Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 297 At least not now

Early 7pm,

It started to rain lightly outside, and the lights in the courtyard of the Song family courtyard were on.

Under the orange light, the naked eye can see the thin and dense rain curtain like broken lines.

"Girl, you'd better let them live here. Sleeping in a car is not as comfortable as sleeping on a bed. They can't even stretch their legs if they want."

Grandma Song held on to the door frame and looked at the two Porsche cars parked under the loquat tree and said worriedly.

"Grandma, I have something to tell you and grandpa. Once this is finished, it won't be too late to let them come in and go upstairs to sleep."

Song Qing held the old man's hand feeling somewhat uneasy, and didn't know if the two elders would be able to accept it after talking to them later.

"It's so mysterious that we have to hide it from people and children."

Grandma Song didn't have the courage to look at her granddaughter, but she didn't insist anymore and followed her inside.

"Come on, sister, sit here with me."

The incandescent lamp was on in the living room, and Miaoshui and Grandpa Song were already sitting on bamboo stools.

The old woman pulled another bamboo stool aside and greeted her warmly,


Grandma Song agreed with a smile. One dinner was enough time for the two old people to get to know each other and get along like sisters.

Song Qing couldn't stop laughing. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to Grandpa Song. He couldn't let the old man get too lonely by himself.

After everyone sat down, it was natural to start talking about business. The master and the disciple looked at each other in tacit understanding.

Song Qing looked at the two elders. Considering that both of them were old, he spoke tactfully.

"Grandma, I was a little different from other children when I was a child. You all still remember that, right?"

When she was a child, other children in the village played in the mud and caught crickets, so she locked herself in the courtyard to exercise.

Whether it is speaking, literacy or other aspects, she is a little earlier than her peers.

Although she deliberately hides it, outsiders will only think that she is more sensible and smarter than other children.

The others are no different from other children, but the grandparents are different.

When we get along day and night, no matter how well she hides it, there will be times when she relaxes and reveals her flaws.

Grandpa Song and Grandma Song have lived for most of their lives, and there is no way their minds are impenetrable.

As soon as the granddaughter opened her mouth like this, she probably could guess what she was going to talk about tonight.

The girl hadn't taken the initiative to talk about it after so many years, so they didn't open their mouths to ask.

After all, they know that their granddaughter is capable and will not be bullied, so they are satisfied. It doesn't matter if they don't know about the others.

But since the girl mentioned it tonight, there must be a reason for mentioning it.

The old couple looked at each other, Grandpa Song nodded, and Grandma Song looked at Song Qing and said kindly,

"Girl, if you have anything to say, just say it. Don't worry about me and your grandfather. Although we haven't asked you for so many years,

But we all know it, so just say it, as long as you are a good person, your grandfather and I can bear it. "

Song Qing couldn't help but feel a sore nose. This was because he had no blood relationship with her but had to endure all kinds of hardships to raise her.

The two old people who love her as their own granddaughter, how virtuous she is, how lucky she is,

"Grandma, it's like this..."

Next, Song Qing told the two elders one by one the whole story of coming to this other world. Before coming back,

These words have been passed through her mind dozens of times, so overall it went smoothly.

"So, girl, you, you are from another world? Then, then..."

Grandma Song still couldn't calm down this energy for a while. Before that,

Let alone another world, she and her wife have never heard of such unbelievable things.

Grandpa Song remained silent and knocked the unlit cigarette pole on the ground.

But he is no better than his wife. He has been an honest farmer all his life. He never thought that he would be exposed to these things one day.

"Brother and sister..."

Miaoshui was about to say something to lighten the atmosphere, but he heard Grandma Song next to her slap her thigh.

"Girl, grandma understands, what you just said is the same thing that Yue Yatou in the village shouts every day... wear, time travel?"

"Yes, it's time travel. Yue Yatou hasn't studied well since she got a mobile phone in junior high school.

I hold my mobile phone and read some time-travel novel every day. Girl, is this what you are talking about? "

Song Qing had never thought about such a thing, but it happened to be convenient for her, so she nodded with a smile,

"Yes, grandma, you can understand it that way, it almost means the same thing."

If that's the case, Grandma Song will understand. Every day, Girl Yue wants to travel back to ancient times to be a queen, a princess or something like that.

She once went to the ground to water the vegetables, and she couldn't help but asked out of curiosity. However, Renyue Yatou excitedly explained to her in detail what time travel was.

"Then according to what you just said, girl, do you want to take me and your grandfather to your place?"!

"That's right, grandma, are you... willing?"

Song Qing's heart suddenly became agitated. Her grandparents had no children, so she never considered whether her two elders would be unwilling to go back with her.

"What are you thinking, you damn girl? Why don't you want to do this? Your grandfather and I have no children.

But I only have a granddaughter like you. The reason why I didn’t go to live with you in the city is because I’m not used to living in the city.

Besides, you can come back every month and it’s convenient to have a car. Your grandpa and I didn’t go. If it’s like what you said, you go back to where you came from.

Your grandfather and I didn't know if we would ever see you again before we entered the coffin, so how could we bear to part with you. "

Song Qing looked at his grandfather who had been silent all the time. After all, he was from a rural area and belonged to the older generation.

Even though grandma seems to have the final say on everything at home, in fact, grandpa makes the final decision on all major matters.

"Old man, speak, the girl is waiting."

What Grandma Song hates the most is that her husband can’t even fart with these eight strokes. Why?

Could this damn old man really give up his only granddaughter just because he couldn't bear to part with a few acres of land?

Miaoshui took out two candies from the pocket of his colorful coat and stuffed one into Grandma Song's hand.

He peeled off the candy wrapper and put the candy into his mouth, then looked at Grandpa Chao Song.

She had already made a plan in her mind. If the old man didn't allow her to finish the candy, she would use her sharp tongue.

No matter what, I have to agree with the old man, lest the apprentice still worry about the two elders after he returns and thinks about coming here all day long.

So what she and the Queen Mother have done are all in vain. That won't work, at least not yet.

Under the attention of the three people, another frog cry finally sounded in the ears of several people. Grandpa Song knocked on the cigarette pole and looked at Grandma Song and spoke,

"What do you think I'm going to do? If you can't let go of this girl, can I?"

Having said that, Grandpa Song still feels sorry for the crops in the fields and the chickens and ducks raised at home.

As the old saying goes, fallen leaves return to their roots. Who would want to leave the place where they have lived all their lives if they could.

"Grandpa, thank you."

Song Qing could probably guess what his grandfather was thinking, but he couldn't say anything to ask the two elders to stay. Grandpa Song patted his granddaughter's hand and said,

"You kid, what are you talking about?"

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