Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 296 Where is our toilet?

"What else is there to listen to?"

Miaoshui was in a good mood. He actually listened to his disciple and listened carefully. It would have been better if he didn't listen.

As soon as he heard this, his smile dropped instantly, and he pursed his sweet lips. The expression on his old, wrinkled face was indescribable.

Song Qing was born with a rebellious nature, and he was raised by an old woman since he was a child.

I learned a lot of Miaoshui’s bad habits, such as taking every opportunity to tease people.

"Master, how are you doing? Does it sound good to you? Is the mountain and water good enough to support people?"

I know that there is no better disciple than my master, and I know that the child is deliberately teasing me.

The old woman curled her lips, but also felt that it was not good to talk about others behind their back, so she lowered her voice and muttered,

"No matter how well-cooked the pot of porridge is, there will always be a few rat droppings, right?"

Song Qing smiled without saying a word, and cast her eyes with a half-hearted smile on the bright screen of her mobile phone.

Click into the chat dialog box of the starred friend and press the short video recording button to record a short section of the village scenery.

After the sending was completed, his slender green-white fingertips tapped the keyboard to type out a line of words.

Dayuan's second magic stick

[Honey, we are almost at the door of the house. I will call you after I introduce Master to my grandparents and they get to know each other well.

Have you eaten at this point? What to eat? Eat more, otherwise you won’t be able to hold me when I get pregnant. 】

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so greasy and sticky, it really makes my old lady's skin crawl."

Miaoshui's short and thin body came over at some point and took a peek.

Then he turned around and pretended that nothing had happened, looking at the unripe green rice ears in the rice field.

A few words of self-concern and self-disdain, after all, old man, if I don’t look you in the eyes and say it, I’m not talking about you.

If you think I'm talking about you, then you're right. It has nothing to do with the old woman and there's nothing I can do about it.

A large swath of brilliant rays of light from the sky enveloped the entire village, and a few rays reflected on Miaoshui's silvery hair.

It reflects a layer of light golden halo, which echoes the scenery outside the car window very beautifully.

Song Qing put the phone into her bag and chuckled, her mood inexplicably calmed down at this moment.

"Old naughty boy."

In front of the Song family courtyard,

Grandpa Song stood under the shade of the loquat tree at the entrance of the small courtyard, smoking a dry cigarette.

Seeing two Porsche cars coming towards my house, I happily turned around to inform my wife who was busy in the kitchen,

"Old lady, our girl is back. Is your white duck soup good?"

"Okay, okay, it has been sitting in the pot for a long time. How can it be better?"

There was a sound of agreement in the kitchen, and after a while, Grandma Song came out with her hands wiped on a clean apron.

"The bad girl is back? Where is she? Let me see, oh, she is not our bad girl."

There was movement from the three-story building next door. It was Aunt Xiang coming out with food in her hands.

"Uncle Song and Aunt Song, are you back? When are you going to the big city in the capital? You two are enjoying a lot of happiness, unlike me.

I have never been to our capital for most of my life. You two elders must talk to me carefully when you come back.

Let me also open my eyes. If I go to the village entrance tomorrow and talk nonsense, I can also say a few more words. "

Both elders know that Xiang Meizi has no evil intentions and are willing to deal with her. After all, that sentence is there.

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If you need anything, just say hello and you can help.

"Okay, sister, whatever you want to know when you get back, I will definitely tell you what I know.

Then I’ll buy some specialties from there and bring them back to you, and we’ll eat and chat in the yard in the evening.”

Grandma Song was a cheerful person, so she agreed without any hesitation. Aunt Xiang liked the cheerfulness in Grandma Song, so she nodded with a smile.

"Hey, that's great!"

Grandpa Song didn't talk much and didn't like to get involved in women's affairs, so he just stood and listened.

But his eyes were looking at the two cars getting closer and closer to home. In the blink of an eye,

The two Porsches stopped steadily at the entrance of the small courtyard, and the two old men stepped forward to greet them.

Aunt Xiang stood at the door of her house, looking up eagerly while eating.

When someone else's child comes back, what will happen if she, an outsider, joins in?


Following Grandma Song's kind call, Song Qing pushed open the car door and looked towards the two elders.

Looking at Grandpa Song and Grandma Song who have not looked old for half a year, with a smile on their bright and charming face,

He quickly took a few steps forward, opened his arms and hugged Grandma Song, and then hugged Grandpa Song.

"Grandma, how are you? Are you feeling well? I'm coming back a few days late this time, granddaughter. Do you miss me and talk about me every day?"

In front of the two elders, Song Qing could always show her childish side involuntarily.

She hugged Grandma Song’s shoulders and refused to let go, causing Grandma Song to pretend to be disgusted and go away.

"You're such a shameless girl. Why don't you come back a few days late and talk about you every day? It's embarrassing for you."

"Girl, don't listen to your mother. Your mother can't sleep at night and talks about you to me.

She is worried that you will not know how to take care of yourself when you are pregnant, and that you will not be able to eat well and sleep well. "

It was rare for Grandpa Song to open his mouth to discredit his wife, and he quietly hid the dry cigarette he was smoking behind his back.

Song Qing saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart. While her heart was moved, she felt as if she had forgotten something.

Until a series of coughs from Miao Shui sounded behind him, and he tapped his forehead to react.

Quickly letting go of Grandma Song's shoulders, she went over to invite the little old woman standing next to Ayou, and introduced her to the two elders with a smile.

"Grandma, this is the one I told you about, my master. Master, these are the grandparents who raised me here."

‘Here’ is used very cleverly, it can refer to both the village outside the mountain and this different world.

After all, Miaoshui has been a high priest in the palace for decades. Needless to say, he has an unworldly character.

Coupled with the unusual and colorful beggar's shirts, the two elders who saw Miaoshui for the first time felt a little embarrassed.


The old woman noticed the embarrassment of the two elders and glared angrily at the apprentice who couldn't even introduce him well.

The wrinkles at the end of his eyes relaxed, and he stepped forward to build a relationship with the two elders very familiarly.

"Sister and brother, this is the first time we meet. Hello, hello. I am your granddaughter's master, old lady.

My name is Miaoshui. You can just call me Miaoshui girl. You don’t have to think anything of it. I am a casual person who is easy to get along with. "

Miaoshui shook hands with the two elders one after another. After shaking hands, he took Grandma Song aside and whispered mysteriously in a low voice.

"Old sister, where is our toilet? I've been holding it in all this time. At my age,

It would be a huge joke if he acted like a three-year-old and couldn't help but pee his crotch later. "

This sentence alone narrowed the unfamiliar distance between the two old people. Grandma Song patted her thighs and pulled Miaoshui towards the small courtyard first.

"Harm, tell me, this bad girl is the same. She doesn't know how to stop at a rest stop on the way. Sister, come in with me quickly and I will take you there."

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