Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 239 Turbid Qi

Xu Shen like this is somewhat different from someone who usually calls himself an elegant aristocrat. Others may be surprised.

Song Qing is not at all. The appearance at this moment is the most real appearance of Xu Shen.

If we say among the three sworn friends in Taoyuan, who has the most exposed edge and who hides it best, the former is her and the latter is undoubtedly Xu Shen.

The most basic thing about a social master is that he is easy-going and makes people want to get close to him.

"People are here?"

"It was necessary, and A Ming gave him a few drinks. I originally wanted to let him drink a few more drinks, but who knew that this guy looked so tall and thick?

He can only drink as much as the eye of a needle. Hey, that black brother is leaning on the sofa with his eyes half-closed and about to fall asleep. "

The two of them were talking and walking. The distance between them was only about thirty steps, which is not very far. They were about seven or eight steps away from the booth area.

Xu Shen raised his chin towards one of the booths. Under the colorful lights, the passionate peach blossom eyes behind the lenses showed a playful interest.

It's better to be half drunk and half awake. You can answer whatever you ask. It's better to be so drunk that you can't even remember what he and the baby look like.

"What is he wearing on his face, a mask? And that shape on his head, did you let someone do it?"

Song Qing couldn't help but raise the end of her eyes. She really didn't know much. Just imagine being in a booth in a bustling bar.

A drunk black man, with two small hairpins on his head, and a white mask on his face that contrasted sharply with his skin color.

The scene of his head dozing off with half-open eyes is truly, indescribably weird and dreamy.

"It's unfair, honey, he had his pigtails tied up when he came in, and he also brought his own facial mask.

He tore it open and insisted on applying it, but A Ming tried to persuade him that doing so might scare people, but he still refused to listen.

What can we do? The customer is God and we can only let him go. "

Xu Shen raised his hand and was the first to disagree with this statement. He did not have such a novel brain circuit as this black man.

Song Qing thought about it. In the time it took to talk, the two of them had already arrived at the booth.

There was not only a young man named A Ming in the booth, but also three or four other people. As soon as he saw them, he waved and greeted them enthusiastically.

"Brother Shen, Sister Qing."

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary gathering of friends, and it won’t attract anyone’s attention at all.

Especially Song Qing deliberately put on makeup. Although it was not ugly, it still covered up her stunning beauty.

"Hey buddy, wake up, the person you want to see is here."

Amin put his hand on the shoulder of the black brother beside him and patted him. The man who was still half asleep suddenly woke up.

He pulled off the fast-drying mask on his face and looked around with wide eyes.

"Where, where is the master?"

Song Qing's tears rose deeply, and she was surprised that this buddy's Huaguo dialect was not only smooth, but also had a hint of Northeastern City's accent.

"I am."

"You, are you the great master in the rumors?"

The black man stared blankly at Song Qing's face, wishing he could make a hole out of him, and time passed by like this,


Xu Shen narrowed his eyes slightly, and clasped his sharp-knuckled fingers on the table. His completely cold expression meant that he was very unhappy now.

The black brother finally realized that staring at a lady like this was something that should not be impolite. He scratched his head and wanted to reach out to hold her.

Under Xu Shen's cold and warning gaze, Xu Shen took back the hand he was about to extend, and then looked at Song Qing to explain,

"I'm sorry, master. I've been researching online for a long time. I see that masters all wear Taoist robes, have goatees, and hold mahogany swords."

Song Qing smiled, and her attention stayed on the black brother's face for a while, and finally her eyes fell on the hair tie with the little tug tuo.

"Where did you get your headband?"


The black man did it neatly, he just pulled off the hair rope and several strands of hair.

"Master, is this what you are talking about? I picked up this rope in the antique city the second year after I came to China. I didn't spend any money on it. If you like it, I will give it to you."

The headband is made up of many small gray beads connected in series, but the rope inside is red, old red, and you can tell it has some age at a glance.

Song Qing looked at the hairband that was handed to her, with several hairs still wrapped around it, and she steadied herself and refused sternly.

"No, this is not a good thing. You are green because of it. Don't throw it away or its effect will haunt you.

Go back and find a piece of uninhabited land, dig a pit, bury it in it and kowtow three times. Bury it deeper. "

She doesn't want a third party to appear between her and Huo Donor, and she hates betrayal cuckolds even more.


The sound of the headband falling on the table made everyone present subconsciously step back like a snake because of what Song Qing just said.

Everyone is afraid that the headband on the table will suddenly grow legs and walk towards them. These days,

Oh no, no one of any age likes a green hat.

"Master, are you telling the truth? Is it really because of these two hairpins that my dear Lulu Lisi abandoned me!?"

The black brother looked particularly excited. As he spoke, he reached out and pulled off the other side of the headband, and also took down several strands of hair.

"That's not entirely true. It just increases the probability. If the other person really loves you, he won't fall in love with you just because of its effect."

The headband is similar to a catalyst. If the black man’s girlfriend doesn’t have unwanted thoughts, it’s just a headband... Oh no,

It's not a hairband, it's a bracelet that my daughter wears. If an antique has aura, it will have a turbid energy.

Similarly, there are very few antiques with spiritual energy on the market and very few with turbidity, and generally speaking, they are less common than those with spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy can be nourished by people or feng shui treasures, but turbid energy can only be nourished by people's obsessions.

Of course, obsessions are not good ones, such as resentment and hatred, and they must be developed and carried with you for at least forty years.

The life span of the owner will be affected during the process. After the owner dies, he will be buried in the earth. The turbid air will really take effect after five years.

There are two possibilities for development,

First, the owner has a deep hatred in his heart and is willing so that future generations can open the coffin and take it out for revenge.

Second, the owner was completely unaware until one day someone from later generations pried off the coffin board.

"Master, I..."

It was the first time that the black brother came into contact with these mysterious things, and he was a little at a loss as he pinched his headband.

"Forget it, just give it to me and I'll bury it. Don't let anyone dig it out and put it on you as a treasure."

Song Qing hesitated again and again but still felt uneasy. She couldn't resolve the turbid air, let alone breathe it into her body like she did when she absorbed spiritual energy to extend her life.

But just because she can't do anything, doesn't mean that the old woman can't do anything. Even if the old woman can't do anything, she is more reliable than the black brother in front of her.

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