However, due to the identity of killing God, Li Yi did not speak out his inner thoughts.

Seeing Li Yi silent, the killing **** Wolf continued: "I know, you saw a silver coffin in the Ulan abyss, and the people in the silver coffin also talked to you. He should also tell you Let you work hard, and then tell you some secrets, right."

"Well, this is the case." Thinking of killing God has not followed him for many years, presumably he must know some of his secrets, so Li Yi admitted very simply at this time.

Seeing Li Yi confessing this matter, Wolff continued to smile and said: "In fact, you don't have to be curious, in fact, we are all the way, but now your strength is too weak, so we will hide from you Some things. But at the speed of your cultivation, it won’t take long to want to know these secrets. But now because of Alice’s things, you put too much energy on the war, this is not a Wise choice."

"So what should I do, let me give up that hatred?" Li Yi seemed a little unhappy when he heard the killing **** say this.

Although Li Yi's attitude is not very good, Wolff is not angry. Cliff had also told Li Yi before. But what cannot be said, with Li Yi's current strength, can't tell him yet.

So after hesitating for a while, the killer said lightly to Li Yi: "Li Yi, let me pass you a few more tricks."

Hearing the killing of Wolff, Rao was such a calm character of Li Yi, and at this time also showed some surprises. After all, Li Yi has now confirmed that the old man who stood in front of himself at this time had made the whole continent changeable decades ago. Even after decades have passed, now the veteran powerhouses on the continent can't help but show a little surprise when they talk about killing God.

Reminiscent of these, Li Yi would be flattered by the words that Wolff just said. Even if you think about it with your feet, the strong man who can get such a series will personally give pointers, which will naturally be quite rewarding.

But at this time, Li Yi was really a little dizzy because of Wolfe’s words, so that he had forgotten. In fact, many years ago, when he was on the ground of chaos, Li Yi had already received the killing god. Wolfe's advice.

Strictly speaking, Li Yi can now have this ability, which is inseparable from Wolfe.

Although Wolff seldom appeared in front of Li Yi after he left the deserted place, after all, for many years, the elderly have been lurking around Li Yi, so for Li Yi, Wolf also knows a lot. of.

Seeing that Li Yi was standing in front of him stunned, Wolfe immediately understood that it must be that he suddenly told him to teach Li Yi a few tricks, making this man who was always unpleasant and indifferent. , Also showed a little tension.

Wolfe smiled slightly, cast a calm look at Li Yi, and then said softly: "Li Yi, you don't have to be surprised. Think about it carefully. The practice you are practicing now is not the same as me. Has it been taught to you. In this way, in fact, we can also be called a teacher-student relationship. It's just that we are all the kind of people who don't like to be bound by secular etiquette, so we don't need to be mentored."

Hearing Wolfe’s words, Li Yi touched his nose awkwardly, and then secretly laughed and cursed in his heart: “Li Yi, what’s wrong with you, the killing **** is only a person after all, how could it be because of his words? It became so unbearable."

After straightening out his own thoughts, Li Yi calmly said to Wolfe: "The only juniors are rude and let the seniors read jokes."

Looking at Li Yi's respectful appearance, Wolf, the killer, could not help but secretly said in his heart: "Li Yi, will you be so respectful to me when you really wake up."

But soon Wolfe stopped thinking about those things, and smiled at Li Yi, then suddenly a long sword appeared in the hands of the killing god.

After seeing the long sword that suddenly appeared in Wolfe's hands, Li Yi felt that after the long sword started, the whole person seemed to have changed. When God of Murder just appeared in front of himself, the whole person was very ordinary. Although Li Yi knew in his heart that the old man in front of him was a murderer who didn’t blink in a hundred years ago, he could not follow him anyway. The legendary character is connected.

But when the killer held the weapon, Li Yi felt a sudden increase in pressure on his body. After feeling the change in his body, Li Yi sighed: "After all, it is a predecessor who has been famous for a long time. The strength of their bodies can never be erased."

After the emotion, Li Yi immediately devoted all his attention to the killing god. Since he took out his weapons, he must have wanted to show Li Yi something.

After taking out his long sword, although the smile on the killing god's face hadn't changed, the momentum on his body had changed drastically. I saw Wolf obsessively staring at the long sword in his hand, and then said to Li Yi faintly: "This sword is called Shura, and when his self-achievement is little successful, it has always been with me. Over the years, the strong man who died in his hand has no one hundred and eighty. It's just that since I retired thirty years ago, it has no chance to drink the blood of the strong man."

Wolfe seemed very calm in telling all this. As if he was only talking about a very ordinary thing, but Li Yi knew that the guy who can be called a strong man by Wolff, their strength must at least be above himself. Thinking of the weird way of advancing to kill God, Li Yi couldn't help but fight a cold war. Although he knows the whole way of cultivation and wants to go long-term, then there must be no way to avoid killing. However, the practice of killing just for killing, like killing God, is somewhat unacceptable for Li Yi.

But in an instant, Li Yi thought of himself again. Although Li Yi has avoided facing this problem all these years, Li Yi also has to admit that his own cultivation practice is similar to the killing god. It can even be said that he is walking in the footsteps of the killing god.

Thinking that he will embark on an endless killing path in the future, Rao is Li Yi's heart like a rock, at this time can not help but secretly sigh.

However, this confusion only lasted for a moment and then disappeared. As a person who has lived in a deserted place since childhood, Li Yi knows the truth of weak meat and strong food. If you want to go further in this world, you have to step up on countless people. Because if you don't climb up, then someone will naturally want to use you as his stepping stone.

"Even if I really need to go forward in the killing, then I will go on firmly. I can't blame me, I can only blame God for making me appear in this world." Inexplicably, Li Yi's mind suddenly sounded back then My own emotions.

In fact, from beginning to end, Li Yi didn't really want to escape this reality. Since you can't avoid killing together, then face it bravely.

Thinking of all this, Li Yi became confident again in an instant. The look in Wolfe's eyes also began to be more radiant.

At this time, Wolfe also woke up from the obsessive state where he first took out his long sword.

When he turned his attention to Li Yi again, Wolfe couldn't help but stunned. Even if Wolff becomes stronger in strength, he still has some problems at this time, why Li Yi seems to have changed his personal status in such a short period of time. Although the person is still this person, the face is just a faint smile. But from behind Li Yi's smile, Wolf saw strong confidence.

But although he didn't understand what Li Yi thought of just now, Wolfe was naturally very happy to see that Li Yi could have such a state.

Wolfe smiled, and then held a sword in one pose, Li Yi was very familiar with the posture. This trick is very common, just when Wolff was in the land of chaos, the set of Hades sword skills taught to Li Yi. But this is a common move. After Wolfe put it out, it still gave Li Yi a refreshing feeling.

Seeing a glimmer of light in Li Yi's eyes, Wolf knew that the second son must have felt this time. Nodded gratifyingly, Wolfe said lightly: "When you met you on the island, you were just a kid who knew nothing about cultivation, so when teaching you the exercises, there were some reservations. . It’s not that I don’t want to teach you everything, but it’s really based on your time, and I can’t feel more about it.”

Hearing Wolfe's words, Li Yi nodded in agreement. Li Yi can understand him. Although cultivation has a long way to go, as a warrior, you should avoid thinking about stepping into the sky. If you want to forcibly pursue a deeper level of power when the strength is not good, then it is naturally difficult to gain something, and even more likely to be backfired.

Seeing Li Yi nod, Wolf continued: "Now I will no longer hide from you. The practice you practice is called Shura. This set of exercises was also a top-level exercise in ancient times. It was only once entered. Shura Dao, then it must be accompanied by killing. And the companion to the Shura Gongfa is the Pluto swordsmanship that I passed with you. Although only half of the swordsmanship was taught to you, but with your current strength If it can be used freely, it is also a rare opponent in the same rank."

Listening to Wolfe's words, Li Yi nodded again and again. As for Wolf's claim that Shura Dao was about to continue to kill, Li Yi immediately filtered it out. Since both advancement and advancement have progressed, if one suffers from gains and losses, that will only make one's own practice sleepy. But thinking about the power of Pluto Sword, Li Yi was deeply touched by Wolfe's story.

Although he was surprised that his practice of Pluto Swordsmanship was only half a set, but through these years of practice, Li Yi's understanding of this set of Pluto Swordsmanship, he believed that he had reached the state of entering the hall. Mo said that he was in the same rank, that is, when he was fighting with the sixth-level Wrath Beast in the Tianlan Empire, he also used the Pluto swordsmanship to stabilize the Wrath Beast. If it wasn't because the Angry Rock Beast had a unique gift, then it shouldn't be said that Li Yi wanted to behead that fellow, but it was nothing more than a show of effort.

After thinking about these in his mind, Li Yi has another understanding of his current strength. For a long time, Li Yi has been busy fighting between various forces. He always mediates with those ordinary soldiers. Even if there is a cultivator occasionally among the enemy, the difference with his own strength is also very different. So for a long time, Li Yi even forgot that his original goal was to pursue the pinnacle of martial arts, rather than to kill ordinary people all day.

Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help but sound a warning bell for himself. If this is not the inexplicable appearance of the killing god, maybe I will still be immersed in this unconscious ignorance. After having figured out the fatal wound, Li Yi thought secretly: "No matter how much vengeance is desired in the future, it is absolutely impossible to relax in practice."

And when Li Yi kept thinking, Wolfe looked at him calmly with his long sword. Although Wolfe doesn’t know what Li Yi is thinking at this time, the problem that can make Li Yi think at this time is definitely a big problem. Even Wolf suspects that Li Yi could only see himself posing Do you have an epiphany after starting the hand?

But after seeing Li Yi's slightly confused eyes, Wolfe put away his thoughts. After waiting for Li Yi's eyes to return to clear, Wolfe asked with a smile: "Li Yi, are you ready, I will show you. I will explain to you first, the second half of the Pluto swordsmanship Swordsmanship is quite powerful, even if you want to advance to the level of the Holy One in the future, you have to rely on this set of swordsmanship. So this time I will spare no effort to show you again, you have to look carefully, don’t be distracted ."

Listening to Wolfe's words, Li Yi immediately calmed his mind and said respectfully to Wolfe: "Please enlighten seniors, and juniors should study hard."

"Well." Wolfe nodded in satisfaction, then Wolfe closed his eyes slowly, and began to seriously show Li Yi the Pluto swordsmanship.

For the first half of the Pluto Swordsmanship, Li Yi originally asked himself to have reached the state of entering the hall. But after seeing the killing demo with his own eyes, Li Yi was deeply aware of his shortcomings. Li Yi didn't expect that this set of swordsmanship that he didn't know how many times he played would become so terrifying in Wolfe's hands.

I saw that after Wolf used the Pluto Sword, the whole person seemed to be transformed into a shadow. At this moment, in Li Yi's eyes, there seemed to be only a long sword, and the man who killed God seemed to be transformed into air. I saw Shura's long sword as if it had become a giant dragon, surrounded by that shadow.

And when the dragon rolled, the breath from Wolfe was extremely strange. Sometimes it is as breathless as Mount Tai, and sometimes it is like a dormant cheetah, which makes people uneasy.

Li Yi saw Fan Fei's sword shadow with his own eyes and felt the compelling momentum. The excitement in his heart was even more difficult to explain with words.

After watching Wolf show the first half of Pluto's swordsman dumbfounded, Li Yi even murmured unconsciously: "This swordsmanship has such power."

Although Li Yi's emotion was extremely low, Wolfe, who was demonstrating swordsmanship, really heard it. However, Wolf did not stop the long sword in his hand. He knew that after Li Yi saw his demonstration of the first half of the sword, his mind was somewhat relaxed. Immediately Wolf said in a low voice: "Look, I want to demonstrate. Half a set of swordsmanship."

Hearing Wolfe's shouts, Li Yi couldn't help but stunned, and then screamed ashamedly. He didn't expect that he just looked at the other party and showed half of the swordsmanship.

But seeing that the long sword in Wolfe's hands was not stopping, Li Yi did not dare to relax any more and immediately stared intently where Wolfe was.

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