Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 114: 114, the drunk President Huo

"Sister-in-law? Sister-in-law? Little sister-in-law?"

Su Houhou rolled his eyes and finally said, "Isn't it the same when you sent him back?"

"I drank too."

"Then you find a substitute driver."

"It's not safe for the first generation to drive these years. What's more, my eldest brother has a face that men and women want to pounce on when they see them. We boys should take care to protect ourselves outside."

Su Houyu felt a chill all over his body and could only say, "I haven't got my driver's license yet, and I don't have money to take a taxi."

"No money?" The volume of Nangong's speech suddenly increased, and then he seemed to be muttering to himself, "Big brother is too shameful, how can he not give it to the family? No wonder the younger sister-in-law didn't let him go to bed, because it turned out to be a disharmonious **** life. It’s even more sorrow to dispel sorrows by drinking."

"What are you talking about?" The voice behind it was too small, and Su Houhou couldn't hear it clearly.

"Nothing, haha." Nangong said with a smile, "Let's let my driver pick you up, goodbye sister-in-law."

After hanging up the phone, Su Hunhui suddenly reacted.

Ciao, why not let the driver send Huo Jingshen back directly?

Simply superfluous!


When the driver of the Nangong family came over, and then drove Su Huhou to the residence, it was already past 11 o'clock in the night.

However, there are still people coming and going in the clubhouse, feasting, drunk and dreaming.

For many urbanites, nightlife has just begun.

It was the box called "Fire Emperor".

Now Su Hun Hun finally figured it out, Huo, Huang, if you have it together, it will be Huang.

This is Chu Xiuhuang's exclusive private box, which is only used to entertain his friends.

When Su Weihui opened the door, he smelled a strong smell of tobacco and alcohol. Looking at it, the box was filled with smoke and the lights were dim, making it look like burning incense and flying fairy.

"Little sister-in-law, you are here." Nangong greeted her.

Su Houyu walked in with a look of disgust and pinched his nose. When he got closer, he found Huo Jingshen sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed and his head back. He didn't know if he was really drunk or closed his eyes and rested.

On the side, Lu Chenyu and Chu Xiuhuang were smoking cigarettes, especially Chu Xiuhuang, squinting his phoenix eyes and slightly hooking the corners of his mouth. It was so evil.

Su Houhou went over and pushed the man's shoulder, "Hey!"

Huo Jingshen opened his eyes.

He looked at her with dark eyes, with deep contours and deep eyelids.

Then, he stretched out a little hand holding her, and said in a low voice, "Here are you, baby."

"Puff!" Nangongci laughed loudly behind him.

Su Huhou's face turned red in an instant.

Not to mention Nangong's resignation, as a woman, she thinks the word "baby" is very numb, okay!

There is no good tone at the moment, "Are you annoying, I have to get up early tomorrow, it's past eleven o'clock, get up and go home with me!"

It was rare for Huo Jingshen not to lose his temper, so he took her hand and stood up from the sofa.

But soon, he hugged her, his tall body leaned against her, and his face was buried in her neck, "How come the baby is so late?"

His voice was low, and the breath he exhaled was too hot. The two bodies were tightly pressed together with a thin cloth, and the thin lips were still pressed against her ears and neck again and again...

In short, ambiguous will not work!

Su Hunhui was upset for a while, frowned, trying hard to help him go outside, who knows...

"If I ask you something, if you don't answer, my husband will go home and beat you."

Listening to the uncontrollable laughter of the three people, Su Houhou was embarrassed and angrily, "Are you pretending to be drunk on purpose?"

"Baby is uncivilized, don't talk dirty."

Su Houhui's face reddened again, and he warned in a low voice, "Then you are not allowed to speak! Shut up, do you hear?"

"Okay, don't speak." Huo Jingshen said, suddenly holding her small face with both hands.

Before Su Hun Hun hadn't reacted, the handsome face in front of him suddenly enlarged.

The lips are just sealed.

A strong smell of tobacco and alcohol followed his lips and tongue to wrap her directly, hot and hot without any warning.

Su Huhou never thought that he would be drunk and behave as a gangster, and when he reacted, it was too late to push him away.

The tongue touched her teeth and rushed in quickly, almost arrogantly raging around in her mouth, not letting go of any corner.

Not only a strong kiss, but a tongue kiss!

And the three people next to each other looked calmly at...

Su Houhou was surprised and struggling at the beginning, and finally shy and helpless, he could only close his eyes in the end.

Just be a self-deception ostrich.

This kiss lasted for more than a full minute, and Huo Jingshen finally let go of her, lowered his hands, and put his arms around her waist instead.

"If you don't be obedient, your husband will kiss you like this." After speaking, the big hand still squeezed her waist.


Su Hun Hun wanted to punch someone.

He was originally an old hooligan, but after being drunk, he was completely exposed, and the waves were endless.

"Are you going home at all!" she was almost shouting angrily.

"Baby help me." Huo Jingshen's tone was awkward, and he gave orders like an uncle.

Su Huhou gritted his teeth.

In front of outsiders, forget it, wait for you to go home and clean up!

He held his arm and walked out of the box resigning.

Nangong hurriedly followed, and dogleg handed the phone and car key, "Sister-in-law, these are things from the older brother."

Su Houhou took the things and stuffed it into his pocket casually.

Unexpectedly, when she stepped out of the box, a waiter suddenly appeared next to her, and the tray she was holding hit it straight up.


A sound of cracking glassware smashed at the same time.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Nangong walked over hurriedly.

Behind him, Chu Xiuhuang also followed out.

As soon as I saw the guest in the boss’s box, the man who looked like the foreman yelled, "What did you do? Are you blind? Don't hurry up and apologize to the guest!"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention, it was all my fault, I'm sorry..." The waitress kept her head down and apologized.

Su Houhou checked.

The waiter held the wine glass from the box next door. There was not much liquid in it. Her T-shirt was slightly wet, but Huo Jingshen's white shirt was more serious and was stained with red wine.

But this person is drunk and has no reaction now.

Even more afraid that he would continue to play hooligans in public, Su Hunyu didn't want to have more troubles, and his tone was a little impatient, "It's okay, it's okay.

After speaking, she immediately dragged Huo Jingshen away.

Nangongci also followed, "Little sister-in-law, let me help you."


In the corridor, the lights are dim.

Chu Xiuhuang's face was gloomy, and his black shirt embroidered with dark flowers made him more like Satan. "Do you know who you ran into just now?"

The foreman shivered, "Boss, this waiter has just been here for a few days..."

"That's because your training is not in place." After that, Chu Xiuhuang turned around and said, "Go and get your salary. You two won't have to come back tomorrow."

The waitress stood there, shrank, afraid to move.

After the meeting, when Chu Xiuhuang's figure disappeared, the foreman slapped him directly, "Smelly girl, I lost my job. I will kill you. I must kill you today!"

The club has long been accustomed to such things, and the waitresses were slapped several times in succession, but they only dared to cry but didn't dare to reply.

The foreman was not pulled away by the other waiters until a guest passed by.

Before leaving, he even cursed and cursed.

"Xiao Wei, are you okay?" Another waitress dared to come over and pulled her hair away.

Bai Ruwei's face was full of tears, and one cheek was horribly red and swollen. The corners of her mouth were all cracked, and the blood kept flowing down.

"Oh my God, why the injury is so serious! The hand was cut too!" The waiter looked at her, frightened, "Shall I take you to the hospital?"

"No need..." Bai Ruwei shook her head, her tears falling again.

The same was true of working as a servant in Su's house before. She was maliciously slandered by Su Yanyan, changing her dress and still hiding needles in it, her job was gone, and her tuition fee was gone.

Now I finally came into the clubhouse, and only worked for a few days, and I bumped into Su Houhou again. Now my work is gone, I have to pay for the broken glass.


Why do rich people always like to bully the poor like this?

Why is this world always so unfair?


On the other side, with the help of Nangong Ci, Huo Jingshen was helped into the car smoothly.

When he returned to the imperial court, Nangongci and the driver took him back to the room together.

"Little sister-in-law, the eldest brother will leave it to you, let's go first."

Su Hunyu breathed a sigh of relief, and when the two of them left, she returned to the bedroom, her teeth tickling with anger as she watched the drunk who was lying on the big bed snoring comfortably.

"Baby." The drunkard said suddenly.

Su Hunhui ignored him, went to find pajamas, and decided to go to the second bedroom tonight.

"Baby." Huo Jingshen shouted again, "Help me take a bath."

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