I saw that after playing the last form of Pluto's sword technique in the first half of the set, the sword body did not stop thinking, and immediately began to demonstrate the subsequent sword moves.

When Li Yi saw the first set of Pluto Swords in the second half, Li Yi could no longer describe it with shock in his heart.

If it were not for seeing Wolfe demonstrating this set of swordsmanship, then Li Yi would never believe that someone in the world could interpret kendo so deeply.

If Wolff only hides in the sword shadow when demonstrating the first half of the Pluto swordsmanship, then when the second half of the sword moves begins, the **** of killing seems to start to be one with the Shura long sword in his hand. general.

With the increasing subtlety of Jian Zhao, Li Yi felt that the natural forces in this world began to fluctuate violently. What shocked me even more was that the natural force of this fluctuation was not aimless fluctuations, but it seemed to rush towards Wolfe as if he had consciousness.

As the concentration of natural forces became stronger and stronger, the power displayed by the Pluto Sword Technique became more and more difficult for Li Yi to accept.

Unconsciously, Li Yi slowly backed away. Although he wasn’t really surrounded by the sword shadow, Li Yi felt that if he ran to Wolfe at this time, he couldn’t even rely on the sharpness of the holy sword Roland. Resisted for a moment under the sword's attack.

Feeling this, Li Yi no longer thinks about the problem of face, but step backwards step by step. It was not until I quit 100 meters that I felt that it should be safe here.

After standing in shape, Li Yi continued to watch the swordsmanship demonstrated by Wolfe with shock.

I saw that the dragon transformed from Shura's long sword became clearer and clearer. When the second half of the swordsmanship progressed to the majority, the dragon turned into a real existence. Faintly, Li Yi even heard the sounds of Long Yin.

In fact, not only Li Yi now feels shocked, even Yadi and others who are far away in the barracks now feel the shocking momentum of the place where Li Yi and Wolf are now.

Although the distance is very far, Pat and Lincoln are after all five strong players. His spiritual consciousness has long surpassed that of ordinary people. At this moment, they felt the sense of oppression coming from afar, and even unconsciously sent a feeling of powerlessness from the depths of their hearts.

Aware of this, Yadi's complexion pointed to Pat where the momentum came: "Pat, do you say that Li Yi should be there at this time, he wouldn't start with that person?" Right."

Hearing Yadi’s words, Pat shook his head helplessly and said, “I don’t know. Really, in the face of this terrifying momentum, I actually felt a sense of submission from the heart. If If I fight with this person, I don’t even have the guts to lift the weapon."

Lincoln was also a solemn face at this time. Although he didn't speak, but looking at his expression, Yadi and Pat also knew that this man who had always been arrogant should also feel terrified at this time.

Not to mention Yadi and others who are far away, Li Yi, as the person closest to Wolfe at this time, the shock in his heart is beyond the reach of others. As someone who has practiced Pluto's swordsmanship, Li Yi has an unspeakable sense of closeness to the momentum released by Wolfe.

Seeing Wolf's momentum rising, slowly, Li Yi felt that Wolf really turned into a giant dragon.

Seeing this, Li Yi secretly guessed that this set of swordsmanship should be at the end.

Sure enough, when Li Yi just guessed this way, Li Yi heard a deafening roar. What surprised Li Yi most was that this roar turned out to be a dragon chant.

After Long Yin passed by, Li Yi saw the giant dragon that had just been hovering in the air and slammed into a side mountain.

What surprised Li Yi was that after the dragon encountered the dwarf mountain, it didn't even make the kind of earth-shattering sound that he expected. Instead, it didn't seem to happen, and even the Shura long sword that I had been paying attention to seemed to have fallen into the low mountains.

Just a moment later, Li Yi saw that Wolf held the Shura long sword and walked to himself in the void with no help.

After Wolf came to Li Yi, Wolf said to Li Yi lightly: "Li Yi, can you see clearly?"

As Wolfe's words landed, Li Yi felt that the earth began to shake violently. In an instant, the dwarf mountain hit by the dragon just collapsed suddenly. But in an instant, that low mountain disappeared in front of Li Yi.

Looking dumbfounded at all this, Li Yi murmured, "I didn't see clearly..."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Wolf, the killing god, couldn't help but stunned. Then the old man seemed to have thought of something, and then he smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll give you a drill again."

After all, Wolf held a long sword, and immediately set out the Pluto sword technique.

Seeing that Wolfe seemed ready to start again at any time, Li Yi immediately shouted to Wolfe: "Seniors are slow and there is no need to re-exercise it again. After observing it again, the juniors will learn by themselves."

Looking at Li Yi's slightly nervous look, Wolf's doubts were even worse. Although he was a bit ecstasy when practicing swordsmanship, but with Wolfe's understanding of Li Yi, Li Yi should not be so embarrassed.

But this time, Wolff was really miscalculated. What Wolfe had in mind at this time was all about Li Yi's talent and his previous identity, but he did not consider how far Li Yi is now from himself. In the realm of ecstasy, he used the sword of Pluto to the utmost. The last few formulas have even broken through the limits of the Holy Class. So now Li Yi is just the strength of the five-fold peak. After feeling the coercion conveyed by Wolfe up close, he can no longer continue.

So when Li Yi heard that Wolf Wolf offered to practice Li Yi's swordsmanship again, Li Yi's head shook like a rattle.

Seeing Li Yi repeatedly rejecting his "good intentions", although Wolff was puzzled by Xincun, he didn't say much in the end. After the Shura sword was put away, Wolfe no longer discussed the problem with Li Yi, but changed the subject and asked: "Li Yi, what do you plan to do next, really prepare to go there? Chuanxing province, help a woman who is just a nod to you to attack the city?"

Hearing Wolfe’s question, all the expressions on Li Yi’s face disappeared, and instead he was confused. Touching his nose awkwardly, Li Yi smiled and said to Wolfe: "Senior, actually I am confused now. I don't know if the things I do now have any meaning. I hate Alice anyway. I won’t let it go, but really, I can feel it myself. If I want to rely on the power of the world to get revenge, then the possibility is really too low."

"If that is the case, then why do you go it alone." Wolfe asked with a smile when he heard Li Yi's confusion.

"Because I don’t know what else I can do in addition to doing this. There is no shortcut at all to practice. Although I can reach the strength of the five-fold peak at the age of thirty. But I know that I want short Reaching the state of the saint within a time is simply a fool’s dream. Since that is the case, why should I cultivate while developing forces that can help me. When I was in Suzuran, Dean Gal told me. My merits The law seems to be weird. Maybe I can get a greater degree of exercise on the battlefield." Li Yi said lightly, revealing in the tone, more of helplessness.

When he heard Li Yi's emotion, Wolfe laughed loudly. After laughing, Wolf stared at Li Yi and said slowly: "Li Yi, haven't you been used to others over the years? Live under the guidance? Of course, the killing spirit on the battlefield is really helpful for you to practice the asura practice. But when you reach the level you are now, the battlefield is not very suitable for you. You can change it completely One way to practice, and don’t you think that if you want to develop your own worldly power, you have to do it yourself."

Listening to Wolfe's words, Li Yi couldn't help but shine. To say that on the way to cultivation, Dean Gal is an old strongman who has been in the seventh peak for many years. His advice to himself will certainly help him, but to say who in the world has the most practice in his practice. The right to speak, then it’s none other than Wolff.

Because this set of exercises itself was taught by Wolfe to Li Yi, and Wolfe has successfully cultivated to a height that is completely unattainable to Li Yi. Combining all factors, this is Wolfe's greatest help to Li Yi.

In connection with these, Li Yi immediately bowed to Wolff, and then said respectfully: "The predecessors said very well, so I don't know if the predecessors can point out a clear path to the juniors."

Seeing Li Yi like this, Wolfe nodded with satisfaction, and then slowly said to Li Yi: "Sura will inevitably grow with the killing. At your current level, then spend time on the battlefield. In the past, I obviously lost some gains. After I practiced to the fifth level, I began to challenge around the world. Finally, I realized the supreme state of martial arts after fighting, so I only reached the point where I am today. .. I suggest that you leave the dunya now and go to the mountains to challenge the masters or explore the dangerous places."

After listening to Wolfe’s suggestion, the confusion on Li Yi’s face has been running for hours. At this time, Li Yi's face was full of excitement, and he rubbed his hands with great interest. Li Yi asked Wolfe with a smile on his face: "So what do the deep mountains in the mouth of seniors mean? Is it in the Atlanta empire, the Tianlan empire, or the current southern border of Sai?"

As for what Li Yi said, Wolfe just shook his head slightly, and then said to Li Yi seriously: "Li Yi, this world is much more complicated than what you see now. In the eyes of the world The three great empires are actually just a ridiculous existence on the continent. Among the two remaining empires, the most powerful force is nothing more than a holy-class powerhouse. In fact, many continents still exist on this continent. You don’t know the forces. These forces are all far away from the secular world, and are self-sufficient in the mountains. These hidden world forces choose one of them. It is easy to destroy the two empires."

Hearing Wolfe’s words, Li Yi’s eyes were full of incredible looks. Although I have met a character from a so-called hidden family in the "Red Square" before, and Li Yi is also very afraid of the holy class strongman called Gandalf. But Li Yi couldn't think of it anyway, the energy of those hidden families would be so huge.

Putting away the astonishment in his eyes, Li Yi asked patiently: "What the predecessors said is true, don't those hidden families hold millions of armies each. Anyway, the Tianlan Empire and the Atlanta Empire There should be at least a million troops in China, and they still occupy many cities on the mainland. It is not that the younger generations do not believe the predecessors, but it is really unimaginable. A hidden family, even if their power is great, should be right The monstrous empire is right."

Listening to Li Yi's doubts, Wolfe only smiled inexplicably, and then said to Li Yi indifferently: "Li Yi, do you know what is the biggest difference between our practitioners and ordinary people."

"This..." Suddenly I heard Wolfe ask this question, and Li Yi couldn't help but say for a while. After thinking about it for a moment, Li Yi said flatly: "This, the younger generation has not really considered it. If you really want to tell the gap between our cultivators and ordinary people, it should be the difference in strength. With the younger generation now At this level, it should be no difficulty against 100 soldiers at the same time."

Hearing Li Yi’s explanation, Wolfe first agreed to nod, then shook his head slightly, and finally said lightly: "The reason why our cultivators have more power than ordinary people, It is because we have a heart that keeps moving forward. As long as the cultivation reaches the first level, then the cultivator has actually deviated from the scope of the normal person. And if the cultivator reaches the level of the seventh level, then this cultivator even faces at the same time Thousands of soldiers are not afraid at all. But once the cultivator's cultivation base has broken through the seventh level and reached the state of the saint, then this cultivator can already be said to be not a person."

"Why?" Li Yi asked, puzzled, after listening to Wolfe.

"Because one reaches the realm of the saint, then the cultivator is no longer relying on his own strength to fight, but is able to beat the power of the heavens and earth. The natural force of cultivation in the early years, after reaching the realm of the saint, will be From the inside to the outside, it pours out from the body of the cultivator and is compatible with the natural forces between heaven and earth, so that it has many skills that humans did not originally have." Wolff said lightly, it seems that at this time he is only talking about one. The most common thing is the same.

But as Li Yi heard, this is another realm of cultivators. Although Li Yi has only seen two Saint-level strongmen in his lifetime, the momentum emanating from them is really beyond his resistance.

Regardless of Li Yi's thinking, Wolf continued to say to Li Yi: "After reaching the realm of the saint, instead of practicing natural forces, it is better to say that the practitioners at that time were actually communicating with heaven and earth. After the natural forces in the cultivator can be fully integrated with the forces of the heavens and earth, then it proves that the cultivator has reached another level."

"God-level realm?" Li Yi guessed immediately before Wolfe finished.

"Yes, it is the god-level realm. But you must know that the god-level realm is not so simple to practice. And the god-level realm is also divided into the false **** realm, the demigod realm, and the true **** realm. In fact As long as it reaches the realm of false gods, the power of a cultivator can no longer be defined by the eyes of ordinary people. Once the realm of real gods is reached, then the cultivator is really not a person, but a real God." When it comes to the realm of real gods, Rao is a strong man of this level of Wolf, and can't help but reveal a somewhat yearning look.

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