Magic Apprentice

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Blood and fire

At the southwest corner of Vydsk was built a tower with a spire. This tower is directly in the sky, and it is across from the tower of the headquarters of the Magic Society.

The top of the minaret is divided into dozens of very narrow rooms, and only those magicians with the most special status and most trusted are qualified to enter and leave the tower.

At the moment, a magician suddenly rushed out of one of the narrow rooms. Seeing his panic, there was obviously a big thing happening.

The magician hurriedly pulled a thin rope hanging at the entrance and exit, and a slight and rapid ringing sound came from under his feet. The magician threw a roll of parchment in his hand, and then he looked hurriedly. Run back to his room.

The string of rapid ringtones just alarmed everyone waiting under the tower, and everyone looked up at the top of the towering and dark tower, guessing what was going to happen.

Under the attention of everyone, the roll of parchment fell silently on the ground, and a knight led by the guardians quickly picked up the roll of parchment.

He gently stretched out the soft sheepskin, and suddenly a panicked expression occupied his face.

"Quick-" a call made everyone shocked, an ominous omen shrouded everyone's heart.

"Quickly inform the headquarters and the palace. The Montitas suddenly assembled nearly 300 air battleships. This huge fleet has just left Grant City. Their direction is our Kaoqi."

The knight said that the parchment was spread out for everyone to watch, and two purple crystals hung on the corner of the parchment.

The knight took off the crystals and tucked them into the hands of the two men beside him. The two men went straight towards the tower without saying anything.

The horses were already ready to stop at the door, and a team of guards were already waiting there.

The two knights jumped on the warhorse, and they carefully put the purple crystal into their arms, hiding in the special leather bag under the armor.

A rapid sound of horseshoes rang above the streets of Videsk, and everyone who heard the movement immediately felt a sense of tension and depression.

One of the two crystals was unobstructed in the hands of His Majesty the Emperor Horcos III.

He looked at the scene reflected in front of him, and looked at the three hundred warships. He flew toward the northwest at a very slow speed. A helpless and dejected expression appeared on his face.

"Before the Messenger of Peace had reached the city of Grant, the Montitas rushed back in a hurry." Milinda next to him also said with a long sigh, she knew very well what the emperor seemed so lost.

"Maybe, this is also a great opportunity. As long as all these air battleships are destroyed, the Montitas will have to obey our control. They will obediently return to the negotiation table. At that time, peace is what we give Grace. "Milinda said.

"Blessing? Don't forget that they can easily destroy all living creatures with curse-free magic." Hokors III said with a wry smile.

"Then treat peace as a bargaining chip for everyone to have a chance to live. Anyway, we can still see this as a gift in private, and the Montitas can also be regarded as a symbol of their victory." Milinda said indifferently.

"My heart has been worrying, what if the Montitas did not target Vedsk and Kashner as we expected?" Hokors III said worriedly.

"Neither I nor Hegeilo will care about the fact that several cities have been reduced to ashes by the Montitas. For Kaoqi, even Vydsk is not unable to give up, the reason is to guard Vidsk and Kashner are probably just to keep morale low. "

"As for other cities, as long as the news is blocked so that the morale of the people is not affected, it has no effect at all. Kaoqi is not a Monti. The death of hundreds of thousands of people is basically considered to be the total population of Kaoqi Nothing. "

"On the contrary, it will expose the whereabouts of the remaining fleet of Montitar. There is a fleet resting on the strait, and Hagello will be in town in Kashner, even if the Montita warships are flying. Faster than our warships, they can still easily intercept them. "Milinda said indifferently.

The emperor nodded slightly, apparently he agreed with Milinda.

At the same time that the emperor and queen of the Kingdom of Kaoqi made plans to sacrifice several cities, Hegeilo also learned from the herald that the Montita fleet had been dispatched.

Haigeello, who was hunting, immediately looked up. He took a map from the adjutant's hand.

For Hageello, the compasses and rulers were much more used than swords in the recent days, and soon after Hageeello roughly calculated the time when the Montita fleet arrived in the Kingdom of Kaoqi.

"How is my fleet prepared?" Haigeello asked the adjutant around him.

"The fleet is ready to go, just waiting for your order." The adjutant quickly replied.

"Yes, in order to be able to fight at any time, Lord Marquis did not even allow the soldiers to go on vacation, even the magic corps and those magicians, also closely controlled." Another adjutant said quickly.

"I didn't expect the Montita people to be so indifferent. After only three days, they didn't even recover their vitality and hurried to revenge." The first adjutant said with a smile.

"Isn't this good? I was still worried. If the time is delayed, I am afraid that the soldiers of the fleet will complain." Another adjutant also replied with a smile.

Responding to the two adjutants one by one, Hagero didn't pay any attention to it. All his energy was put in the battle that was about to begin.

There are hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of gaps between Kashner, Vedsk and Monty Steppe. How can we find the trace of the Monty Fleet on such a vast land?

Hagero knew very well that the only hands in his hand were ten specially modified warships, and the magician riding on them could lay down a magical monitoring barrier covering more than 100 kilometers.

Although there are at least a hundred or so magicians who can perform magic monitoring in his hands, there are only ten warships that can be called.

Other magicians can only be used to lay a fixed magic detection barrier, even if the carriage is pulling them and running with the huge and cumbersome detection magic array, it is obviously impossible for the flying boat to chase the Monti people .

Almost in a flash, Hagrid's mind popped into the same mind as Milinda, who was thousands of miles away in the palace.

"Let the priests of the Church of the Warlords order the priests everywhere to be vigilant at all times. The war of war must not be extinguished for a moment. I want to know whether there is an accident in every city at any time," Hagero ordered.

His order was immediately conveyed by the herding soldiers at the fastest speed.

Hagrid was clearly not in the mood to continue hunting, and he walked straight towards his carriage.

In the distance, above the distant strait, a mighty fleet was on the way back, they had just found and destroyed a warehouse, and watching the billowing smoke plummeting into the sky, everyone was very excited.

Since their successful raid on Grant City, every attack has excited these Kaoqi soldiers.

Because they finally experienced the pride and pride that only the Holy Knights had.

Invincible and invincible, the invincibility has now become the praise that only they can have. The sacred knights that have been glorious for centuries have become memories of the past.

The soldiers in control of the air battleship even feel that they already have the power of the gods, they can easily determine the life and death of others from the high sky, and they can turn the fortifications in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye. For ashes, this unstoppable feeling really fascinated them.

While everyone was reveling in the feeling of power and invincibility, the command of their flagship came back.

This puzzled almost everyone, and according to past practice, their hunting had just begun.

Above the flagship, the newly promoted captain is sitting in front of the simple desk, with the staff and adjutant standing beside him.

"A fleet of three hundred warships of the Montitas has already left Grant City, and their goal should be one of our cities." The captain said slowly.

"Now there are two options, either immediately rush to the border and release the reconnaissance ships to search and search for the fleet of the Montitans. Ten of them are hiding in a thick cloud, looking for those who enter the Kingdom of Kaoqi Opportunity, once they are found, we will intercept them head-on, and then the soldiers' fighting will and courage will decide the victory or defeat. "

"The second option is that we let the Montita fleet pass, and then intercept their return. Once they started the attack and exposed their whereabouts, we would chase them from behind, with the commander-in-chief or queen. Your Majesty, teamed up to attack the Montita fleet, and they must be completely wiped out over the Kingdom of Kaoqi. "The staff said quickly.

Regarding these two options, both the captain and the adjutant apparently have also thought about it, and even the fierce conflicts among them have been thoroughly thought out.

"Do we have a second choice?" Said the captain with a slight smile.

"The commander-in-chief will never let someone who likes to get the limelight and take the credit without taking into account the overall situation to command such a fleet." The adjutant said slowly.

The captain nodded and waved his hand to the adjutant and the staff to return to their seats.

"Let the Falcon Eye search in the front to ensure that we will not collide head-on with the Monty Fleet. Let the Falcon Wing and Falcon Wing be responsible for searching on both sides to ensure that we have enough time to react even if we encounter the Monty Fleet. The other warships were heading towards the Ande fortress. "After issuing the series of orders, the captain re-silenced. He looked at the scenery outside the window. The original calm sea didn't know why it suddenly appeared to be choppy and expansive.

The raging waves of the hills struck the cliff on the side of the Kingdom of Reading, and the snow-white waves crashed into pieces and even splashed on the cliff.

"Hopefully, this time it will put an end to this battle." The captain murmured to himself.


While the Kaoqi were preparing, the Monty Steppe was equally busy.

A huge team is gathering towards this place, and when the two teams join together, the astonishing momentum of the black crows makes all the grassland people who are flying the boat excited.

It took more than an hour to rearrange the formation, and a team of only twenty flying boats has already quietly set off.

They are completely different from the vast and mighty army. They opened the huge magic detection barrier, not only being vigilant all the time, but also exposing themselves.

The people who fly these boats are very aware of their responsibilities. They are the only eyes and ears that others can trust.

Because of this, the team quickly spread out. They were like a huge net, not letting go of any goal on the way.

Even the birds flying in the air will cause them to be vigilant, and those hawks flying with the flying boat will be responsible for confirming the target.

An hour of reorganization is not a waste of time. The reassembled team is divided into three parts, and they each fly to a distant goal.

The eyes in front of them brought them reassuring news. Because of this, the three fleets all gave up their plans to drill into the clouds. They flew above the high clouds to avoid the ground that might appear. On the eyes.

The vast and endless clouds are like vast white seas. The unpredictable sea surface is constantly churning with huge waves, but at this moment no one has the intention to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of them. The moment of revenge comes.

There is almost no vacant space above these airships, as long as the knees and elbows are slightly separated outwards, they can encounter the neatly packed "bags".

The "bags" of each person's height exude a pungent odor, and almost every Montita is very puzzled. Could it be that the stuff that smells weird is the white and soft snow they picked hard Edelweiss?

Although they are puzzled by these "bags", but no one doubts their power, because almost everyone knows that these things come from the hand of the little Master Sophie who is good at creating miracles.

Just as the Montyta trusted the flying boat very much, now anything from the hands of the two Sophie freaks can make them confident.

At this moment they were waiting to show the power of these "bags" above the Kaoqi.

The Monty's flying boat did not go straight to Kashna, but approached Kashna in a large arc toward the west.

Because on the strait that was once firmly controlled by the Kaoqi people, there was a huge Kaoqi air fleet guarding it.

The Ande Fortress, known as the gate of **** by the people of Monty Steppe, is a place that must be bypassed.

Neither Gangta nor Duck had any intention to provoke the magicians stationed at the gate of Hell at this moment, which would only expose their whereabouts, and would not help to give the Kingdom of Kaoqi a fatal blow.

There is a fairly suitable target beside this curving westward route, but neither Sisilia nor the former king had any interest in bringing destruction to its head.

That lucky city is Chengdaville-the place known to the world as the blessing of the gods.

It was the beginning of Enlekohehewei's fame, and also the birthplace of all changes.

This once mine city, a place full of **** crushes, has now become a legendary paradise on earth.

The residents of this city are almost all devout believers, where there are no arrogant nobles, and even the stubborn combat priest nods and smiles.

It can be said that in the eyes of the Montitas, the County of Strell and the people living there are the only Kaoqi people who have never been regarded as enemies by them.

As soon as the Montaita's mighty team entered the land of the Kaoqi Kingdom, they immediately plunged into the dense clouds.

At this time they are very clear that a fatal crisis may come to them at any time.

In the darkness, everyone on the flying boat tried to hold their breath as if it helped them to enter the territory of the Kaoqi Kingdom quietly without being discovered.

Everyone's nerves collapsed tightly, because at the moment they were taking an adventure, but the thrill of revenge was making them bloody.

Suddenly there was a deep voice in the cabin.

"The whistleblower reports that about three hundred kilometers ahead is our first target, and there is no sign of the Kaoqi people setting up ambushes around the target."

For this news, Gangta, who was sitting in the dark, did not react at all. He was still sitting there quietly, but he drew the dim light close to the corner of the map spread on the table in front of him.

A striking name was marked there-the final victory.

This is a famous city with a splendid and glorious history. After all the people who attacked the magic empire at that time, after breaking through the current capital of Vedsk, it was assembled here to meet the most powerful and proud magic of the magic empire. corps.

Although the battle that completely destroyed the Magic Corps was carried out in the vast desert of County Strell, more than 600 kilometers away, this city that was once regarded as a meeting point where heroes issued orders here is still Forever written into the annals of history.

There were two Montitas among the first twelve heroes, but now, Montita and Kaoqi, who were once comrades-in-arms, must decide whether to live or die on the battlefield.

This may be a great irony, maybe a huge joke made by fate.

However, Gangta couldn't laugh at all. When he saw this city with a long history and was targeted, he felt a little sad.

He said in a low, hoarse voice: "Go ahead and rush to our own goal."

The same news has already spread to Duck's flying boat, which is completely different from Gangta, and Duck looks eager to try.

He had also heard of the name of the city with this long history, but he did not feel anything about it.

For him, this city is just one of the most suitable goals, with a population of 350,000, most of the buildings in the city are made of wood, and the narrow streets and lanes make the city Under the attack of the flying boat, it is like a tomb, and what makes the city unable to escape the fate of destruction is the historic high wall.

Duck also knew very well why his mother and maternal grandfather chose this city as their target.

The former fame and the five hundred years of leisure have made the city one of Kaoqi ’s high-end leisure and summer resorts.

At this moment, the sound of the Quartet's war horn has caused those rich and high-ranking people living in big cities and towns near the border to flee from those dangerous places.

Some of them fled to Cheng Dawei, hoping that the blessed land of the gods would save them from the flames of war.

Others fled to remote towns. In their view, these are not road hubs and military hubs, and should be able to escape the spread of the war.

The city now attracts the attention of the refugees with its elegant villas and prosperous high-end shops.

Those nobles and wealthy merchants hope to enjoy themselves even if they escape.

Because of this, for the mother and maternal grandfather who longed for revenge wholeheartedly, these small towns full of Kaoqi high-ranking people became the first choice.

In fact, the other two cities have the same characteristics as the city in front of them.

The narrow streets, wooden houses, and crowded people are destined for their destruction, as well as the death of the residents living in these cities.

"The second and third teams have left the queue." There was a low report again in front of him.

"How much time will we have to reach the target?" Duck said slowly, and now he had returned to calm.

He was commanding the battle in this small cabin under the control of a flying boat. He had a completely different feeling from the previous battle horse riding between the dense arrows and the swaying swords. Duck felt that he was more and more adapted to this feeling. .

"Three hours." A positive answer came in front of him. In fact, Duck himself can calculate the approximate time, but he still needs to confirm it.

"What is the thickness of the clouds?" Duck asked again.

This answer took some time. After a while, the person in front said: "Today's weather is too clear, not many clouds can cover us, even if we can find a cloud, it will be torn apart by the flying boat. . "

"In that case, then we don't need to cover up too much, raise the height to the highest, and enter the predetermined position at the fastest speed." Duck commanded calmly.

"Do you want to prepare the first team?" The man in front asked.

"I don't need it now, I don't want the brothers to tighten their nerves prematurely," Duck said calmly.

"However, it is possible for the flying boats to check their dumps, and the gifts placed in the dumps for the Kaoqi people. I do n’t want to see those skips get stuck when the time comes, so that the Kaoqi people did not receive Disappointed with the gift. "Duck said coldly, the anger of revenge burning in his chest at the moment.


The final victory was a very quiet and small city. There were no mines, no endless fields, and no traffic.

All it has here is a narrow river, which meanders through the middle of the city.

Hundreds of small bridges span this slender river, everything looks so elegant and quiet.

This quiet little city also does not have wide streets, as if prosperity and noise are completely isolated here.

The small streets and deep alleys that only allow easy carriages have become a unique scenery here.

Those who live here are rich people who have a leisurely interest. They like this idyllic and quiet town.

Because there are many rich people living here, this city also attracts a large number of businessmen.

Although the commercial streets here are far less prosperous and noisy than the huge cities such as Vedsk and Kashina, the dazzling array of commodities still proves the prosperity of this place.

Perhaps it is contaminated with the quiet and elegant atmosphere here, and even those shops reveal elegance and nobility that are not available elsewhere.

There are no messy piles of upstarts here, and there are usually villas where people can relax and chat.

Time seems to have solidified here, everything is proceeding in a slow and leisurely rhythm.

Because of this, when a deep roar came from far away, the residents in the town still looked slowly and puzzled at the place where the roar came.

Some people even thought a heavy rain was coming. The roar just now was the thunder before the rain came.

But soon they knew that it was not a rainstorm, but destruction and death.

With a low and noisy buzzing sound, a group of migratory locusts and black crows seemed to be pressed in the distance.

At the beginning, the hum was extremely low, and the neatly arranged black spots were still far above the high clouds, but soon the hum became louder and louder, and the residents of the town could even watch Be aware of the fusiform lines and the huge wings that shine brightly in the sunlight.

Suddenly a series of explosions sounded, and this time the residents of the small town finally fell into a panic. They fled around like a tide and flooded into the street.

The destruction of Port Statt has already spread to every inch of the land of the Kaoqi Kingdom, and the destruction and death have made every Kaoqi fear and shock.

There are screams and wailings everywhere, shouts and wailings everywhere, and the city has lost the peace and quiet of the past in a moment.

In a scream, the huge fleet of black crows quickly rushed across the town, and countless dark red Mars spread from the air battleships.

These Mars fell into the crowd and immediately caused a scream of exhaustion.

People whose clothes and hair were lit by the sky of Mars, drilled around as if they could escape the burning of the flames.

But what is even more terrifying is not these Mars falling directly on people, although the former brings unstoppable fear to the residents of this small city.

What is really scary are those Mars falling into the room.

Carpets, tablecloths, and curtains are undoubtedly the best fuel. Almost every Mars falling into the room instantly turns into a sea of ​​fire. The thick tongue of fire spouted directly from the window, as if there was a brutal trapped inside Of Warcraft.

But more Mars fell on the rolling roofs.

Tiles are not an excellent fuel, but some of the innumerable Mars are stained with easily combustible wood.

Most of the houses in this small town were constructed from this deadly material, and at this moment they became gravediggers who buried themselves.

The flying flames quickly became a piece of fire, and there was a raging fire on the roof of almost every house in the city.

With countless Mars, burning wooden beams and thick pillars collapsed, the scattered bricks and debris soon blocked the narrow streets.

Under the fire and smoke, desperate people can be seen everywhere, their eyes full of indescribable fear.

The screams have turned into hysterical screams. This once elegant and peaceful city has turned into a **** on earth in the fire.

In the blazing sky fire, the gods of death are beckoning and laughing, they are happily harvesting the souls of the dead, they are more leisurely looking at those who have not died, watching them roasting in the fire Struggling underneath, watching them run around hopelessly, for them, the souls of these people will sooner or later become their prey.

A dull sound of breaking sounded, a corner of the city was amidst the blazing fire, and a house that was tight together began to collapse.

Suddenly, the tongue of fire flickered and licked the sky, and the collapsed block seemed to be splashing a layer of oil on the lit wood.

In the sea of ​​fiery flames of hell, which seemed to be a harsh scream that exhausted all the energy of life, it seemed that **** suddenly appeared in the world.

That scream filled with despair and pain came abruptly, everything was calm, but the peace at the moment was not the peace and quiet of the past, the silence of death enveloped this land.

Another tongue of fire flew up, another block was already unable to bear the fire, and the same fate awaited the rest of the city.


The fire in the sky has become a dim light behind him. Dak sitting in the cabin did not feel the joy of revenge. No matter how many enemies lost their lives, they could not make up for the sacrifice of their compatriots.

Looking around behind him, Duck commanded coldly: "Now turn the course and go to our meeting point."

The fleet, which had just experienced a **** killing, slowly reversed direction and headed towards the next target.

At the moment, another team of revenge is slowly approaching the killing field that belongs to them. This is a city that is smaller than the final victory. The population has just reached 300,000, but this is a civilian city. The big river that it passes by, and the several roads that intersect on its outskirts, bring great opportunities to the city.

But this is a city that has grown up by itself from a small town. Located in a transportation hub, it has not accumulated much wealth for itself.

The streets here are extremely narrow, and the houses here are all made of wood. The reason for this is not for the leisurely and elegant like the "Last Victory City", but because this is obviously the cheapest option.

For businessmen, the land is money. The empty squares and wide streets may be very convenient for transportation, but the waste of utilization is beyond their tolerance.

For the same reason, houses built with bricks are more solid and beautiful, but obviously there is no cheaper building made of wooden boards.

In front of the house is the shop, and the backyard becomes a warehouse for goods.

This city of civilians naturally has no high walls to protect its safety, but for centuries, the mountains surrounding the Kaoqi Kingdom have been the strongest walls, and no one has ever been able to attack the city. Because of this, the inhabitants of the city never imagined that one day disaster would come to them.

In fact, the outbreak of war and the destruction of Port Statt did not even cause panic among the residents of this small town. For the residents of the small town, the war seemed to be a very far away thing from them.

After all, it is neither a military stronghold nor easy-to-defend terrain, not even a city wall. No matter who is riding a horse and wielding a sword, they will surrender in exchange for peace.

The residents of the small town had already made plans, they even transformed their wealth into gold and silver and buried it under the yard.

After arranging all of this, this small town safely continued its past life, carrying on the kind of busy trading.

Because of this, when they heard the slight but noisy buzz coming from the sky, everyone stood there staring at the sky.

However, compared with the long-time laid-back high-profile figures, these merchants and the guys they hired are obviously more responsive.

When the ominous premonition had just appeared in everyone's mind, someone immediately ran out of the city in a panic.

All of a sudden * there was a crowd of people near the city. From a distance, it seemed to be a group of frightened wild horses.

These people were obviously lucky, because when they fled up the hillside near the town, they heard a dull explosion sound from behind them.

Immediately followed by the increasingly buzzing buzz, countless Mars fell from the sky and fell in their city.

The sky of Mars looked so beautiful, but the houses and trees on the ground were stained with Mars and turned into a burning torch. Those lucky enough to escape, only felt unimaginable fear and sorrow.

Because their homeland has become a sea of ​​fire, this small and crowded city is obviously more likely to be destroyed than the previous target.

Most of the humble houses are laid with wooden tiles, and among the cluttered goods, many are the most flammable cloths.

The fire almost engulfed the city in a blink of an eye, and those who finally rushed out of the fire were more or less burnt and scorched.

But they were already the last lucky ones, because the whole city could not support the burning fire and collapsed under the burning of the fire.

The Mars flying in the sound of the collapse and the Mars falling from the sky are intertwined, as if writing a movement of death.

Only the luckiest people in the city can escape, and most of them are buried in flames.

Compared with the previous city, this small city was completely destroyed in a shorter time. When that mighty air fleet sailed over the city, there was only a pile of burning rubble left in this small city .

Above the pile of ruins, there wasn't even a sound to hear. The weeping and wailing came from the surrounding hillsides. The Kaoqi people who had just lost their loved ones and friends sat down on the ground.

In addition to the endless sorrow, the anger of revenge like the Montitas burned in their chests.

The most vicious curse spit out from their mouths, and these resentments and anger merged into the river, which is probably enough to submerge Grant City again.

It's a pity that these vicious curses had no effect on the flying boat flying in the high sky, and the fleet was still marching magnificently on the route to the meeting point.


At the moment, the Kaoqi's fleet was approaching, and the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Duke Hagero, commanded his fleet that he was proud of.

But now his mood is terrible, because an ominous premonition is entrenched in his heart.

What made him even more upset and annoyed was that he couldn't find the reason for this ominous premonition.

In desperation, Hagrid had to turn his attention back to the map in front of him.

The map is already covered with traces of pencils and compasses.

One of the five or six possible routes of the Montita fleet has become increasingly visible.

When he got the news that the final victory city was destroyed in the Montaite raid, he had already imagined the direction and number of the Montatians likely to launch an attack.

The only thing he regretted was that there was no magic society in the final city of victory, but the warlord priest there had given him the information he needed before he died.

The ships dispatched by the Montitas did, as he expected, only about three hundred ships.

From the city they selected as the target of destruction, the Montitas apparently learned the magic of fire in the attack that turned Grant into ruins.

Because of this, Hagero's locked routes have targets that are very suitable for the Montita attack.

With a large population, crowded streets, and mostly wooden houses, such cities are countless in the Kingdom of Kaoqi.

The second belated report also confirmed his prediction that one of the cities he drew out of the route was followed by ashes.

Calculated from the time, after the destruction of the first target, the Montita almost went straight to the second target without stopping. Because of this, Hagero could even easily predict when he could Intercepted the Montitar fleet.

Even though everything seemed so smooth, Hagero always felt uneasy.

What did he miss?

Hagero never found the answer to the question.

"Let Imuret lead twenty warships to stay in Kashner, and the other ships will follow me to intercept the Montita fleet." Haigeello finally made such a decision.

"Master Duke, it is absolutely unfavorable for us to disperse our forces. Although the Montita warships are far less powerful than ours, they have as many as three hundred ships after all, but we originally had less than one hundred. , And then separate out 20 warships, our combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened. "The side staff quickly advised.

"I don't know why, I have an ominous hunch. Although the lack of twenty warships will greatly reduce our combat effectiveness, I don't want to make myself regret it at some point in the future." Said.

The staff apparently knew much about the commander-in-chief's hunch, and because of this, he quickly shut his mouth.

After making this order, Hagero did not feel the ominous hunch in his heart increased or weakened, but this has enabled him to give orders normally.

Under the leadership of Hagero, the fleet of the Kingdom of Kaoqi sailed violently towards the intended interception point.


The Count Imuret, who was ordered to stay behind Kashina, could not have understood the intention of the commander-in-chief, but when he learned from the magician in charge of magic monitoring, a reconnaissance ship was passing by Kashina. When he passed, he knew that things were definitely not as simple as he thought.

Almost at the same time as the order was stepped up, the earl, who was cautious, told his discovery to the commander-in-chief, who was on the way.

The answer he got was to hold Kashner as much as possible, waiting for the return of the big troops.

Earl Muret lay on the simple desk, planned for a while with a ruler and circle, and finally knew how much time he needed to support.

Even if the commander-in-chief returns immediately upon receiving the news, it will take at least three hours to rush back to Kashina.

Looking at the waning sky, Imuret secretly wondered whether he could support that moment.

Over the wilderness outside Kashner, a specially modified reconnaissance ship was traveling on the patrol route, and suddenly the magician on the reconnaissance ship exclaimed: "Oh my god, how could the Montitas be dispatched like this? Many warships, where did these warships come from? "

"How many battleships did you see?" The captain immediately asked anxiously.

"At least-at least five hundred, maybe six hundred, maybe more." The magician said pale.

Hearing this news, the others on the reconnaissance ship also appeared panicked.

No one knows what this means better than them. There are only twenty warships in the sky above Kashina, and the number of enemies is twenty to thirty times, which is almost a battle that cannot be won.

"Report this matter to Lord Imuret immediately, and also to Lord Haigeello." The captain said in a low voice.

For a moment, the cabin became silent.

The bad news arrived in front of Hager Elo after a moment, and he was also stunned by the news. He was now understanding that the ominous omen appeared in his heart and collapsed. For what reason.

Obviously, neither he nor Milinda had miscalculated the number of air battleships left by the Montitas.

The Montitas must have transferred a considerable number of battleships to some place deep in the grassland in advance to hide them.

It was this group of warships that escaped the extremely subtle magic eye established by Trodé and Dreykes, and it was also these warships that deceived them.

The continuous attack on the three cities was not the same fleet of 300 warships as originally expected, but a part of a huge fleet of more than 900 warships.

The reason why these cunning Montitas laid out such tricks was to transfer themselves far away from Kashina.

Although he left Imurete in Kashner as the last guard because of his ominous premonition, the number of twenty warships in his hand is basically tantamount to letting an ant shake a stout big tree.

Suddenly a sorrow rose from Hagrid's heart, and he sighed slightly towards the distance. There was Kashner's direction. The city that belonged to him, Hagrid was almost imaginable, with fire and smoke. It was full of sights of the whole city, because that was exactly what he had led the fleet of the Kingdom of Kaoqi in Grant City a few days ago.

As an attacker, he once devoured the flames of destruction to a huge city, and at this moment the same fire of destruction will fall in his hometown.

A deep sorrow occupied Hagrid's heart, which made him very surprised. Isn't he not as indifferent to his hometown as he had thought in the past? Isn't Kashner in his mind not just his Fortune, his territory? Does he still have a deep feeling for Kashner.

Suddenly Hagrid's head laughed loudly, and his laughter was full of sadness and desolation.

"Tell Imuret to let him delay as much time as possible. I immediately returned to join him to attack the enemy. Be sure to destroy the Montitar fleet over Kashina."

"Tell Immuret again, do n’t care about the safety of Kashner, as long as the residents are evacuated to the surrounding wilderness, even if an empty city is turned into ruins, it will not be a loss for us, let the Monti attack. Kashner, and you just gave them a fatal blow behind them. "

"Let the Montitar's greed and revenge become the graves of their deaths, and let the revenge's anger also burn themselves." Haigeello said coldly.

"Order Marquis Trasch to immediately evacuate the civilians of Kashna city, let him take all the guards to maintain order, I will give him half an hour to evacuate all the civilians from Kashna, and wait until the last civilian to evacuate Kashina. Able to leave. "

"Order Anger to lead the law enforcement team to stay close to Trasch. If Trasch does not execute my orders and escapes from the city, Anger will cut off his head."

"Tell them again, whether they are civilians or nobles, they abandoned the carriages and fled Kashina on foot. Anyone who violated this order and asked Trasch to put them on the spot, as for Ange, let him look at Trasch. Trasch can't control his wife and family, and also cuts off Trasch's head. "

After these two orders were issued, a hint of coldness flashed in Hagrid's eyes.

"Order the fleet to follow the original route to pursue the Montitas." His tone was so calm, his will was also firm, and all the sorrow and frustration had left him at this moment. There is only one target in mind, and that is to annihilate the fleet of the Montantis in front.

Hearing this order, both the adjutant and the staff seemed hesitant, and even the **** of war, the priest who passed the message, had some six gods who had no master, but he still sent the message according to the order.

"Master Duke, let Kashner be completely destroyed? That would be a loss that we absolutely cannot bear!" The adjutant exclaimed.

"No loss is absolutely unbearable. Since it is a war, there will definitely be sacrifices, but a good soldier will never sacrifice in vain, and will always get something from it." Haigeello said coldly, at this moment He seemed to have forgotten that Kashner was his territory, as well as his birthplace.

Hearing these words, everyone was silent. Obviously they had heard the decisive will of the commander-in-chief from these words.

For a moment, the cabin seemed exceptionally quiet.

"How far is it from our enemies?" Haigeello asked quietly.

After a while, someone answered before: "We will meet them in half an hour."

"Ordering each warship to prepare for battle, this may be our only chance to attack. Although the Montita air warship is not as flexible as we are, it is much faster than most of the warships among us, and we may not be redundant. Time for a second wave of attacks. "

The order of this majestic commander was passed on ~ ~ but no one in the cabin still made any noise.

At this time, suddenly the worried warrior priest turned back hurriedly, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Great, Lord Duke, Kashner has been saved. I just received news from Her Majesty the Queen that she is on the way to Kashner."

The news made everyone cheer, and the cheers rang through the cramped little cabin.

Haigeello, who heard the news, was also relieved. He was as excited as everyone else, almost cheering.

It was just that he once again lost to Mirinda and had to accept her help. This huge frustration made him unable to be as excited and enthusiastic as everyone else.

Cheers rang through the small cabin, and at this moment Haigeello's eyes were fixed on the front, and he had to find a trace of dignity for himself.

"Go forward at full speed-" Hegeilo said calmly.


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