Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 288 Don’t think about it

At around four o'clock, a black and solemn motorcade drove into the underground parking garage of the First Hospital.

The smooth and slow speed made Song Qing miss her precious Ferrari more and more. She poked the waist of the man next to her with her fingertips.

When Huo Yu looked over, there was a flattering and sly smile on his face, his red lips lightly lifted with spoiled arrogance,

"Husband, do you love me?"

The partition in the car has not been raised all the way, but Achen always talks little.

It was quiet all the time in the car. Huo Yu closed the laptop screen, his handsome face and eyes had smile marks.

"Well, I love you, very much."

Regarding the matter of love or not, Huo Yu's attitude is solemn. No matter how many times he asks, he will not feel impatient and will answer patiently.

He loves, very much.

Although it was an expected answer after hearing it many times, Song Qing still had a sweet smile in her eyes and hooked her arm to make a request.

"If you love me, can you agree to let me drive by myself these days?"

The long eyelashes tremble, acting coquettishly in disguise.

The Rolls-Royce stopped smoothly in the parking space, and the notebook was put aside by its owner at the same time.

Huo Yu put down his overlapping long legs, stroked his thick black curly hair with his palms, and patted her twice with a light but strong punishment.

"Don't think about it."

"I confiscated the car. They won't give you the key without my permission."

The smile on Song Qing's aggressively beautiful face instantly faded, and she took a deep breath.

He moved away without looking at Huo Yu and just opened the door and got out of the car. The feeling of the soles of his shoes touching the ground,

Again, Song Qing, who is accustomed to wearing high heels, pursed her red lips. Is it really necessary to be so careful? ?

It’s understandable that you can’t drink wine, you can’t smoke cigarettes, that’s understandable, you can’t wear high heels or drive in a car,

It’s crazy to have your bodyguard follow you wherever you go. I feel like vomiting after eating recently. It’s really...!

I'm tired. The great master has never been so tired in his life of more than 40 years.

Song Qing turned his back and was immersed in the negative emotions that were growing in his bones, so he didn't pay attention to the movement behind him.


Achen closed the car door, frowned and nodded, and handed the black gun that had been prepared in the private manor to Huo Yu.

When they passed through the underground city corridor, they had to be on guard against William and the people around him.

Huo Yu looked away from the sulking woman's back, took the black pistol and briefly checked to make sure it was safe.

Then he put his hand back into his black suit trouser pocket, walked towards Song Qing with his long legs, and put his arms around Song Qing's slim shoulders.

"Okay, don't be angry. I want to go back and let you drive later."

During this period, I had indeed restricted myself too much. According to Qingqing's character, it was rare for her to be able to endure her temper until now.

Song Qing followed Huo Yu's footsteps and walked toward the elevator. Her gloomy mood dispersed a little, and she glanced at the man's cold side profile suspiciously.


After recovering his memory, when did Donor Huo become as easy to talk to as before?


Huo Yu's hand on Song Qing's shoulder moved to her slender waist. In a completely protective posture, he tilted his head and kissed Song Qing's hair with a warm and soothing voice.

"I know I have wronged you during this period."

He had no choice but to take care of her pregnancy as much as he could.

Song Qing was naturally in a good mood after her wish was fulfilled. Regardless of the presence of seven or eight bodyguards behind her,

Holding her arms and standing on tiptoes, she leaned over, her pretty red lips printed on the side of Huo Yu's face,

It left an eye-catching lipstick mark, but the lip glaze I just applied was too moisturizing.

He coughed uncomfortably and silently stretched out his hand to wipe it with his fingertips under the attention of the bodyguards.

Huo Yu's extremely handsome face showed traces of a doting smile. He did not stop and allowed the woman to ravage his skin. He opened his mouth lightly,

"21st floor."

The couple stood in the middle. Huo Yu's sudden voice made the bodyguard who pressed the 27th floor button stunned.

Turning around and looking at Huo Yu, he asked silently, and at the same time, he canceled the button for the 27th floor.

After wiping off her lipstick, Song Qing's manicure tips began to restlessly play with the wrist watch that reflected the cold light.

The donor has not replaced this watch for a while. I will call the store where I bought this watch later.

I would customize a few more pieces and send them to the manor. I was not worried about the money. I was afraid that they would go back before the watch was delivered.

It would be great if we could travel freely between the different worlds and the Great Abyss without the opportunity of the Nine Stars. Hearing this, he interjected smoothly,

“Isn’t William on the 27th floor?”

She was pregnant for three years and became stupid. Why did Donor Huo also become stupid too? It was so long ago that I forgot about it.

The bodyguard received Huo Yu's affirmative look and indicated that he should press the floor number key to ascend to the 21st floor. Huo Yu looked back and gave an explanation.

"Let's go to Si Nian first."

The bodyguards hurriedly scanned his wife's belly and realized that he didn't want his wife to go through this muddy water.

Song Qing didn't think much about it. He just thought that Huo Donor and Pei Sinian had something to talk about.

She responded and stopped. After all, Huo Yu didn't disagree with what she said all the way.

The few people were riding in a private elevator, which was an extra request made by Huo Yu when he invested in building the hospital.

If you take a public elevator with a bodyguard by your side, it is not only inconvenient but also takes up public space.

The elevator is generally not allowed to be used by outsiders except in special circumstances. There is no need to pause. The elevator quickly reaches the 21st floor where Pei Sinian is located.

a few minutes,

In Pei Sinian's private rest room, Song Qing sat on a chair with his legs crossed. While worried,

His face was a bit dark. Since he didn't intend to let himself follow him, why did he bring him here?

Just go through the motions and make her happy?

Pei Sinian was wearing a neat and meticulous white coat, holding the handle of the water glass to collect water in front of the water dispenser.

From the corner of his eye, he caught Song Qing's sudden change in expression after he turned around, and the crimson lips curved slightly, revealing a hint of a smile.

After collecting the water, he walked over a few steps and placed the water glass with a suitable temperature in front of Song Qing.

"Sister-in-law, drink water."

Song Qing's not-so-good mood subsided in an instant, and a polite smile appeared on her bright and charming face.

"Thank you for bothering you."

"How is Ruanruan doing lately? Are you feeling well during pregnancy?"

Song Qing had nothing to say. The three members of the Jimei family were very active.

More than half of the chat content is Wen Ruanruan sharing her pregnancy routine every day, and since she learned that she was also pregnant,

@She taught her various experiences of people who had experienced it. Of course, she also collected them carefully and listened and read them.

"Everything is fine, but sometimes the mood becomes unstable. These are normal phenomena during pregnancy.

Ayu mentioned to me that I also asked for some advice related to pregnancy. Sister-in-law, Ayu is very interested in you. "

Pei Sinian's words made Song Qing put down her water glass and curl her red lips into a smile, and her little bit of dissatisfaction disappeared.

"I know."

Immediately he thanked Pei Sinian again, "Sorry to trouble you, I'm so busy with work and have to answer so many questions for Ayu. I'll talk to him when I get back."

Zhou Fei was just invited to the manor some time ago. I think it was before this that Donor Huo came to Pei Sinian to ask these questions.

"It's nothing, just a small matter. By the way, sister-in-law, Ayu told me that you are not from our world. Do you know this?"

Pei Sinian opened his thermos and took a sip, seemingly asking accidentally.

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