Therefore, for the sake of the safety of the Tang Realm's demon powerhouses, Li Yi had to tell the truth to Luoshen after hesitating for a long time.

"In fact, shortly after you slept, I was killed in a battle." Looking at Luo Shen, Li Yi put away the smile on his face and said solemnly.

Hearing Li Yi saying this, Luo Shen, who was still full of anger, couldn't help but stunned, and then hesitantly asked, "What did you just say, did you say you died?"

In fact, it's no wonder that Luoshen would be so puzzled, because in Luoshen's view, with Li Yi's strength, it is basically impossible for someone to be able to kill him. And Li Yi still said that he died after Luo Shen fell asleep. To know that in Luoshen's era, no one should be able to do this. But now that Li Yi has said so, Luo Shen will naturally not think that Li Yi is joking with himself.

Looking at the serious Luoshen, Li Yi had to slowly explain: "In fact, the reason I wanted to do that transaction with you in the past was to help me do something when you wake up in the future. Now look Come, the preparation I made that year is indeed worth it. Because seeing your current situation, I know that with your strength, it should be able to provide a great help for our plan. And I also know that you will like it very much Do that thing with us."

Hearing Li Yi said this, Luo Shen was even more puzzled. Because Luo Shen now wants to know what happened to Li Yi. Because Luo Shen can see, Li Yi just said that when he died, there really was no joke. So after hearing Li Yi’s explanation, Luo Shen didn’t listen to what Li Yi was talking about, but asked directly: “I’m not interested in the **** plan you’re talking about. I’m now I want to know what happened to the thing you just said. Did you really die shortly after I slept, then what is your state now, dead, soul? But what do I think, see You are a healthy and healthy living person, and also have the function of cultivation."

Hearing Luo Luo said this, Li Yi smiled first, and then went on to say: "Oh, isn't this a pavement for you, lest you can't accept it when I really tell you something later. In fact, in those days Before I made a deal with you, I always had a Chou family. This Chou family was in a different world. Her strength was so powerful that even me at that time could not compete with her at all. So I will find you, hope In the future, we will have the opportunity to seek revenge together with her. But after you slept, I couldn’t wait for a while, so I went to seek revenge first. But I didn’t expect that I hadn’t even beat her men. As a result, he died in another world."

Hearing Li Yi's explanation, Luo Shen finally had some general understanding. However, Luo Shen still has some doubts about Li Yi's claims. Because in Luoshen's opinion, what Li Yi said was really puzzling. Because the Luoshen was always the leader of the human world, competing with the practitioners of the other world. But Luoshen never knew that there were even strong people like Li Yi said in the alien world. You know, if it is the kind of person who can kill Li Yi even his men, even if Luoshen is let, he may not be able to defeat the other party.

So after thinking of this, Luo Shen asked doubtfully: "How is this possible, with your strength at that time, although it is impossible to say that it is swept across the world, at least there is a rampage for a while, it is not necessarily impossible. How is it possible? Even one of the opponent's men is unbalanced, and he can still die. Did you bully me just waking up and wondering what to do."

Li Yi didn't care too much about Luoshen's joke. After smiling for a while, Li Yi continued: "This is indeed the case. With your friendship, I don't need to make up such a lie to deceive you. It was indeed the situation that year was too complicated, and I couldn't do it alone. Coping, so I can only choose to avoid it for a while in that way. You also know that after reaching the level of you and me, it is difficult to really die. After that, I was also muddled for a long time, It was only a few decades ago that I woke up again. After decades of practice, I finally remembered what happened before, so I didn’t find it here so late."

"Is that true?" Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Luo Shen still couldn't understand it. But just as Luoshen thought, Luoshen suddenly discovered something.

"No, the atmosphere of heaven and earth here is different from the past. Has the human world now become like this?" Luo Shen immediately asked when he felt something strange.

When hearing Luoshen say this, Li Yi first looked at Luoshen with a strange eye, and then smiled bitterly, said: "Oh, who told you that this is the human world, this is the demon world, after you slept , I will seal your Luo Temple and then send it here."

"What, here is the Demon Realm? Why are you doing this? Is there no place in the human world now?" After hearing Li Yi's explanation, Luo Shen asked very excitedly.

"Don't be excited first, things are not like that. Well, you sit down and listen to me to explain to you slowly." In order not to let Luoshen get too excited, Li Yi had to sort out his thoughts and then slowly Started to explain to Luo Shen what Li Yi did after he slept.

After a long period of time, Li Yi finally explained to Luo Shen, what Li Yi did in the end.

After listening to Li Yi's remarks, Luo Shen suddenly felt that he really could not be in line with this era.

After a long time, Luo Shen slowly said: "Ah, I can't think of it, you did so many crazy things after I slept. Hey, you are willing to give up, don't you really don't want your original strength What? The 50% of the original power, no wonder your current strength is so low. To be honest, even if it is me, I will not have such great courage to make such a sacrifice."

Luoshen's words are the same as what Wolfe said before leaving. In the eyes of these powerful men, it is really difficult for Li Yi to do this. And even if Wolf can understand, it is only because Wolf knows what they will do afterwards. But now in the eyes of Luo Shen, Li Yi is really crazy to do this. Besides that, there is really no other explanation to make sense.

In fact, after hearing that Luo Yi had the power of Li Yi's five sources in the current Luo Temple, Rao Shi Luoshen had reached such a level, and it was difficult to calm down. Because Luo Shen now wants to drive Li Yi away immediately, and then absorb all the power of the original source left here. Even if he had to sleep for hundreds of thousands of years for this, Luoshen was acceptable. You know, if you can really absorb the power of the five cost sources that Li Yi stays here, then maybe Luoshen wants to enter the spirit king realm after waking up, it is not impossible.

But Luo Shen also knew that since Li Yi was able to make such a big sacrifice, it means that Li Yi must have his ideas. Although Li Yi may have paid too much for what he has to do, maybe Li Yi really has to do this if they want to succeed.

Therefore, although Luoshen was very excited about Li Yi’s original source here, after all, he also knew that many times, he did things with consequences. Therefore, Luoshen's idea only existed in the heart for a while, and then Luoshen was relieved.

And when the psychology of Luoshen changed, Li Yi also got rid of the previous sentimentalism. In fact, Li Yi himself knew that in order to do that, Li Yi's own efforts were too great. However, Li Yi also knew that if they did not do so, it would be impossible for Wolfe to contend with her alone. In order to win, in order not to endure the loneliness of that century, Li Yi can only fight. Li Yi hopes to succeed this time, and now it seems that the possibility of success is indeed very great. Because of this, Li Yi dared to make such a big sacrifice.

Now Luoshen is awake, Li Yi knows that at this time, Luoshen is not suitable for staying in the demon world. Of course, the human world is also not suitable for Luoshen. Because no matter whether it is the human world or the demon world, there are not many strong people who can accept the challenge of Luoshen. And this time is not a suitable time for challenge.

So after rearranging the emotions, Li Yi smiled and said to Luo Shen: "What you said, my friend also told me before. But I think my contribution is worth it, so I hope you can support I. The Temple of Luo is still unable to return it to you for the time being, I hope you can understand it. I will return it here when things are successful in the future. And if it is possible, maybe there will still be a part of the original power waiting here At that time, I will not take back the remaining source power, and those source powers will naturally be your reward later."

Seeing such generosity as Li Yi, even sending out his own source of strength repeatedly, this made Luoshen feel a little unacceptable. You know, this is the power of the origin, it is not a kind of practice, nor is it a magic weapon. The power of the source is the most important thing that wants to enter the realm of the spirit king, but Li Yi's current performance, it seems that he does not know its importance at all, even sending them out as gifts in general.

However, Luoshen is not the kind of hypocrisy. Luoshen is naturally ready to accept Li Yi's generosity. But after smiling, Luo Shen said very seriously to Li Yi: "Li Yi, I am naturally very grateful for your generosity. I am not that kind of hypocritical person, for your original power, I I care a lot. So since you promised to give me the remaining source power in the Temple of Luo afterwards, of course I will not refuse it. Well, now I have got a lot of things from you and it is time to return It’s time. From your description, I know that it seems that you have a very strong enemy. And to fight against this enemy, you have been preparing for a long time. But it seems that you always feel that you are not prepared enough, then if If you think I am someone who can provide you with some help, then you can tell me anything you have. Nothing else, even if it is for the original power you gave me, I should do something for you ."

Hearing Luo Shen's words, Li Yi finally smiled happily. In fact, as long as tens of thousands of years ago, Li Yi had thought when he was dealing with Luoshen. The reason why he traded with such a strong man was to be able to get some help from him in the future. Now it seems that his own chips are indeed right.

So after laughing, Li Yi said to Luo Shen very happy: "Oh, I have been waiting for your sentence. I know that you are human and you must do what you say, so I will not be polite to you. You said, now the human world and the demon world are no longer suitable for you. Whether it is the human world or the devil world, let alone the strongman of the Guiyuan realm, even the strongman of the real **** realm is very few. The reason, you will naturally know in the future. So now, you should go to another world immediately. After you get there, you will find the killing god. The killing **** is planning a big event, and after you meet, he will let you help you do something. Yes. I hope you won’t shirk by then, this is even a reward for me."

Upon hearing Li Yi's remarks, Luo Shen was immediately shocked. Especially when Li Yi said about the suitability of killing God, Luo Shen immediately asked in surprise: "Slaughter? Is that the strong man who was the leader of the human world and the Shura God in the ancient world? Is he not dead?"

Seeing such an excited look at Luoshen, Li Yi couldn't help but feel funny. Because in his view, Wolf is a trusted comrade-in-arms, but because Wolf has done so many earth-shattering events in front of the world, even a strong man like Luo Shen is hearing the name of the killing **** After that, it was a very excited look.

I looked helplessly at Luoshen now, Li Yi said with a wry smile: "Well, it was the old guy who had battled against Shura in the past. He was not dead yet and he was living very healthy. Now he is in a different world and has just left. How long, if you leave now, maybe you will be able to catch up with him right away. After you find him, I hope you don’t have to hurry to learn from him, because he also has some problems, and has only recently returned to the Guiyuan realm. But as long as you take him Explain that your things are done well, and you will definitely have many opportunities to fight the real strongmen afterwards. The current alien world is no longer the alien world of the year, and will not let you down."

Hearing what Li Yi said, Luo Shen finally had many excited thoughts. It now seems that going to a different world is indeed a very correct thing. Because there not only can meet the killing **** older than his own generation, and listen to Li Yi's story, it seems that there are many opponents worth fighting in the outside world. Isn't this kind of life what you were looking forward to?

So after thinking about the key to the matter, Luoshen immediately jumped from the stone bed, and now Luoshen no longer cares about the original power left in the Luoshen Temple. Since Li Yi still needs to do something here, it proves that the source power here can't move now. And when things are done, the source of the source here belongs to you, so don't worry now.

After trying to understand this point, Luo Shen smiled at Li Yi, and then suddenly disappeared from Li Yi. Li Yi knew that this impatient must go to Wolfe. Thinking of Wolfe they could get such a strong aid, Li Yi was relieved.

Just when Li Yi was about to turn around and leave this room, he heard Luo Shen say loudly: "The juniors in Luo Temple are better for Li Yi. Although he is weaker now, you are not allowed to have anything against him. Dissatisfied. Otherwise, when I come back, there must be something nice about you."

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