Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 207 Will you let go!

The rigorous black motorcade drove into the mountains, and the hot sun at eleven o'clock illuminated the entire mountain forest.

Inside the Rolls-Royce Phantom, the air-conditioning temperature was low and the atmosphere was particularly dull and depressing.

"Sir, Brother Ting's affairs were originally planned for the afternoon..."

Shen Bai stopped talking. He couldn't ask more questions about the quarrel between the master and his wife.

Huo Yu didn't even raise his head, his eyes were always fixed on the mobile phone in his palm. On the bright screen was the chat record page with Song Qing.


Her thin lips parted slightly, and her voice was calm and gentle.

Shen Bai respectfully agreed. He held the steering wheel and focused on driving without saying anything to persuade.

What I decide is beyond his control, not to mention that family matters are indeed more important than outside matters.

The black motorcade drove smoothly into the manor, and everyone in the open and hidden lines breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be great if I come back. Although it is my order, they are not willing to conflict with Madam unless it is absolutely necessary.

Madam is my wife, and since they are both men, it is not appropriate for them to have any physical contact.

I also need to ask Special Assistant Shen for advice. It will be more convenient to hire a few female bodyguards in the future.


There was not much movement as the motorcade entered the manor, but the noise from the group of people in the open line was so loud.

More than a dozen people were notified and drove over from the mountains and down the mountains and gathered in the small villa next door.

Here in the main building restaurant,

Song Qing paused in his ladle of soup, and raised his finely trimmed eyebrows, clearly puzzled by this.

Putting the blue and white porcelain spoon to her red lips, she looked at Aunt Wu who was carrying the last dish into the restaurant and seemed to mention it casually,

"Auntie, what happened today? Why do I hear the sound and there seem to be a lot of people coming next door?"

Aunt Wu put the boiled kale on the dining table, took three or four steps back, and then answered with a smile,

"Madam, there were a lot of people coming next door today. I don't know why. They came around a little after 10:30 in the morning.

I looked at the cars. Some were driving down from the mountain, and some were driving up from the bottom of the mountain. I don’t know what happened. "

Aunt Wu doesn’t understand these formations very well, let alone the so-called capital circle.

She knew that her son was working beside her husband, who ran one of the largest group companies in Beijing.

"A little after half past ten?"

Song Qing keenly captured this moment and her eyes met the man walking at the door of the restaurant. The smile in his eyes was very meaningful.

Aunt Wu didn't notice at all and didn't find anything wrong. She nodded and continued the words smoothly.

"Yes, madam, it was around ten o'clock. I was choosing dishes and went out to take a look."

Out of the corner of her eye, Aunt Wu saw Huo Yu appearing at the door of the restaurant, and her face lit up with joy.

"Sir, you are back just in time. I have prepared all the dishes. You can have lunch with my wife just in time."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Huo Yu nodded politely, his handsome and noble face looked so calm that no change could be seen.

"It doesn't matter whether it's hard work or not, it's all my responsibility."

Aunt Wu waved her hands and left the restaurant happily. It was also a happy thing that the person who had prepared the hot meal rushed back to eat it.

As soon as Aunt Wu left, only the husband and wife were left in the brightly lit restaurant.

Huo Yu was tall and majestic, and his slender legs under his suit trousers walked steadily toward Song Qing. He did not sit down immediately, but stood silently.

The height of nearly 1.9 meters casts a large and faint shadow, shrouding the woman in it, giving the illusion that she is declaring sovereignty in disguise.

He may not have played the game of chess carefully when he chose to hide it from her, but there were many ways to come back when he was about to be exposed.

Dudu didn't expect that in the end he would be defeated by a move he made, a move he made because he was afraid that she would leave him silently.

The man's silence at the moment was equivalent to acquiescence. The blue and white porcelain spoon was placed heavily back into the matching soup bowl.

Song Qing laughed angrily, raised her chin slightly, and raised her dazzlingly beautiful face, confronting Huo Yu's narrow, dark eyes without hesitation.

"Husband, aren't you going to tell me something, huh?"

Okay, this man is really good!

Let her guess when the dog man regained his memory!

It was yesterday at noon, or it was the time when I rubbed my thumb unconsciously, or it was even earlier!

Huo Yu's awe-inspiring three-dimensional brows, a fleeting look of frustration, and his broad, warm and dry palms covering the top of the woman's soft hair,

"Don't be angry."

Song Qing rudely knocked off the palm that was pressing on her head, and stood up from her seat.

She stepped on stilettos to get around the obstruction of the man's figure and wanted to leave. Her anger at being deceived can be imagined, and her waist suddenly tightened.

The strong arms easily wrapped around the waist, and the restraint was so strong that it was impossible to break free.

"let go!"

Song Qing did not expend any effort to resist, because she knew that it would be in vain.

Even though Huo Yu didn't take any action in the boxing ring yesterday, she could still make a preliminary judgment on how powerful this man was.

Not to mention the emotional catharsis between the two yesterday afternoon. Her legs are still slightly numb to this day.

And in order to show that she had figured it out and was in a good mood, she wore six centimeters of extremely thin stilettos under her feet.


Huo Yu's eyelids were drooped and he couldn't see clearly the turbulent emotions in his deep eyes. The protruding Adam's apple slid up and down, and two obscure words spilled from his throat.

"Don't call me Qingqing!"

Every word was almost squeezed out from between Song Qing's teeth. She originally thought she was the only one who was crazy. Now it seems that Nangong Yu is also crazy.

She covets his body and eats him in this other world while others are in danger, but what about Nangong Yu?

The person who has never been moved by her from the beginning to the end is not crazy. How could he not stop her from going crazy like her?

Marry her, kiss her, have sex with her!

Even to this day, he speaks sweetly, full of tenderness and affection. This is not the cold-tempered and heartless Emperor Dayuan in her memory.

He is not the dog man she has been happy with for ten years. Nangong Yu's heart is like the ice on the top of the snow mountain that will never melt for thousands of years.

No matter how hard she worked for more than twenty years, she could not warm up or melt even a little bit.

He who carefully planned the layout to deceive her could only be a madman, a complete madman!

"Nangong Yu, are you letting go?!"

Xiaobai's group of people were still making noise outside. She didn't want to cause too much trouble, but it was as if Huo Yu couldn't hear it.

He held his arms tightly around his waist without letting go or saying a word. His strong and tall body was as wide as a sculpture.

Song Qing was suddenly held up and picked up. She didn't even have time to reprimand before she met the man's bloodshot eyes.

The anger of having been concealed and deceived returns, and love is covered by anger instead of disappearing.

His heart was stung by a sharp and slender poisonous needle, and it suddenly tightened and hurt, causing him to choke, and the tip of his throat felt astringent, "You..."

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