seven o'clock,

The black convoy stopped at the Song family villa on time, and Song Jianguo and Song Hao sat on the sofa in the living room and waited early.

As soon as she heard the commotion outside, she immediately stood up to greet her. Song Qing came out from the back seat of the Rolls-Royce,

Seeing the father and daughter coming towards them, they were taken aback for a moment, not because they hadn't seen each other for a long time,

But the faces of Song Jianguo and Song Haohao are really interesting, a faint sign that they are going to die alone,

The other is pink peach blossoms lingering between the eyebrows, either a good thing is imminent or already in it.

"Master Huo, you are here."

While Song Qing was standing there thinking, Shen Bai and the bodyguards had already taken out large and small gift boxes from the trunk.

Huo Yu walked over and put his palms on Song Qing's waist to protect him. Although he was aware of it, he didn't rush to ask.

Instead, they nodded and greeted Song Jianguo who came over, and a group of people quickly entered the living room.

This trip was also out of plan, and the husband and wife cut into the theme after drinking a cup of tea.


After Song Jianguo was stunned for a short time, he didn't know what he thought of, his face changed several times, and finally he looked at Huo Yu as if he had made up his mind to test,

"Master Huo, can I take a few minutes of your time to talk to you alone?"

Huo Yu raised his eyebrows, although he was surprised but didn't refuse, it wasn't a big deal at all.


Song Qing kept watching the two of them go upstairs and entered the study before turning away their eyes. She didn't forget the faces of the father and daughter.

Looking at Song Haohao, who was sitting in a well-behaved socialite position, she found that the cheap sister was staring at her stomach,

Curious and careful, for fear that she would find out that she would be unhappy and think about something.

"Did you fall in love recently?"

"What, what?"

Song Qing's sudden opening made Song Hao Hao startled, and she was a little flustered because of peeking into Song Qing's eyes.

After all, she was the one who suffered every time she dealt with Song Qing in the past two years, leaving a bit of a shadow,

Fingers with nude manicure, unconsciously pinching the hem of the pleated skirt because of nervousness, like a student whose parents caught a puppy love and were interrogated,

"Well, we're talking."

"Sister, you also know him. He is Huo Ran's friend and my junior. Yan Hao was the one who rescued me with Huo Ran and sent me to the hospital."

Song Qing is very forgetful, and he can only find a vague outline impression from searching through his memory.

Not to mention other things, but being friends with that unruly young man Huo Ran shouldn't be too bad.


A blush flashed across Song Haohao's face, and his fingers that were pinching the skirt loosened a little.

"Yes, he is very nice and responsible. We plan to get married as soon as we graduate, but my father may not agree."

Ayang's family conditions are relatively ordinary, and her father has always been interested in profit. She is really afraid that one day her father will ask her to marry someone in the circle.

Song Qing took a second look at Song Haohao's face when she heard the words. It was true that there were twists and turns, but fate can eventually be cultivated to a positive result.

"Sister, now that you think about it, your friend's calculations were really accurate. I never believed it."

Song Haohao couldn't tell what it was like in her heart, she hesitated for a long time to be with Ayang,

She is an ambitious person who knows what she wants, marrying someone with good conditions,

It will be helpful to her future career and family company, but Ayang is really good,

He will take the details that she didn't notice by himself, and he will accompany her to see his mother during this time.


Song Qing didn't know what Song Haohao was thinking, she suddenly mentioned it and didn't recall it for a while,

Subconsciously asked back, before Song could answer well, there was a continuous vibration sound from WeChat in the small bag, so he simply gave up.

Taking out the mobile phone is Baicha's video chat invitation, and I have the answer to my confusion just now.

Press the accept button and the screen flickers, the first thing that catches the eye is the back of Baicha's head, and then the kawaii soft girl face,

"Huh? Sister Qingqing, is this your and brother-in-law's home? The decoration style is not the same. By the way, Sister Qingqing, I'm home. Look, this is my naan cake."


A large Erha face suddenly appeared to occupy the entire screen, barking excitedly at the camera,

But the dog's head was quickly pushed down, accompanied by Baicha's disdainful voice,

"Okay, go on with the naan, you dog, you really are, I told you that your brother-in-law is very fierce,

Sister Qingqing is pregnant with a baby now, so she scares Sister Qingqing and the baby in her stomach, be careful that your brother-in-law throws you into the sea to feed the sharks. "

Huo benefactor and cheap father just went up to have a private talk not long ago, then took another look at Song Haohao who was sitting on pins and needles just now,

At this moment, Song Qing looked obviously relieved, while being funny, Song Qing felt a lot more at ease,

After confirming that Baicha got home safely, he stopped thinking about ending the call with a few words, but is she that scary?

"Just got home, have you eaten yet?"

The voice of Baicha full of vitality made the corners of Song Qing's mouth curl up in an arc unconsciously,

"That's right, I called Sister Qingqing to report as soon as I arrived. Is she very obedient? I haven't eaten yet. My parents didn't expect that I would arrive home so soon.

Now in the kitchen, I am in a hurry to heat up my favorite lotus seed pork belly soup, hee hee. "

"Sister Qingqing, are you not busy now, then I will show you around my house."

Compared with yesterday, the mood of Baicha is more than a little bit better. As soon as I turned the camera, I started various introductions.

There are naan cakes rushing in front of the entry together, the figure of the fart and fart, and the barking sound from time to time,

The voice of Song Qing's mobile phone was only turned on for one click, which did not affect the people around her and Song Haohao.

This can be seen from Song Haohao hugging his phone and answering messages, his pretty face showing the sweetness of being immersed in love.

"Look, this is the fish my father raised as a treasure every day, and my mother wants to cook it into a pot of fish soup every day."

The camera turns to a rather large fish tank, Bai Cha's voice continues,

Song Qing narrowed her eyes very shallowly, her attention was neither on the fish nor on the fish tank, but the pot of asparagus next to the fish tank,

"Look at its tail, does it look like a skirt..."

"Bai Cha, turn the camera around."

Song Qing interrupted Bai Cha's words. Although Bai Cha was puzzled, she obediently turned the camera around, her curly eyelashes flickering to ask,

"What's the matter, sister Qingqing?"

"Put the pot of asparagus next to the fish tank in a different position, don't place that one, it will affect your luck."

To be precise, it affects Baicha's emotional fortune, but Baicha has not been in a good mood these days.

It's rare that today is the same green tea girl who laughed heartlessly before, and she doesn't intend to destroy the good mood that the tea girl has regained.

"Huh? I'll change it now! Sister Qingqing, wait a minute, I'll be quick!"

Bai Cha has no doubts about what Song Qing said. Sister Qingqing knows Feng Shui and is very good at it. Everyone in their magic stick group knows that,

Just now her father showed off this pot of asparagus to her, and she will definitely hurt her father later.

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