Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 238 The greatest desire

Huo Yu and Wen Sheng didn't let them wait for long, only about fifteen minutes.

Two powerful footsteps gradually approached, and a tea table was placed in a four-corner pavilion covered with wisteria flowers.

A gust of breeze brings with it the faint fragrance of flowers. I have nothing to do and make tea and chat here. It is quite comfortable to steal half a day's leisure.

"What are you talking about?"

Wen Sheng was the first to speak. Maybe he had stayed in the army for too long, so even when he spoke, he had the awe of a military man without being angry.

"We were talking about what would be a good name for Qingqing and Ayu's child in the future."

The old lady responded with a smile. Her smile never faded when she mentioned her future great-grandchildren. The silver frost on her temples seemed to be glowing.

"Ayu, do you have any thoughts in your mind? Don't tell grandma that you haven't thought about this."

Huo Yu put his hands in the pockets of his dark suit trouser and walked up the steps, went straight to Song Qing and sat down.

Hearing this, he held the woman's delicate hand and intertwined their fingers, and the smile in his distant eyes deepened without hesitation,

"I really haven't thought about it yet."

I once thought about it, but then I didn’t dare to think about it at all.

For her to return to him willingly has been his biggest wish for so many years.

"You kid, why are you less concerned about this matter than me?"

The old lady scolded her eldest grandson, then turned to look at Wen Sheng sitting next to her.

The old lady knew something was wrong before she even opened her mouth. She was afraid that she would have to listen to the chanting she had just heard at home again. As expected,

"A Sheng, you are too. Although you are only one month younger than A Yu, you are senior and 27 years old this year.

I've been there too, and I understand that you young people don't want to get married early now, but 27 is really not young.

Besides, as the old saying goes, you have to start a family first before you can start a career with peace of mind..."

It was okay if the old lady didn't say anything, but once she said it, she felt that it wouldn't be a problem to continue like this, so she pulled Wen Sheng to persuade her earnestly and well-founded.


Song Qing coughed lightly to relieve the smile that was about to spread and overflow her beautiful eyes.

I looked away and wanted to appreciate the beauty of the wisteria flowers in the pavilion. Unexpectedly, I met Huo Yu's eyes.

The long eyelashes blinked innocently, and when their eyes met, they were silently acting coquettishly to the man.

In recent times, the appearance of a little woman in front of Huo Yu has become more and more frequent.

The emotions in Huo Yu's eyes were concealed, the remaining vinegar smell in his heart disappeared, and the awe-inspiring feeling around him had faded a lot.

Holding the intertwined hands, regardless of whether the old lady and Wen Sheng were still sitting across from them, she lowered her head and kissed the back of Song Qing's hand.

"Ahem, husband."

Song Qing's coughing sounded a little worse this time, not because he was shy in front of outsiders.

But I feel that it is somewhat rude. After all, it is not good for grandma to be so intimate.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his eyes to look across the way, he met the old lady whose eyes were crooked with a smile.

"It's okay, Qingqing, don't feel embarrassed. Grandma just likes to see you two doing well. Grandma is happy in her heart."

Saying that, I don’t forget to take it now and use it now.

"A Sheng, look at it. You know best what A Yu was like before. He has been cold-tempered since he was a child. Look at it now that you have Qing Qing..."

Wen Sheng was immersed in the surprise of Huo Yu's great change. His friend who had been playing with him since childhood,

Huo Yu's indifference and indifference were all visible to his eyes, and in the past few years, he discovered that he was burdened with the fate of being a wife.

He originally thought that Huo Yu might be alone for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that he would be the one left alone in the end.

Another while passed,

The sky was getting dark, and Wen Sheng did not refuse to stay and have dinner together this time.

Before leaving, Huo Yu followed him out as a farewell. Two tall and imposing men,

After standing in front of the off-road vehicle and chatting for ten minutes, Wen Sheng got in, started the car and drove away.

At 7:30, Ferrari drove down the winding mountain road.

Huo Yu walked back to the living room and received a glare from the old lady. He was very dissatisfied with his eldest grandson's wife leaving alone so late.

"You, you, let me tell you what's good about you. Even if it's dark, you don't worry about Qingqing's driving being unsafe.

There are so many people around, why don't you ask one of them to drive Qingqing? "

Huo Yu sat down on the sofa, and laughter from a variety show played on the LCD TV in the living room kept coming.

"Grandma, it's okay. Qingqing, she has a sense of proportion. If you always restrain her and prevent her from doing what she likes, it will be counterproductive."

The old lady had no reason to say anything since her eldest grandson had already said this. She sighed helplessly and asked about what happened tonight.

"What did you and Asheng say? Is there any result?"

In order to prevent Song Qing from feeling pressured, the grandfather and grandson made a tacit agreement not to let Song Qing know, without discussing it.

The bright and soft light in the living room invisibly shrouds and reflects on the shoulders of the man sunk deep into the single sofa.

"I told him the truth and submitted an application to the higher authorities for approval to remove my current position."

Just when the servant brought the health tea, Huo Yu took a sip and leaned against the back of the sofa with his broad back.

The water with a moderate temperature moistened the cold and straight lip line, and the black eyes looked at the slightly stunned old lady and said slowly,

"Grandma, I'm sorry, I made this decision without informing you in advance."

The old lady waved her hand, as if she had figured out something that had been weighing heavily on her heart and put it down.

"It doesn't matter if you remove it, grandma doesn't have to worry about you in that position all day long.

We divide our business according to our duties. If the country needs our Huo family, we will contribute as much as we can.

There is no country like home. After you come down, there will naturally be fewer people who are jealous of you in the future. "

Although she doesn't care about outside affairs now, she knows a little bit about what happened to her eldest grandson over the years from Xiaobai's mouth.

Ayu has been tense all the time for so many years, and it's time to relax. The family's property is already plenty and busy.


Huo Yu responded. He originally wanted to mention the handover of group-related matters to Huo Shaochen and others, but silently postponed the time in his heart.

It’s hard to digest many things at an old age, so it’s not too late to mention it to a few cousins ​​first and then tell grandma.

the other side,

There is a certain distance between the Huo family's old house and the Gold Cave. The fiery red Ferrari arrived at its destination.

Song Qing opened the door and got out of the car, clicked on her phone and looked at the time: 7:45, not too early or too late, which is good.

Passing through the corridor covered with patterned carpets and entering the first floor, the exciting music is thundering.

For those who come here, the lively and crazy nightlife has just begun.

"Baby, here."

Xu Shen came out early to wait, but he couldn't help it because there were so many people on the first floor and it was so noisy at the same time.

What’s more, my dear has never been on the first floor, so it’s normal to not be able to find the booth.

The carefree nobleman wore a floral shirt today, and it was still a girly pink.

Paired with gold-rimmed glasses with a chain, the gentle scum also has a bit of evil ruffian.

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