Magic Apprentice

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Anger and revenge

The smoke cleared and the fire went out. Grant, who had just been baptized by a fierce battle, was immersed in sorrow and sorrow.

At this moment, some sporadic airships appeared in the sky. These belated airships hovered in the sky, as if to mourn Grant's misfortune.

The ground was wet all over, and the dust and ash mixed into a muddy mud.

There are broken walls everywhere, and those narrow alleys have long been blocked by collapsed debris.

At a glance, there are houses without roofs, the roof has been lifted into the air in the violent explosion.

Although the fire was extinguished, there was still a ray of green smoke rising up into the sky, especially the towering city of clouds, with countless green smoke intertwined, as if a huge vine was winding and crawling on the huge Above the cliff.

There used to be such a bright and immaculate city in the clouds. At this moment, there are spots and spots, and the scattered stones and bricks, which have to fall from time to time.

The layers of neatly stacked houses and streets were also covered by bricks and rubble at the moment, especially the northeast side of the city in the cloud, where it was attacked from the front.

The explosions and fires almost reduced everything here to ruins. There is not even a complete house or a standing wall. There are wreckage everywhere, and even the mountains and rocks supporting those houses and streets have exploded and collapsed. Down.

The collapsed cliff seemed to be exposed there as a conspicuous scar, as if telling everyone that the city in the cloud had just suffered a terrible blow.

On the contrary, it was the heavy "wall", the ring-shaped fortifications known as the city of the earth, and the huge and independent neighborhoods in a circle, which survived the disaster, although the city of the earth also has several The gap between the road collapsed and collapsed, but compared to those blocks that were completely ruined, the city of the earth was clearly able to be called intact.

At the order of Sisilia, the Montitas living in Grant City left their homes one after another.

Most of them have wounds on their faces, and the expression of solemn sorrow appears on their faces. They look panic and even many people keep looking up at the sky, as if they are afraid that the Kaoqi Air Fleet will Coming once.

The temporarily patched search team crawled hard over the ruins. They were searching for everyone who was crushed under the ruins.

The most hard-working people at the moment are no more than those clergymen. Outside the city, the wounded are neatly arranged together, waiting for their treatment.

Many of these wounded people are dying, while others have lost their hands, legs and feet. The tragic scene made everyone who saw them feel sad.

But on the grassland, except for the babies who had just been born, they could not hear the crying of others.

Although the grief covered the faces of all Montitas, none of them cried.

This is the Montitans, a nation that has stood on this grassland after numerous storms and destruction.

This sudden attack is undoubtedly a terrible disaster for them, but, as in the past, such a disaster is not enough to knock them down completely.


In the Kingdom of Kaoqi, at the top of the cloud, Hegeilo was leisurely looking at the thick cloud outside the porthole. At this moment, his heart was very comfortable, because he not only successfully completed an adventure again, but also almost Intactly brought back the now most valuable asset of the Kaoqi Kingdom.

He knew the value of the air fleet he led at the moment.

It is not blocked by any terrain at all, does not care about the influence of climate and bad weather at all, can easily break through any incomparable defense line, and can fight thousands of kilometers in a day, all of which are the dream weapons of the military strategists of all generations.

At the moment, such a corps was in his hands, and this feeling alone intoxicated Hagrid.

Compared with this sense of pride, the joy of victory came behind.

However, Hagero is obviously not the kind of person who was blinded by victory. He has already begun to conceive every step of the strategy afterwards.

He was convinced that after the Montitas suffered this attack, their strength would certainly be greatly reduced even if they did not completely collapse. Even if their air battleships were not completely destroyed during the raid, they must have suffered heavy losses.

At this moment the victorious balance tilts towards the side of the Kaoqi Kingdom, and if at this moment it gives the Montitas several fatal blows, it will surely make the Montitas completely collapse.

However, Haigeello also thought of the biggest potential threat. In the event that the Sophie Kingdom launched an attack from the rear, Kaoqi would face the bad situation of two-line combat.

What's more, the Kingdom of Leding is staring at the side. The enemy most likely to destroy Kaoqi has always been a huge stone pressed on the heart of every Kaoqi king and commander.

Hagero's mind kept thinking about how to face the worst dilemma.

He really wanted to be able to make a surprise attack on Sophie or Canerio as he did this time.

However, this is obviously too risky. The Kingdom of Sophie has a large number of magicians, and the number of magicians above the middle alone has exceeded the air fleet he has.

Although the Kingdom of Reading does not have so many magicians, it is impossible to sneak into its hinterland without knowing it like this time.

In that kingdom, almost every inch of land was enveloped by magical detection devices. Once the air fleet under his command entered the territory of the Kingdom of Leding, he had to guard against the other party ’s attacks at any time.

This feeling is almost as bad as being enemies with Milinda. Because of this, Hagero has always regarded the Kingdom of Reading as the worst enemy.

Just as Hagrid was lying on the narrow and simple table case and writing his next plan of action, the voice of the priest came in front of him: "Master Duke, Vedsk is already in sight, we finally Return home smoothly. "

There was a burst of cheers immediately in the cabin, and it was obvious that the subordinates were full of joy and excitement for being able to return to the ship smoothly.

The priest waited until the excitement of the people gradually subsided, and then slowly said: "His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister sent you a message of celebration, they welcome your heroic triumph, and feel unusual for your victory. Rejoicing, this is clearly the most perfect raid in history. This battle example will always be recorded in the war history, and it will surely lead the leaders of future generations as a model for learning. "

The congratulatory message of the emperor and the prime minister conveyed by the priest once again aroused the cheers of everyone in the cabin, but Hagero himself was calm in all this, because he had already expected such an outcome.

This raid is undoubtedly the biggest gambling he has played, and there are only two endings of this gamble, either winning a huge victory with incomparable light and returning to Vedsk to be admired by the world as an immortal hero, or it is a fiasco. Throw the bones in the Monty Steppe and catch the last hope of survival of the entire Kaoqi Kingdom.

Hagero knew very well that he was just lucky to win a gamble.

With heavy tiredness, Hagero looked out the window, watching the air battleship drill into the thick clouds, watching the thick clouds become darker and darker, and finally blocked all the light, Watching the battleship drill out of the clouds again, the earth appeared in front of him.

The scenery above the ground has become larger and clearer, and the houses on both sides of the road have gradually increased. In front of you, you can already see a small town, which is the edge of Vedsk.

As at the time of departure, the huge air fleet slowly passed over Vedsk.

However, this time Hegeilo did not play the boring tricks at the time of departure. At this moment, he no longer needs to inspire and inspire the residents of Vedsk with an alarming number.

The victory that had just been won had already turned the winning balance towards the Kingdom of Kaoqi. All he had to do at this moment was to continue to win a few more victories.

This is obviously not difficult for the current Kaoqi Kingdom.

After passing over Vedsk at a very low altitude, and once again attracted a cheer, the huge fleet sailed towards the stopped "harbour"-the huge valley in the middle of the depression.

Just off the battleship, the adjutant was already standing in front of Hagrid with His Majesty the Emperor.

"Your Majesty is very pleased with the victory of Lord Duke. He ordered me to pay you the highest respect. The celebration ceremony has been prepared for you. You are the hero of the Kingdom of Kaoqi."

For the chatter of the court escort, Haigeello did not have any interest in listening. He believed that the words must have come from a court administrator, Hokors III, who would at most shrug his shoulders and say : "It's hard work, look at your disgraced face, you are ashamed of the title of Son of the Sun."

After sending away the court attendant, Hageroel boarded his carriage, which was a brand new carriage. The original one was carefully collected by him, because the carriage left him the most beautiful, and at the same time It is also the memory of the root of all suffering.

The news of the victory has obviously not been preached among the civilian population. The streets of Vedsk are still deserted, and even the carriages are so rare.

Looking at the bleak and lonely scene in front of him, Hageroll has even forgotten the bustling time of the crowds and crowds.

The prosperity of the past is gone. Suddenly Hagero was excited by victory and was replaced by deep melancholy.

With this melancholy, Hagero came to the palace, only here is still as prosperous as ever.

At least the flashy illusion of gorgeous appearance above the level is not much less than when it was full, but Hagero is very clear that the palace is actually empty.

Both the empress dowager and the empress dowager moved here, and many court attendants were also removed.

At the moment, the court attendants standing at the gate of the palace and welcoming them, I am afraid that most of them are sacred knights in gorgeous dresses, which temporarily serve as decorations for the celebration ceremony.

Although the prosperity of the past no longer exists, Hagero still felt a little satisfaction.

His face was full of smiles of the winner, and he walked on the red carpet in the center with the most standard pace.

At the end of the carpet stood the emperor and empress of the Kingdom of Kaoqi. For this pair of strange partners, Hagero has always been a little whispered, but at this moment he must maintain his due courtesy.

"It's great to see your return. I thought the Montita people would bite off your tail." Her Majesty the Queen said first.

"It's an honor to hear your praise. Fortunately, the Montita people are obviously not interested in catching other people's ass." Haigeello also said tit-for-tat.

"The spy lurking in the city of the clouds is quite powerful. He actually completed the almost impossible mission." Milinda continued to ridicule, apparently she did not intend to admit what Hagrid had achieved. Grades.

"Each of us has completed a mission that is almost impossible to accomplish, especially to make your distinguished Queen Her Majesty stand at the gate of the palace to greet me. I don't know if I can have such an honor in the future." Luo countered.

To the two guys taunting each other tit-for-tat, the emperor next to him has long been accustomed to it, and he stood quietly waiting for the end of the battle.

Fortunately, the opposing parties apparently did not forget their mission. Under the premise of taking a step back, Haigeello and Milinda finally calmed down.

Obviously this also means the beginning of the celebration, but at the moment the people who attended the celebration can no longer see the proud and domineering young ladies and husbands. Most of the participants were officials and generals in the army.

Most of them were simply not eligible to enter here, let alone chat with the emperor and queen at the palace banquet.

War, at least for these people at the moment, is not a bad thing.

However, Hagero was not interested in this shrunken celebration, and this decent way. He walked indifferently among the officials and generals, ignoring those flattery words. For him, no matter Such scenery and glory can no longer make him feel happy and happy again.

The grand grand scene even made him feel a little chill, because it involuntarily reminded him of the scene at the time of the engagement ceremony, which was the most glorious time in his life, and also the most sad and sad A moment.

Hagero waved away the shadows of the past and turned his mind back to this war.

Inviting His Majesty the Emperor to the side living room, Haigeello took out the plan he had just written on the air battleship.

At the moment, in the small living room, except for him and Hokors III, there was only Milinda and her brother.

These four former close friends have now become big figures who can determine the fate of Kaoqi.

Horcolus III looked at the plan carefully. In fact, the plan was originally what he expected. The only thing he was missing was the details, which is what Hegeilo is good at. thing.

However, Horcols III also prepared another very different plan, and now he hopes to follow the other plan.

He finished reading Haigeello ’s draft plan, and put the documents in his hand gently on the table case. After a while, he sighed and said, “Hagrilo, have you ever thought of using diplomatic Means to achieve peace temporarily? Maybe now we have enough chips in our hands to enable us to take the initiative in the negotiations. "

Hegeilo did n’t agree with what the Emperor said, and he said coldly: “Can you be sure that the Monti Tatians can sit at the negotiating table obediently, and do n’t forget that they provoke the war first , The suicide attack made the residents of Vedsk live in fear all day, and they also raided the port of Statt, turning the port and the nearly 100,000 residents living there into ashes, Montita People are simply people without faith. "

Hagrid ’s steadfast ally, Prime Minister Sommeret, also said quickly: “Yes! I also do n’t agree with the plan for peace. We ca n’t guarantee that the Montitas will not avenge us. I I do n’t want to see that Vydsk is swallowed by fire and smoke like the city of grasslands. If we have a system of magical monitoring like the Kingdom of Redding, I do n’t care about giving peace to the Montitas, but It is a pity that at this moment we have no such strength at all, nor do we have the qualification to seek peace. "

"Dreykes has already placed a monitoring magic circle near Grant, which can bring us an alarm for the large-scale operation of the Montatians. As long as the Montatians dispatch a large number of air battleships, we can have enough time to arrange Good strategy. "

"This time Hagrid's long-distance raid is undoubtedly an adventure with a very small success rate, so for the Montita people, they want to take revenge, but also have to take huge risks, if their actions are in our hands Hagero, in your hand, if you have this exact news, what kind of welcoming methods will you give to those Montitas? "

"Just like the Kingdom of Kaoqi can't afford to lose the destruction of the air fleet, if the same destruction fell on the head of the Montittans, would they be helpless?"

His Majesty the Emperor said cheerfully.

Hagero and Somilete looked at each other, and they both frowned.

In fact, this is one of the things they are most worried about, that is, Hokors III will suddenly choose to stop the attack.

Obviously hesitant and wavering about this old friend, these former friends knew all about it, they had already regarded this matter as the key to preventing Kaoqi from winning, and they chose to abandon Hocol It was also for this reason.

Seeing the past worries become a reality, Haigeello first felt impatient. If it was in the past, he must have stood up and turned away, and then ordered the troops to prepare to attack the enemy.

But now everything is firmly in the hands of His Majesty the Emperor.

Without his orders, even if the soldiers are willing to obey their own orders, the power of the air battleship lies in the magicians who can make it fly in the air, and the arrows that have thrown out the blast and made the bursting missiles miss and flew a kilometer. Members of the Magic Corps outside.

But these two keys are firmly in the hands of Horcos III and his strange wife.

Hagero only felt strong all over but couldn't show it at all.

The same dilemma was also revealed in Somilet's heart. He frowned and thought hard. Although he didn't know much about the military as the emperor, but he knew at least one thing, that is the moment. The kingdom of Montyta did not reach the end of the road, and this grassland country possesses unusual tenacity and tenacity.

Once these prairie people are allowed to recuperate, it is difficult to predict what kind of strong counterattack they will launch.

"How many aerial warships are still in the hands of the Montitas? And how many warships do you need to attack Kaocchi and destroy a medium-sized or larger city? How long does it take for such a number of warships to be built? And are we capable? , Making the Montitas never recover the number of air battleships? "Milinda next to it clearly noticed the deadlock, she said leisurely.

Hagero had already thought about Milinda for a moment, and compared with his plan, Milinda's plan was obviously much gentler.

"I can be sure that all the air battleships parked in the city in the cloud have been destroyed by me. These air battleships were originally my most concerned targets. I even concentrated all the attack power. Even the mountain cliff was blown and collapsed by me. Down, since I started the offensive, I have never seen the Montatian air warships intercepting us. Considering that there are not many cities in the Montatians, I am afraid that they are the air warships anchored in the city of the cloud. The main force of the fleet. "

"The Montitas have thousands of warships. During the Battle of Port Statt, they were raided by me. They have lost nearly 700 warships in a squadron. If my estimates are correct, I am afraid they still There are more than three hundred warships. "Haigeello said slowly.

"Is it possible to confirm the exact number of warships owned by the Montitas?" Somilett asked.

"As long as a few feints are launched, it is enough to get the intelligence you need," Hagero said.

"With the attack power and scale of the Montita warships, although more than three hundred warships are not enough to completely destroy a city, the attacks they launched can cause a city to be hit hard, even in a huge city like Vedsk It is also difficult to withstand such a heavy blow, "Hagero warned.

"If it is known that the Montatian fleet is rallying and dispatching, do we have enough strength to intercept them?" Hokors III asked.

"If you can be sure which target the Montyta fleet wants to destroy, I am absolutely sure that they will go back and forth." Hegeilo said abnormally with certainty.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, if the Monti people want to retaliate, they can only choose two goals." Milinda glanced at the fading sky outside the window and sighed softly. "One of them is here, Vedsk, the capital of Kaoqi, and only by venting his anger here can those Montytas feel the satisfaction of revenge."

Speaking of this, Milinda paused. She smiled and gazed at Hagrid. "There is another goal that is your territory. You are undoubtedly the most hated object of the Monti people, and Kashner is relative to Victoria. Desk is farther away from the Monty Steppe. Your city is smaller and the roads are narrower, but the population is not much smaller than that of Widsk. This is obviously the best target. "

"I would rather use my territory as a bait. If I can completely cut off the Montaita's 'sharp scimitar', I would rather suffer any loss." Hagero said frankly.

"Although that is your territory, it is also Kaoqi ’s territory after all. I do n’t want Kashna to suffer any damage. I prefer to see the Montitar fleet intercepted and destroyed on the outskirts of the city. Rex lay a few magic circles. Although we have no way to keep every inch of the Kaoqi kingdom under close surveillance, if we want to protect the two cities, it is a breeze. "Hokors III slowly Said.

"However, I do n’t like this negative way of fighting. Even if I do n’t let me risk another distant attack on Grant City, I still need to have enough freedom to cut off the connection between the Kingdom of Reading and the Monty Steppe. The continuous delivery of fresh blood to the arteries of the Montitar Kingdom is obviously a top priority. "Hagero argued.

Hogels III did not stop Hagero's request. In fact, the existence of the "great artery" also worried him.

"If you can promise me a condition, I can let you attack, it is absolutely not to provoke the Kingdom of Lyding, at this moment I do not want to see the challenge book from the northern border." Hokors III solemnly Said.

"I also don't plan to subject myself to besieging and siege from three sides. I don't even plan to attack ships carrying cargo in the straits. Channels on land and warehouses full of cargo are enough for my target." Hai Geilo said with a smile.

"You'd better not be too disappointed. In case the Montitas concentrate on destroying your fleet, it will be a heavy price that we can't bear." Milinda said in a mocking tone.

"I've already thought about it. I plan to divide the current fleet of the Kaoqi Kingdom into three parts. Each part consists of a hundred air warships. Such a fleet is enough to withstand the number of warships of the Montitas. "Hegello said.

"Scattered forces give others the chance to break through. Obviously this is the tactic that you wise commanders can imagine." Mirinda's sarcasm became more intense.

"Does Her Majesty have a smarter suggestion? I'd rather listen to it." Haigeello kicked the ball to Milinda's feet, and he watched leisurely how the strange woman coped with it.

"I will place a fleet somewhere between Port Stadt and the Fortress, so that it can be used to cut off the great artery between Montita and Redding, as well as in Monti The Tower people risked attacking us while cutting off their return. "Milinda said.

"Fantastic argument, but I seem to think that this is only a partial emphasis on the method of using the fleet. It seems that you still divide the fleet into three parts, otherwise my arithmetic is wrong." Haigeello also sneered. Respectfully.

"Okay, the quarrel is of no benefit to solving the current problem. The division of the fleet into three parts is obviously without any doubt. The only thing left is to appoint who will be the commander of the fleet." Hokors III prevented an original There will always be endless quarrels.

"It doesn't really bother you with this matter. Vedsk belongs to you. Your wife has the responsibility of guarding. Anyway, she has been eager to board the battleship and fight on the battlefield. The fleet that guards Vedsk is under her command. That ’s fine, and Kashner is my territory. My territory is personally guarded by me. As for the third fleet, I have a suitable candidate. He left me a great deal in the battle of Port Statt Profound impact. "Hegeilo said slowly.

This time Milinda never raised the bar with her old opponent again. Obviously she was very satisfied with Hagero's nomination.

Hokors III and Somilett both nodded, which is obviously the best choice and also the most acceptable arrangement for them.


When Vidsk was immersed in the celebration of victory, in the Monty Steppe, in Grant City, almost everyone's heart was filled with incomparable grief and hatred.

The most angry of all was Kris, who had returned in a hurry, because her most precious laboratory turned into a pile of rubble in the explosion.

The woman with a thundering electric spark all over her body even made those Monti people who were equally grieved and angry frightened and scared.

"I want the Kaoqi people to pay the price." The sharp shriek roared throughout the city in the cloud, and the Montetites who heard this extremely shouting suddenly felt a little gratified and excited. The dead lover and friends avenged themselves as if they had washed away the shame and hatred.

Sisilia, who was thinking about revenge, was obviously excited about having a strong ally.

Unlike Sisilia and Chris, who appears extremely crazy because of her anger, Enleco is probably the only person in the city of clouds who does not want to avenge, because he is very clear that It is said that the so-called vengeance is to destroy a city in the Kingdom of Kaoqi in the same way.

The same disaster, the same destruction will fall on the head of the Kaoqi people, and the ten people who have been destroyed and suffered the destruction are the civilians of the Kaoqi Kingdom.

In his view, the so-called war is a game that tightly binds civilians to the chariot. Both sides of the game are happy, but those civilians who ca n’t move can not like the destruction and added suffering to them. war.

Enleco never forgot that he was the son of a grocery store owner. For him, he used to be the boss of a grocery store in the future.

Because of this, no matter what changes have taken place in the environment and status, Enleco has always considered himself a member of the civilian population.

However, he did not intend to openly raise objections, just Chris' anger was enough to make him flinch.

Enleco believes that if he stands up to stop at this moment, the lightning storm will definitely cover him in an instant.

And Kris will be met with a target of venting her anger, her destruction will land on his head, and he will take the unimaginable suffering for the civilians of the Kingdom of Kaoqi.

Enleco believed that he had not yet reached such a sacred, so compassionate situation, and because of this, he chose silence.

But it is a pity that he has always been regarded as a wise military, a wise man of extraordinary abilities, and he has become the only person who is sure of everyone who is qualified to make a combat plan.

Looking at Sisilia's burning eyes and Dak's eager look, what made Enleco panic and frightened was the burning light on the fingertips of His wife and teacher Princess Kris lightning.

"If you want to take revenge, you must have a goal of revenge." Enleko finally chose to compromise again. After all, it is better to be a devil's accomplice than a devil's toy.

"Vydsk, I want the capital of the Kaoqi people to be rubble and rubble in the fire and smoke like the city in the cloud." Sisilia said angrily, at this moment she looked like a powerful incompetent Goddess of Revenge.

"Why not pick a few more cities? Anyway, some of Kaoqi is the target." Kris next to him said in that sharp voice, if Sisilia looked like the goddess of revenge, then Kris Undoubtedly, it is the Demon King who represents destruction, like Konisalius.

Regarding Chris ’s words, Enleko naturally dared not take it for granted. He said to Sisilia: "I ’m afraid it will not be so easy to attack Vydsk. The capital of the Kingdom of Kaoqi concentrates almost half of their magicians, What ’s more, the Kaoqi people ’s flying boat must be hidden in a corner near Vedsk. If we fail to carry out the same adventure, Montitar will no longer have the power to fight against the Kaoqi people ’s invasion. The future and safety of Titta Grassland is a bargaining chip? "

Enlecco's words made Sisilia hesitate. Obviously she also knew very well that this was a very dangerous gamble.

But the Duck next to him was obviously far from that sensible, he jumped out angrily and said: "Even at the greatest risk, we must avenge the dead, if you don't plan to sacrifice for it, then I ’ll take this adventure. "

Duck's words obviously did not add a bit of fighting will to everyone's hearts, but instead made Sisilia calmed down a little by anger.

She glanced coldly at her son, then tossed a silent magic on him.

"In your opinion, how to choose, if what you say is obviously reasonable, I am willing to give up the plan to target Vedsk." Sisilia said coldly, she saw Enlai at a glance Ke did not want to do his best to think and think.

Sisilia's cold eyes made Enleco tremble. He felt as if he was being closely fixed by a viper. At this moment Enleco finally understood why Sisilia could not hesitate at first. Make the whole city in the cloud receive the baptism of blood.

He even suspected that Sisilia had the same bloodless blood as the Roland family.

"Even if you want to take revenge on the Kaoqi people and increase destruction to the Kaoqi people's city, everyone must at least consider how to return our fleet to the Monty Steppe safely." Enleco said slowly.

He saw that no one had responded to his words and had to continue: “I ’m sure that once we attacked any city in the Kingdom of Kaoqi, the way home from our rear to the Monty Steppe will be affected by the Kaoqi fleet. Cut off, if we turn our head back to Montita, we will inevitably be intercepted by the prepared Kaoqi fleet. "

"Therefore we have only two options, either to fly to Sophie, or to the Kingdom of Reading, but considering the distance from Montyta to Sophie, obviously this route is a bit weird, and the Kingdom of Reading and us There is only a narrow strait partition, and it is obviously a more appropriate choice to cross the strait from Redding to the Kingdom of Monty. "

"The best option in this way is to attack * the city of Kaoqi near the north, which will give us enough time to escape to the border with Redding." Enlecco said.

"North? Do you mean attacking Kashina, the second largest city in the Kingdom of Kaoqi?" Sicilia asked.

Although Enleko had no feelings of deep feelings towards Hegeilo and his territory, he did not want to cause Kaoqi and Montita to form an invincible hatred after all.

He hesitated for a while and said: "I am afraid Kashner is not a suitable choice. It is the hometown of Hegeilo. It is also his territory. I am afraid Kashner is not much weaker than Vedsk's defense. Tower Kingdom must also pay a huge price. "

Sisilia thought for a moment, and she turned her gaze to her father who was standing still and made no noise.

The old man nodded slightly, a cunning light flashed in his eyes.

"I do have a suggestion. Since attacking Kashina is too dangerous, it is better to attack several cities that are easier to attack. As long as those cities have a large enough population, as long as our strike can make the Kingdom of Kaoqi feel like we The same sorrow and sorrow at the moment must be enough to restore the hatred in our hearts. "

Sisilia clearly understood her father's thoughts. She nodded slightly and moved her gaze to the map hanging on the wall.

"As long as it takes some time, it is not difficult to find out the cities that meet the conditions. As long as those cities are near our scheduled attack route, the population living in the city exceeds 300,000, preferably those cities still have narrow The streets and connected wooden houses are even more perfect. "

At this point, Sisilia took a cold look at Enleco.

"The people of the grassland have always disliked fire, but now, we must learn from our neighbors, the Kaoqi people, that they have taught us that the fire spreading around is better at killing people than the shocking power of thunder. Turning the city of the Kaoqi people into a sea of ​​fire and letting the spreading fire avenge our hatred for us. This is the best reward we can give to the Kaoqi people and reward them for teaching us such a fun game. "

The old man beside him also nodded and said, "Attacking the Kaoqi city with the spreading fire will save us a lot of things and time. We do n’t need to hover and stay over the city of Kaoqi Kingdom, we just need to use The first attack destroyed buildings on both sides of the main road, blocked the road with collapsed ruins, and then set countless fires in all directions of the city, and then was able to spread away, let those fires spread out and connect to become a piece, let that The city itself turned into a sea of ​​fire. "

The words of the father and daughter made Enleco creepy, and he felt the terrible war more and more.

War can make anyone irrational, and benevolent people can become cruel executioners.

But Enlecke was helpless because he knew very well that war was like a burning fire. A very small Mars was enough to ignite it, but it was not so easy to extinguish it.

In most cases, it is not the efforts of the firefighters that extinguish the fire, but because there is nothing to burn.

Enleco had no way of knowing when the war would subside, and even less what would remain after the war was extinguished, Monty Steppe and Kaoqi Kingdom.

"How much loss has Grant City suffered in this attack and how many airships do we still have in our hands?" Enleco quickly changed the subject.

"The total number of casualties is nearly 120,000, and the Montaita Kingdom has been unable to make up for such huge losses for decades. What is even more distressing is that about 80% of the casualties are women and children. The root is the hope of Montyta's prosperity. "Sisilia said sadly.

"As for the flying boat, we have only more than two hundred ships in hand. Most of them were originally intended to guard the straits, so that the waterway between the Kingdom of Reading and us was unobstructed. Because of this, they were able to escape. "

"However, it will only take three days. We will have a thousand flying boats again. Duck ’s unintentional move gave us hope. He and those who were punished rebuilt a group of flying boats. It was the nuclear crystals and wreckage left by the several teams that were accidentally destroyed by the raid, which were now installed on the new flying boat. "

"The newly built flying boats have already completed the construction of the skeleton and the posting of the skin. The only thing that is missing now is to put the magic circle and various devices inside, and this work is for Duck and his group of people. It ’s obviously incompetent. "

Hearing the old man saying this, everyone turned their attention to Enleco. For this matter, Enleco obviously could not find any excuse to refuse.

"After three days, you can attack." Sisilia nodded slightly.

"This is enough to make those Kaoqi people caught off guard." The old man next to him also knew very well what this meant.

"However, in these three days, we have almost no protective power. If the Kaoqi attacked Grant City again, we might still be able to watch them pouring mines and fireballs on our heads." Sissi Leah said anxiously.

"Relax, in these three days, I promise that no one will be alive * close here." Said Kris next to her, her sharp voice with absolute confidence.

No one dared to doubt Kris ’s assurance. After all, everyone here knew nothing about the strength she possessed.

With her mysterious teleportation magic, no one or any force could intercept her.

Because of this, even Kofi Leo, the great magician of the Kingdom of Kaoqi, the court master, Drechs, and the evil mage, Trod, could not stop Kris from doing what she wanted to do.

And the arrows like the dense raindrops, as well as the fireball falling in the sky, are also of no use to Chris.

As long as he is in control of "Talbot", Kris is simply invincible.


After Enleco and Chris left, the three grandsons returned to the table.

Sisilia said slowly: "I had already expected that it would end like this. Enleco would definitely not be willing to attack the Kingdom of Kaoqi, nor would he support the proposal to attack Vedsk."

Hearing his mother's words, Duck next to him frowned and said, "Maybe we don't need to tell Enleco, we will change direction halfway to Vedsk."

The old man slowly shook his head and said: "It is absolutely impossible to do so. If we turn to attack Vedsk, we will completely lose Enleco's trust, and his help is very important to us at this moment."

Sisilia also said: "In addition to this, Enleco's concerns are not necessarily wrong. Since the Kaoqi people can sneak attack Grant, they must also be worried that we will give them a fatal blow in the same way, Vader Scoux is under heavy guards, and there are probably too many evils to attack there. "

"The reason why the Kaoqi people were able to beat us by surprise this time was entirely due to the heads of the Kaoqi spies lurking in the city of clouds, but we did not have the power to use in Vydsk. There is definitely more than a magical monitoring barrier in Sk. "

"What ’s more, Vydsk is almost at the very center of the Kingdom of Kaoqi. As Enleko said, it is obviously not easy to attack there and want to escape. At least in the matter of saving strength, Enleco and There is nothing hidden, and the attack line he directed should not be much wrong. "

Hearing his daughter's words, the old man frowned, and he gently took the map off the wall and tiled it on the table.

His long, dry, slender fingers slowly crossed the line that Enleco had just said.

There is a very conspicuous red dot on the side of this line that does not seem very far away. The marked city is Kashna.

"It's a tempting target." The old man muttered to himself.

"In addition to pursuing luxury and prosperity, Kashina houses are mostly made of bricks instead of wood, but it is an excellent target. Its roads are extremely narrow, and the streets are all high-rise buildings. Several explosions are enough. Block up the entire street. "

"The population of Kashina is more than one million, and unlike Vedsk, the residents of Kashina mostly stay in the city because the environment around Kashna is too harsh, lack of water, storms, sand and dust, all of which makes Residents have no choice. Kashina is famous for its precious soil, and because of this, all the buildings there are tightly packed together. "

"It will be a perfect goal, and it will be enough to make the Kingdom of Kaoqi feel the same pain as us."

The old man said slowly.

Sisilia apparently had the same idea, she also locked her eyes tightly on Kashner.

"But what Enleko said is not necessarily all wrong. It is also likely that Kashna is surrounded by heavy protection. After all, the lord who owns the city is Hagero, and Kashner is the closest to the Monty Steppe. A huge city, "Sisilia said worriedly.

"How much power does the Kaoqi have to guard their city?" The old man said suddenly.

"From the view of this attack, the number of their airships will never exceed 400." Sisilia replied.

"If you add a magician, I am afraid that it is quite remarkable to be able to defend three or four cities. Then, according to Enleco ’s suggestion, we can indeed give some smaller cities fatal damage without prejudice. Strike, but for the Kaoqi people, no matter how small the city is their territory, they will definitely pursue it, and in addition to the remaining more than two hundred airships, we now have Dak's hand nearing completion Of the seven hundred flying boats, I hope the Kaoqi people know nothing about these seven hundred flying boats. "

"If this assumption is fully true, we may still be able to successfully attack Kashina." Speaking of this, the old man withdrew a small knife from the waist trace, and borrowed a small knife from Duck, and pulled the two knifes out of the scabbard. The old man carefully placed these four things on the map.

"After three days, we will have less than a thousand flying boats, and instead of concentrating on attacking the Kaoqi people, thus exposing all the strength in our hands, it is better to lay out the maze so that the Kaoqi people can't figure out our hands. How much power. "

As the old man picked up a scabbard, he said leisurely: "These are twenty flying boats with only magicians who are proficient in monitoring magic and whistle stalkers who control Harrier Eagles. They will be our eyes, so that our brigade can be safe. nothing."

Putting the scabbard aside, the old man pointed to the remaining three things and said: "The other airship is divided into three parts, each team is less than three hundred, when the first team attacks the first city. At that time, the other teams continued to rush to the goal ahead. "

"The team that completed the attack mission will go to a predetermined meeting point, and then the second team will attack the second city. After the attack, they will join the first team, and the same thing will happen to the third team. Body, but they will continue to move forward as a bait to lure the potential chasers of the Kaoqi Kingdom. "

"If our whistleblower proves that Kashina is not heavily guarded ~ ~ then three teams will attack Kashina at the same time, giving the city a fatal blow and avenging our dead compatriots."

"If the whistleblower finds that Kashina's guard is strong, then the third team manages to lead it away so that the first and second teams can have an opportunity to attack Kashina."

"If the guardians of Kashner are not moved at all, then the third team will continue to attack other cities and use the numbers to make up for the loss of being unable to attack the excellent target of Kashner."

The old man's strategy caused the other two to nod again and again. Obviously this is indeed an effective trick.

"I'm going to command the third team." Duck said immediately, obviously he already saw that the third team had the most important responsibilities.

But did not expect Sisilia to refuse her son's request, she said slowly: "To complete this mission, it is best to choose a mature and important person as the commander. Gangta is the most suitable candidate."

The old man beside him nodded again and again, obviously he had the same knowledge.


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