Hearing this voice, Li Yi could only help but smile bitterly. It seems that after going out for a while, he has to explain many things.

After Luoshen left, Li Yi regained his usual ordinary appearance. After all, those who are now in the Demon Realm Hall of the Luo Temple, although they saw that he could open the seal of the Luo Temple, after all, they did not know the identity of Li Yi and the strength that Li Yi had. So although Li Yi can talk eloquently when facing Luoshen, but when facing the powerful players of the Devil Realm above the hall, Li Yi will not make such a gesture.

Because Li Yi knew that he was able to talk to Luoshen on an equal footing. That was because Luoshen knew that he was a strong player in that series. Because of his friendship and understanding of Li Yi's strength, Li Yi was able to get due respect from Luoshen.

However, in the face of these demon powerhouses who know nothing about their past, Li Yi naturally will not force them to be courteous to themselves. After all, no matter at what time, in the cultivation world, the strongest is respected. Even if these powerful figures of the Devil Realm know what Li Yi's strength was, they will only be a little bit emotional, and they may not give Li Yi a glance. After all, no matter how glorious the past, the current Li Yi is only a cultivator whose strength is only in the realm of false gods.

Of course, it is also because these big brothers in the demon world simply cannot understand how strong Li Yi was. At the same time, they did not know that Li Yi actually still has a lot of original power, which was left in the Luo Temple.

Only the powerful players of the series like Luoshen and Wolff can realize how great the sacrifice Li Yi has made. Of course, it was because they knew this that they knew that if Li Yi wanted to restore his strength, although he could not immediately return to the peak state of the year, but at least he wanted to kill these big brothers in the demon world. Very easy thing.

But obviously, Li Yi will not do such a thing at all now. Because after Li Yi woke up this time, he also took a lot of things lightly. Li Yi suddenly realized at this time that many things can be done not by himself or by a few of them. If you want Asia and Europe to do great things without paving the way for yourself, it is basically difficult to succeed. What's more, it is doing what they do.

So now, Li Yi is no longer like the past, do not put these inferior practitioners in the eyes. On the contrary, in the eyes of Li Yi, a cultivator with such strength now can play a big role in the future. It is because of this that Li Yi is willing to pay for these people.

The burden on the body has been resisting for too long, and Li Yi sometimes wants to rest.

But now Li Yi is such an idea, but the big brothers in the Luo Realm Temple, but because Luo Luo shouted before leaving, he looked at Li Yi who suddenly disappeared.

Because Luo Luo shouted when he was leaving, although there was still some distance away from the big brothers of the demon world, when his voice rang in the ears of the big brothers of the demon world, the strong men of the demon world were all Feeling shocked. The reason why such a situation can happen can only explain one thing, that is, the strength of the person who spoke before has reached a very terrifying state. Otherwise, it is impossible to just make a seemingly very casual shouting, so that the power of these powerful people who are already at the peak of the Devil Realm fluctuated.

You know, even in battle, these powerful players in the demon world don’t think anyone can easily make such a big fluctuation in their hearts.

But just when they wanted to find out who the speaker was, they found that they could not find the trace of that person. It is because of this that now the big brothers of the demon world will only focus on Li Yi's heart.

Because it can be heard from the sentence that Luo Shen said before leaving, the strong man cares very much about Li Yi.

Therefore, after Luoshen left, the demon powerhouses who had been collecting the ancient skills left in the Luoshen shrine in the Luoshen shrine immediately stopped their movements.

Now almost all people have the same two ideas. One is who the voice that suddenly appeared belongs to, and the second is what Li Yi mentioned by the speaker has to do with him. .

And now Li Yi is quite distressed after hearing Luo Shen's words. Because Li Yi knew that Luoshen had gone dashing, but he would have to face those powerful players of the Devil immediately. When the time comes, it's natural to spend a lot of time talking. After all, Luoshen's identity in the Devil Realm should also be very shocking.

So since I knew I could not hide, Li Yi naturally recognized it. Helplessly smiled, Li Yi also came out of the previous room, and then went to the hall, and met with the devil lords who are thinking hard.

After seeing Li Yi appear, these powerful players in the Devil Realm are also very happy. Because they know that the only person who can solve their doubts now is this young strong who was able to open the seal of Luo Temple.

Now in their view, although this cultivator named Li Yi is not very powerful, it is clear that his identity is definitely not simple.

Among these people, this idea in Tang Hui's heart is even more intense. Because among these people, only Tang Hui knew that Li Yi had a great relationship with Wolf. And the person who can make the killer Wolfe care so much will naturally not be a generation with him. Of course, even if the mysterious identities are discarded, it is enough to say that Li Yi can achieve such strength at this age, which is actually enough for these powerful players in the demon world to face squarely.

So after seeing Li Yi appearing, Tang Hui was also the first to walk in front of Li Yi, and then smiled and said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, where did you go just now."

Hearing Tang Hui asking this question, Li Yi naturally knows what Tang Hui wants to know. After all, Li Yi knows that the words of Luoshen must have made these big brothers in the heart of the world very curious about their identity.

But now Li Yi is also quite distressed because Li Yi really does not know how to explain his relationship with Luoshen to these people. After all, if Li Yi himself told them directly that he had made a deal with Luoshen before tens of thousands of years, so he had some intersection with Luoshen.

If this is the case, Li Yi really does not know how to face these practitioners of the devil world in the future. Because as long as this is said, and these powerful people in the demon world also believe their own statements, it means that Li Yi is a cultivator who existed tens of thousands of years ago. But on this basis alone, these powerful players in the Devil Realm should be able to guess that Li Yi must have been a very powerful person. But now the situation is that Li Yi's strength is nothing but a false **** state. In this way, there is a big deviation from his true statement. So Li Yi really doesn't know how to explain things about Luoshen to these demon cultivators, so in the face of Tang Hui's problems, Li Yi could only helplessly smile.

But seeing Li Yi's appearance, the demon powerhouses present felt that Li Yi's identity was more mysterious, so after waiting for a while, Tang Hui found that Li Yi still hadn't answered, he could only continue to ask Tao: "Oh, are there many things that are inconvenient to say, anyway, I'm just a little bit interested. I'm waiting for you to say, I hope you can tell me."

Hearing Tang Hui saying this, Li Yi suddenly became more embarrassed. And it happened that at this time, Li Yi suddenly thought of a very reasonable reason to be able to stigmatize this matter in the past and present.

So Li Yi smiled and said to Tang Hui: "Oh, there is nothing to say. Since you want to know, I will tell you from the beginning."

Tang Hui also smiled when he heard this from Li Yi, and then said lightly: "I would like to hear the details."

"I think you should also be very curious, why can I open this seal in front of the Luo Temple." Li Yi looked at Tang Hui with a smile and said slowly.

"This is natural. You know, we old folks have lived in Wuwu Mountain for hundreds of years, and for hundreds of years, we have been constantly trying to come up with a way to crack the seal of Luo Temple. But a few A hundred years have passed, but we haven't made any progress. But today you just came here and cracked the seal so easily. If you are not curious, it is really fake. But we also know that this The matter must also be a secret to you, so we didn't ask directly." Hearing Li Yi's words, Tang Hui replied with a smile.

After hearing Tang Hui’s words, Li Yi also smiled pretendingly, and then slowly opened his mouth and continued to say: “Oh, this is actually not a secret. In fact, before Luo Temple, I thought It is necessary to keep this secret. After all, this is the secret of our family. Only after I saw the person I want to see, the predecessors of the family told me that it was time to make the secret public, so now to me , For you, this is no longer a secret."

Hearing Li Yi saying this, Tang Hui and the powerful players behind Tang Hui were surprised. Because from Li Yi's words, these demon powerhouses basically have their own ideas. And it is also because of the current idea in their hearts that they will feel very excited. Because if what they think now is what Li Yi wants to say, then what Li Yi wants to say is definitely a great thing.

Because of the analysis of Li Yi's words, they all guessed a little, that is, this is the Luo Temple, and the seal around the Luo Temple is very strange and unbreakable. Before they had spent hundreds of years, they couldn't do this, but today they let a junior who only has the realm of false gods do. This kind of thing, only one explanation can make sense, that is, this Li Yi must have mastered the secret of the Luo Temple's seal, so this will be done.

In Li Yi's words, they also heard that this Li Yi did have a small connection with Luo Temple. It seems that in the seal of Luo Temple, there is a seal of his family's predecessor. As for the predecessor he said, if there is no accident, it should be the strong man who can make their minds fluctuate in just one sentence.

And the identity of the strongman naturally made them very concerned. After all, being able to be sealed in the Temple of Luo can only explain one thing, that is, this person must not be a small role. And now that he is born, it will certainly bring a lot of fluctuations. I just don't know that his birth is a blessing or a curse for the devil. However, from this Li Yi's words and deeds, these demon powerhouses speculated that the previous strongman who had been born out of the air should not cause any trouble to the demonworld.

It is because of these speculations that the powerful players in the Demon Realm are very interested in Li Yi's next story. Because now they are eager to know what happened in this Luo Temple.

Seeing that these powerful men of the demon world were aroused by their own words, Li Yi also smiled secretly. Because in Li Yi's opinion, no matter what lies he said, he should be able to fool it.

So Li Yi coughed a little and continued to say, "The reason why I was able to open the seal in front of the Luo Temple was because the seal was laid down by my ancestors. When the seal was laid, The ancestor is also a method of cracking left for the descendants of our family. The ancestor said that our family would come to crack the seal after tens of thousands of years. At that time, the ancestor will lead our family to the final glory."

Li Yi talked, and now Li Yi seems to be obsessed with making up stories. When talking about Luoshen, Li Yi even believed it himself.

Seeing that the demon powerhouses present had a high interest in listening to the story, Li Yi naturally did not disappoint these people, and immediately continued to say: "The ancestor wanted his own realm in order to practice a practice. I went to a higher level, so I chose the self-seal. Just now, after I finally saw the ancestor, I found that the ancestor finally practiced magic, which is really a great joy for our family. "

Speaking of which, Li Yi himself praised his ability to compose stories. Because he was talking, Li Yi was about to enter the story he wrote.

That is because Li Yi said it was too vivid, and in Li Yi's breathless space, Tang Hui immediately interjected and asked: "You said so much, so did you say who your ancestor is."

Hearing Tang Hui asking this question, Li Yi deliberately smiled proudly, and then said one word at a time: "The ancestor of the family had already dominated the party tens of thousands of years ago, and everyone should have heard about it. The ancestor's name is inconvenient. However, the name of the ancestor was very loud, and people in the practice world are used to calling the ancestor Luoshen."

After listening to Li Yi's name of Luoshen, these powerful players in the demon world immediately took a breath. Because the name of Luoshen is so familiar to them, because in the practice world, that is, tens of thousands of years ago, in the era of Luoshen, a cultivator ran rampant. In the days when Luoshen was in power, not to mention the Devil Realm, even the practitioners in the other world, when referring to Luoshen, must avoid three points.

So now I heard that Li Yi said that the ancestor of their family turned out to be Luoshen, and that Luoshen turned out to be self-sealing for cultivation. Hearing this, these powerful realms were really speechless.

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