Speaking of which, the Earl of Zhongbo stopped deliberately without continuing. Everyone had already heard the most important things, but the sudden stop of the Earl of Zhongbo made it tickle. At the beginning, the triple strongman who wanted to return this time stood up again for the first time, and said to the Earl of Zhongbo with a smile: "Sir Earl, you don't have to sell it, hurry up and say, but what happened."

"Oh, but just a month ago, this overlord sea soul beast, who had been free in the sea, was suddenly challenged by another powerful Warcraft. The World of Warcraft that came out of nowhere was also arrogant. Facing the Sea Soul Beast that has already reached the seventh level, this Warcraft not only actively provoked, but also fought against the Sea Soul Beast at sea. The two Warcraft battled at sea for three days and three nights. Only the World of Warcraft beheaded, and the body floated on the sea day and night before sinking to the bottom of the sea." The Earl of Zhongbo said slowly, as he spoke, his eyes continued to show a longing look.

However, after hearing the words of Count Zhongbo, everyone was shocked. They can't think of it, there is still a World of Warcraft that can compete with the sea soul beast. Not only can you fight with the sea soul beast, but you can also successfully kill the opponent. This strength, if any one of them is encountered, it will be cut off instantly.

You know, although the sea soul beast that has lived for nearly a thousand years will not actively harass human ports, it does not mean that it is a kind generation. As long as a human ship has accidentally sailed into its territory, they will Facing the storm-like blow. For so many years, there are really few survivors who can survive under the guilt of the sea soul beast. And when others asked them for specific information about the Sea Soul Beast, those people immediately became very panicked. Obviously already on land, but thinking of the overlord in the sea, these survivors could not help but fight the cold war.

But it was such a powerful existence that was slashed by another, more powerful World of Warcraft before everyone knew it. Such a news is really unacceptable in a short time.

Although Li Yi was like everyone else, he was shocked for a moment. But after frowning and thinking for a while, Li Yi asked Count Zhongbo: "Master Count, if such a war really happened, then no one in Hoh Hoa Port should know. But why has the war already It’s been a long time, but only you know. Oh, yes, the master of the city should know the news now."

Hearing Li Yi’s question, the Earl of Zhongbo smiled triumphantly, and then slowly said: "The reason why this news did not spread in Hoh Hoi Port is because the place where the two Warcraft wars took place, We are close to Leiteng Continent. Although we humans have no chance to see that earth-shattering war, the Warcraft on Leiteng Continent were destined to witness that war."

"So, this news is from Warcraft on Leiteng's mainland. Why did they travel across the sea and convey this news to you?" Li Yi asked curiously in the face of this strange phenomenon. .

When asked by Li Yi, the Earl of Zhongbo not only showed no displeasure, but said more proudly: "Oh, in this world, there is nothing that can not be done with money. The old man has been operating in the port of Huhe for many years. The relationship network is unimaginable by ordinary people. Although Leiteng is far away and has racial differences from us. But as long as the old man wants to know, then someone will naturally send it to the old man willingly."

"In this way, you have your information network on the Leiteng Continent?" Looking at the proud count of Zhongbo, Li Yi simply said along his line of thought.

"Exactly. The person who sent me the news this time not only sent me the news of the war, but also sent me some of the results of its research. According to his observation, the sea soul beast The big reason why it will be beheaded once is also because it has just been produced shortly, and its combat power has been somewhat impressed. After careful investigation by their people, it has been found that the sea soul beast’s den has shrunk. Unsurprisingly, the newly born Sea Soul’s World of Warcraft egg should be in its nest at this time. So after I received the news and the exact location, I would want to recruit powerful people and help I got this valuable piece of Warcraft eggs." The Earl of Zhongbo said complacently.

After listening to the story of Count Zhongbo, Li Yi finally figured out the whole story. The so-called treasure map obtained by the Earl of Zhongbo this time is nothing more than a map indicating the nest of the sea beast. Of course, as long as you can successfully dive into the sea soul beast's lair and obtain the Warcraft egg, it is not an exaggeration to call it a treasure.

However, although the sea soul beast has been passed down, and the person who communicated to the Earl of Zhongbo seems to have seen the whole process of the sea beast being beheaded, so the sea soul beast's lair should be a huge treasure unattended at this time. . But after all, the sea soul beast is the king that has occupied this sea area for nearly a thousand years. Even if it is dead, then its nest should not be so simple to be stolen.

So although the person who passed the letter to the Earl of Zhongbo has already figured out all the circumstances, but perhaps thinking that he did not have the strength of this Warcraft egg, so he simply sold this news to Earl of Zhongbo and obtained a huge wealth of comparable pursuit This ethereal thing is much stronger.

Just when Li Yi was immersed in his own thinking, the Earl of Zhongbo said again: "Okay, everyone, now I have told you everything. I can only assure you now that it only makes you taboo. The incomparable sea soul beast will definitely not appear here. But to be honest, I can’t guarantee that if you go to the bottom of the sea, you will encounter other dangers. So whether you leave or leave, you can do it now. It’s your decision."

After all the news was finished, the Earl of Zhongbo seemed calm. It seems that these strong men recruited by their own efforts are going to stay or stay, which has nothing to do with themselves.

After hearing the words of Count Zhongbo, everyone fell into contemplation at the same time. Now they have to make a choice. Whether they choose to believe that there is not much danger here, and then help the Earl get the huge reward for taking out the Warcraft eggs, or choose to leave cautiously.

After being silent for a long time, someone finally showed the idea of ​​Count Zhongbo that he wanted to stay. After a person makes a representative, someone will make a decision immediately. In the end, no one chose to leave. Seeing this, the Earl of Zhongbo laughed.

Seeing that the matter had all been resolved, the count of Zhongbo said with a big wave: "Okay everyone, since you have decided to help me accomplish this, then please go into the water." After all, the count of Zhongbo turned his attention to Li Yi and said : "Li Yi, I will ask you to lead the team this time."

"No problem." Li Yi responded confidently to the count's request.

But just as everyone was preparing to go to sea with confidence, the calm sea suddenly began to roll violently. The seawater rolled and bubbles continued to rise. Everyone looked at the sea that suddenly became abnormal, wondering what to do.

After this vision lasted for a while, from the rolling sea, a whole body of red-fired Warcraft slowly appeared.

Everyone looked at this World of Warcraft that suddenly came out of the sea in horror, and even the atmosphere did not dare to sip.

But when the whole Warcraft came out of the sea, after Li Yi saw its face, Li Yi said silently, "Red Flame Beast!?"

Hearing such abnormal calls from Li Yi, the eyes of the people on the Earl of Zhongbo ship were all focused on Li Yi for a time.

Although Li Yi is the most powerful person on this boat, since Li Yi got on board, except for occasionally saying a few words with his pet, everyone else can't hear Li Yi talking. Earlier, when the Earl of Zhongbo introduced the sea soul beast's lair, the few words Li Yi asked were already the most talked about by Li Yi since boarding the ship.

But it was such a man who appeared to be very silent in front of everyone, and he was so emotional at this time.

Everyone looked at Li Yi, because everyone heard from Li Yi's cry. At this time, this mysterious Warcraft standing out of thin air on the sea, Li Yi should know its origin, at least a little understanding of it .

And being able to do this has already satisfied everyone. After all, although these triple-strength warriors on the ship have not followed the magic hand in front of them, but from its imposing power, everyone can see that this suddenly appeared here. Warcraft is definitely not a messy guy.

Among all people, the mood at this time can be as excited as Li Yi, that is, the Earl of Zhongbo who stands at the end of the crowd. Because in the news received by the Earl of Zhongbo, the Warcraft rumored to be able to kill the Sea Soul Beast is very similar to the mysterious and unusual Warcraft standing in front of him at this time.

Unconsciously, the body began to tremble. The Earl of Zhongbo carefully moved to Li Yi, and then whispered to Li Yi: "Li Yi, have you seen this Warcraft."

Hearing the words of Count Zhongbo, Li Yi finally woke up from the shock just now. But facing the problem of the count, Li Yi could only say with a wry smile: "Oh, Lord count, someone has not only seen this Warcraft before, and even almost got involved with it. If it was not that time, there were other reasons. , Maybe I can’t stand here today."

Li Yi's words undoubtedly made the already heavy-hearted Earl of Zhongbo even more terrified. But now that he is already here, the Earl of Zhongbo still asked Li Yi unswervingly: "Then, how strong is this beast."

"If I expect it to be good, it is at least an eight-level World of Warcraft." Li Yi stared at the red flame beast on the sea, said with a lingering fear.

Although the voice of Li Yi and the Earl of Zhongbo was very small, the people on the ship were all cultivators after all, so the conversation between the two was also heard by others. After hearing Li Yi's speculation, everyone could not help but take a breath.

Just a moment ago, they were lucky to prepare to take advantage of the sea soul beast when they were killed, and went to the sea to copy the sea king's nest. But after such a short period of time, they heard another news enough to make their hearts ashamed.

Eighth-level Warcraft, what kind of existence is that. The Sea Soul Beast is only a 7th-level World of Warcraft, which can dominate this sea area for nearly a thousand years, allowing residents on both sides of the strait to change their color. But this seventh-level Warcraft was just killed, and in an instant, another eight-level Warcraft appeared above its old nest. Such a huge transformation makes it really difficult for these warriors with only three levels of strength to accept.

Seeing the timid performance of these men around him, the Earl of Zhongbo could only scold himself with hate. It's really not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant. Why do you want to come here and steal the sea beast's Warcraft egg? Although I have avoided encountering the sea soul beast now, I have encountered an existence that may be stronger than the sea soul beast.

In the face of the World of Warcraft with all the red flames on it, and the indomitable kingly spirit in it, no one on the ship can mention the heart of contending with it. Now everyone no longer considers whether they can get treasures this time. The biggest question now is, in the face of such a guy who can take their lives at any time, how can this group of people do, it is possible to escape from birth.

However, the Earl of Zhongbo is the one who has done great things in his life. Although his strength is the lowest in this ship, he is the first to wake up in the face of the majesty of the Red Flame Beast.

He leaned to Li Yi's side, and lowered his voice at the same time. The Earl of Zhongbo asked Li Yi carefully: "Li Yi, face this beast, you can be sure of your escape."

"No." Li Yi answered directly. This is true, because Li Yi is very arrogant, but asks himself that he can't now confront the Warcraft that is so deep that he can't understand it. At that time, the first encounter with the Red Flame Beast in the Wulan Mountains, Li Yi is still vividly remembered. Facing the Red Flame Beast, the two seven-strength powerhouses of the Tianlan Empire did not even dare to make it in front of it. It is even more impossible to contend with the strength of your five-fold summit.

Besides, it is now in the middle of the sea, even if Li Yi wants to turn around and run away now, there is no way to escape. Of course, although the Chi Yan beast was extremely arrogant, Li Yi did not retreat at all. Because in Li Yi's dictionary, there is no escape word. And, faintly, Li Yi always felt that this red flame beast should not harm ordinary people.

But no matter what Li Yi is thinking now, after hearing Li Yi's decisive answer, Count Zhongbo's mood became even worse. The strength of the five-fold peak, in the face of the Red Flame Beast, has no grasp of escape, so how can other people live.

But thinking of the few words that Li Yi had just said, the Earl of Zhongbo seemed to grab the life-saving straw and reopened to ask Li Yi: "Li Yi, didn't you say that you had met the Chi Yan Beast once? Once, what was the situation and how did you escape from its hands."

Hearing the question from the Earl of Zhongbo, Li Yi's eyebrows moved, and he no longer stared at Chiyan Beast, but turned his eyes to Earl Zhongbo with great interest.

In Li Yi's opinion, this Earl of Zhongbo should be a delicious lazy aristocrat. Li Yi originally thought that after seeing the Red Flame Beast, this Earl was the best performance without sitting down on the ground for the first time. But what I did not expect was that the other cultivators on the ship were now in a state of confusion. Instead, the old nobleman with no kung fu on him began to actively ask about the situation of the Red Flame Beast.

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