Imperial City ten-star hotel, Senhua Hotel.

This hotel only entertains some famous foreigners and is an international hotel.

Rumor has it that Ives has stayed in this hotel since he came to the imperial capital, and Mu Beichen came here without hesitation.

Arriving at the entrance of the hotel, Mu Beichen got off the car and walked to the hotel. The security guard stopped him.

"Hello, please show your ID card."

This hotel has strict rules, and you must show a hotel-specific card to enter and exit.

Mu Beichen stopped and said, "I am the chairman of Nuoen Group. I came here to find someone today."

Nuoen is the largest group in the business world. This name is well known in the imperial capital. Mu Beichen doesn't believe in this name and the town cannot live with these two security guards.

He continued to walk in confidently, but the security stopped him again, "Which guest are you looking for? Is there an appointment?"

Mu Beichen frowned.

Want to make an appointment when you come to the hotel to find someone? This is too exaggerated, right?

Why is this hotel so troublesome?

Mu Beichen replied coldly: "I'm looking for Elvis without an appointment."

"You can't enter without an appointment."

The security guard refused him entry very unceremoniously, with a tough attitude.

Their hotel is not accessible to anyone, not even Mu Beichen.

Mu Beichen was a little angry when two security guards stopped him twice, "Do you know who I am? How dare you stop me?"

"I'm sorry, no matter who you are, you can't enter without an appointment." A security guard said very stiffly: "Please cooperate with our work and don't embarrass us."


Mu Beichen let out a low growl.

The two security guards were too insightful to see him, and he was really mad at him.

The chairman of his dignified Nuoen can't even enter a hotel?

Mu Beichen took a strong attitude, "I want to see your manager, but you guys like you still want to stop me? Let your manager come and talk to me."

There were more than a dozen bodyguards at the door, Mu Beichen did not dare to get into trouble easily, and there were cameras everywhere, he had to pay attention to his image.

The two security guards looked at each other, thinking that this man was really persistent.

It's not that they don't know Mu Beichen, it's just that the rules of this hotel are like this.

The security said again: "Excuse me, we also have to make an appointment to see our manager. There are now five appointments. If you want to see our manager, I will arrange an appointment for you now, but it may take five days to see our manager. NS."

Their managers are not idlers, and they are not always available.

Hearing this, Mu Beichen became even more angry.

A manager's shelf is so big, is this a ten-star international hotel?

Mu Beichen's mouth twitched slightly, his anger reached level 99, and he bit his thin lip, "What if I want to go in today?"

He didn't believe that these two little security guards could not be cured.

"This is our duty, I hope you cooperate with our work." The security guard repeated as if looking for a robot.

Mu Beichen sneered, "Oh, good, you guys wait for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Beichen turned around and took out his mobile phone.

He dialed the phone of his assistant Deng Chengfeng.

The phone was answered quickly over there.

"Now, immediately, immediately, give me the number to find Ives."

Without a chance to answer the call back, Mu Beichen hung up the phone.

He didn't bother to talk to the hotel. Finding Ives' phone number was the crux of the problem, otherwise it would be useless if he went in.

Deng Chengfeng was dumbfounded when he received the call, with a dazed expression on his face.

He sat in the office, stunned for several seconds, and then hurriedly started looking for Elvis's contact information after reacting.

Deng Chengfeng made several calls, and there are some special channels where you can buy phone numbers.

For people like Ives, phone numbers are not cheap.

After some twists and turns, Deng Chengfeng finally bought a phone number. He quickly sent the call to Mu Beichen's WeChat, for fear that the other party would be anxious.

After receiving the news, Mu Beichen stood at the door of the hotel and dialed Ives' number.

But there was no connection there.

Feeling a little irritable, Mu Beichen pulled his tie twice and kept pressing the dial button.

I dialed dozens of times in a row, and an hour passed without knowing it.

Mu Beichen really had an urge to smash the phone.

He doubts the authenticity of the number.

Mu Beichen called again and scolded Deng Chengfeng severely, venting all his anger on him.

Deng Chengfeng had no choice but to be scolded.

Mu Beichen really had no choice but to use the most stupid method.

He decided to squash with this hotel and waited at the door. He didn't believe I couldn't wait for Elvis.

A dignified chairman of Nuoen just stood in front of the Senhua Hotel for a day and a night.

As night fell, the sky was drizzling, and gusts of cold wind blew on Mu Beichen's body.

The rain is getting heavier, but fortunately, the door of the hotel can be sheltered from the rain, otherwise Mu Beichen will be completely drenched.

The two security guards stared at Mu Beichen all day, both of them stared with big eyes, and they all felt that Mu Beichen's mind was not very clever.

They have been working here for so long, and they have never seen anyone standing at the door stupidly waiting for someone.

And that Ives is so special that no one can see it if he wants to.

Checking the time, the two security guards have also reached the point of leaving get off work.

Seeing that they seemed to be leaving, Mu Beichen couldn't help feeling a little delighted, and wanted to take the opportunity to rush in.

However, the two new security guards were replaced, completely breaking his plan.

Mu Beichen clenched his fists and watched the two security guards leave.

After standing all day, his legs were numb.

Mu Beichen was holding on to a pillar. He was so hungry that he felt that the blood was running out of his whole body.

But he can't give up.

There are more than a dozen bosses waiting for him in the family, and he must see Ives today.

He didn't believe he really lost the bet.

The best real estate and shops in the entire Hui'an Jin District are in his hands. Once developed, he can make a lot of money.

Now only Ives can give him an accurate answer, he can't wait.

For the first time in business for many years, Mu Beichen is willing to put down his body and wait for someone like this.

Although he has anger in his heart, he also knows that he is like an ant in front of Ives.

People like Ives don't like him at all.

His waiting cannot be exchanged for a good result, but as long as he waits, there is still a chance.

Even if he had to wait here for three days and three nights, he would not give up.

Mu Beichen smoked a cigarette in silence, trying to ease his mood.

The cell phone is out of power, and he still has the phone to make calls, so he can only turn on the power-saving mode.

In the stormy night, Mu Beichen saw a tall and stalwart figure from a distance.

He stiffened, and the smoke he had just lit fell to the ground, staring at the figure stubbornly.

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