Mu Beichen knew that Mu Nanfeng would not compromise so easily, so it was not surprising.

It's just that everything Mu Nanfeng is doing now is a needless struggle in his eyes.

"Okay, see you in court." Mu Beichen smiled evilly, "Goodbye."

"Wait..." Seeing him leaving in a hurry, Xu Yan immediately stopped him.

Mu Beichen came back sideways, "What? Sister-in-law has other things?"

"Don't call me sister-in-law, you are not worthy." Xu Yan now felt harsh when hearing this name, and shouted coldly.

"Oh." Mu Beichen was not angry, and said coldly, "Ms. Xu Yanxu, do you have anything else?"

After all, he didn't really want to call Xu Yan's sister-in-law.

Showing goodness as before, but to gain some good feelings.

It's not needed now.

Xu Yan stared at him fiercely, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

There are a lot of words that she held in her heart for a long time, but she had no choice but to endure it before the time was right.

Today, she must ask clearly.

"Why is Xiao Mo in your hands?" Xu Yan asked straightforwardly, "What did you do to him?"

Regarding Xiao Mo's affairs, at first she thought it was the Nanjing noodle restaurant couple who accidentally saved Xiao Mo's life, and changed Xiao Mo's name to replace Xia Lang's life.

It wasn't until she discovered that Sharan was the president of Norn that she realized that things didn't seem right.

In the theater room at home, Mu Nanfeng had shown her information about Mu Beichen. At that time, she had known that the boss behind the Nuoen Group was Mu Beichen, but she did not know where Sharan was. Companies do things.

When Sharan became CEO inexplicably, she was vaguely surprised, wondering whose vision was so vicious?

Until the day Lu Zixuan came back, Sharan's identity was discovered by her accidentally.

At that moment, she was shocked.

During this time, she recalled a lot of the details of her meeting with Sharan.

In every time they got along, Sharan never tried her, let alone tried her words.

Xia Lang didn't even know that she and Mu Nanfeng were husband and wife. Every time they talked, they were innocent.

Therefore, Xu Yan confirmed one thing.

Sharan is from Mu Beichen, and everything he does must be obeyed Mu Beichen's orders.

Two years later, Xiao Mo and Mu Beichen came together, and he became Mu Beichen's puppet.

Xu Yan has an instinct.

Perhaps the reason why Xiao Mo lost his memory was not accidental, but Mu Beichen deliberately did it.

But now she doesn't have any evidence, so she can only rationalize everything by guessing and inference.

She often went to the gallery during this time, but Sharan never came again.

The day after Sharan's identity was exposed, the whole person completely disappeared.

Mu Nanfeng sent someone to investigate, but he couldn't find any news.

No one can find Sharan.

Xu Yan knew that Mu Beichen must have hidden Sharan.

"Xiao Mo? What Xiao Mo? Didn't Xiao Mo die two years ago?" Mu Beichen heard Xu Yan suddenly ask Xiao Mo, pretending to be stupid.

"Less pretending to be garlic." Xu Yan knew that he was deliberately pretending to be stupid, and his expression instantly sank: "I know he is not dead."

She raised her head slightly, her eyes were determined, and she said coldly, "His current name is Sharan. You gave him this new name, didn't you?"

Xu Yan now wants to know, where is Sharan?

She had already sent someone to the small town of Nanjing, but Sharan was not there.

Mu Beichen must have hid Sharan, Xu Yan was a little worried about his safety, and with people like Mu Beichen, there must be no good fruits to eat.

I'm afraid Sharan's current situation is not optimistic.

"Xia Lang?" Mu Beichen chanted the name playfully, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Isn't that the president of our company? How could he have something to do with Xiao Mo? Why do you think they are alone?"

"Mu Beichen, do you treat someone else as a fool? They look exactly the same." Xu Yan saw his reluctant expression and wanted to rush up to give him a slap in the face.

"It's exactly the same? Why don't I know?"

Mu Beichen was still pretending to be stupid. He touched his chin and said: "As far as I know, Sharan has injuries on her face. She wears a mask every day. Even I have never seen him. How do you see? ?"

He was always the one who made Sharan wear a mask to hide his face.

The boss in Sharan's mouth was him.

But Mu Beichen wouldn't be foolish enough to admit that Xiao Mo is Sharan.

If he admits it, I'm afraid the entire emperor will soon know the fact that Xiao Mo is still alive.

What if the Xiao family come to ask him for someone?

He would not be so stupid.

Now Sharan still has many uses for him. He can't waste talents in vain. On the Golden Triangle side, Sharan needs to help him take care of it.

"I saw it." Xu Yan clenched his fists and looked fiercely, "Mu Beichen, do you think we don't know anything? Is it really interesting for you to argue like this? What have you done with Xiao Mo? Hide him like this, do you know it's illegal?"

The more I talked about it, the more emotional Xu Yan became, and he really couldn't bear it anymore.

Xiao Mo finally survived, but was blinded by this treacherous villain and used it in every possible way.

Xu Yan despised Mu Beichen's behavior.

"Don't spit blood." Mu Beichen's emotions also came up, and he said coldly: "What evidence do you have that Xia Lang is Xiao Mo? Is there any evidence that I hid him?"

What Xu Yan said were all facts, and Mu Beichen inevitably felt a little guilty.

He didn't want this matter to be revealed, so he could only deny it.

As long as they can't find Sharan, no one in this world can prove that Sharan is Xiao Mo, and no one will know the existence of Xiao Mo.

Mu Beichen emphasized: "Xia Lang is currently on a business trip abroad. If you don't believe me, you can wait for him to come back and ask him in person to see if he is the Xiao Mo in your mouth."

He said this to delay time. Sharan would never be back anyway. The business trip was just a cover.

In places like the Golden Triangle, it took several months after entering, Sharan didn't have time to show up again, and besides, he wouldn't give him a chance to show up.

Everything Xu Yan said now was unfounded, and no one believed it.

After thinking about it, Mu Beichen felt that he didn't need to worry too much.

Xu Yan smiled sarcastically when he heard the words.

Talking nonsense with open eyes, lying without blushing, is talking about people like Mu Beichen.

Travel abroad.

What a nice rhetoric, Mu Beichen is really good at fooling people.

He underestimated the IQ of others too much.

Xu Yan tried her best to calm her emotions, "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will definitely send you to prison with my own hands."

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