Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 295 Longevity

Shanwai Village,

It's past five o'clock and almost six o'clock, and the whole village outside the mountain is filled with smoke. Every household comes back from working in the fields to cook.

Oh, there are a lot of chickens, ducks, cows and sheep in the house. August is when the children are at home for summer vacation.

Looking into the fields, it is not difficult to see a few furry children sticking out their buttocks and playing with the fish in the rice fields. It is a peaceful and peaceful scene.

The west end of the village,

Luo Jincai sat on the rooftop of Lao Luo's small two-story building and stared at the courtyard diagonally opposite.

Zeng Yanhua opened the door and saw that her son was still sitting motionless and said something sinful.

"Quanzi, you've been sitting here all day and you don't mind getting too hot. Don't look at it. There's nothing good to see."

The human swallow has aborted the child in her belly. This time she comes back to pay homage to her ancestral graves. It has nothing to do with us.

Let it be over as it is. Your father and I will just consider it a blessing not to have a grandchild, and we accept it.

Okay, mom will kill a duck and make soup for you today. Go down and eat it. Your body is just full, so you still need to take supplements. "

That's what I say, but it can never be so easy. She is a good son,

The guy who carried on the family line was ruined as soon as he said it was bad, and he was beaten all over by Gangzi's bad guy who ruined his embryo.

Only now can I be as active and active as before. I don’t have to go to the ground to take two steps, and I have to be careful about this and that.

In the end, I still didn’t explain it, and I blamed myself and my child’s father for being incompetent, spending their whole lives digging in the ground with their backs to the sky and facing the loess.

It’s not like that girl from the Song family who has a pretty face and uses some shameless skills to get involved with big shots.

No matter how nice it sounds to be married, if you hold a banquet in their mountain valley and say you are married, then you are married.

There were only a few people at the man's house. From her point of view, the banquet was probably held by girls from the Song family just to save face.

Only then did he pester the superficial efforts that the big shot did in the village to deceive these ignorant mountain people.

After leaving this mountain, should I be someone else's kid outside? I can't lift myself up without seeing the light.

This is also a time of peace. In the past, girls like the Song family would have to be submerged in ponds and pig cages for dirty things.


Seeing that her son was still motionless, Zeng Yanhua became worried, walked closer, patted Luo Jincai's shoulder and called out,


Luo Jincai slapped Zeng Yanhua's hand off his shoulder, stood up suddenly, and pushed Zeng Yanhua to the ground with all his strength.

Her bloodshot eyes stared at Zeng Yanhua, who was sitting on the concrete floor of the rooftop. There was no emotion in her eyes.

"Ouch! You knocked me to death. My waist is so big. Quanzi, tell me what you are doing.

I am your mother, you crawled out of my belly, why did you push me? It is not my mother who caused you to become like this.

If you have the ability, go ahead and push someone who has caused you to become like this. What are you doing at home? It's a pity that I get up early and work late at night, and I still have to come back to cook for you.

You still don’t appreciate it, you heartless person, if I had known I shouldn’t have given birth to you in the first place,

I should have suffocated you into a piss bucket when you were born, so that you wouldn’t be angry with me now that you are older. What sins did I commit in my previous life? I owe you. "

Zeng Yanhua is also a shrewd person. There is no one in the entire Shanwai Village who is not afraid of her mouth.

When he has nothing to do, he likes to talk about his family's shortcomings. When he has something to do, he sits on the ground, pats his thighs and squeezes a few tears from his eyes, crying to the heavens and to the earth.

"Howling, howling, howling, what are you howling? I am useless, but I am not dead yet. There is no need for you to howl all day long.

If it weren't for your mouth, I wouldn't be able to get a wife even when I'm almost 30 years old.

If I had a woman and children, I wouldn't have been seduced by that bitch Yan Zi, let alone be like this. "

Luo Jincai spoke with disgust and cruelty, and every word he spoke struck a chord in the heart of Zeng Yanhua, a mother.

After saying that, he lifted his numb legs and limped downstairs while holding on to the wall, not even wanting to look at Zeng Yanhua.

Zeng Yanhua stopped crying and sat on the ground in a daze because her son's words could not calm her mind for a long time.

I never imagined that my hard work would be rewarded by such hurtful words from my son.

"Boom boom——"


Two rapid chirps of cicadas in the forest and two frogs croaking in the rice fields brought Zeng Yanhua back to her chaotic thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Yanhua's even more shrill cry rang out from the rooftop of the Luo family's two-story building,

"Yao Shou! What evil have I done? I was pregnant for ten months and worked hard to give birth to such a son.

He worked exhaustingly every day and raised him from childhood to adulthood without receiving any blessings from his grandchildren.

In the end, he still has to say like this, "I'm not alive anymore. Oh my God, why don't you open your eyes and look?"

Just let down a thunderbolt and kill those heartless things! My life is bitter, my life is really too bitter! "

Zeng Yanhua's wailing screams were drowned out. The village outside the mountain was only a little big.

The whole village is like a circle surrounded by mountains. Every time Zeng Yanhua howls, there is an echo in the village.

There are quite a few people in the village looking towards Luo's house, pointing, whispering and gossiping.

But no one came to persuade them, and the Luo family father and son went directly into the kitchen.

Each took a bowl of rice and ate in silence, regardless of whether Zeng Yanhua was crying upstairs until her throat was almost hoarse.

However, the villagers' attention quickly shifted from the Luo family to the two black Porsche cars driving into the village.

"Whose child is back?"

"Damn it, Old Zhangtou, why are you so blind? Look at these two cars, and there are two words written on them: Expensive!

Who in our village can afford such an expensive thing except the uncle and aunt of the Song family? "

"Grandma, expensive is one word, not two. Why are you dumber than Lingling? Lingling can even count."

"Hahaha, plum blossom girl, you have the nerve to accuse me, look at your granddaughter, she is smarter than you."

For a while, under the century-old tree at the entrance of the village, the villagers gathered together to eat and laughed happily.

It actually temporarily drowned out Zeng Yanhua's piercing howls of ghosts and wolves. The air in the mountains was fresher than in the city.

As soon as we entered the mountains, the old woman lowered her car window. At first she was quite happy to hear the villagers chatting and chatting about their daily routine.

A kind and kind old face smiled, looking at a group of villagers walking away under a century-old tree,

Without looking back, he lay on the car window and stared eagerly, wishing he could just get out of the car and join in the fun, and he opened his mouth to praise,

"Child, look and listen. The countryside is beautiful no matter where it is. Good mountains and good water are there to support people. Tell me about the simple laughter."

Miaoshui's attention was mainly focused on the century-old trees at the entrance of the village, which naturally blocked some noise in his ears.

Song Qing is different. She used to come back every half month. The scene at the entrance of the village is no stranger to her.

Therefore, it is not so attractive to her, and naturally it is easier to hear other noises.

Holding back the curve of the corner of his mouth, he upheld the duty of a disciple and reminded him kindly,

"Master, why don't you listen more carefully?"

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