At this time, in the face of the coercive pressure of the Red Flame Beast, the Earl of Zhongbo can still maintain this calm, which really made Li Yi start to take a look at him. So Li Yi simply gave up his intention to perfunctory Earl Zhongbo, but said seriously to Earl Zhongbo: "I once worked as a mercenary for ten years and received a task about the Red Flame Beast. That time, I It was following two sages from the Tianlan Empire with seven levels of strength, preparing to encircle and suppress the Red Flame Beast together. In the end, although we found this beast in the Wulan Mountains, after facing its hidden power, the two The Seventh Powerhouse didn’t even dare to be too entangled with this beast, and finally we knew that it was impossible to get a slight bargain in front of it, so we hurriedly retreated."

In three words, Li Yi told the Earl of Zhongbo the circus-like siege.

"Did you dare to circumvent this beast?" After hearing Li Yi's story, the Earl of Zhongbo only felt that Li Yi and those who dared to challenge this Warcraft were really a group of lunatics.

Hearing the feeling of Count Zhongbo, Li Yi could only helplessly smile and said, "Oh, before we saw it, we thought we could fight it. But after we really faced it, we only knew, If you want to kill it, it is simply impossible."

"So, since you want to suppress it, you must have offended it. If it has reached the level of eight-level Warcraft, the wisdom should be no less than that of us humans. In that case, how can it let you go, after all, you It has offended its majesty." The Earl of Zhongbo asked very anxiously that Li Yi could survive after taking part in the siege of the Red Flame Beast. Because only by asking this clearly can the Earl of Zhongbo be able to figure out how, at this moment, they will escape.

"Oh, well, I don't know very well. Maybe it was because it had just reached the level of World of Warcraft at that time, and its strength is still unstable, so I am afraid of the two seven-strong players in our team. It is also possible Yes, it was in a good mood that day, and did not want to know us in general." Li Yi touched his nose with a wry smile, because Li Yi was also very puzzled about why they could escape that time.

Hearing Li Yi's reply, the Earl of Zhongbo could only learn what Li Yi did, with a bitter smile on his face. In fact, Li Yi was right. At this time, their group of people only encountered Chi Yan Beast by chance, and no one even dared to show a little disrespect for it. Therefore, with its strength, it should not have the same general knowledge as its own group of people. Maybe it's a good mood today, just let yourself go.

But when the Earl of Zhongbo secretly played his wishful thinking in his heart, the red flame beast who had been standing steadily on the water after slowly emerging from the bottom of the sea finally spoke.

"I'm waiting to gather so many people here, what is to be done." Chi Yan Beast stood steadily on the sea. Although the voice was not very loud, when its voice rang in everyone's ears The impact on the people on the two sea ships is not that simple.

Suddenly, the people of the two ships repeatedly lamented the same thing-it could speak, and this Warcraft could even speak out! ?

Faced with this situation, Li Yi could only smile coldly. As early as in the Wulan Mountains, Li Yi had seen it. So here, Li Yi did not make a fuss like everyone else.

"Li Yi, how could this Chi Yan beast speak out?" Rao was the very calm Earl of Zhongbo. After hearing the simple sentence of Chi Yan Beast, he became very excited and asked Li Yi about this problem.

In this regard, Li Yi said angrily: "Well, I have already said that this Red Flame Beast is at least eight-level Warcraft. With its strength, it can be transformed into any form, and it is not difficult to say a human word."

"Conform? Eight-level Warcraft?" Listening to Li Yi's story, the brain of Count Zhongbo was completely messed up.

When Li Yi first said that the Red Flame Beast might be an eight-level Warcraft, the Earl of Zhongbo had not really gone to heart. After all, the eight-level World of Warcraft is already as strong as the holy level of human beings. How can this strength exist in such an unknown sea for no reason.

But when he heard Chiyan Beast's mouth spitting words, and after listening to Li Yi's talk about metamorphosis, the Earl of Zhongbo began to really feel fear in his heart.

Looking at this at the moment, this is not very tall, but the amazing strength of Warcraft, this time the Earl of Zhongbo is really completely dead to escape the heart.

A Warcraft can even speak human language, what else can not be done. Although there is no connection between these two things, this is indeed the most real idea inside the Earl of Zhongbo.

But after talking to the Earl of Zhongbo, Li Yi immediately fell into his own thinking. When he first saw the Red Flame Beast, the Red Flame Beast could spit out people's words, and by its coercion alone, he could retreat the two Seven Strong Men. So Li Yi guessed at that time that the Red Flame Beast should have successfully advanced to the realm of Level 8 Warcraft. The reason why it just talks, but does not choose to transform, it may be that its strength was not stable at that time.

But after such a long period of time, Li Yi met the Red Flame Beast again, and found that the other party still maintained the body of Warcraft, or did not turn into a human form, which made Li Yi unable to figure it out.

You should know that the formation of Warcraft is not just a physical change. As long as it can be transformed into a human, the Red Flame Beast can immediately have the same cultivation talents as humans, instead of having to rely on hundreds of thousands of years as before. Increase your own strength.

But in the face of such a tempting choice, Chi Yan Beast didn't even touch it, and still kept the body of Warcraft. The reason for it was really pondering.

"Is it related to the trauma of its soul?" Li Yi secretly guessed in his heart.

At this moment, Li Yi suddenly remembered that when Li Yi met Cliff in the abyss of Ulan when he was about to encircle and suppress the Red Flame Beast, Cliff once mentioned Li Yi with Li Yi before he left. , Red Flame Beast has trauma to the soul.

Thinking of this, Li Yi guessed that the reason why Chiyan Beast is not transformed may be related to the trauma. Now, only this kind of explanation makes sense.

But while Li Yi was contemplating, Chi Yan Beast spoke again: "Wait, what does this mean, can't you hear me, why gather here, and if no one answers, then blame me for expelling Er waited."

Hearing the words of Red Flame Beast, the hearts of the people on both ships were cold at the same time.

In this situation, who dares to talk to it? Everyone is afraid and offends it by accidentally saying the wrong thing. The Red Flame Beast can stand alone from the air, it is enough to deter everyone. Everyone suspects that it is a sigh of breath, and it can instantly turn itself into ashes.

So although the flames of the Red Flame Beast have been heard, none of the people on the ship dare to step forward and answer.

Seeing no one talking, Li Yi will not be stupid enough to be a bird at this time. After all, I know that my own strength is not enough for Chi Yan Beast to watch. Stepping forward to speak, there will be no good fruit.

But when Li Yi held this idea, he suddenly felt that someone was pulling his sleeve. Looking to the side, Li Yi saw the Earl of Zhongbo looking at Li Yi for help now.

"Li Yi, now we have the strongest strength here. I hope you can read on our face of dozens of lives. Come forward and say a few words to it." Earl Zhongbo said pitifully.

Hearing the words of Count Zhongbo, Li Yi even had the heart to kill him. Why do you have to stand up at this time if your strength is outstanding? But when I thought about it, Li Yi also understood that if he really waited for Chi Yan Beast to be impatient, he would inevitably suffer setbacks in the end.

So with a helpless sigh, Li Yi took a step forward and walked towards the bow.

Seeing Li Yi's move, the people on the Count Zhongbo ship were relieved. As long as someone can dare to step forward to answer the question now, it is estimated that for the time being, the Red Flame Beast will not be angry without chaos.

After walking to the bow, Li Yi took a deep breath, and said to Chi Yan Beast: "Sir Beast, we are here, we just met and prepared to fish here. I didn't know that this is the land of the adults, If there is much offense, I also hope that the adult Haihan."

Hearing what Li Yi said to Chi Yan Beast, the expressions on the faces of the people on the Earl of Zhongbo's ship suddenly became richer. They didn't expect that Li Yi faced Chi Yan Beast, and even spread a panic that they couldn't even believe.

Daddy, the Hundreds of people have been sailing for three days, and they are almost crossing the strait. When they came here, they went fishing. If Warcraft is not a person, you can confuse it at will.

But at this time, although everyone had different ideas in mind, since Li Yi had already spoken, everyone could only wait anxiously to see how the Red Flame Beast behaved.

As a result, the performance of Chi Yan Beast made everyone feel at ease, because after listening to Li Yi, at least Chi Yan Beast did not show any irritable look. This shows that at least Chi Yan beast accepted Li Yi's statement.

However, the talents only felt at ease for a moment, and Chi Yan Beast's next performance made everyone frightened.

After listening to Li Yi's words, Chi Yan Beast just calmed down for a moment, then immediately snorted coldly and said, "Huh, humans, do you think it's interesting to deceive me?"

Although Red Flame Beast is Warcraft, at this time there was a sneer on his face that could be recognized by humans.

Hearing Chi Yan beast, everyone's heart is tight. Many people shouted in their hearts: "It's over, this time it's really offended to die this Warcraft. God, who made this idiot go up and talk."

However, compared with the panic of everyone, Li Yi is very calm. In the face of Chi Yan, who is overwhelming, Li Yi said without fear, "Oh, lord, good question, then what are you going to tell me, do you let me admit directly that our trip is for the sea The Soul Beast's Egg of Warcraft?"

Before the first time Li Yi stepped on the skin with the Red Flame Beast, although everyone was terrified, when they saw that the Red Flame Beast did not seem very angry, after all, there was not much fear in their hearts. .

But when he heard Li Yi's second sentence, everyone now had an idea to kill Li Yi. After all, the people on the ship of the Earl of Zhongbo knew Li Yi, so at this time, although they were angry, but because of Li Yi's strength, they could only dare to speak out.

But at this time, those people on the ship sent by the city's main house really wanted to swear. The question I faced before was Chi Yan Beast. No one dared to step forward to answer the question, but this does not mean that after Li Yi stepped forward, he could speak as he pleased, regardless of the feelings of others.

The Red Flame Beast now standing in front of everyone, although it has not been hands-on since its appearance, everyone can see from its shape and the momentum of the strong man who exudes from it all the time, this Warcraft is definitely not simple Even the unusually powerful Warcraft that rumored to kill the Sea Soul Beast may be the red flame beast standing in front of everyone at this time.

However, unlike the speculation of everyone at this time, after hearing the provocative words that Li Yi unscrupulously said, the Red Flame Beast not only did not appear more angry, but even converged the previous point of anger. . Chi Yan Beast took a few steps out of thin air and stopped when he came to a place not far away from Li Yi. Then he still said in a magnificent manner: "Oh, this is a bit interesting, you are very good, at least you are still dare Be brave."

"Thank you for the compliment." Li Yi said neither humble nor overbearing.

The momentum is not Li Yi's support, but Li Yi is very faced with this situation, and can only helplessly choose to talk directly with the Red Flame Beast.

Because at the beginning, he just told a joke to Chi Yan Beast, this incomprehensible guy immediately put on a look of anger. So Li Yi was so cruel, he asked what he simply asked. Lest it be said that the lies that could not conceal the other party were pierced by it, and then its anger was aroused. In that case, all of them who came here this time really have no chance of surviving.

And Li Yi also knows that no matter what the Red Flame Beast is because it has not yet been transformed, at least the current strength of the Red Flame Beast can also be regarded as a strong man. In the eyes of the strong, there are times when some groveling people tend to make them disgusted. And if the expression that can be expressed in the face of a powerful presence like Chi Yan Beast is a little more relaxed, there may be some unexpected results.

Through the performance of Chiyan Beast, Li Yi knew that his bold guess was right. After he didn't care much about the strength of Chiyan Beast one after another, Chiyan Beast not only didn't look angry, but began to talk to Li Yi calmly.

Seeing that the anger on the Red Flame Beast was getting less and less, the cultivators on the two ships began to slowly release their high-hanging hearts.

At this point, they really looked at Li Yi. Because all the people present knew that when they faced the Red Flame Beast, they certainly could not be as calm as Li Yi. Many people who are sober-minded know that Chiyan Beast can now show a somewhat easy-going side, perhaps a large part of the reason is because Li Yi's current calmness.

Although Li Yi does not have the strength comparable to Chi Yan Beast, at least his current calmness has won Chi Yan Beast's attention to him.

But Li Yi can ignore whatever other people think of him. The only thing Li Yi wants to know now is what Chi Yan Beast wants to do. After this powerful guy inexplicably exaggerated himself, although the hostility in the body has gradually decreased, but it did not say a word afterwards. Faced with this situation, after frowning and thinking carefully for a while, Li Yi still couldn't hold back and said to Chi Yan Beast: "Master Saint Beast, I don't know what you are thinking at this time. Sorry, I know we This pedestrian may come here to disturb you this time, but if you don’t mind, I hope you don’t care about these little things with me. As long as you nod, we will let the sea boat turn around now and then promise you From now on I will never hit the idea of ​​the sea soul beast's lair."

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