Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 211 Song Qing, don’t break your promise

The big white G drove out of the winding mountain road without any obstruction, even when the accelerator was stepped on, the speed was not satisfactory.

Song Qing missed her Ferrari very much at this moment. The car drove towards the Antique City, waited for the traffic light at the fork in the road, and then changed its route back to the high-end community.

There is no reason to rush to push one's own man away from the role of the high priest of Lao Shizigui.

Ten minutes later, a burst of soothing music sounded from the top floor of the high-end community.

Song Qing was on the phone. It was Grandma Song from the countryside. She was talking about Yanzi's compensation of 1,000 yuan and sending it there.

"Bad girl, tell Nai Nai what you and Yanzi talked about outside that day.

Why did Yanzi become sensible when he said he was sensible? A few days after beating the child in his belly, he got out of bed to help Shu Wen with housework, not to mention anything at home.

He even went to Gangzi's house to apologize, and promised Shu Wen to take good care of himself before going out to work to earn money? "

Song Qing took a watering can to water the wilting green plants on the balcony, trying to save it, and chuckled,

"It's nothing, I just scared her a little."

Providing basic education to children who have not experienced much social beatings can help them understand the seriousness of the matter.

If it weren't for the few sweet dates that the Lin family's old sister-in-law gave her when she was a child, the maintenance cost of the car would be sky-high for ordinary people.

It's enough for Lin Yanzi to work for her for a lifetime. Maybe it's not enough even if she doesn't eat or drink.

This society is so realistic and cruel, but there is no way for everyone to live according to their own abilities.

"Okay, I will accept the thousand yuan for you and buy you delicious food when you come back next time."

The grandfather and grandson chatted for a few more times about their daily life and then ended up talking on the phone. After watering the green plants, they naturally started mixing wine.

The toasts and drinks at the banquet that day were not enjoyable at all. After a few days back, I was busy meeting with Master.

There is also the matter of the Dog Emperor regaining his memory, and he might die and return to the Great Abyss one day.

Donor Huo, who was in charge of not letting her drink more, was not here, which was good, the reason for drinking was sufficient.


The untimely ringtone of an incoming phone call broke the leisurely atmosphere of the room. Fortunately, the sweet and mellow liquor entered the throat.

Song Qing was in a very good mood, and her lips like rose petals were stained with the fragrance of wine.

Without even looking, he opened his mouth lazily, showing off his post-satisfied intoxication.

"Which one?"

"Sister, have you drank?"

The soft voice of Little White Rabbit was familiar yet unfamiliar. Song Qing narrowed her eyes and thought for a while.

Then I remembered that this seemed to be my cheap sister Song Haohao with the attributes of a white flower in this different world.

There's nothing she can do about it, this child is someone she has planned to treat as unimportant people and things.

There has been no contact for a while, and there have been quite a few things that happened recently, so it’s understandable that I didn’t think of them for a while.

"Well, let's have a few drinks. Do you have anything to do with me?"

The melodious and soothing music continues in the living room, and the pleasant afternoon time has not been interrupted.

"One thing is to fuck her,"

Song Haohao paused for a while before continuing, "Dad didn't tell anyone about his mother's cheating for the sake of the family's face.

Mom, she recently got closer to a competitor in dad's business...

That man is a foreigner, an executive of a group run by the royal family of Country Y.

I heard from dad that that group also has business dealings with my brother-in-law's group. Dad can't get through to you.

Just let me call you and tell you that mom may bother you recently, so you don't need to pay attention to her. "

Lin Fanghua has always resented that Song Qing's phone call broke her life of a pampered lady with no worries about food and clothing.

In addition, when he was at his lowest point, he went to court to sue, but was directly dismissed because of Huo Yu's intervention. You can imagine the resentment accumulated in his heart.


Song Qing murmured and repeated to himself, he was originally from the great abyss of imperial power.

I was somewhat sensitive to this, but of course I just stopped there without asking too much or showing much interest.

"Okay, I understand. Is there anything else? If not, I'll hang up."

Her tone was very light. After she had put aside her attachment to family ties, she had drawn a clear line between herself and the people and affairs of the Song family.

So there can't be any feelings. Song Haohao didn't call her today, so she almost forgot about the Song family.

"there is none left."

Song Haohao couldn't hide her loneliness in her soft words. Now she recalled that she came back to this sister two years ago.

How ridiculous is the hostility that arises from sharing the love and property of your parents?

Song Qing didn't even think about it, or she didn't think about it at all. She had the ability to make money.

Sports cars, houses, those bottles of wine that are expensive...

Even after becoming the most wealthy wife in the capital, she never attended any banquet hosted by a noble lady.

Just like Yan Hao and Yan Lina were insignificant to him, his parents' favor and family property were also insignificant to Song Qing.

"Beep—" the call ended.

Song Qing took an elegant sip of the fragrant and intoxicating white wine. How could she have imagined that a child would think about so many things?



Why, her popularity is so good that her mobile phone can't stop for a moment?

Impatience is like a green vine climbing to the corners of the eyes and eyebrows. Once there is even a little bit of backbone,

Song Qing would also obey what was in his heart, slowly stand up and walk to the balcony with the rhinoceros horn cup, loving someone, but the high priest refused to open the business when he was tired.


Huo Yu, who had just gotten off the private plane, looked at the chat dialog box that had not received a reply for a long time, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

Perhaps because he was sure of his feelings this time, the woman he loved was also responding to him.

He was no longer as violent as before. His palms with distinct wrist bones slipped into the pockets of his dark suit trousers.

The watch that reflects light under the dazzling light golden sun was undoubtedly a gift from Song Qing.

"Master, should we set off for the meeting, or return to the capital the way we came?"

Shen Bai stepped forward at the right time and asked, he knew which side was more important in his heart, the wife or the businessman.

There is no need to guess that I must have sent a message to my wife. She probably didn’t reply. In all likelihood, they will fly back.

A gust of wind wrapped in the hot summer heat blew across the meticulously manicured lawns on both sides.

"No, go to the meeting."

His voice was gentle, and under the shocked and incredulous gazes of Shen Bai and others,

He walked slowly towards the Lincoln car in the middle of the black motorcade, his steps strong and steady.

When the convoy received the news that Huo Yu was coming to Nancheng to confirm, they had been waiting here early.

"Ahem, Brother Bai, when you come to your senses, I have already sat in the back seat of the car and looked towards you."

A Yi kindly reminded that the other bodyguards had recovered and caught up with Huo Yu first.

Shen Bai was in a trance until Leng Buding met Huo Yu's deep eyes.

Only then did he suddenly get excited, and the cold feeling of being deducted from his salary went straight from the soles of his feet to the sky.

Leaving Ah Yi behind, he strode towards the convoy, regardless of how terrifying the pressure in his eyes was.

Just because he has a wife now, he should fulfill his duties as a worker and make good money.

The serious-looking convoy drove at a constant speed, and the scenery on both sides of the road continued to pass through the windows.

Frame by frame, Huo Yu's deep eyes were clearly reflected in the back seat of the car. He was unconsciously stroking the mobile phone in his trouser pocket.

Song Qing, please promise me that you will go home when you are tired from playing. Don’t break your promise.

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