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However, Chen Yi did not observe the little flame monkey for a long time, and he retracted his sight and left quietly.

Although he was very curious about the story of the little flame monkey, Chen Yi had no reason to ask him directly. The biggest possibility of doing so was that the little flame monkey would disappear directly from his sight, and he could not even rule out the possibility that the little flame monkey would directly attack him. In order not to cause trouble, Chen Yi decided to leave now.

Returning to the original training place, Chen Yi looked at the surrounding forest, and his heart was more and more looking forward to the future life.

From then on, Chen Yi and his Pokémon's experience life was on the right track.

After getting up early in the morning for basic training, Chen Yi would take the electric shock monster into the forest to practice actual combat with various Pokémon.

Some of them took the initiative to attack Chen Yi and the electric shock monster, and some Pokémon accepted Chen Yi and the electric shock monster's request.

For the latter, regardless of whether the electric shock monster wins or loses, Chen Yi will leave tree fruits and Pokémon food as a thank you gift.

As for the Ultrasonic Larvae and Chilulia, Chen Yi didn't need to worry about their training at all!

The electric monsters needed Chen Yi's reminder to get up early for training, and the Ultrasonic Larvae and Chilulia would even finish the basic training before Chen Yi got up, and then disappear into the forest, challenging the powerful Pokémon in the forest according to what Chen Yi said. As time went by, the scope of the Ultrasonic Larvae and Chilulia's activities was far more than this forest, and even in other areas, they would appear fighting with some powerful wild leader Pokémon.

They even met some elite students who came from Tianguan Academy like Chen Yi, but they didn't know whether they were from the North Academy or other colleges. When the latter saw Ultrasonic Larvae and Chilulia, they usually thought they were wild Pokémon and wanted to conquer them through fighting. Ultrasonic Larvae and Chilulia were also happy about this. After all, fighting with anyone is not a fight, and the strength of the main Pokémon of these elite students is not weak.

Of course, after knowing this, Chen Yi would make the Ultrasonic Larvae and Kirlia appear less in the sight of humans. Chen Yi was not worried that Ultrasonic Larvae and Kirliae would be caught by other trainers. He was just worried that the noise here would attract many trainers. Anyway, Ultrasonic Larvae might be okay, but Kirliae was a shiny Pokémon after all. This rare Pokémon was really impressive and sought after.

After Chen Yi's reminder, Ultrasonic Larvae and Kirliae restrained themselves a little. When they sensed the approach of human breath, they would take the initiative to leave. In this way, the frequency of their appearance in the sight of humans was greatly reduced.

Time passed quickly. Now it has been a month since Chen Yi entered this area for training.

In a month, the strength of the electric shock monster reached the low elite level without any surprise. Although it was only upgraded from the elite level to the low elite level, the real combat power of the monster was a world of difference from a month! Whether in terms of control over the body, mentality and emotions, or in terms of actual combat, the current Electric Beast can be regarded as a true elite Pokémon.

In a month, the strength of Ultrasonic Younger is still at the middle elite level.

The speed at which Pokémon improves its strength is getting slower and slower.

To be honest, the strength of Ultrasonic Larva and Kirlia was improved a little too fast before.

Although Chen Yi allowed Ultrasonic Larva and Kirlia to stabilize their strength, in order to prevent certain accidents and hidden dangers, under Chen Yi's suggestion, Ultrasonic Larva and Kirlia slowed down the improvement of their strength as much as possible and turned to training other abilities, such as actual combat in various environments, honing of special moves, etc.

In other words, although the strength of Ultrasonic Larva and Kirlia has not changed, their actual combat effectiveness has undoubtedly improved significantly compared to a month ago.

In the north of the Tianguan Mountains, in a coniferous forest covered with snow all year round.

The snow on the bushes shook slowly, and suddenly became hurried, and then a figure rushed out from it.

"Ah!"After the figure jumped out of the bushes, it appeared in the woods. The figure was extremely large, and the most obvious thing was the huge fins on the outstretched arms. The whole body was dark blue, with only the chest and abdomen showing red and yellow. The more ferocious spikes protruded from the arms and thighs of the figure, as if it was a standing shark, a killing weapon that despised the ordinary.

At this time, the eyes that seemed indifferent to everything swept around, and then looked behind him.

""Wait a minute, Garchomp!" Immediately, a girl's voice sounded in the bushes.

This voice was somewhat similar to the cold environment around at this time, and no emotion could be identified in the voice.

Then, a girl in a black robe walked out of the bushes. The girl's smooth and silky blonde hair fell to her waist like a golden waterfall. The delicate little face was very beautiful, but what made people uncomfortable was that on the girl's face, the indifference that seemed to be not suitable for this age was extremely strong.

And the most shocking thing was that the Pokémon next to the girl was actually Garchomp! As a dragon-type quasi-god in the Sinnoh region, Garchomp's combat power is strong and its rarity is low, so there is no need to say more! And the trainer who owns Garchomp has already laid his foundation there, and his future is predictable.

"Ah!!"At this time, the fierce land shark roared again

"Is it in this direction?"The girl looked forward, a light flashed in her sight, and she murmured.

The girl did not say much to Garchomp. After confirming the direction, she continued to walk forward.

In her mind, she recalled the conversation between two trainers that she had heard in a Pokémon Center in Shenhe Town not long ago.

"Has any powerful Pokémon appeared in the Tianguan Mountains recently? Why do you go there every day?"

"Of course! Let me tell you! Rumor has it that a shining Kirlia appeared in the Tianguan Mountains, and some trainers have even seen the figure of the round land shark!"

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