Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 289 Selfishness

This topic was too sudden. Song Qing was stunned for a moment and then understood. He also figured out the purpose of Pei Sinian's unintentional mention.

Holding the glass of water, she took a sip to hide the twinkling smile in her beautiful eyes. If she said she didn't know,

I'm afraid that Donor Huo couldn't avoid being dragged by his friend who is a doctor to have a brain examination today. He put down the water glass, looked directly at Pei Sinian and answered in the affirmative.

"I know."

"You may think it's ridiculous, but in fact it is. There are many things in this world that are unknown to humans, and this is just one of them."

"Just like people in ancient times, they couldn't imagine the development of technology thousands of years later, right?"

"Don't worry, Ayu's brain is fine, and so am I."

Mentioning these,

Song Qing sighed with some sadness. The Great Yuan is like the existence of the Chinese dynasties thousands of years ago.

Although there are some discrepancies and differences, when it comes to the degree of advancement and development in all aspects, the leader is undoubtedly this other world.

Pei Sinian's fingers with distinct cold white knuckles unconsciously rubbed the wall of the thermos cup.

The sickly white skin is in sharp contrast with the black hair, and the crimson lips are pursed silently.

He seemed to be recalling what Song Qing said, but also seemed to be calming down as he couldn't accept it for a while.

Such a reaction is normal.

Song Qing didn't mind, what's more, she was more worried about Huo Yu who went upstairs to interview William.

I also understood that the reason why Benefactor Huo asked him to stay here and wait was to protect her and Fenduanzi.

A group of people are carrying guns. Even if she ignores Pei Sinian's obstruction, she will go there.

If you don't tell me that you can't help him, you will cause trouble to the donor Huo because of your mindless and reckless behavior.

The only thing I can do is to wait. In addition to worry, the negative emotions that have been bothering me for a while are sweeping over again.

I have to admit that she is becoming more and more useless. Financially, Donor Huo is much better than her.

Not to mention her strength and connections, it’s also because of her lazy temperament that she doesn’t want to bother dealing with interpersonal relationships.

The little old lady was right, she was really good for nothing except fortune-telling.

at the same time,

The atmosphere in the high-end single room ward No. 1 on the 27th floor was particularly stagnant. Huo Yu's steps were steady and strong. The moment he stepped into the ward and closed the door,

The bodyguards on both sides raised their guns and pointed them at each other. After dealing with each other for so long, they still had this understanding of each other.

"Huo, what do you mean? Why didn't your wife come with you?"

William was sitting on the hospital bed without a hospital gown. Due to the lightning current, local skin tissue was burned, and hideous lines appeared on his skin.

Those green eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Huo Yu who was sitting down calmly, with a sinister expression on his God-like face.

"Before asking me questions, Mr. William had better ask your people to put down their guns. We are all prepared.

If we take action, we will only end up in a lose-lose situation. Such a result is not cost-effective for either of us. "

After he paused for a moment, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, scanning the skin of William's upper body exposed to the air.

Not too good memories flooded my mind. I crossed my hands and unconsciously rubbed my thumb joints, and my thin lips spoke quietly,

"It's not a pleasant feeling to be struck by lightning, and I don't think anyone would want to experience it a second time."

It is a threat, a warning, and it also has a deeper meaning, but the deeper meaning can only be understood by Huo Yu himself.

What fell into William's ears was just a threat and warning, and his blood pressure had a slight tendency to rise.


Madeline has been staying at the hospital bed, always paying attention to the advanced medical equipment related to William's life values.

This exclamation brought back William's anger and temporary loss of sanity, but he still gritted his teeth unwillingly.

"So you admit that my two accidents were all your fault."

"As far as I know, the Wesliton Hotel is a property of your group. As for the traffic accident on Beijiao Avenue,

The police also gave you a reasonable explanation. I believe that with Mr. William's wisdom, he should know that it was indeed an accident and not man-made. "

"As for why there were these two accidents, my wife reminded you that night in the dungeon. If I remember correctly, it was because you didn't want to believe us."

William's face was very ugly, because it was indeed the case, and he could not produce strong evidence to refute it.

Every vehicle in his fleet has been modified, the glass damage was not serious, and his men only suffered a few superficial injuries.

If someone like Huo really wanted to cause a traffic accident and kill him, he wouldn't use such boring means.

What's more, Huo could have killed him in the corridor, so why waste so much effort?

Being struck by lightning is even more ridiculous. As Huo said, he doesn't have magical powers to control nature.

The hotel is indeed owned by him. After finishing all this, Huo Yu William's sinister look softened a lot.

After the lightning strike, my body was still slightly numb, so I didn’t bother to raise my hands.

Instead, he raised his chin towards one of the bodyguards. The tall bodyguard nodded and waved back.

The remaining nine bodyguards all put away their guns in a well-trained manner and hid them in specially made pockets that are difficult to detect.

Obviously William didn't want to make things worse and just vent his anger.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have waited for the ward door to close before letting his men raise their guns.

"I misunderstood you Huo, I'm sorry, but since your wife can help me, she is willing to help me.

So where is she now, and why didn't she come with you as she promised in the phone call just now? "

Huo Yu pursed his lips coldly and did not answer. He looked around, especially at the people in William's bodyguard team. The silence was better than the sound.

William is a very smart man. Thinking back to Huo Yu’s solemn reply on the cruise,

As well as the maintenance of the underground city corridor, we can also understand Huo Yu's intention of doing this.

It's just that in his eyes, women are just bed partners. Although he sneered, he still had the patience to speak.

"How about this, I let my people go out, you let your people go out, and you stay with your wife."

Huo Yu lowered his long legs wrapped in dark suit trousers, and his shiny black leather shoes made a slight sound as they landed on the floor.

"No need to go to such trouble. As my wife wishes, Mr. William will hand over the Dragon Head Cup to me, and the bad luck will disappear within three hours."

Regarding the subsequent handling of the Dragon Head Cup, Huo Yu still concealed something, both from William and Song Qing.

"Can I trust you, Huo?"

William's gentle tone once again contained strong dissatisfaction and doubts. Huo Yu straightened up with his hands on his knees, looking a little indifferent.

"In addition to trusting me, Mr. William, is there any better candidate or method?"

Considering the uncles and brothers at home after leaving, William was given another step before he became angry.

"If the bad luck persists within three hours, Mr. William can contact me. I am in the Capital Group and in China and cannot escape. You can rest assured."

There is a reason why the male protagonist likes the female protagonist so much. There is no such thing as unreasonable affection. The female protagonist is also worthy. I will write about it later.


Of course, the premise is that you are still watching the follow-up, hahaha,


The main reason is that there are not too many slap-in-the-face plots, and it seems that the heroine's halo as a protagonist has been a bit weak recently, so I'll leave it at that for now.

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