Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 115: 115, good old friend?

"Wash your sister!" Su Houhou couldn't help but scolded.

Just dragging him out in the clubhouse was almost exhausted. Where is the strength to drag him to the bathroom? Don't you know that you are as heavy as a pig?

When I was disgusted, the phone ringing suddenly rang.

"Baby answer the phone for me." The pig began to give orders again.

Su Huhou rolled his eyes, but the phone kept ringing, and he could only walk over with his fate.

The number shown on the screen is from the United Kingdom.

Thinking that it might be something about his work, Su Hunyu immediately answered.

"Brother Jingshen." The delicate woman's voice came from afar from the radio, "Tomorrow, I will be on the same plane as Ziyang, and I will send you the flight number when we board the plane."

Su Houhou asked, "Who are you?"

The phone was quiet.

"Hello? Why don't you speak?"

Without speaking, the phone was hung up directly.

Su Houhou put down the phone, looked at the drunk on the big bed, and couldn't help but start to doubt.

Call him Jingshen brother, so intimacy, shouldn't he be the old man's old friend? Tsiao, the old friend is coming to see him?

As if he had a good heart, the man on the bed suddenly began to play uncle temper again, "Baby help me take a bath."

Take a bath?

Do you want to take a bath?

Su Huhou suddenly smiled evilly.

She turned and walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet.

After a while, holding a basin full of cold water, he poured over the big bed without saying a word.

Huo Jingshen was closing his eyes to rest up his mind.

Su Houhou was feeling very happy when he suddenly realized that the man who was drunk had opened his eyes, and then he sat up from the bed.

His whole body and the sheets were all wet, the shirt clung to his body, and the strong muscle lines were outlined, even the pants were wet.

He did not speak, but his face was already dark, his thin lips were straightened, his jaw tightened, especially in the deep eyes, an undercurrent raging, clearly a sign of anger...

Damn scam!

Su Huhou shook suddenly.

The next second, she threw the basin, turned and ran.

But before the hand touched the doorknob, the waist was held by two big hands, and the soles of the feet instantly vacated.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Su Houhou couldn't stop the fear in his heart and screamed.

Huo Jingshen kicked the door up, turned around, and threw her onto the bed.

He stood there and started to unbutton his shirt.

Squinting his eyes, slowly, unbuttoning buttons one by one, the water droplets slid down his black hair and past his angular facial features. There was an inexplicable color, as if it foretells what will happen next.

"Good skills." The man's voice was low and full of extreme oppression, "My husband was drunk, not only did not help take care of me, but also poured cold water on me, eh?"

Su Huhou was angry, " pretended to be drunk!"

mmp, I knew he was not drunk at all, and she didn't dare to pour cold water on him for a hundred guts. She was just breathless.

"I was a bit drunk." Huo Jingshen finished speaking, his face suddenly sinking, "Say, how do I plan to punish you?"

As he said, he had already pulled the tie off his neck, held the two ends of the tie with his well-knotted hands, and then pulled it left and right.

That posture...

Su Huhou's eyes widened suddenly.

She thought of the last time she was forced to take medicine, he tied her with a tie...

Don’t you want to play some SM bundled games with her this time?

Su Wanwan counseled, and when he walked to the bed, she couldn't help but yelled, "The animals are not allowed to touch me!"

Sure enough, Huo Jingshen grabbed her hand, and the tie went directly around her wrist.

Su Houhou struggled desperately, trying to reason, "Didn't you say that you won't touch me for these two days, wait for the day after tomorrow, how about the day after tomorrow?"

School will start the day after tomorrow, and then she will be able to live on campus.

Who knows...

"I changed my mind."

With that, Huo Jingshen had easily subdued her, his wrists were tied to the head of the bed, and then his hands went down and placed on her jeans, pulling the zipper off in an instant.

"Before I thought I would be a long time in Japan, and I can slowly develop a relationship with you, but now I think that a long-term relationship will suit you better." Huo Jingshen said a pun.

The reason why I let her go in the morning was because I felt that the time was indeed a bit rush, and I was afraid that she would be delayed in class. Anyway, I have been waiting for a month, and I would not worry about waiting for another two days.

Secondly, considering that the shadow left to her for the first time was too great, since she was willing, then wait for her to finish the class and let her give herself willingly.

I didn't expect this girl to be so arrogant!

Just like what Chu Xiuhuang said, give some color to open a dyeing workshop.

He even wondered if he indulged her too much?

Su Houhou was tied to the bedpost with his hands up, while the man was kneeling on the mattress. One seemed to be surrendering, and the other was overlooking. In this posture, he was weak.

Can only resort to the last resort, pretending to be pitiful.

"But I have to go to class tomorrow." She lowered her posture, hoping that he could find out conscience, "I was wrong, I just wanted to make you clear up, otherwise you are so heavy, how can I take a bath for you, right? "

"That's it." Huo Jing smiled lowly, "Then let the baby choose it yourself."

"What to choose?" Su Houhou asked hurriedly.

"Two choices." Huo Jingshen raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth evoked an arc of evil charm, "First, let me spank."

"I don't!" Su Houhou refused without even thinking about it.

Twenty years old, and still be assaulted, or a man, shame it?

Huo Jingshen was not in a hurry, and slowly said the second option, "Second, let me in."

Plug in?

What to plug in?

Su Huiyu was stunned for a second, and then he understood what he meant.


The whole body blood rushed straight into the forehead, and her face was instantly congested. She was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and her hair instantly exploded, "You are a dead pervert, old gangster, you are a beast, ah, ah, ah, you are not a human... …"

Compared with the appearance of her jumping feet, Huo Jingshen was there, "Hurry up, or I will do both."

"Pick your sister, I won't choose!"

Huo Jingshen hehehe, with a big hand, his jeans have been taken off.

"Well, do you choose?"

Su Houhou closed his eyes, almost gritted his teeth and said, "Then you hit me!"

Although spanking is really embarrassing, it's better than being a beast, right?

"It turns out that baby likes this posture." Huo Jingshen's voice looked bad.

He hugged Su Hun Hun to the water-free side of the big bed, then flipped his hand over and let her lie down on the bed, "Get down."

Su Hun Hun buried his face in the pillow shamefully and angrily, and heard a rustling sound from behind him. After a while, the cross part was held and pushed up.

She vaguely felt something was wrong, and hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?"

"Fuck you!"

Not long after, there was a burst of "Papa Papa" and "Papa Papa" in the room.

After a while, there was another intensive burst of "Papa Papa Papa......"

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