Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 299 Obsessed



The sound of the ax hitting the mahogany painted door became louder and louder than the other,

At night in this village surrounded by mountains, every villager's heart was struck like a thunderous sound.

"Quan Zi, please be kind and don't smash it. Don't think about it. If you really smash this door open and go in, you will hurt Aunt Lin, mother and daughter.

Whatever you can earn, you will inevitably be arrested by the police station and sentenced to several years. If it is serious, you will be shot directly. What will your parents do in the future?

Who will take care of them until they die? It's not easy for your parents to raise a son like you for so many years. "

"This is Mr. Li Quan, please listen to what your Aunt Xiang says, and don't smash it again!"

"Oh, there are monsters doing evil, what should we do? The village chief is not here this late at night.

Fazi, I asked you to call the police station. Have you called? Why is there no movement at all? "

"I beat my uncle. I beat you as soon as you told me. The police station said they would send someone over immediately, but how far is the police station from our village?

It takes time for people to come up. They are humans, not gods, and don't have wings. They can fly here just as long as they want. "

"Yanhua, please stop crying. Get up and say a few words to persuade your son Quan. Aren't you usually very talkative? What's the use of just crying now."

"What's more, Lao Luo, you too are still interested in smoking your old cigarette pole.

Not to mention trying to persuade your son, if Quan Zi really kills him with an axe, the rest of his life will be ruined! "

In the courtyard of the Lin family courtyard, the villagers were talking incessantly, most of them trying to persuade Luo to make money, but no one dared to really come forward.

No one's life is more important than life. They are all afraid of death. Seeing how powerful the ax is, it glows coldly. If it is touched,

A big scratch would be considered a small matter of luck, but what if you lose an arm or a leg or, more seriously, lose your life?

Look at the Luo family’s parents again.

Zeng Yanhua sat on the concrete floor of the yard and patted her thighs, crying with snot and tears.

Lao Luo squatted next to Zeng Yanhua, lowered his head and said nothing, just smoking a dry cigarette.

Under the light of the street lights built by the government, one could vaguely see Old Luo Tou, his eyes as cold and cold as poisonous snakes.

There was the sound of a car driving behind them, and the villagers all turned around to look, but they didn't have time to see anything clearly.

I just felt the dazzling white light flashing past my eyes. Everyone couldn't bear it and closed their eyes. Suddenly, there was a clang in my ears,

When she opened her eyes again, she saw two cars from Qing Yatou's family stopping at the intersection of Lin's courtyard.

Thinking of the clang they just heard, they guessed something and looked towards the mahogany painted gate of Lin's yard.

Quan Zi, who was swinging an ax and banging on the door, collapsed on the ground with his arms and legs and screamed in pain.

The villagers were overjoyed, and several men in the village took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward and snatch the axe.

But they saw that Old Luo Tou, who was squatting next to Zeng Yanhua and smoking a cigarette, was faster than them.

Rushing to the mahogany painted gate and picking up the ax that fell on the ground, just as all the villagers breathed a sigh of relief,

Just when I thought this farce was about to end tonight, I saw Lao Luo looking like he was going crazy again.

Swinging the ax, he rushed towards Song Qing and the others who were coming towards him. If he looked carefully, it was clear that he was going towards Song Qing alone.

"Lao Luo!!"

"Lao Luo, what are you doing, Lao Luo! Stop it, don't do it, ouch!!"

"Girl Qing, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Turn around and run, little girl! Quick! God, what a sin! What happened to this whole family? Is it a ghost?"

Song Qing looked at Lao Luo, who was charging towards him with an axe, and frowned without trace.

Before Ayou and others took out the guns, they used their inner strength to hit Lao Luo's wrist with the last stone in their hands.

There was another clang of an ax falling to the ground in the courtyard of the Lin family courtyard, but as the saying goes, the old is still the hotter.

Not only did Lao Luo not scream in pain like Luo Jincai, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he endured the inhuman pain that was close to paralysis.

He raised his other unused left hand to pick up the ax, and then slashed at Song Qing who was a few steps away.

"Lao Luo!"

"What kind of madness are you talking about? What does this have to do with this girl? You're going to hit her with an axe."

If she stops your son Quan, she is saving your son Quan. Do you understand? What kind of demon are you possessed by? ! "

This time, they didn’t even have to wait for Ayou and the others to react. The villagers swarmed forward spontaneously.

One man stretched out his foot and kicked the ax away, while others formed a circle and surrounded Lao Luo's head.

One by one, they patted their chests and tried to survive, and you and I started to persuade them one by one. Among them, Aunt Xiang had the loudest voice.


Song Qing raised her red lips lightly and glanced at the ax that had been kicked aside by the villagers.

Ayou understood and handed the umbrella to another bodyguard behind him. He quickly ran over, bent down, picked up the ax and walked back.

"Ma'am, please take it."

The ax is very sharp, and you can tell that someone has sharpened it carefully on a whetstone.

Song Qing's eyelids twitched uncontrollably. After living in this peaceful world for twenty-five years,

Not to mention thinking about these fights and killings in my mind, I was really a little frightened, so I waved my hands slightly,

"Just keep it safe. People from the police station should come to collect evidence later. Don't worry, so many villagers are watching tonight. They won't arrest the wrong person."

When Ayou took the axe, Ayou's fingerprints would be left on the handle of the axe. That's why Song Qing would say this more,

Ayou was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the lady’s intention. He wanted to laugh a little but felt heartwarming.

After all, not every employer will think about their subordinates. In fact, Madam is overly worried. This trouble is not a trouble to them.

My wealth, strength and status are there, so as long as I don't make too much of a fuss and alert the higher-ups, generally speaking, there won't be any big problems.

"Get out of here, get out of here. I'm going to kill that little bitch. If it weren't for his bad mouth,

My son will never end up like this, and my old Luo family will never be extinct! "

Close to the roar of a wild beast, Lao Luo was about to rush out from the surrounding villagers with red eyes.

Although the villagers were startled by Lao Luo's sudden roar, there were still a few people who reacted quickly.

In time, they caught the crazy and careless Lao Luo, and several uncles who were old and respected by the villagers,

Because of Lao Luo's words, he was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. He banged the crutch in his hand on the cement floor in the yard.

"Little Luo, Xiao Luo, what do you want us to order? What does Quan Ziyou have to do with Qing Yatou today?

Yes, Miss Qing said that to your son Quan in the winter melon field,

But you don’t even look at your son’s virtues. Who in the village doesn’t know that? ? "

Imaginary article, Imaginary article, Imaginary article. In reality, dear friends, please remember to abide by the rules and laws. Yes, I am still so cowardly.

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