to be his master.

"Old man, did you just say that you want to see me just now." After seeing the other party, Li Yi knew that with the hand of the person who passed the sound, he was certainly not the opponent of the person in front of him. Therefore, although he does not show his humility, Li Yi still at least has great respect for the other party's performance.

Standing in front of Li Yi at this time, naturally, patiently followed Li Yi's **** of killing Wolfe all day.

When he finally waited for the night to come, ready to call Li Yi, he found that Li Yi was always with some of his friends. In desperation, Wolfe had to first release his own momentum, let Li Yi first notice something.

So there will be things afterwards, and when Li Yi finally found here in his own breath, Wolfe also felt very satisfied.

Standing on the spot with a smile, Wolf, the killing god, calmly said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, you look up at me carefully, do you think I am familiar?"

Hearing Wolfe's words, Li Yi couldn't help raising his head and carefully looked at the other person's face.

After a long time, Li Yi said with a smile: "Oh, it turns out that it is really your old man. In the abandoned place, you always taught me skills and combat skills. After that, you only pointed me a few times, and then you never saw it again. I’ve lived with you old people. Although you don’t spend much time with me, after all, I’ve received your gratitude, and you’re well deserved this week.” After all, Li Yi respectfully killed God worship.

Seeing Li Yi's respectful look, Wolff felt a lot in his heart. Others may not know, but Wolfe knows everything about Li Yi. Thinking of Li Yi's identity, Wolff really wanted to avoid Li Yi's worship. But thinking of Li Yi's character and his current situation, after hesitating for a moment, Wolfe also accepted Li Yi's worship.

After Li Yi stood up again, Wolff said to Li Yi with a smile: "In the past, you did not have the idea of ​​accepting you as a disciple. But you only hope that you can continue That’s all it takes to be strong. So when we socialize in the future, you don’t have to think of yourself as a disciple, we are treated as good friends, what do you think?"

Hearing Wolfe's words, Li Yi was really surprised. After his own guess, Li Yi has basically determined that the person in front of him should be the slain **** who made the controversy of the Holy Yuan continent change decades ago. But it was such a horrible existence that at this time, he had to be friends with himself. This kind of thing makes Li Yi feel flattered. But this feeling only existed for a moment in his mind, and he was abandoned by Li Yi.

Li Yi is confident that no one in this world is worthy of worship, as are the people in front of him. Even if he is really killing God, then he is just a stronger existence. Even if he wanted to talk to himself, it was his business.

After calming down his mind a little bit, Li Yi asked lightly: "Since the predecessors love the juniors so much, then I would be respectful and obedient. But after all, the predecessors should already be 100 years old, so this predecessor is still called 'S heartfelt persuasion. One more thing, I wonder if perfection can learn the predecessor's name?"

Hearing Li Yi’s question, Wolf knew that Li Yi wanted to determine his identity. But when Wolf came this time, he did not intend to conceal his identity from Li Yi. So after a slight smile, Wolfe said lightly: "The old man's name was Wolfe. When he walked on the mainland in the early years, he got a nickname because he started to be more vicious. Have you heard of it?"

Seeing the killing **** Wolfe directly acknowledged his identity, Li Yi was really a little excited this time. Even if he is calm again, after all, he is standing in front of him now is a once-character. Don't look at how he has been smiling all the time since he appeared, but Li Yi knows that this smiling old man is really a murderous non-winking guy. And it is worth noting that most of the people killed by him are powerful men.

However, after a little excitement, Li Yi regained calmness and said to Wolfe with a smile on his face: "So, I don't know if the senior killer called the junior to come over at this time. Is there anything to order."

"Oh, I told you just now, don't need to be so constrained with me. Actually, there is nothing to come to see you this time, let alone what I said. It was just when I taught you the exercises that year, I saw you It's a very talented child. So seeing your waste of life now, the old man couldn't help but come up and point you." Looking at Li Yi, Wolff said with a smile.

Hearing God's words, Li Yi couldn't help frowning. After being silent for a moment, Li Yi asked doubtfully: "How do seniors say this, how can I count as a waste of time now? Moreover, how do seniors know what the juniors are doing, is the senior always tracking the juniors?"

Hearing Li Yi’s words, Wolff smiled faintly, and then said calmly: “Tell you the truth, it’s not a day or two since the old man followed you. I still remember when I was attacking the city of Seine at the last moment. Is the door broken? And when the emperors of the Tianlan Empire were counted by the second ancestor, how did you escape that night?"

Although Wolff only briefly said two things, Li Yi had already believed his words at this time. After all, if it was not for him to always follow him, then it would definitely not always be able to appear at such a critical moment.

But now thinking of this, Li Yi has some ideas that can't figure out the killing Wolf. How can he, how can he let a mysterious and unpredictable strongman secretly protect himself, thinking of these, Li Yi can't help but start to guess his identity.

But no matter what you think, you are just an orphan who has escaped from a deserted land, so Li Yi can't figure out why the God of Murder has followed him secretly for so many years.

After seeing Li Yi listening to his words, his face immediately showed a puzzled expression, and the killing Wolf also knew that Li Yi must have begun to guess why he had followed him secretly for so many years.

Helplessly smiled, the killer Wolf said lightly: "Li Yi, you don't have to worry about why I followed you. You only need to know that you are a very important existence for us, Your only task is to practice as soon as possible, to reach a height that can reassure us as early as possible."

Hearing God’s words, Li Yi couldn’t help but say in his heart: “It’s about letting me practice. I’m not cultivating. It’s all about you. How come there are always such inexplicable people who come out to point fingers at themselves.”

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