Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 591 Mu Beichen loses his temper

A tall man with a cold face is walking towards the Senhua Hotel.


Mu Beichen's eyes followed him closely, like a laser beam.

He rushed up, stopped the opponent, and asked in a cold tone, "Why are you here?"

The man gave him a cold look and ignored him. Instead, he turned his eyes directly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and turned out a QR code and handed it to the security guard.

The security took out a scanner, scanned the QR code information, and immediately made an inviting gesture, "Mr Mu, please come in."

The person here is not someone else, but Mu Nanfeng.

When Mu Beichen saw the QR code, he didn't know what it was. He had to go inside when he saw Mu Nanfeng, he subconsciously grabbed Mu Nanfeng's arm.

"Mu Nanfeng, I'm asking you something."

Looking at Mu Nanfeng fiercely, Mu Beichen's expression was obviously not calm.

"Why should I answer you?" Mu Nanfeng said sharply and raised his eyebrows provocatively.

After that, he threw away Mu Beichen.

"Don't go, if you don't make it clear today, you don't want to go in." Mu Beichen is unlikely to let him go.

In the evening, Mu Nanfeng suddenly appeared at this hotel, and he looked abnormal.

Mu Beichen could still hold back his temper, but when he saw Mu Nanfeng appeared, he couldn't control his emotions.

Mu Nanfeng's icy eyes dropped slightly, and he looked at Mu Beichen indifferently, thinking that his appearance now was very ridiculous.

He curled his lips ironically and said: "Mu Beichen, do you know that you are very rude now, please let me go."

With his elegant conversation and gentle attitude, the hotel security and bodyguards saw Mu Nanfeng that he had a very good temper.

On the contrary, it was Mu Beichen, who looked rude and violent.

The eyes of everyone present were with contempt. Mu Beichen met those eyes, knowing that he had lost his demeanor, and immediately let go of Mu Nanfeng.

At the entrance of this high-end hotel, it is not suitable for pulling and pulling.

For his own image, Mu Beichen quickly calmed down.

Mu Nanfeng ignored him and walked straight to the hotel lobby.

Mu Beichen watched Mu Nanfeng enter the elevator and disappeared before his eyes.

A bad premonition flooded my mind.

Mu Beichen walked to the two security guards, dissatisfaction appeared between his eyebrows, and asked coldly, "Why can he go in?"

"Because Mu always has an appointment code." The security's answer was simple.

Hearing this, Mu Beichen frowned.

How could Mu Nanfeng have an appointment code?

"Who is he going to see?"

Mu Beichen felt more and more that things were not simple. For the celebrities who live here, what purpose does Mu Nanfeng have?

The security faintly replied: "Sorry, it is not convenient for us to disclose this. If you have nothing else, please don't disturb our work."

The two security guards gestured to Mu Beichen to stand aside.


Mu Beichen was blasted away, his face pale.

In the next moment, guests will return to the hotel one after another.

They showed their ID cards, and the security greeted them warmly.

Mu Beichen became a transparent person, and no one paid any attention to him.

Those foreign guests are all dressed in extraordinary clothes, showing aristocratic air in their gestures, and at first glance they are people of great status abroad.

But Mu Beichen didn't care about these, he only cared about when Avis appeared.

Looking at this situation, I can't wait today.

I heard that Ives basically doesn't go out of the hotel and only move around in the hotel, so it's hard to see him.

Mu Beichen took out his mobile phone and continued to dial the other party's number. After waiting for a long time, no one answered.

"Ding Dong—"

The phone is turned off.

Now I can't even make a phone call.

Mu Beichen could only wait.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the two security guards saw that the man was still not leaving, and took the initiative to say, "Excuse me, we are going to close the door, please come back, this gentleman."

In order to better protect the guests, the Senhua Hotel closes on time at ten o'clock and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

Mu Beichen's standing here is really an eyesore, and they have to blast him away.

The bodyguards also came up, seeming to put pressure on Mu Beichen.

Mu Beichen was so angry that he couldn't even wait for people to wait.

Why is he so unlucky today? No hotel in the entire emperor would dare to treat him like this.

He really saw it today.

There are so many stinks in this international hotel, and the service attitude is even more messy.

Seeing Mu Beichen's lingering motion, the bodyguards immediately prepared to hire someone by themselves.

Mu Beichen saw that they were going to blast people, and coldly scolded them with an unpleasant expression: "Don't touch me, I will leave by myself."

Leaving the hotel door, Mu Beichen returned to his car angrily.

The driver asked, "Master Chen, are we going back now?"

Mu Beichen glanced at the hotel through the car window, his face was ugly, "Go back."

Waiting like this is no good.

Anyway, no one will come out tonight. He will come back early tomorrow to wait.

There are still a group of bosses waiting for him in the family, and they have to go back to explain the situation anyway, and they can't let people wait at home forever.

ten minutes later.

When Mu Beichen returned home, the dozen or so bosses were already exhausted, but they were not sleepy.

"President Chen, you are finally back, how is it? Have you seen Ives?"

"Will Hui'an Golden Zone be developed?"

"President Chen, the money we invested in, shouldn't be at a loss, right?"

"President Chen... President Chen......"

A group of people surrounded Mu Beichen and asked anxiously about the final result.

"Don't make any noise."

Mu Beichen roared, at this moment his emotions suddenly exploded.

After waiting for a whole day without waiting for anything, his mood was already depressed, and when he met Mu Nanfeng again, he was holding back his anger all day.

Faced with so many problems as soon as I come back now, anyone will feel irritable.

The first time everyone saw Mu Beichen lose his temper, he was obviously a little frightened.

Everyone shut their mouths, feeling wronged.

They hadn't slept for several days and nights, and a Hui'an golden area had caused them to be overwhelmed. They themselves were very irritable, but they did not dare to lose their temper at Mu Beichen.

After Mu Beichen roared, seeing them honestly came down, and instantly felt that his attitude was too much.

He said softly: "Dear bosses, please go back today, I want to be alone."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

They knew that they might really lose their fortune this time.

Don't dare to ask, don't dare to be angry.

The bosses were forced to return home helplessly.

Mu Beichen sat in the living room alone, holding up Erguotou on the coffee table depressedly, and drank it in one fell swoop.

Qin Ku walked over, "Master Chen..."

He could see that Mu Beichen was in a bad mood, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

He didn't understand things in the business world, so he couldn't solve Mu Beichen's worries.

"Uncle Qin, sit down and have two drinks with me."

Mu Beichen didn't want to think too much, let alone accept his failure.

He just wants to relieve his sorrows by drinking.

At this time, the only thing Qin Ku could do was stay with Mu Beichen.

That night, the two of them were drunk.

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