Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 493: See You In Court

Mu Beichen was dressed in white casual clothes. He saw Xu Yan's attitude toward him so indifferent. He curled his lips contemptuously, with his hands in his pockets, as if he was dangling.

"Sister-in-law, you don't seem to welcome me?"

I remember that Xu Yan was very friendly to him not long ago, and now his face changed as soon as he learned of his identity, Mu Beichen really felt a sense of gap in his heart.

However, a woman turned his face faster than a book, so Mu Beichen didn't matter. After all, he didn't have much sincerity towards Xu Yan before.

Xu Yan sneered: "Why should I welcome a white-eyed wolf?"

Anyway, Mu Beichen has already had a showdown at the charity gala, and it is inevitable that the relationship will break down.

During this time, Xu Yan was tired from acting as a gentle and decent sister-in-law.

A trace of yin flashed in Xu Yan's eyes, and a queen's domineering radiated from her body.

She approached Mu Beichen step by step, her expression was gloomy and cold, and she looked at Mu Beichen with a sarcasm.

"The chairman of Nuoen Group, you hide quite deep? You want to deal with Tinglan, why don't you be more honest? Aren't you tired of acting in front of us every day?"

Xu Yan's words are not too strong, but the powerful aura in her body gives people a strong sense of oppression.

This is the first time Xu Yan has spoken to Mu Beichen since the charity party.

After listening to Mu Beichen, he was not too surprised.

Xu Yan's favorite person is Mu Nanfeng. Seeing Mu Nanfeng's company has reached this stage, she must be very angry.

This is what Mu Beichen wants.

"Tired." Mu Beichen barely concealed anything and admitted generously, "So I don't plan to continue acting."

He raised his eyebrows, with the arrogance of a winner, and said proudly: "Just put it straight, I just want to ruin Tinglan, what can you do?"

"Shameless!" Xu Yan gritted her teeth. This was the first time she scolded Mu Beichen.

Mu Beichen smiled coldly when he heard the words, "Not only will I destroy Tinglan, but I will also destroy the entire Mu family. Just wait and see!"

With provocative words, Mu Beichen didn't hurt Xu Yan's words.

Most of his plan has been completed, and he will become the new owner of the Mu family in the near future.

At that time, he will personally drive Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan out of Tianlan Jinyuan.

"Are you here to demonstrate today?"

Mu Nanfeng spoke.

He stepped forward and protected Xu Yan behind him, his sharp eyes gleaming, staring coldly at Mu Beichen.

Mu Beichen smiled suddenly, with triumphant joy in his smile, "No, I'm here to send you good news."

The three words of good news, he specifically accentuates the accent, and anyone can tell that this is an irony.

Mu Nanfeng laughed secretly in her heart, so she couldn't hold her breath so quickly?

This Mu Beichen is really impatient.

Mu Nanfeng stared at him sharply, waiting for Mu Beichen to start acting hard.

Xu Yan was very curious. She had a hunch that the big move Mu Nanfeng said was about to come.

Mu Beichen's appearance today is absolutely unusual.

After a moment of silence, Mu Beichen saw that their expressions had begun to change slightly, and he didn't want to deliberately sell them.

He stretched out his hand and waved it twice in the air.

After a while, an assistant ran over with a document.

That assistant was Deng Chengfeng.

When Mu Nanfeng saw that familiar face, there was a chill across his eyes.

Deng Chengfeng is now a villain and he is not afraid of Mu Nanfeng at all.

He ran all the way and handed the documents to Mu Beichen, waiting for Mu Beichen's instructions.

Mu Beichen didn't want to have an insignificant person present on this occasion, and motioned him to go down with a look.

Subsequently, Deng Chengfeng left.

The document was sealed in a sealed bag, and it seemed to be an important document.

Mu Beichen handed the file to Mu Nanfeng, raised his eyebrows slightly, and motioned him to open it.

This is the good news he sent them.

I believe that after reading them, the couple will not be so calm again.

With a cold look, Mu Nanfeng slowly opened the sealed bag and took out the files inside.


Still a copy.

Mu Nanfeng looked at the content roughly, and his expression did not change.

Mu Beichen thought that he was pretending to be calm, but in fact he was flustered, and he couldn't help but feel ironic about Mu Nanfeng's so proud and proud posture.

Xu Yan was very surprised when she saw the word "will".

She didn't know that Mu Beichen had such a thing in his hands, nor did she guess that Mu Beichen would use such a despicable method.

As smart as her, Xu Yan could probably guess what was going on.

This will must not be true.

Seeing that they were not talking, Mu Beichen couldn't help but joked, "How is it? Are the two of you very pleasantly surprised?"

"Rely on this? Do you want to take everything from the Mu family away from me?" Mu Nanfeng looked cold, "Grandpa himself established me as the head of the Mu family before he was alive. This is obvious to everyone. How many people will believe this document of unknown origin?"

These four words are of unknown origin.

Mu Nanfeng deliberately stated that this will is not true and was deliberately forged.

Mu Beichen didn't panic, "Is it because the source is unknown, just let the judge check it?"

"It seems that you are here prepared and want to fight a lawsuit with me?" Mu Nanfeng said lightly.

This person Mu Beichen said that being smart is smart, but he is just too calm.

Give him some sunshine and he will be brilliant.

Obviously, Mu Beichen was still a very strong person two years ago. He didn't expect to see him two years ago. This person has also changed a little.

Perhaps it was too long to endure, and I was impatient.

However, Mu Nanfeng felt that this was a good thing. The faster the pace, the better, so that this scourge could be solved as soon as possible.

He had prepared a snack for Mu Beichen, so he let Mu Beichen taste his sweetness.

Mu Beichen said solemnly, "It depends on how you choose. If you are willing to abdicate, then this lawsuit will be saved. If you are still reluctant to be the head of the family, then we can only meet in court."

He has full certainty of this lawsuit.

There are old man Mu's handprints on it, which is not to be faked.

Coupled with the presence of Attorney Ann, he is determined to win this lawsuit.

As long as he gets the Mu family's property, Mu Nanfeng will lose his financial resources, and Tinglan will not be able to sustain it.

At that time, he will watch Mu Nanfeng's company declare bankruptcy with his own eyes.

He wanted to watch Mu Nanfeng have nothing.

Those he hadn't had, now he wants to get them all, and he wants to own all the life that Mu Nanfeng has.

"Then see you in court."

Mu Nanfeng didn't talk nonsense with him, this lawsuit was expected.

If he just compromised like this, it would be too different from his style of doing things.

He will take this lawsuit.

However, he will also let Mu Beichen win.

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