Magic card gods

Chapter 102

Zhu Huamei actually didn't have a good impression of Wei Yuan, because of that big carrot, she always felt that he was harboring some bad intentions. But this mission can't bypass him!

Wei Yuan: I just like the way you can't understand me and have to be exploited by me!

However, Zhu Huamei was also a little curious about Wei Yuan. Because she really felt that she had seen this kid somewhere! Where is it?

In the process of observing Wei Yuan, she found that this Wei Yuan was not simple.

It was the first time to venture into the fantasy world, and it was really not easy to snatch the corpse king Huoba among many competitors. And after this morning's observation, she felt that Wei Yuan might not have received the mission simply by luck, and won by lying down.

In fact, she had a certain judgment on the six people at the gate of the false palace that day.

The kobold Katu Bippubab is about mid-level 2 in strength, but the geomancer is one of the few inherited occupations among the kobolds, so there must be some advantages that he doesn't know about.

But apart from him, none of the remaining five reached Tier 2.

How did these six people kill Huoba, the corpse king?

Especially according to Zhu Huamei's investigation later, the corpse king Huoba this time is the strength of the third rank! With just these six first- and second-level card disciples, can they really be killed?

Now she has somewhat guessed, that the Rabbit Ear Clan's student, Hao Mengmeng, is quite strong, and he is actually bound to the warrior profession card. The president of the Martial Artists Association is full of praise for her!

And this Wei Yuan is not simple, it should be bound to the shaman profession card now.


Two crows are soaring in the sky, a giant wolf is walking leisurely beside, a strange dog is carrying a lazy orange fat cat on its back... If you guessed correctly, there should be a venomous venomous cat under the ground. Flower vines!

This is the skill of the shaman career Heart of the Wild route!

If you look at it this way, not only the cute rabbit-eared Hao Mengmeng got the warrior card, but this Wei Yuan also got the shaman card!

Occupation cards are not uncommon in Zhu Huamei's eyes, but it is something to get an occupation card for the first time in the fantasy world!

Many novice card players can't figure out the situation in the fantasy world with the information, and it is difficult to get a professional card without entering two or three times.

Some card players entered several times, but did not touch the edge of the professional card. Let alone get it, they don't even know how to get it.

Blind people feel like elephants!

If you want to obtain a professional card at one time, you need to know a lot of information, and then specialize in discovering tasks... The process is not short.

If it is said that there is the supply and support of a powerful ethnic group behind this handsome elf guy, Elway* Venus, then that's fine.

How did these two novices with no background do it? luck?


Zhu Huamei didn't ask, nor did she insinuate. She understands that the carders have their own secrets, and it is easy to make enemies by inquiring rashly. There is still a lot of time along the way, just observe carefully.

She looked at the chicken legs lying on Erha's back, sleeping like a puddle of cat cakes, and suddenly found it quite interesting.

Girls are all interested in furry "little" animals. Although Zhu Huamei has the temperament of taking the lead, she is also a normal woman.

She tried to reach out to touch the chicken leg's head, but the chicken leg didn't dodge, but squinted her eyes and rubbed her head against Zhu Huamei's hand!

Zhu Huamei was amused, and she licked the cat all at once, looking like she was going to be addicted.

The chicken drumsticks were slapped so well that the big belly was exposed, which made it exciting to touch.

Wei Yuan: Chicken leg, can you have some backbone? shameless!

Drumstick: Ha~ I am happy, I am comfortable! I don't want the face anymore, I give it to you!

Erha: Touch me, touch me!

Zhu Huamei patted Erha's head from the good side, and Erha bit her hand with a "wow".

It's just that the third-level paladin boss is hard to get hurt even if he is hacked with a knife. What's more, little Erha?

So Zhu Huamei pinched Erha's long mouth, and said with a smile, "You dog, you are not good~~" (Pinch it tight, shake it!)

Drumstick: Didn't you see that I hugged my thigh? Stupid dog!

Erha, who was cleaned up by Zhu Huamei, was hit. He stopped eating lunch, stopped sticking out his tongue, closed his mouth, pricked up his ears, and squatted under a tree thinking about dog life, with an extremely serious expression. !

Wei Yuan can't do it at first glance, don't give me depression!

Holding Erha's head, he pushed the corners of Erha's mouth to the sides with both hands, and said softly, "Why are you so serious?"

Well, Erha doesn’t have the “humour germs” like clowns.

Finally, Wei Yuan took out a big bone, which was the femur bone of the four-armed skeleton warrior, Erha's royal molar stick.

"Go, Erha!" Wei Yuan threw a baseball and threw the bone stick far away.

Erha immediately recovered from the state of thinking, and ran wildly on all fours to chase him, his tongue drooping from the corner of his mouth. Then it hit the tree with a "boom" and sat down on the ground.

Erha: Who am I? where am i Where's my teething stick?

Wei Yuan looked at the molar stick that had disappeared, and said with some annoyance, "It seems that I threw it with too much force..."


"Awww~~~" Erha's urgent cry suddenly came out from a distance.

Wei Yuan has a bad heart, this unlucky kid is doing his job again!

Picking up a molar stick can give you the whole thing!

Zhu Huamei took the lead and ran at the forefront. Although she was wearing armor and had a heavy shuriken and shield, she was very fast.

"Be careful, everyone, it's an undead. An elite monster on level 2, a gluttonous corpse..." Zhu Huamei called out. As a Tier 3 boss, there are still ways to detect monster intelligence.

The gluttonous corpse was a big fat man over two meters tall, with an incomparably huge stomach that could be stuffed into a pig, in sharp contrast to its small head!

Its pale fat is trembling, and many wounds are open, revealing the greasy white fat. The yellow-green stench cloud surrounds the whole body. It can smoke people from five meters away, and there are countless flies buzzing. Humming around.

The most disgusting thing about this guy is that there is a big horizontal opening in his belly, like a sticky and disgusting big mouth, and even a lot of rotten internal organs can be seen when it is opened and closed!

Now, Erha's molar stick is on the body of the gluttonous corpse, being pressed back and forth by that toothless belly mouth!

Erha was on the side, running around and screaming, but he didn't dare to go up. Let alone him, Wei Yuan felt his nose was about to explode when he got a little closer!

This is simply a biological weapon!

He glanced at the phone and shouted: "This monster can spew bile and attract other zombie monsters! It will explode when it dies!"

Zhu Huamei glanced at him and didn't speak. The reason why she didn't fight directly just now was because this monster was not suitable for melee combat.

Even if he avoided the bile spewing and blew himself up, the disgusting smell of fat and carrion was still unbearable!

However, she did not expect that Wei Yuan also had the ability to detect monsters. It was an accidental discovery! This is a relatively expensive card!

Now she has unknowingly turned into a detective, and began to observe Wei Yuan's every move and clues.

Which means her curiosity got a little out of control.

This was not a good phenomenon for her, but she herself did not realize it.

The Gluttonous Corpse is not suitable for melee combat, but you can't let it get close either! So in the next second, the Zen Realm flower vine sprang out from the ground, and bound the fat boy tightly in twos and threes.

This fat boy is quite strong, but after Wei Yuan reached level 6, the summons seemed to have been strengthened.

At this time, the flower vines in the Zen state are thicker, bigger and more powerful! The fat boy couldn't resist at all, the fat all over his body was strangled, like a bundle of pork belly tied tightly with rope.

There are long-distance professions in the five-person team, such as Bippubab, who controls the soil on the ground to form stone thorns, which stab into the body of the gluttonous corpse in all directions. The stone thorns are all pierced from the bottom up, which makes people's chrysanthemums tense.

The gluttonous corpse was controlled tightly, and it started to feel sick when it couldn't struggle!

First, the thousands of flies flying around it rushed towards it like a puff of black smoke.

But Zhu Huamei just swung the long sword, and a blazing pure white flame suddenly appeared around her body with a diameter of 20 meters. It didn't hurt the grass and trees, but directly turned the flies into ashes.

Wei Yuan felt that Zhu Huamei was definitely not only a Diablo 2 paladin, but also probably related to Warcraft, because he felt that this move was very similar to the skill "Dedication" of a Warcraft paladin!

Although Fat Boy's "little pets" were dealt with, Fat Boy is still there.

I saw its chest and abdomen throbbing, its throat rattling, and it was about to spit out something!

If you spit out this big mouthful of viscous and disgusting bile, zombie monsters from a mile away might be attracted to it.

But at this moment, a long arrow pierced into the gluttonous corpse's big mouth in the blink of an eye, almost piercing through it. In the next instant, a gust of frost exploded from the short and thick neck that was almost submerged in fat, and began to spread.

At the critical moment, it was the handsome elf guy who gave Fat Boy a kick! Don't talk about vomiting bile, your head will freeze!

Immediately afterwards, Bipubabu made a move of "rocks piercing the air", smashing the frozen head of the fat boy.

Wei Yuan fiddled with the stinky molar stick covered with mucus and rotten internal organs with a tree stick, and asked Erha: "Ha Er, do you want more?"

Erha was distraught and began to shut himself up again. The chicken leg was snickering beside him, as happy as a twenty-pound dog.

Finally Wei Yuan poured out some kerosene and set the fat boy on fire. It's very hot when it's burned! The stench can spread for seven miles!

Wei Yuan and the others had no choice but to stay here and hurried on their way.

At night, they camped by Qianlong Lake, which is not far from Chaoyanggou. The night is the world of the undead, so we need to wait until tomorrow.

At night, Zhu Huamei asked for a vigil, but Wei Yuan denied it.

"My wolf spirit, crow, and flower vine can all keep watch at night. No one needs to stay up all night. If you are worried, just set up a few traps. Let's rest well, and there will be a big battle tomorrow!"

At this moment, Zhu Huamei can already confirm that Wei Yuan has bound the shaman profession card, but she still doesn't know if Wei Yuan can turn into a werewolf...

It's a bit of a calf, do you have any encouragement?

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