Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 208 Please move your noble dragon body

"Don't leave."

His mellow voice was dull and dry, his eyes fixed on the woman he was imprisoned in,

Waiting for the answer he wanted, the man with the same expression suddenly lost his composure.

"Put me down. This is the restaurant. Let Aunt Wu come in and see what it's like."

Song Qing's tone softened. Adults have to take into account the surrounding situation in many things.

She was also angry just now, and it was inappropriate to leave the door of the restaurant open for people to come in and see her.

"Don't leave."

Huo Yu just repeated these two short words, and the red bloodshot traces all over his eyes were clearly visible.

A man who is on the verge of losing control is trying his best to suppress the violent factor deep in his heart, and urgently needs to be comforted by his beloved woman.

Song Qing's mood was very complicated. Before that, whether in the Great Abyss or in this other world,

She had never seen the man in front of her lose his temper like this before. There was an answer in her heart that was ready to come out, but she didn't look away from her beautiful eyes.

"You put me down first, I won't leave."

She opened her mouth with slightly pursed red lips, sounding like a helpless compromise, but she knew very well what was really involved.

The restaurant was very quiet, and the voices of Aunt Wu and a group of bodyguards outside could be heard clearly.

The moment the high heels touched the ground, I didn't know if it was because my blood had just surged to my head or something,

Song Qing's body swayed uncontrollably, but fortunately Huo Yu, who was guarding him from behind, held his shoulders and managed to avoid falling.

Wearing a tube top skirt, the shoulders are naturally exposed to the air, and the temperature in the man's palms can be clearly sensed.

Thinking that the person in front of him was Nangong Yu, Song Qing felt a little unnatural and wanted to avoid it.

Recalling the tumultuous relationship between the two of them yesterday, I felt that the delicate red lips were too pretentious.

"Let's eat first. I just woke up and I'm very hungry."

The aroma of the food filled the air everywhere, and the couple who should have been quarreling at the top of their lungs were eating peacefully.

Peeling off the shells of braised prawns with delicious meat one by one, they silently put them into the porcelain bowl at hand.

Song Qing's heart froze, and she looked at Huo Yu's untouched bowls and chopsticks. His eating movements slowly stopped.

He tilted his head and accidentally bumped into the man's deep, dark eyes that were focused on his face.

"Eat, see if I'm not full."

Huo Yu angrily picked up a piece of green pepper beef and put it into his bowl. There were quite a few differences in taste between the two.

Bai Cha is a big fan of seafood. They often eat together and are somewhat affected.

Nangong Yu and Huo Yu are essentially the same person, except for some differences in temperament.

Other habits and hobbies are not much different, such as rarely eating seafood.


Huo Yu was almost docile and began to eat obediently. The lion that was wandering on the edge of losing control seemed to have calmed down.

Only the stiffness of Ang Zang's tall figure betrayed the high tension of his master's spirit.

After finishing the green pepper beef with one chopstick, Huo Yu didn't pick up any more vegetables and ate the white rice in the bowl without saying a word.

It's more like chewing wax than eating. People who prefer to eat seem to have no idea.

When another chopstick with green bamboo shoot tips was added to the bowl, Huo Yu paused with his long and well-proportioned fingers holding the chopsticks.

"I'm asking you to eat, don't you have to do it all the time? How old are you, do you still have to worry about eating?"

The woman's dissatisfied voice seemed to be careless and lazy, and when she looked out of the corner of her eye, she could only see her beautiful profile.

He lowered his eyes without any trace, hiding the bursts of warmth and ecstasy in his dark eyes.

Things were not as bad as he originally thought, and the woman he loved so much that he wanted to melt into his bones and blood also responded.

How can true love be a one-man show, miraculously annihilated by a storm.

It’s past twelve noon,

The private manor is particularly quiet at this time, with cicadas chirping tirelessly in the mountains and forests.

The cloakroom door on the second floor opened, and the six-centimeter stiletto heels on the beauty's feet were replaced by comfortable flat shoes.

Unexpectedly, when she saw the man leaning against the door frame, Song Qing raised the ends of her eyes deeply.

Aunt Wu on the left and right has gone back to rest. She and Huo Yu are now the only two people in the main building.

He moved forward, raised a pair of weak and boneless arms and placed them on the man's warm shoulders.

Under the intense gaze, slender and shiny fingers smoothed the wrinkles of the black shirt,

"Your Majesty, don't keep staring at me with such burning eyes. I will mistakenly think that the emperor has deep affection for me."

The sultry tone of voice speaks specious words, and there is no shortage of uncertain temptations in it.

The waist was clasped by Huo Yu's broad, dry palms, and his graceful body staggered slightly forward.

The whole body is so close to the strong body, and the body temperature between each other is in perfect harmony.

The chin was raised gently, and when the rippling beautiful eyes met the eyes as deep as the sea,

The delicate and alluring red lips have been covered with kisses, and the ultimate tenderness has never been experienced before.


After a brief kiss, Song Qing still kept her chin slightly raised because she was too surprised. She wanted to confirm that the suspicions and conjectures in her heart were correct.

But that doesn't mean that she doesn't take the blame for his deception, and just kisses him as much as he wants, so casually?

For the second time today, I didn't expect to be suddenly picked up. His hands were on Huo Yu's neck, and his eyes were filled with anger at the same time.

"Nangong Yu!"

"Put me down. Who allowed you to hug me? Who allowed you to kiss me? The king of a country has no shame!"

Huo Yu allowed the wild cat at home to show its sharp claws at him, and walked steadily towards the master bedroom next door.

The smile was obvious on his handsome face, and his anxious heart finally calmed down for a short time.

"The Dog Emperor!"

The sentence "The Dog Emperor" that had been stored in my heart for a long time was finally cursed when the man was bullying me and I couldn't move. The tips of my ears felt numb.

Song Qing's whole body froze, and the spacious and bright room was completely silent at this moment.

"Qingqing, there is no doubt, I love you and I love you, I always have."

The mellow and sexy voice whispers ambiguous words of love between lovers in the woman's ear.

Song Qing could even feel the roots of her ears getting hot and red quickly. Without thinking, she put her hands on her chest and tried to push them away.

Huo Yu, however, had already expected it, and easily wrapped his beloved woman's soft hand with his palm,

"Qingqing, Qingqing..."

The two words rang in Song Qing's ears over and over again, as if to make up for her regret in not allowing him to call her Qing Qing in the restaurant.

Nearly three minutes passed,

Song Qing's heart gradually calmed down, and she was finally able to ensure that her tone of voice was smooth and not shaky.

I took a deep breath and tried to stabilize the last bit of my chaotic mood. Unexpectedly, the ups and downs were too large.

The two of them were so close to each other that the awkwardness was unavoidable. Their long eyelashes flickered slightly and they coughed guiltily.

"That's it. Don't you know how heavy you are? Please move your noble dragon body."

When he said this, his tone was pretending to be the high priest's otherworldly coolness, not counting the fact that she had been kept in the dark.

The joy she had spent in Dayuan for more than twenty years was a debt. She had always held grudges and loved to settle old scores.

Why should a bitch man accept her if he says he likes her? The high priest has never been an easy person to talk to, but he can just have his dream.

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