Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 210 You can go out to play, but you have to go home

The crisp ambergris lingers on the tip of the nose, and the rhythmic heartbeat is very close at hand.

The room fell into silence for a long time, and Song Qing's long eyelashes no longer showed any intention of fluttering.

"I have overstepped my bounds."

Deliberately distanced, the ending sounds are cold and cold.

She moved her body slightly to try to get rid of her temper, but her long fair legs were pressed by the slender legs under her suit pants.

With absolutely strong and unshakable strength, the fingertips filled with warmth caressed the soft waist,

"Qingqing, if you don't want to cry anymore."

The air conditioner that ran for a while filled the whole room. I was wearing a light and breathable summer skirt.

The two of them were sleeping on the thin quilt, and strands of coldness ran from their calves to their shoulders.

After a while, Song Qing, who felt a little annoyed in her heart, stretched out her arms to hug the man's narrow waist.

A dazzlingly beautiful face nestled against a hard and warm chest, leaving only the waterfall of wavy black hair exposed.

Like a wild cat that is afraid of the cold in the cold weather, it curls up into a ball and nestles in the arms of its owner.

Huo Yu, who had closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes, revealing smiles on his noble and three-dimensional face.

His big palm gently clasped the back of the woman's head in his arms, a sign of indulgence and tenderness unique to one person.

The villa next door,

A variety show was playing on the TV in the living room, and several bodyguards were sitting on the sofa smoking and relaxing.

Shen Bai stood alone at the gate and made a phone call. Matters involving work were routine and rigorous.

"Brother Ting, something happened on our side. Please let me know that you will take over the voting rights of this meeting in Nancheng."

On the highway section from Beijing to Nancheng, the black Maybach was driving at a constant speed.

Jiang Ting held a cigar between his fingers and puffed away the smoke. Hearing this, his severe eyebrows furrowed deeply. The care between brothers cannot be less.

"What happened?"

The meeting in Nancheng is a matter on the Ming side. Ayu's status on the Ming side,

But it's much more important than him, who is just a superficial person at best. How big a deal does it mean that he won't come if he can't do it?

The relationship between the master and his wife is not an internal secret that cannot be disclosed.

Shen Bai simply took a sip, and Jiang Ting stubbed out the almost-burnt cigar in the ashtray.

The whole person leaned back on the seat, one of his long legs was raised 100% in a big-man posture, and he clicked his tongue twice.

"Ayu is going to risk his country for a beauty. Doesn't this give a chance to those old guys who want to bring him down?"

Knowing that A Yu's decision was not something Shen Bai, a subordinate, could interfere with, Jiang Ting had no intention of embarrassment.

His fingers played with the silver cold metal lighter, given by Jiang Xinghe, and he accepted it reluctantly.

"That's okay. You should try your best to ask Ayu to come over in person. You also know that I don't have the say in this matter openly.

There are more people who want to kill your father, but there is no time? Is Ayu’s private jet a decoration? Bad influence? Why do you worry about so many bullshit things?

I happen to have a piece of land here. Azuo will send you the specific location later. You can take a look at it and bring your father over. The plane will land on my piece of land. "

"I'll have to ask Ah Yu to reduce your annual salary later."

Jiang Ting was accustomed to being quick and resolute in his tactics. Before hanging up the call, he calmly and sadly said this:

Shen Bai at the gate of the villa was holding his mobile phone, listening to the busy tone in his ear, and looking at the neatly trimmed green plants by the gardener.

His heart ached repeatedly. He was right to think about it. Why was he still being hated by Brother Ting?

Looking up at the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of the main building, I can't believe Brother Ting's one-sided words about me.


Sighing, Shen Bai put his phone in his trouser pocket and strode into the living room, looked at the smoke-filled sofa and said,


Everyone sitting on the sofa looked over at Shen Bai. A Yi put out his cigarette and stood up suddenly.

"Brother Bai, what's wrong?"

"Call and inform the brothers on the other side of the plane that the inspections that need to be checked may be needed later."


After explaining one thing, Shen Bai still had other things to deal with. Huo Yu was busy himself.

It is conceivable that the people under his command will not be idle anywhere, and the salary that is several times higher than that of ordinary people is not free.

About half an hour passed,

Song Qing didn't know whether Huo Yu fell asleep, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

From yesterday to around ten o'clock this morning, my body has already recovered from the torment. I am a person who cannot stay at home.

The peaceful half-hour was entirely out of concern for the man's tired aura, and he didn't want to continue pretending to be asleep or wake up Donor Huo.

Song Qing could touch the noble's dumb point when he disliked Xu Shen's noisiness. Now he could reach out and touch Huo Yu's sleeping point.

"Not tired?"

With sleepy hoarseness, the broad and dry palm wrapped the woman's hand trying to do something bad,

Song Qing's mouth dropped and she felt bored again. The dog man with memories was indeed not as cute as before.

If she had known it earlier, she would not have exposed it. The curvaceous Iris Hua Qianxiang's delicate body slid into Huo Yu's arms,

"I didn't get up until ten o'clock after sleeping too much. I want to go out and play. How about you sleep by yourself? Husband~"

A soft act of coquettishness and submission at the right time are often the most fatal and effective.

Men are born with a desire to conquer, and even people like Huo Yu are not immune to it.

The catkins wrapped in the palm of the hand were taken up and kissed on the thin lips, the dark eyes were full of tenderness,

"It's okay to go out and play, but you have to go home, eh?"

Song Qing almost drowned in this tender look from the deep sea, doing all the tricks just for show,

Also out of the love accumulated over the past two months, I leaned forward and kissed her lips that were pursed into a cold arc.

After the kiss, she felt that the matter of being cheated could not be over, so she teased and patted the handsome face with her delicate hands,

"Well, I will come back to favor the emperor."

The words "The Emperor favors the Emperor" made Song Qing's tears and moles fly with arrogance. The women in the harem who regarded her as a thorn in their side,

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the dog man to favor her, but she is different. She is the queen who favors Nangong Yu.

A deep laugh escaped from Huo Yu's throat. How could the king of a country who could control the world's trends fail to see the little thoughts of the person in front of him?

"Drive slowly. If you can't solve the problem, call me and I will handle it."

After saying this, her eyes turned to the three silver chains of the tube top skirt, which exposed her soft waist. She narrowed her eyes dangerously, and her possessiveness was self-evident.

"Shall I change into something conservative?"

Song Qing felt that she had broken the man's wish this time, and she was not going to wear this piece of clothing to go out.

Wear this to see Master. Master will probably have to find an embroidery needle to sew up all the exposed parts of the skirt.

"Very well behaved."

The voice was soaked in strong alcohol, sexy and mellow, and the pleasure revealed was undisguised,

Song Qing rolled her eyes, finally freed from the tight embrace that imprisoned her.

The wardrobe in the master bedroom has conservative clothes, so I don’t have to go to the closet to choose.

I didn't even bother to go to the bathroom to change my clothes. I pulled the chain of my tube top skirt and changed it in front of Huo Yu behind me.

Even without turning around, I could feel the burning gaze of the man on the big bed. He raised his eyebrows in a funny way. I really didn’t know if I should be narcissistic about my own charm.

I should still be speechless at Donor Huo's excessive reaction. We are an old married couple, so we really can't do that.

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