Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 265 Nangong Yu, you have a child

Huo Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Pei Jinnian, who was sitting leisurely opposite, looking quite indifferent.

"Hey, Mr. Huo, don't look at me like this. You know, even though I married a daughter of the Wen family,

But I basically don’t have much relationship with the Wen family, not even a close acquaintance.

It's different for you. No matter how bad you are, there is still an old lady sitting at home. "

Knowing that today's purpose had been seen through, Pei Jinnian had no embarrassment at all.

After finishing his high-sounding words, he added unhurriedly and shamelessly,

"This matter will help our two groups cooperate to deal with the William Group. I will give you an idea.

Mr. Huo, if you use your words to persuade Wen Sheng, this can be considered a win-win cooperation. "

Time passed by six o'clock,

The dazzling fire clouds spread across the entire sky, and the glass and curtains of the balcony were wide open.

After all, I haven't been back for a while, so I turned it on for some fresh air.

After Song Qing came back, she probably did some cleaning. She was a little sweaty and changed into clothes, feeling relaxed.

I am checking some parts of the telescope at the moment, and the mobile phone placed next to the green plants shows that the call is active.

"Then it's settled, sister Qingqing, you don't have to come over tomorrow morning.

I will be responsible for talking to Brother Xu Shen tomorrow morning, and Sister Qingqing and Brother Asen will be responsible for you at noon and evening. "

Because he broke up with Shen Bai, Bai Cha's mood has not been very high these days.

The voices are all normal, not as funny and energetic as before.


Song Qing came over and picked up her phone and responded, but her eyes were still on the telescope on the balcony.

Although it has not been used for a while, there are no problems with all parts.

"But where are you going tomorrow?"

Song Qing picked up the cloth with one hand and covered the ancestor's sunshade again, and asked more worriedly,

The tea girl didn't show much when she was joking and joking with them these days, but how could she not be sad when she was broken up in love.

"Well, I have to go home tomorrow. I miss my dad's cooking and my mom's soup.

Especially the soup made by my mother is not only delicious but also very filling. I will bring it to you when I come back the day after tomorrow. "

If you listen carefully, you can hear that when Bai Cha talks about his family and parents, his tone becomes much lighter unconsciously.

The remaining concerns and worries in Song Qing's heart were eliminated, and she agreed with a smile without any hesitation.

"Okay, remember to say hello when you get home tomorrow."

"Okay, everyone knows that Sister Qingqing is worried about me. I will record a short video of our family photo when I get home tomorrow and send it to you."

The two chatted for a few more words, and Xu Shen's voice could be vaguely heard before hanging up the call.

It's not chatting or flirting, it's just like talking on the phone and busying myself with things that have piled up in the past few days.

Thinking back on the stores she transferred to Xu Shen some time ago, Song Qing coughed unnaturally.


WeChat message notification tone,

SY【Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Can you eat it out or should I take it home with you? 】

After a long time after returning, the wind was almost gone. Song Qing pressed the closing buttons of the windows and curtains respectively.

As he walked into the living room, he tapped his fingertips on the screen, Dayuan's second magic stick,

[I ordered the food and it was delivered quickly. I didn’t want to go out because it was too hot. 】

Although it is dusk now, the wind blowing in my face when standing outside the balcony is hot.

SY【Okay. 】

Most of the meals ordered were Huo Yu's favorites, so Song Qing didn't have any psychological burden at all.

I casually put my phone on the bar at home and walked towards the bedroom, intending to take another shower to get rid of the dryness on my body.

Originally it was a simple matter of taking a shower, but within five or six minutes Song Qing came out of the bathroom.

When she left the living room and went to the bar to pour herself a glass of water, her beautiful eyes inadvertently glanced at the bag thrown on the sofa.

This bag is not designed to have a seal. On the way back, I passed the drugstore and the box of the pregnancy test stick I stopped to buy was exposed.


The phone screen on the bar lighted up. Song Qing put down the water glass without even looking at it.

He jumped over the phone and walked directly to the sofa, hoping for a chance that he still wanted to make rice dumplings.

About eight minutes passed,

Huo Yu's tall and majestic figure appeared at the door. He skillfully entered the password to open the door and walked in.

As soon as you enter the living room, what you see is a woman sitting alone on the sofa, lost in thought.

Following his line of sight, what caught his eye was the mahogany wine cabinet occupying the entire wall.

He couldn't help but smile, walked over and sat down on the vacant sofa beside Song Qing.

His big hands wrapped around the woman's slender shoulders and pulled her into his arms. It was both heartbreaking and funny at the same time.

"If you really can't help but want to drink, just drink a little. Let's put the child's affairs aside for now. We're not in a hurry. We'll take our time."

Huo Yu's voice gradually brought back Song Qing's thoughts and reason, especially the word "child" in his words touched a certain nerve.

She tilted her head and met the man's eyes, trying hard to suppress the corners of her mouth that couldn't help but speak.

"No need to take your time."

The sentence was completely wrong. Before Huo Yu could understand the meaning behind it, the doorbell rang.

This point could only be the takeout ordered by Song Qing. From the moment Huo Yu got up and opened the door to get the takeout, to the time he opened the takeout boxes one by one,

Song Qing looked on with a smile, her delicate red lips parted slightly and her tone was normal,

"Nangong Yu."

Huo Yu curled his lips, opened the lid of the last takeout box and put it down without forgetting to correct him.

"Call me husband, your husband is better."

"You have a kid."

The two sounds fell at the same time, and Huo Yu unexpectedly saw the busy movements in his hands pause.

Song Qing could no longer restrain the corners of her mouth from raising, so she moved to sit next to the man.

The slender hands were placed on the broad shoulders, and the beautiful and hot face leaned over and lay down,

"Nangong Yu, you have a child, our child."

Pause for a moment,

She was worried that if the pregnancy test stick was wrong, her joy would be in vain. To be on the safe side, Song Qing added,

"If the pregnancy test stick just now was correct."

I can't help but feel a little annoyed, and it was also so shocking and unexpected that I couldn't calm down after being immersed in it for a long time.

I should go to the hospital for a checkup and make sure before mentioning it to Master Huo. I haven’t made up my mind yet.

The lips were covered, and what followed was a long burst of ecstasy.

long time,

"Alright, Donor Huo, I'm already hungry and the ramen will be crumbly if I don't eat it. How could you react like this?"

You didn't ask if it was true or talked to me, and you just kept holding me after the kiss? "

Song Qing was a little amused. She inserted her fingers into the man's sharp black hair and ruffled it maliciously.

Just hugging her, why didn't he just hold her in his arms instead of leaning on her like a big child?

"Song Qing."


She clearly felt Huo Yu put his palm on her lower abdomen, and couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't feel anything, and I don't even know when I got pregnant.

Maybe it won’t be a few days, so get up quickly and accompany me to the hospital for a check-up after dinner. "

This time Huo Yu was very obedient and straightened up, no longer lying down, but leaned over to listen.

Song Qing: "..."

With this man's current state, will Dayuan's energy be saved after he returns?

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