Magic card gods

Chapter 103 Chaoyanggou Funeral Home

The next morning, Wei Yuan was the first to wake up as usual.

Although he is wild, he is actually very alert.

He was always very alert in this wild night. Much more vigilant than chicken legs. This may be the reason why he has survived for so many years. In fact, I can't relax even if I want to relax...

They were already on the outskirts of the city, and it took a long time to see a small village here. It was no longer like in the urban area before, where there were many abandoned buildings where they could stay overnight.

At this time, Zhu Huamei was wrapped in a blanket and leaning against the tree, with the shield and long sword at hand. The handsome elf boy was lying on a tall tree branch with a bow and arrow in his arms.

Hao Mengmeng slept soundly in her sleeping bag with her chicken legs in her arms. Since Brother Wei told her to sleep with peace of mind, she must be very relieved.

Erha was leaning next to her, twitching his legs from time to time, still whimpering, as if dreaming of his lost teething stick.

Bipbab was still sleeping in his luxurious magic tent, which was located in the most central position, which was the treatment of the Mages.

Wei Yuan looked at the two three-eyed crows in the tree who were feigning sleep with their necks curled up, and then at the wolf spirit who was squatting by the side without sleeping and still in good spirits. At this time, the Zen Realm flower vine came out from the ground, and dragged a few small monsters like spiny rats that were poisoned to death. These were all its harvest at night...

"Hey! I'm the only one who can't let things go!" Wei Yuan sighed softly and started to cook soup.

Mushroom diced soup, served with grilled meat and bread, is also pretty good.

Speaking of fungi, the human-faced coffin fungus is really powerful!

Hao Mengmeng said that this thing is some hallucinogenic material used by the Master to prepare meditation methods.

It is said that after eating directly, hallucinations will occur, but it will not make people lose consciousness, and it will make people feel like they are in another absurd world.

As the wildest shaman cub, why not give Wei Yuan a try?

Animals and plants are his old profession! eat one eat one! So I ate one.

There was no response for a long time afterwards, he thought that he would not take this kind of thing if he had a high resistance.

As soon as I turned around, I saw Pleasant Goat and Smurf hugging and wrestling together, Sheriff Black Cat and Bald Qiang fighting together, Calabash King Kong wrestling with the Hulk, Quad Brothers and Quad Boy racing, Ozora Tsubasa and Sakura Muhuadao is playing ball, SpongeBob SquarePants and Datouzi are catching jellyfish together...

Knowing that these might be hallucinations, he just couldn't find a flaw. The color, sound, smell and touch are all the same as the real thing!

These people kept asking him, "Who are you helping?"

"Help me kill him quickly, this world will be ours from now on!"

At that time, he felt that his San value might have dropped.


"Wei Yuan, you woke up so early!" Zhu Huamei interrupted Wei Yuan's memory.

In fact, she has been awake for a while, and has been quietly observing Wei Yuan.

She found that Wei Yuan started to cook soup and prepare breakfast with a flat expression and a little relief. At this time, I can't see his narrowness and indecency at all.

Humans are really complicated...

It's just that Wei Yuan started to be slick as soon as he opened his mouth: "Yo! Miss Zhu is awake! Hurry up, try the broth I made. It's delicious!"

Soon the others also woke up, and they simply tidied up and began to enjoy the breakfast prepared by Wei Yuan.

Hao Mengmeng and Bipubabu have eaten it many times and are used to it, but Zhu Huamei and the handsome elf are full of praise.

Most Katukes are not good at cooking, and they can only eat dry food when they are in the wild. Being able to enjoy such a delicious breakfast in the wild is very morale-boosting!

The little handsome elf guy ate the barbecue, but he was really unambiguous. Wei Yuan thought they were all vegetarians with pointed ears.


After breakfast, they continued to move forward. It took less than an hour for them to arrive at the periphery of the necropolis.

Located in the east area of ​​Huanglong City, Chaoyanggou is the largest and earliest cemetery and funeral home with a history of a hundred years.

In the early years, it was a mass burial post, and later it became a funeral parlor, responsible for cremating corpses and storing urns.

The number of dead people here is really indescribable.

So after the cataclysm of the invasion of hell, this place has almost become a place of death, full of undead monsters.

In recent years, blood bird Han Ning has been projected from time to time, awakening the undead on a large scale, eroding the earth, and causing the eastern suburbs of Huanglong City to completely fall.

In the early years, when Huanglong City was still prosperous, it was still rumored that the taxi driver took a girl to Chaoyanggou at night, but found out the next day that he received Mingbi. The female passenger was exactly the same, and she was still holding the change she gave her in her hand... This kind of supernatural story.

There are similar ghost stories in several cities, and there may be some connection between them.


I got up early just now, and when I was by the Qianlong Lake, the sun had just risen from the east, creating a bright and vibrant scene.

But Chaoyanggou, which is less than an hour's journey, the sky is as gloomy and gloomy as the sun goes down.

Looking up at the sky, the leaden clouds looked as if they were about to hit the head. All that came into view was a gray scene, just like a black and white photo.

It seems to be isolated from the sun here, and the sun will never be seen. The deep anticipation of the name Chaoyanggou was blinded in vain.

The chicken leg squatted on Erha's head, twitching his nose, with a disgusted expression on his face.

There was a decayed and dilapidated smell in the air, like an old house that hadn't opened its doors and windows for more than ten years. The soil under the feet is sticky and loose, and grabbing a handful in your hands is like ash mixed with oil.

The fertile black earth is now dead and rotting...

The Chaoyanggou Funeral Parlor is small in size, the size of a school playground from a distance. The tallest building is a pagoda that has lost its roof. The red walls in the past are now pale.

Next is the main building with a height of three or four floors, which was the original office of the funeral parlor.

However, although the funeral parlor is not too big, the entire Chaoyanggou is very huge, even larger than the area of ​​the fake imperial palace.

Now on the land in front of me, there are graves and steles all over the place, as well as exposed coffins... It must not be like this before. But just like the cave under the pseudo-imperial palace, when hell invades to a certain extent, it will begin to change the terrain.

You can see all kinds of corpses staggering from a long distance.

Stiff zombies, rotten walking corpses, skeletons with no flesh left, and even behind some tombstones and grave bags, some white dead souls and turquoise ghost lights can be seen from time to time!

Zhu Huamei said: "The blood bird Han Ning can awaken the undead on a large scale. If we get into a long fight, these skeletons and corpses alone will overwhelm us." Naturally, she had collected a lot of information before she came.

Under the erosion of hell, the special environment here has become a kingdom of the undead. To be honest, the undead here are probably endless!

Although Bipbab never dreamed that he would come to fight the blood bird, he also took advantage of that night to inquire about some news. He said: "And we must restrict the movement of the blood bird. It is said that she walks like flying, is extremely fast, and is good at bows and arrows. She is an expert in fighting! Once you come to an open area, it will be too difficult to kill her quickly. gone."

Several people began to reveal their abilities to each other, and then discussed countermeasures.

In the end, he felt that if he could block the blood bird in the building, even if he had a hard anus with her face to face, it would definitely be better than letting her do it by himself.

Although the leader monster on the third level is under great pressure from the front, isn't there a paladin thigh on the third level?

Paladins are not afraid of being strong, they are afraid of being kited.


The group hacked and killed the undead monsters along the way. Even Wei Yuan's three-eyed crow could kill one or two of these low-level undead monsters.

Even Erha, who is being beaten all over his body, can throw down a walking corpse and dismantle several skeletons at will.

It's just that after a few times of tossing, the silly dog ​​was covered in mud and smelled bad, Wei Yuan kicked him away and was not allowed to approach him!

A group of people did not make any waves, hacked and killed dozens of undead and came to the funeral parlor.

The density of undead here is higher, and it may be that there are more cremations, and there are more ghosts and other incorporeal monsters here.

If it was the team from the false imperial palace before, it would be really difficult to solve, but now these five people have ways to deal with ghosts.

Wei Yuan smashed the head of a skeleton soldier with a stick, and the front of the central office building was sorted out.

At this time, the funeral parlor was dead silent, but the wide square in front of them made people feel lonely.

"This way!"

Zhu Huamei raised her leg and kicked open the door, and with a bang, the crows on the roof flew away in shock. A group of people filed into the building.

In the dark basement, there was a blue flame burning slowly in the brazier, but the fuel in the brazier was sparkling bones.

A crow with blood-red eyes got out of nowhere and landed on the edge of the stone bed in the basement.

"Quack quack ~~~" Amidst the harsh and hoarse cry, the corpse-like woman on the stone bed suddenly opened her eyes!

The vote is the most generous, the villa is close to the sea

Calvin, I'm sorry!

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