Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 209 Why in the first place

Probably because he was afraid that his own weight would stifle her if he kept pressing it like this, Huo Yu no longer acted like a rogue.

When he had a chance to breathe, Song Qing saw the opportunity and used force on his waist to escape.


When he got up, the man behind him stretched out his arm and pulled it back without any resistance.

The change of position this time made me no longer bored, but Song Qing still couldn't be happy.

"Where do you want to go, Qingqing?"

With a calm voice and an equally unfathomable expression, the woman's waist can be easily controlled with a single hand.

What a coincidence, the tube top dress that the hostess has the honor to choose is hanging in the cloakroom today.

In order to highlight the unique design, there is a hollow on the waist, connected only by three extremely fine silver chains.

The rough fingertips came into contact with the delicate skin, and they rubbed back and forth twice almost out of instinct and unconsciousness.

Huo Yu's long and dark eyes narrowed, and the word "soft" automatically appeared in his mind.

As well as the ups and downs of the two people's previous scenes, the sharp and sexy Adam's apple can't stop rolling.

Such unusual reactions fell into Song Qing's eyes one by one, and her impeccably beautiful face turned dark instantly.

The past two months can be said to be long or short, at least the other person's reaction will be when he is emotionally moved.

We know each other very well, but at this time, it doesn't matter if the dog emperor doesn't repent, but he still has his own thoughts?


A cold sneer appeared on her flaming red lips, and her fingers were doing a French manicure.

Little by little, he pulled at the man's hand that was holding him captive, and never forgot to say irritating words.

"Where else can we go? Since Your Majesty has recovered his memory, I should retire after my achievements.

It is absolutely impossible to stick to your side all the time, not to mention the distinction between men and women between kings and ministers. "


At this moment, the cell phone placed on the bedside table vibrated and the pleasant ringtone of an incoming call rang in the room. Song Qing had even more reasons.


As soon as he uttered a word, his rose petal-like lips were covered by rough and warm fingertips, and they were lightly rubbed.

"Qingqing promises not to call me emperor in the future, and if you don't treat me like a king and a minister, I will let you go and let Qingqing pick you up."

Song Qing's eyelids twitched twice, look, look, the bitch man doesn't even pretend anymore.

The overbearing, autocratic and unquestionable style of conduct is back, it’s simply outrageous!

Song Qing was used to being soft-spoken, and the atmosphere in the room fell into a stalemate for a while.

The ringtone of the cell phone continued to ring for a long time. Finally, Huo Yu was defeated and sighed helplessly.

The tight circle around her slender waist was loosened, and the woman's butt was slapped with a punitive hand.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone, don't be angry."

This is the tenderness and concession that can only be found in Huo Donor. Song Qing felt in a daze for a while, and she wanted to soften her heart out of habit.

However, the man couldn't let go of his bad behavior just now, and he snorted with pride, like a spoiled and pampered wild cat.

The call was from Miaoshui. The old lady was worried, so she had to call her disciple to check on her.

"Has the emperor really recovered his memory? Oh, that's so good. No one from my Xuanmen can recover it.

He is indeed a good young man who has the fate of an emperor and is entrusted with the destiny of heaven. What's wrong with his dragon body? "

Who can understand the anxiety and nervousness that the old lady was feeling at this moment? She said that paper cannot contain fire.

Sooner or later, her disciple would find out, but she didn't expect that day to come so quickly.

However, the disciple's tone didn't sound like he was filled with anger, and he didn't know what was going on with the two children now.

"What's wrong with him? He's fine!"

Song Qing's eyes were cast angrily at the man with his slender legs crossed and his arms wrapped around the door guarding the room.

This sentence was said through gritted teeth, and Miaoshui could immediately tell that there was something wrong with it.


I want to persuade him to speak but I don’t know what to persuade him. The disciple who raised me knows this.

What this child cares most about is the women in the emperor's harem, but there is nothing he can do about it.

"Master, I have something to do here. I'll hang up now. I'll go see you another day and buy you some candies."

In fact, at this time, we should mention the matter of returning to Dayuan, or at least mention the Nine Stars Lianzhu.

But she didn't mention it. She knew better than anyone why she didn't mention it.

"Oh, okay, go get busy, kid."

The old lady herself is not a particularly meddlesome person, so she will let her take care of her children and grandchildren as they wish.

It was heartbreaking for both her and the Queen Mother to do this. If the two children could not be together,

That can only mean that there is really no fate. Fate is a destiny and cannot be forced.

After hanging up the phone, Song Qing casually threw the phone onto the soft bed and walked to Huo Yu.

He reached out and grabbed the open collar of the black shirt without any regard for dignity.

"Why, Donor Huo wants to restrict my personal freedom and keep me like a canary in your backyard?"

These three words of "Almsgiver Huo" undoubtedly pleased the man. He was completely conniving at the woman's behavior at the moment. He unexpectedly kissed her soft lips,


"But dare not and will never do that."

Such an answer was unexpected by Song Qing. She was stunned and asked a man to pick her up in the air for the third time today.

Lying back on the soft big bed, the curtains on both sides of the bedroom were pressed and closed slowly.

Most of the bright light was blocked, replaced by a drowsy, soft light.

"Why, because you know I'll be angry if you do that?"

Song Qing did not think about leaving the manor this time, and temporarily separated from Huo Donator, who had recovered his memory, for a few days to calm down.

He poked the man lying on his side holding him in his arms with his fingertips, becoming somewhat interested in the answer.

"Well, that's one of them."

Huo Yu took the woman who had finally settled down and stopped making noises in his arms and brought her closer to him.

With his eyes closed, his strong and three-dimensional brow bones showed signs of fatigue, and his chiseled jawline,

Pressing against the soft and fragrant hair of Iris, the thin lips pursed into a cold arc opened gently and slowly,

"It was my fault when I was in Dayuan. I shouldn't have restricted you in everything like that, regardless of whether you were happy or not.

Qingqing is Qingqing, not my property, others are just like me. How can I not give her the respect she deserves? "

Song Qing's heart was beating fiercely. It was undeniable that she loved such a dog man to death.

But so what, everything between the two of them will be brought back to where it started when they return to Dayuan.

Before this different world of monogamy in the future, she was so arrogant that she did not want to share the same husband with other women.

What's more, I have lived here for twenty-five years and enjoyed occupying Huo Donor for more than two months.

Her long eyelashes flickered and she drooped down, her whole body lazily nestled in Huo Yu's broad arms,

"You clearly had no interest in the throne at the beginning, why did you end up sitting in that position again."

If not, she wouldn't have followed him obsessively for more than twenty years.

This question was something she had always wanted to ask in her heart but never asked.

Everyone, do you want to be tortured? Want to talk?

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