Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 270 Headache

Huo Shaochen, the old father who was disgusted by his precious son, was shot in the heart, and his smile couldn't be maintained.

"Young minister, what's the matter with you, why are you so sloppy when you become a father."

Huo Shaochen's father frowned, dissatisfaction with his son was evident on his majestic face, which had accumulated over the years.

Huo Ran cast a sympathetic look at his cousin, lowered his head and touched his nose to hide the gloating in his eyes,

"Learn from your elder brother's stability."

Huo's father emphasized that Huo Yu's talent and excellence in all aspects since he was a child,

All made him a child of someone else's family in the mouth of the Huo family's seniors to educate the juniors. For a long time, no,

More precisely, even today, Huo Yu is still a godlike and nightmare existence that other juniors of the Huo family admire.

"Dad, I'm not as good as big brother in other things, but when it comes to being a father, I..."

While the father and son were talking, Huo Yu had already jumped over several people and walked down the stairs.

Taking advantage of the rare gathering of uncles and brothers when they came back tonight, he explained some matters at hand,

As for the matter of the otherworldly people, I didn't mention it this time, and the ring with the William Group has just started,

Right now, it is not advisable for too many people to know about it, so as to avoid the negative impact of leaking the news and causing turmoil in the group's stock market.

"Brother, hug~"

As soon as Huo Yu approached, Xing Xing, who was in Song Qing's arms, stood up impatiently,

Her feet jumped up and down on the sofa, and she opened her two little hands to show off to Huo Yu for a hug.

Huo Yu has always been fond of Xing Xing, he bent over and picked Xing Xing up and walked towards the empty single sofa,

The women of the Huo family all sit together, and there are five or six of them who came back tonight, so it's not appropriate to sit next to Song Qing.

The two of them sat firmly, Xing Xing turned sideways to his uncle, and rubbed his tender little cheek against Huo Yu's face with a waxy voice,

"Brother, you are going to be a papa, congratulations~"

The eccentric appearance made the people present in the living room laugh. Everyone laughed and joked about Xing Xing and the child in Song Qing's stomach.

"Qingqing, have you mentioned your pregnancy to your family? Does your father know about it?"

The old lady asked as soon as she thought about it. The reason why she didn’t ask the elders in the countryside was because when she was drinking tea in the back garden and admiring the sunset in the evening,

Song Qing called the two elders, and the old lady took the phone and chatted with Grandma Song.


If the old lady didn't mention it, Song Qing had forgotten that Song Jianguo was such a cheap father.

The second is that she has never experienced the love of her parents in her two lives, so it is really embarrassing for her to have feelings for people from the Song family.

"I haven't said it yet. I have discussed it with Qingqing. I will visit my father-in-law in person tomorrow morning to talk about it."

Huo Yu answered the words naturally, and the calmness in his words and deeds drove people to be unconditionally convinced.

The better the relationship between husband and wife, the better the tacit understanding. Song Qing didn't blush and didn't jump in her heart.

"Both Ayu and I think it's better to talk face to face."

"You should say it yourself."

The old lady nodded in relief. Having children is not a trivial matter. No matter how bad the Song family is, there is no reason why the two children will know each other. Qingqing is a sensible person.

nine o'clock,

The room lights in each room of the old house have been on for a while, because the Huo family came back one after another during the day,

As the protagonist, Song Qing, has never been free. Now that she is free, she wants to ask why Miaoshui came today.

Of course,

Song Qing, who was wearing a comfortable backless nightdress, sat on the dressing table, with her superior swan neck slightly raised,

The black wavy curly hair is scattered wantonly, and the charming eyes are full of hazy mist at this moment,

Seeing the man's mature and sexy Adam's apple rolling up and down, the most reproachful and charming glance,

Caressing Huo Yu's heart with her slender fingertips, she pushed very lightly through the dark nightgown,

"Okay, I've been wronged for a while, be good."

Huo Yu's eyes were unbelievably deep, and the straight bridge of his nose brushed across Song Qing's upturned nose without a word.

Finally, he pecked at the red lips like rose petals, and the tall and strong body retreated,

Song Qing's heart felt a little distressed, and the memory of the first time in the hospital,

On the night when he defiled Huo benefactor for the first time, his long eyelashes trembled and he stretched out his hand to hold Huo Yu who was about to go to the bathroom.

half an hour later,

Huo Yu went to the bathroom to take a shower again, and Song Qing, who was finally free, sank into the sofa,

I sent a message to ask the old lady why she came today. It was not too late and Miaoshui came back quickly.

Candy-loving old woman【What else can I do? Isn’t this why we’re taking the emperor back?

I just wanted to go and test the old lady, after all, she brought up the emperor in this other world. 】

Song Qing's eyelids twitched, and she glanced at the open bathroom door, typing on the keyboard faster than her brain.

【How did you test it? How did grandma react? Does Ayu know about this? 】

Although Huo benefactor is not good at expressing emotions, she can see his respect for grandma,

On the other hand, grandma attaches great importance to Huo's grandson, no matter whether she came to propose marriage in person,

You can tell by the excitement in her eyes when she found out she was pregnant this morning, if...


Miaoshui's typing speed is not slow, and she can guess exactly what her apprentice is thinking.

【My child, why are you panicking? Being a teacher can be as stupid as you think? As a teacher, I mentioned that your eldest grandson has the appearance of an emperor and so on,

You also know that this other world is different from ours. The old lady thought I was flattering her, but she probably didn't take it seriously. 】



Song Qing opened it, and a few smooth cobblestones lay in a chaotic and orderly arrangement on a piece of colorful floral cloth, which was the old woman's divination.


Old lady who loves sweets [See, it is difficult to persuade the old lady to let the emperor go back to us, the old lady is different from the two elders who raised you,

The children and grandchildren at the knees are full of children, how can you agree with her to go back with us, that child of Nangong is by your side now,

The two of you should think about this matter carefully, and you, you should pay close attention to the matter of turbidity. 】

After Song Qing roughly browsed, she closed her eyes and pressed her fingers on her temples, feeling a headache.

The next day, in the rich community,

Song Jianguo has recently become obsessed with admiring lotuses. He happened to have an open space in the villa, so he asked someone to sort it out and build a small pond to grow lotuses.

Lin Bo was busy with this early in the morning, when he received a call from Huo Yu and Song Qing who wanted to come to visit,

Putting down what you were doing, hurried into the restaurant and explained to Song Jianguosong who was having breakfast,

Both the father and the daughter were taken aback for a moment, realizing that Song Jianguo didn't even eat breakfast, put down his chopsticks, his face glowed red,

"Then what are you waiting for, go and clean up the house quickly, don't let Master Huo and Qingqing misunderstand that we don't value them."

Out of the corner of his eye, Song Jianguo caught sight of the half-eaten breakfast, and called to stop Lin Bo who was about to leave,

"Then ask someone to call Mama Jiang over and ask her to prepare a few more of our Chinese breakfast dishes."

"I'm going to call someone over here."

Lin Bo is very happy, since the husband and wife broke up, the husband is busy with business and the second lady is busy with school.

A deserted family, he has worked in the Song family for decades and already has feelings,

Of course, I hope that Master Huo and the young miss will have more contact with the family, the family will be harmonious and beautiful, and it will be lively and lively during the New Year and festivals.

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