Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 298 Crazy

"Hey, isn't everyone happy?"

Miaoshui happily clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and the candy in his mouth tasted even sweeter because he didn't have to waste any time drinking.

"Sister and brother, don't worry, I can still speak to you over there. I guarantee you will have a more comfortable life there than here."

The little old lady Shun Xin Shunyi was also more enthusiastic. Besides, this trivial matter was not a matter of just a word between her and the Queen Mother.

"Then I'll trouble Miss Miaoshui."

Grandma Song did not refuse Miaoshui's kindness, and she didn't know what the specific situation was there.

He didn't ask for a good life, as long as he didn't cause any trouble to his grandson and granddaughter-in-law. He turned to look at Song Qing's belly.

"Girl, can the child in your belly also come with you?"

Grandpa Song also looked over when he mentioned this. He and his wife only lived for a few things at this age.

Song Qing nodded in the eyes of the two elders who were looking forward to and worried, and gave a reassuring affirmative answer.

"Of course, we can go back together regardless of whether we are born or not."

As he spoke, his hand fell on his lower abdomen, and the mole of tears at the end of his left eye was smiling.

Fendanzi was pretty well behaved today. Apart from feeling a little uncomfortable just after getting out of the car, she didn't feel any nausea during the meal.

Grandma Song noticed her granddaughter's subconscious movements and thought about how happy she would be to have her great-grandson in her arms next year.

"It's done! Grandma put her heart in her belly."

"The vast horizon is my love, the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green mountains, what kind of festival..."

As soon as I finished speaking, the screen of the elderly phone on the table lit up and the ringtone sounded.

The ringing was loud and abrupt, and it really startled a few people on this rainy night.

Grandpa Song was sitting closest to the table. He quickly picked up the phone and handed it to Grandma Song.

"Hello? Hello! Hey, it's Yanzi. What's wrong? Why are you calling me so late at night and why are you crying?

Hey, girl Qing is at home, don't be anxious, just say it slowly, okay, okay. "

As she spoke, Grandma Song handed the phone to Song Qing and motioned for Song Qing to pick it up.

The volume of the old man's mobile phone is usually turned up louder. Before Song Qing took the phone, he heard Yanzi's cry.

Turning on the speakerphone directly, Yanzi's frightened cries instantly filled the entire living room of the Song family courtyard.

"Sister Song Qing, do you know the people from the police station, right? Please help me, please.

Let them send someone over quickly to take this lunatic Luo Jincai away and put him in jail, please! "

Along with the cry of the swallows, there was a banging sound similar to banging on the door.

"Sister Song Qing, did you hear that that madman was smashing our door with an axe?

His uncle, aunt, and others didn't dare to stop him outside, and they would kill people with axes whenever he got close.

The village chief's phone number can't be reached again. I really have no choice but to come here to beg you. Please send people from the police station over. You will definitely be able to make calls better than me.

I beg you, I really don’t want to die, my mother is still inside, my door won’t hold up for long, I beg you! "

Yan Zi's words made the four of them stunned, and then they all got up and walked towards the gate when Grandma Song said "Ouch, what a sin!"

The rain is still falling. Diagonally across from the Song family courtyard is the Yanzi family courtyard with a jujube tree.

At this moment, the courtyard lights of the courtyard are on, surrounded by a dozen villagers holding umbrellas, and the lights on the neighboring houses are also on.

In front of two Porsches under the loquat tree in the Song family courtyard, Ayou and two other bodyguards held umbrellas and looked across.

It seems that he must have heard the movement on the other side and got out of the car to wait and see.

Hearing the movement behind him, he turned around and saw Song Qing and three old people coming out and three people walking over.

"Madam, grandparents, master."

At first, Ayou and the other three called Grandpa Song and Grandma Song as Mr. and Mrs. Song, but the two elders were not used to hearing this.

He asked the three children to follow Song Qing and call them grandparents. The two elders nodded and looked in the direction of the courtyard opposite, feeling at a loss.

They have lived in the village for decades, and the village is full of honest farmers.

I've never seen someone use an ax to smash the door of another house, and the other person went to break up the fight and threatened to chop down the other person's house.

"Ayou, drive, let's go there."

Song Qing handed the umbrella to the old woman and bent down to pick up a few small stones from the ground.

As long as it's not a gun, it's not a threat to a charming person like her.

"Madam, let the three of us go over, we brought it with us..."

Ayou refused directly without thinking. He repeatedly emphasized that he must protect his wife, let alone let her take risks.

If Madam loses even one hair, they will all be skinned when they return home.

"Have you thought about how to deal with the aftermath?"

Song Qing interrupted Ayou. She knew they were carrying guns when they came out this time.

But the village is not like an underground city, nor is it a place under the name of the donor like the hospital.

Now Luo Jincai is holding an axe. If Ayou and the others don't want to be hurt, they can only use guns.

It's easy to shoot, but if the whole village is alarmed after shooting, the aftermath will be quite troublesome.


Ayou wanted to say something but Song Qing stopped him with a look. He had no choice but to start the car.

Anyway, the three of them will follow. If the situation goes wrong, they will shoot.

No matter what, the lady cannot be harmed in the slightest, and we will deal with the aftermath later.

"Girl, you can't go there. Let's call the police and have people from the police station come and deal with it. Quanzi is crazy now and has red eyes and doesn't recognize anyone.

That ax doesn't have an eye. If you get hurt somewhere, what do you want your father and grandma to do?

You still have a child in your belly. If your grandson-in-law knew about it, he would be very anxious. "

Grandma Song saw that something was wrong, so she quickly stepped forward to pull her granddaughter out of the car without holding an umbrella. Grandpa Song also stepped forward.

"Girl, you have to listen to us on this matter."

Miaoshui took advantage of the gap when few people noticed her and got into the back seat of the car. At this moment, she smiled and patted Grandma Song's hand.

"Sisters and brothers, don't worry. I'll go with you. I'm very capable. Don't worry, I won't let these children get hurt.

If you two are worried, just stand here and wait, we will be back soon. "

"Grandma, don't worry, have you forgotten what I just told you?"

Maybe it was Miaoshui's unusual character that convinced the two elders, or maybe it was the things they had never heard of in the living room just now.

Let the two elders know that their granddaughter and Miaoshui are not ordinary people, the two elders slowly let go of their hands,

Yanzi lives in the same village no matter what, and besides, the Lin family girl treated their Qing girl very well when she was a child.

It makes no sense that they had the ability to help, but they watched helplessly as the helpless mother and daughter were hurt by Quan Zi's thug.

Looking at the two cars driving rapidly away from each other, Grandpa Song and Grandma Song were extremely worried.

This is also the first time that I feel that their village is so inconvenient. The village chief is not here.

If you have anything to do, call the police station in your hometown. By the time someone from the police station rushes over, the day lily is already cold.

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