Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 445 Nothing is more important than happiness

This question hit Sharan's sore spot sharply.

Indeed, it has been a long time since he went home to visit his parents. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't.

Since coming to the imperial capital, he has been dealing with matters in the Golden Triangle, and he has no time to go home to visit his parents.

Furthermore, what he did was too dangerous, and he was afraid that if he was not careful, his parents would be hurt.

Xia Lang closed her eyes, shook her head, and answered Xu Yan's question.

Xu Yan was a little puzzled, "Why?"

The imperial capital is not far from Nanjing, and it is not difficult if Sharan wants to go home, but Xu Yan looks at him as if he has some difficulties.

Against Xu Yan's clear and bright eyes, Sharan really didn't want to lie to him, but he had to deceive her.

He thought that if Xu Yan knew his true identity, he would definitely hate him very much.

He didn't have the courage to tell the truth to Xu Yan.

In order to prevent the other party from seeing his embarrassment, Sharan said helplessly: "Because I don't want to disappoint them, I have no face to meet them."

This is one of the reasons.

He dared not respond, part of the reason was because he didn't want his parents to see him look like nothing.

He is already a self-defeating man.

How dare he go home.

Xu Yan's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she didn't understand the meaning of what he said.

Immediately afterwards, Sharan continued to speak.

"Miss Xu, you should remember that I told you before that my family background is actually average. My parents are ordinary people. They opened a small noodle restaurant. 'S parents, but...

Xu Yan naturally remembered these.

It's just these experiences, it doesn't actually belong to Xiao Mo, but to Sharan.

Xu Yan could tell that Xiao Mo now seemed to really care about his family.

Sharan lowered her head suddenly: "But I failed their expectations. I didn't become the kind of person they expected."

Not only did he not mix well, but the major he studied was also white, and his life was not under his control at all.

"I don't understand, who is the kind of person they expect?" Xu Yan looked puzzled.

In her mind, the couple should not be the kind of person who forced their children.

Even if Sharan is not their own son, they should love him too.

"They want me to work in the hospital, and hope that I can develop the specialty of sports medicine well." Xia Lang said slowly.

For a long time, his parents had great expectations of him, hoping that he would be able to concentrate on high-level medicine, but he finally failed to achieve it.

"So that's the case." Xu Yan probably understood why Sharan was suddenly depressed, probably because she felt sorry for her parents.

He has amnesia now. It is normal for him to treat the noodle restaurant couple as his biological parents.

Pity the parents of the world.

Xu Yan thought that the reason why the noodle restaurant and his wife had such great expectations of Xiao Mo should be for the real Sharan.

After all, the real Sharan did study this major abroad, and they should hope that Xiao Mo could replace Sharan to complete the rest of his life.

So they adopted Xiao Mo and made Xiao Mo, who had amnesia, firmly believe that he was Sharan.

This is also a kind of obsession.

Xu Yan didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. She just wanted to know, is Xiao Mo happy now?

Seeing Sharan unhappy, Xu Yan kindly comforted him and said: "Parents hope that their children have a stable job, and they also think about your future development, but I think you should think more about it. The children belong to their parents. Proud, they will not be disappointed in you just because you are not in this industry."

"Really?" Xia Lang raised her guilty eyes and looked at Xu Yan, with a trace of relief in her eyes, "Do they think I am ashamed of them?"

A person has a face and a tree has a skin. Sharan doesn't want to embarrass his parents.

His parents spent so much money for him to study and worked hard day and night to make him stand out.

But he did the most evil thing in the world, and every time he thinks about it, he feels that he is not something.

But he couldn't help it, he was already a demon falling into the abyss.

He will never be saved in his life.

"No." Xu Yan looked at him and answered him very seriously, "And you are the CEO now. If they know you are so capable, they will be very proud."

Compared with sports medicine, the CEO knows which one is higher.

Even if the noodle restaurant couple didn't see the ending they wanted, the position is still very face-to-face.

Sooner or later they will realize that Xiao Mo will never become Sharan.

Even if he owns Sharan's name and owns Sharan's life, the blood that flows from him still belongs to Xiao Mo.

Maybe Xiao Mo's entry into the business world was a doomed thing, and no one can change it.

Even if it is another life, Xiao Mo's life trajectory will still return here.

After hearing Xu Yan's words, Sharan mocked herself unconsciously.

Yes, he is now a high-ranking chief executive officer, a man with a face and a face.

But who can guarantee how long he can sit in this position?

His every move was done in accordance with the boss's instructions. If one day, the boss asked him to roll back to the Golden Triangle, then he would have to take off his suit immediately and roll back to his hell.

In his life, he couldn't help himself two years ago, and he is now a puppet at the mercy of others.

Since he doesn't know what his fate is going to be, why should he show off with great fanfare. If he is thrown into hell, he doesn't know how many jokes he will be watched.

So these things, he would rather his parents never know.

Now this glamorous identity may no longer belong to him at any time.

"Perhaps, but I still don't want to tell them my situation. I may not be able to sit firmly in this position." Xia Lang smiled bitterly.

When facing Xu Yan, he would always inadvertently reveal his true feelings.

It's really weird.

Xu Yan felt that he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he seemed to have a little...inferiority?

Is she thinking too much?

Why does she think Sharan today is different from before?

He shouldn't be such an inferior person.

"You can see that you care about your parents, your family must be very happy?" Xu Yan asked her most concerned question.

"Of course, I think the best gift God has given me is my parents. They are really good people."

Because of this, he especially cared about their feelings, and he also cared about them everywhere.

Xu Yan didn't know why she felt so moved after hearing this.

As long as Xiao Mo feels happy now, nothing matters anymore.

Those in the past, let it go with the wind.

He is now Sharan, a Sharan who lives freely and happily.

Nothing is more important than happiness.

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