Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 264 Qingqing’s hand feels better

What can Song Qing do? It's rare for a man to wear the skin of Huo Benefactor but reveal the arrogance of Emperor Dayuan.

What else can I do besides being satisfied? The face of a demon queen who brought disaster to the country and the people was attached to Huo Yu's ear and breathed out like orchid.

"I love you and care about you."

"What happened yesterday will never happen again."

"Don't leave me alone when you are angry with me in the future. I will be flustered and scared."

As he spoke, he bit Huo Yu's shoulder plaintively. It was more of a mark than a revenge.

Wild cats that finally find their owners and homes always lack a sense of security for a long time at first.

Instead, his hands hugged Huo Yu's narrow but strong waist tightly, and his heart-wrenching voice sounded a little fragile.

"Nangong Yu, I don't like to see your back."

It was true in Dayuan before, and it is true now.

This sentence undoubtedly brought back memories of the previous time in Dayuan, which was not a good thing for either of them.

"No, it's my fault."

A pityful kiss fell on Song Qing's soft lips, she picked up the catkins and put them behind her,

No matter how intimate the two of them were, they had done everything. There was no shame left between the old couple.

Song Qing didn't understand Huo Donor's intention. Thinking back to everything that happened this morning and the past few days,

Looking through the pages of the vengeful book in my heart, there are all kinds of crimes.

The ends of the raised eyes narrowed, and the cunningness flowing in the beautiful eyes was self-evident.

Just as the devil's claws were raising to take down the trouble, a mellow and deep laugh sounded above his head.

Huo Yu pressed his big palm on Song Qing's thick black wavy hair and rubbed it lightly.

He knows very well the little thoughts of the woman he loves, and he indulges her in pampering.

"As an apology, Qingqing can punish me the same way I punished Qingqing. You can hit me as many times as you want."

Song Qing was a very rebellious person, so he lost interest in the people who came to him on his own initiative.

Lack of interest, they patted each other in a perfunctory manner, and finally pushed to indicate that they should let go of each other and hug each other.

"Rough skin and thick flesh."

Huo Yu raised his eyebrows and obediently let go. When Song Qing relaxed his guard and was unprepared,

He took the photo with a little more force with his palm, facing Song Qing's beautiful eyes that were instantly stained with anger, he calmly praised,

"Qingqing's hand still feels good, I like it very much."

"Huo Yu!"

After such an interruption, the estrangement between the couple disappeared after a little conflict.

Three days later,

The weather in early August was still extremely hot, and Xu Shen recovered well in three days.

Of course it will take some time to recover, but at least I can feed myself without being fed.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the fiery red Ferrari drove into the underground parking garage of a high-end community.


The car had just turned off, and the small bag placed in the passenger seat vibrated with the sound of an incoming call.

Song Qing was not surprised at all. If he guessed correctly, it should be a check-up call from Donor Huo.

After all, there was not a day in the past three days when she didn't run to the hospital, and she was accompanied by Bai Cha, who would be sad if she was alone to avoid a broken love.

The most exaggerated thing is Asen, who goes to the hospital more frequently than the two of them because of guilt.

All he needed to do was go through the hospitalization procedures and buy a bed to put next to Xu Shen's hospital bed.

The call is connected,

"Where, huh?"

Huo Yu's voice is the sexy and calm charm of a mature man, and the magic power that gives people peace of mind for no reason.

Song Qing loves every part of Huo Donor. Of course, she would love her even more if she hadn't come to check the post.

I got out of the car carrying a valuable new bag, and the end of my lazy voice sounded helpless.

"In the parking garage at home, I mentioned to you last night that I would come over today and have a look, but you forgot so soon?"

Song Qing answered while walking towards the elevator on stiletto heels. The main thing was those pots of green plants.

I came back to water the water and so on, and also wanted to personally observe the opportunity of the Nine Stars Lianzhu.

It's not that I don't believe the little old lady, I can make some calculations and have a good idea.


The elevator door opened, Song Qing stepped into the elevator and pressed the number button on the top floor.

"Come back later? What's wrong? Is the cooperation not going well?"

Over here at Huo's Building,

The blue sky, white clouds of different shapes and flying birds are like a picture scroll reflected on the glass of the building.

The huge CEO's office is filled with air-conditioning, and the fragrance of tea fills the living room sofa.

Pei Jin's long legs were crossed, and he was acting in a suave manner, as is customary for a noble man from an upper-class family.

Looking at Huo Yu who was reporting warmly on the single sofa opposite, his cool peach blossom eyes were full of interest.

"Okay, hang up."

After waiting for Song Qing to hang up the call, Huo Yu took away the phone and put it on the table.

Pei Jinnian picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, never missing an opportunity to tease him.

"Can't you see that our Mr. Huo is still a strict wife?"

Immediately, as if he remembered something interesting, he rubbed the edge of the tea cup with his fingers, raised his eyebrows and asked himself,

"Yes, it is an honor to have a beauty like Miss Song in charge."

Mr. Pei, who is constantly in the news, has a lot of sweet words to coax women at his fingertips.

"If Mr. Pei doesn't want to continue talking, I can ask my people to ask you out."

Huo Yuqi's long and strong back retreated from the high-backed sofa, and his straight body leaned forward slightly.

The slender and well-proportioned fingers held the tea cup, and the seemingly plain words were mixed with the chill of an undisguised threat.

Pei Jinnian clicked his tongue and looked at what he had done to his beloved wife.

Xianggui thought so but wisely did not continue, put away his joking attitude and got back to the business,

"It's not difficult for our two groups to unite to fight a separate business war. The only drawback is that William, the old man, is from the royal family."

Huo Yu added tea to the empty teacup in front of Pei Jinnian but did not respond.

After all, this is nonsense. The current situation of the three groups is well known to each other.

The William Group is directly related to the royal family of Country Y, and there is a country directly supporting it.

It is not easy to give a perfect counterattack that can shake the opponent. Pei Jinnian slammed the table,

"I do have a way, but I don't know if you will agree to adopt it, and if that person is willing to help us."

Having said this, it is not difficult to guess who the person he refers to is.

Huo Yu held the teacup and leaned back on the sofa again. He pondered for a moment and gave the answer.

"He wouldn't agree to it."

The Wen family is famous for their uprightness, and Huo Yu hasn't had much contact with other people, so I don't know.

I still know a little about Wen Sheng, who I grew up with. In my heart, besides the country, I am family.

I have no interest in shopping malls at all. There is an old Chinese saying that there is no treacherous businessman.

What's more, with their nature, in addition to businessmen, they also have another label, which is capital.

Trying to get someone with Wen Sheng's character to get involved in their affairs would be extremely difficult.

Due to the relationship between Wen Qiange, Pei Jinnian would still accompany him during the holidays as a symbolic visit.

Although he does not have much contact or friendship, he is a successful businessman who puts profits first.

The first thing that is necessary is a pair of sharp and vicious eyes to see people and things, and to know a little about Wen Sheng.

"Whether he will agree to it depends on how you say it, Mr. Huo."

In normal times, Pei Jinnian would never lower his status like others in the capital circle.

Not to mention being convinced and calling Huo Yu "Master Huo", the conversation between the two of them today was unusually continuous from beginning to end.

Every word of the businessman who cannot afford to make a profit has his own purpose. The intention of Mr. Huo is self-evident now.

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