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"Are you surprised? The surprise is yet to come! The fighting power of the round land shark is not bad, but it is said that the strength of the shining Kirlia is extremely strong, and it may even reach the level of the gym!"

"Is this so outrageous! Wild Pokémon can actually reach gym level? This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible! A friend of mine saw it with his own eyes. An elite trainer sent a high-level elite Pokémon to fight the shiny Kirliao. Guess what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

"That Kirlia just raised his hand, and the high-level elite Pokémon lost its ability to fight! With such a huge difference in strength, I think that even if the shiny Kirlia hasn't reached the gym level, it's probably not far away!"

In the Pokémon Center, two ordinary-level trainers were chatting in a corner. At this time, Zhulan, who had just retrieved her Pokémon from Miss Joy, was stunned after hearing this voice, and her eyes narrowed.

Shiny Kirlia! Just raised his hand to defeat the high-level elite Pokémon!?

Zhulan put her Poké Ball back to her waist. She had long been accustomed to the amazing looks around her. She ignored all those looks and walked straight out of the Pokémon Center, looking at the Tianguan Mountains in the distance. She had an idea in her mind!

She was not interested in the quasi-god round land shark, and in fact, she didn't lack it.

In contrast, what attracted her attention was the Shiny Kirlia, which was said to be gym-level!

Shining is not the point, the point is that its strength is suspected to have reached the gym level! Even if it is not gym-level, it must have reached the elite level. Such a Pokémon is worth capturing!

So, she came to the Tianguan Mountains and began her journey to find the Shiny Kirlia.

After a series of understandings, Zhulan learned that the last time the Shiny Kirlia appeared in the trainer's sight was at the foot of a mountain somewhere in the north of the Tianguan Mountains. In the north of the

Tianguan Mountains, in the forest where Chen Yi trained the electric shock monsters

"It seems that these Mongoose Slashers have never suffered any hardship!""Ah!"

After a month, Chen Yi's hair looked a little messy, even covering his ears, and his clothes were changed into the uniforms of senior students in the North Academy, mainly because this kind of uniform will not get dirty or torn, and is very durable.

Beside him, the Electric Shock Demon Beast also looked more mature and stable.

At this time, Chen Yi and the Electric Shock Demon were surrounded by the white figures that surrounded them. They were densely packed, and they were all Mongoose Slashers!

Among these Mongoose Slashers, there were three slashers looking at Chen Yi and the Electric Shock Demon Beast who were surrounded, and they couldn't help making faces at them and making sarcastic and shrill laughs.

"Do you really think you can definitely win?"Chen Yi noticed this scene and found it a little funny.

Do these three meerkats really not know the difference? After being chased away by Chen Yi the first time, they were defeated by the electric shock beast one-on-three the second time they found trouble with Chen Yi in the forest, and then fled in a panic.

Now, a month after their last embarrassing appearance, they have found a lot of partners to deal with Chen Yi and the electric shock beast together.

They seem to know the work and rest patterns of Chen Yi and the electric shock beast in the past month, and they also deliberately found a time when the ultrasonic larvae and Kirlia left.

But even so, do they really think they can take revenge on Chen Yi and the electric shock beast? Do they really think that the electric shock beast now is still the electric shock beast a month ago?

"Ah!!!"Ah!!!""Ah!!!""Ah Wu!""Ah Wu!"

Suddenly, a chaotic chirping sound was heard. Those mongooses that were either standing in front of the bushes, standing on the big trees, or crawling on the ground, pounced towards Chen Yi and the electric beast the moment these sounds were heard. Among them, the first to act as the vanguard were the three mongooses that had a grudge against Chen Yi.

"Thunder Fist!" Chen Yi smiled, not panicking at all, and shouted

""Ah!" The figure of the electric shock monster stepped out as Chen Yi's voice sounded, and stood in front of Chen Yi. On both fists, there was a violent thunder. At this time, the three mongoose slashes had already rushed to the front of the electric shock monster. It was still the habitual tearing claws, and the same high-level strength as a month ago. The electric shock monster was extremely disdainful of this.

On both fists, the thunder and lightning fists were released, and at a very fast speed, one mongoose slash was punched one by one, and all three mongoose slashes were knocked out, along with many mongoose slashes that rushed up from behind.

However, the mongoose slashes behind did not retreat because of the failure of some mongoose slashes.

On the contrary, the mongoose slashes were very stubborn.

The moment they saw their companions flying backwards, the mongoose slashes instantly exploded, and they rushed towards the electric shock monster one after another.

The electric shock monster stood in front of Chen Yi, dancing with thunder and lightning fists, and really sat on the mongoose slashes with one punch.


The electric beast had thick skin and tough flesh. Even if it was attacked by the Mongoose Slash's Tearing Claws, the damage to it was limited due to the difference in their own strength. Then, the lightning fist arrived as expected, knocking the Mongoose Slash that hurt him away.

"It really is endless!" Chen Yi raised his eyebrows and murmured.

Looking at those extremely crazy mongoose slashers, Chen Yi narrowed his eyes and seemed to have made a decision.

"Electric shock monster, use thunder!"Chen Yi stepped back slightly and said calmly

""Ah!" The electric shock monster nodded, and then instantly used the lightning fist to knock a mongoose slash flying. Then the two electric wires of its tail were suddenly inserted into the ground, and its fists turned into palms and stuck to the ground.

At this moment, those mongoose slashes had already pounced on the electric shock monster and launched an offensive.

Some mongoose slashes even attacked Chen Yi directly, but Chen Yi, who had super powers, was not so easy to be attacked.

Time passed by gradually.

At this moment, an extremely strong electric current was released from the body of the electric shock monster.

Those mongoose slashes that were previously covered on the body of the electric shock monster were just knocked away by the electric current in an instant.

One after another, the mongoose slashes fell to the ground.

The next moment, a crazy electric current suddenly jumped up from the body of the electric shock monster, and the strong electric shock rushed straight to the sky!


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