Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 269 No Oh No Oh Papa Is Not Careful At All

This is the first lesson of self-cultivation of the great master,

Song Qing just watched the little old woman make up quietly, without the slightest awareness that as a disciple, she should cooperate with acting.

"Son, come, come and sit with the old lady. Let me take a good look at you. I was so happy when I saw you just now. I think we are destined to come here."

Miao Shui, who has cheated his apprentice for most of his life, how can he let the good apprentice who was brought up by one hand stay out of the matter and watch the show.

The old lady rounded it very cleverly without revealing any flaws, but the old lady obviously still had doubts.

How could Song Qing fail to see that even though she didn't understand Master's intentions, she still opened in time,

Instead of walking over immediately, he looked at the old lady for advice with embarrassed eyes.

The fine lines on the old lady's brows stretched out, and her doubts were relieved. She nodded and signaled to go and sit down.

In my heart, I began to blame myself, not to mention that Qingqing was fine after A Yu married Qingqing,

Just saying that A Yuke's wife's destiny is born with someone else's imposition, she has nothing to be suspicious about, it's because she's old, alas.

"Ayu, why do you come back at this time when you are free today? Is the cooperation with the Pei family going well? The Pei family called that day..."

It's not that the old lady deliberately ignored the two masters and apprentices, she heard about the William Group,

Forget about the others, the backer behind the people here is the royal family of country y, she can't rest assured.

"Very well, what did Mr. Pei tell you?"

Huo Yu looked at the opposite sofa, stretched out Miaoshui's hand to capture Song Qingmai's actions in his eyes,

He bent over and sat down on the single sofa, took the old lady's words and continued.

Miaoshui is proficient in medical skills, so she put her hand on Song Qing's wrist and touched it at a glance.

When he let go of his eyes and landed on Tuer's flat belly, a kind and shrewd face wrinkled into a bitter melon,

It's really a happy pulse, this is really strange, could it be that her old bones have really degenerated?

"Master, but what's wrong with our family Qingqing's body?"

Although the old lady was talking to her eldest grandson, she was also paying attention to the master and apprentice.

Looking at Miaoshui's reaction, she couldn't help but feel worried. At her age, the most important thing is her physical health.

"Hey, old lady, where are you thinking? It's a good thing, your granddaughter-in-law is pregnant."

Miaoshui couldn't find a reason for a while, so she just talked about her pregnancy.

She didn't need to pinch her fingers to guess and guess what the child Nangong and his apprentice came back for today, didn't they just come back to announce the good news?

Oops, the Queen Mother would be very happy if she knew about this, what a pity.

"Qingqing is pregnant? A Yu, do you know about this?"

The old lady couldn't believe what she heard, she held the arm of the sofa tightly and turned around to ask her most trusted grandson,

Huo Yu nodded, his handsome and noble face glanced at Song Qing's thin lips and raised an arc,

Withdrawing his eyes, he looked at the expectant old lady and gave an affirmative answer.

"We came back this time to tell you about it. We didn't expect the master you invited to take the first step.

Last night, I accompanied Qingqing to the hospital for an examination. Grandma, please take a look at the examination report. "

Huo Yu took out the list from Song Qing's bag, got up and walked over to hand it to the old lady,

The old lady trembled slightly when she reached out to take it. Ever since she learned that A Yu had such a fate,

There is never a day when she does not worry about A Yu's marriage. She has been looking forward to this day for too long.

The old lady read it carefully, and after confirming that it was not the two children who made her happy, tears filled her eyes.


"Master, just now you..."

The old lady still couldn't recover from the huge surprise for a while, and her voice was a little choked up.

Miaoshui couldn't see people shed those tears the most, so he hurriedly explained,

"It's okay, old lady, but your granddaughter-in-law's physique is a little weak. As an old man, I can't see it. Look at her thin arms and legs.

Alas, I know that young people like you now value thinness as beauty and love beauty, but whether you are beautiful or not, a good body is important, don't you think, old lady? "

The first half of Miaoshui is to the old lady, and the second half is to Song Qing.

Song Qing got up when the old lady's eyes were red, and came to sit next to the old lady with Huo Yu,

Hearing the words, he was about to open his mouth to respond, but the hand that was holding the old lady was held by the old lady instead.

"The master is right, Qingqing, giving birth to a child is like passing through the gate of hell, if the body can't keep up, it won't work. In this way,

This time when I go back to grandma, let Xiao Liu go over to your side. Every soup Xiao Liu cooks is nourishing. She also knows what pregnant women can eat and what they can’t eat.

Xiao Liu used to take care of Xing Rou when she was pregnant with Xing Xing, Xiao Min, go, go and call Xiao Liu over. "

The elder's gift is irresistible, and Song Qing readily accepts it.

The husband and wife stayed in the old house that night, and the Huo family who were in China and near the capital during dinner,

They all came back at the request of the old lady. As the central figure of tonight's topic,

Song Qing's meal was busy and tiring, but the comfort was that there was a little cute creature called Xing Xing.

eight o'clock,

In the spacious living room, the women of the Huo family sat and chatted together, and the LCD TV played cat and mouse,

The funny and interesting scenes followed one after another, but the Xingxing children didn't give any face,

The fragrant and soft little ball pouted her little butt wearing diapers, her face nestled in Song Qing's arms,

The little hand touched the belly of the beautiful sister from time to time, and the obsidian-like bright eyes smiled and bent into crescent moons.

"It's my sister~"

"Yes, it's my sister."

Song Qing rubbed the little guy's fluffy head with his hand, and responded, a face with a very aggressive beauty, at this moment, only tenderness remained,

Shi Qingrou pursed her lips and smiled as she listened, letting go of the last worry in her heart. Her son kept saying that Qingqing was pregnant with a younger sister.

She was worried that Qingqing would be unhappy, although there is no such thing as patriarchal now,

But many wives in the circle like them still hope to have a son in their hearts.

Thinking of these things in the wealthy family, Shi Qingrou couldn't help laughing at her funny son,

When she was pregnant with Xing Xing, she and Ah Chen never asked the doctor if they were male or female.

Originally, she was looking forward to dressing her daughter as a little fairy every day in the future, thinking of the little cloakroom of the stars,

A variety of dinosaur costumes, Shi Qingrou sighed, patted Xingxing's buttocks,

"Alright, Xing Xing, you see, Dad has finished talking with his uncle and the others, and it's time for us to take a shower and get ready for bed."


The door of the study room on the second floor has been opened, Xing Xing raised her little face to look directly at Huo Shaochen,

Huo Shaochen just relaxed after talking about the serious work, and immediately showed a loving and bright smile of an old father to his precious son,


Xing Xing didn't buy it, and lay back on Song Qing's arms again and refused with a milky voice.

"No, no, Xing Xing doesn't wash incense with Papa, the water Papa uses for Xing Xing is too hot,

He doesn't rub Xing Xing's back or apply fragrance to Xing Xing, he is not careful at all, Ma Ma Xing Xing doesn't murmur. "

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