The phone rang, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Seeing the caller ID, Sharan immediately got up, picked up the phone, and nodded slightly at Xu Yan, "I'm sorry, I will answer the call first."

Xu Yan nodded lightly, beckoning him to go.

Just in case, Sharan walked out of the gallery and stood at the door to answer the phone.

Xu Yan looked at his figure through the glass window, resting his chin in one hand, and gently shaking the water glass in his hand with the other.

The sun reflected on Sharan's body, gradually lengthening his shadow, his body was full of brilliance, and his gestures exuded a kind of mature male charm.

When the passing girls saw him, they all showed idiot faces, and some even smiled shyly.

It is undeniable that whether it is Xiao Mo two years ago or Xia Lang now, he is so dazzling.

However, compared to Mu Nanfeng, it was still so much worse.

Xu Yan is not a nympho, and there is already a perfect man in the family, so she doesn't have that kind of admiration and hope for Xiao Mo.

To her, her current relationship with Xiao Mo is a friend.

In order to save her, Xiao Mo chose to sacrifice Wen Ziwei on the reef.

With this move alone, Xiao Mo is a friend worthy of her.

After fighting for so long that year, I don't know who owes whom.

Perhaps in this life, there are always some evil fate.

Even with the chance of a new life, life will not be smooth sailing.

Seeing Xiao Mo resurrecting from the dead, Xu Yan couldn't help but think of it.

Since Xiao Mo can survive by chance, will Xu Chenxi's green tea also...

Xu Yan shook her head, feeling that this idea was a little redundant.

There are so many miracles in the world.

Just thinking about it, Sharan had already stood in front of her.

Xu Yan regained consciousness, "Did you finish?"

"Yeah." Sharan's tone was very gentle, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes, "I have something to do, maybe I have to leave first."

"Well, you are busy, and I just want to go home." Xu Yan suddenly got up, and he came here today to fetch the documents. He happened to meet Xia Lang and stayed for a few more words.

Xia Lang originally wanted to say to send her back, but then she thought that her time was not allowed, so she had to hold back this sentence.

"That..." Sharan suddenly became stuttered when he remembered what Xu Yan said last time, and scratched the back of his head embarrassedly. "You didn't give your call last time. I don't know this time..."

The water thrown out by the words spoken out can't be collected even if I want to collect it.

Last time Xu Yan promised to leave her phone number for the next time she met, but she didn't expect that she would come too soon for the next meeting.

This time she was not easy to refuse, so she had to politely agreed, "Give me the phone."

Sharan's heart blossomed with joy, feeling that the blood was flowing backwards, and his heartbeat was pounding faster.

He handed the phone to Xu Yan excitedly.

Xu Yan clicked on the phone, and a familiar number on the interface rushed into his sight.

That was the call Xiao Mo just answered.

Xu Yan's brain was short-circuited for a while, and she only felt that the phone number was very familiar, but she couldn't remember it anymore.

Without thinking about it, she entered her number and pressed the dial key.

When her cell phone rang, Xu Yan took the cell phone on the table and pressed it to hang up. In this way, they had both parties' calls.

Xu Yan returned the phone to Sharan, and the corners of Sharan's mouth could not stop rising.

"Thank you, then I'll go first."

"Well, bye." Xu Yan waved at him.

Sharan left the gallery with a smile, looking at the number on the phone, exulting.

The note he gave to Xu Yan was Miss Xu.

This is probably the happiest thing for Xia Lang to return to the imperial capital. He feels that he is now full of strength, that even the air has become fresher, and the things around him are better.

Xu Yan didn't feel much, just a phone number.

Xiao Mo no longer remembered her.

If you can be friends, it's not a bad thing.

Seeing Sharan's fading figure, Xu Yan closed the gallery door and was about to go home.


Ninglan's situation is developing towards a bad trend. Ninety percent of the projects in his hands this year have been taken away by Norn.

But Mu Nanfeng still stood still.

He quietly watched Xia Lang take away Tinglan's project bit by bit, without making any response.

With the passage of time, the imperial capital ushered in the National Day holiday.

October 1st.

This is an important day, and Mr. Mu was discharged from the hospital today.

He was definitely unable to heal, and the hospital recommended that his family arrange a comfortable environment for Mr. Mu.

This stroke disease is very dangerous and may face life-threatening danger at any time.

In response to this matter, Mu Nanfeng held a family meeting specially before, and everyone put forward their own opinions.

Most people agree to leave Mr. Mu in the hospital, so that if something happens, it can be resolved as soon as possible.

Xu Yan didn't approve of it at the time. He felt that staying in the ward was still not good. The environment there was still too closed, and he was afraid that Mr. Mu would not be used to it.

In the end, Mu Nanfeng chose to buy a villa near the hospital and arranged many caregivers and servants.

Taking advantage of the good day of National Day, Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan picked up the old man from the hospital.

Coming to the new villa, the decoration style and decorations here are the same as those of Tianlan Jinyuan.

In order to make Mr. Mu live more comfortably, Mu Nanfeng moved many things in Tianlan Jinyuan here, which shows how careful he is doing things.

On previous National Days, Mr. Mu would hold a banquet at home for everyone to reunite for a meal.

But this year is different.

Mu Nanfeng canceled the family banquet because he suffered from an incurable disease.

He didn't want the group of chirping women to bother Mr. Mu.

The location of this villa is relatively remote, and the surrounding environment is relatively quiet, which is good for Father Mu's physical and mental health.

But because it is relatively remote, Xu Yan and Mu Nanfeng need at least two hours to come here, so they don't plan to move here.

Everything here is taken care of by Uncle Zhong, and Aunt Liu is also arranged here.

The reason why Mu Nanfeng didn't move here naturally had his reason.

At sunset, the sun gradually sets, and the sky is smudged into a purple orange by the sunset, which is colorful and dreamy.

Xu Yan and Mu Nanfeng walked around the lake with their fingers clasped together, and the red sun was at the end of the horizon.

Such a pleasant and peaceful time made both of them very greedy.

The two sat on the green lawn, side by side.

Xu Yan's head was leaning against Mu Nanfeng's broad shoulders, holding his arms in his hands, and the two quietly looked at the mandarin ducks in the lake playing in the water.

"It's great..." Xu Yan sighed.

It is such a blessing to be able to lean on Mu Nanfeng like this and watch the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green waters with him.

Mu Nanfeng's thin lips rose slightly, and she kissed her forehead with her side eyes.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

"elder brother……"

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